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江西2022年九江银行春季社会招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.侵犯专利权的诉讼时效是( )年,自专利权人或利害关系人得知或者应当得知侵权行为之日起计算。A.1B.2C.3D.5答案:B 本题解析:侵犯专利权的诉讼时效是2年,自专利权人或利害关系人得知或者应当得知侵权行为之日起计算。2.狭义的短期政府债券仅指()。A.国库券B.政府代理机构所发行的债券C.地方政府发行的债券D.国家财政部门发行的债券答案:A 本题解析:狭义的短期政府债券仅指国库券。3. 利润最大化一般是指( ) A.企业税前利润总额的最大化B.企业税后利润总额的最大化C.企业税前收益总额的最大化D.企业税后利润收益的最大化答案:B 本题解析:B本题旨在考查对利润最大化含义的理解。利润最大化一般是指企业税后利润总额的最大化。4.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:略5.有一块布第一次用去全长的30,第二次用去全长的40,第一次用去的比第二次少2米,这块布全长()米。招行真题A.17B.18C.19D.20答案:D 本题解析:差倍问题。全长的40比全长的30多2米,所以这块布全长2÷(40-30)=20米。6.借款人无法足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也肯定要造成较大损失的情况,在债项评级中属于() 。A.风险B.次级C.损失D.可疑答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析7.依次填入下列各句括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是()。移动通信卫星的最大特点就是可以为移动用户之间提供通信服务,如车辆、飞机、船舶,甚至个人的通信。而且具有覆盖区域更广、不受地理障碍()和用户运动限制等优势,使光纤通信(),所以越来越受到重视和欢迎。A.约束望尘莫及B.约束望其项背C.束缚望尘莫及D.束缚望其项背答案:A 本题解析:约束:限制使不越出范围;束缚:使受到约束限制,使停留在狭窄的范围里。文段意在说明移动通信卫星不受范围限制,所以第一空填“约束“合适,排除C、D。由文段语意可知第二空意在说明光纤通信追赶不上移动通信卫星,所以填“望尘莫及”合适,“望其项背”指的是赶得上或比得上,所以本题选A。8.A上市公司2008年实现的净利2750万元,年初发行在外的普通股10000万股,2008年5月1日发行6000万股,11月1日回购1500万股,以备将来奖励员工之用,则该上市公司基本每股收益为()元。A.0.1B.0.2C.O.3D.0.4答案:B 本题解析:发行在外普通股加权平均数股数=10000+6000×812-1500×212=13750(万股),基本每股收益=275013750=02(元)。9.The team manager charged Michelle Palamides with the task of_the epartment sd'webpage for the company's new intranet.A.designB.DesigningC.to designD.designed答案:B 本题解析:空格处为介词0f的宾语的位置,名词A和动名词8可能为正确答案。但是能够以名词短语the departments webpage为宾语的只有动名词,故选8。10.用1、2、3、4这4个数字任意写出一个一万位数,从这个一万位数中任意截取相邻的个数字,可以组成许多四位数,这些四位数中,至少有多少个相同?A.39B.40C.41D.42答案:B 本题解析:从这个一万位数中任意截取相邻的四位数,可以组成9997个四位数。另外,用l,2,3,4这4个数字写四位数,可以有4x4x4x4=256个不同四位数(视为256个抽屉)故至少有11.Even the best writers sometimes find themselves_ for words.A.loseB.lostC.to loseD.having lost答案:B 本题解析:分析句子成分可知,此处lost是过去分词作themselves的宾语补足语,表示“最好的作家有时候也会表达不出来”,故选B项。12.某区对用电的收费标准规定如下:每月每户用电不超过10度的部分,按每度045元收费:超过l0度而不超过20度的部分,按每度080元收费;超过20度的部分,按每度l50元收费。某月甲用户比乙用户多交电费710元,乙用户比丙用户多交375元,那么甲、乙、丙三用户共交电费多少元?(用电都按整度数收费)A.22.55B.24.05C.25.55D.27.05答案:B 本题解析:375与71均不是045,08或15的整数倍,所以丙用电在10度以下,乙用电在10-20度之间,甲用电在20度以上。设乙用户比丙用户多付045元的电戈度,多付080元的电,度,由题意可得045x+080y=-375,化简得9x+16y=75,则x是奇数,推知x=3,y=3,则丙用户交电费045×(10-3)=315元,乙用户交电费315+375=690元,甲用户交电费690+710=-14O0元,三用户共交电费315+690+1400=2405元,应选择B。13.为了获取某些具有重要的公共利益或战略价值的产品和服务,以实现政府特定的政策目标,政府运用财政收人来资助私人部门进行生产。此种方法称为()A.供应B.管制C.生产D.补贴答案:D 本题解析:本题考查经济常识。补贴是指一成员方政府或任何公共机构向某些企业提供的财政捐助以及对价格或收入的支持,以直接或间接增加从其领土输出某种产品或减少向其领土内输入某种产品,或者对其他成员方利益形成损害的政府性措施。故选D。14.矿产资源是指一批由地质作用形成的,具有利用价值的,呈固态、液态、气态的自然资源。根据上述定义,下列不是矿产资源的是( )A.煤炭B.石油C.森林D.天然气答案:C 本题解析:C项并非地质作用形成的。15.In the article, the word “course” in paragraph1, line 4, is closest in meaning to:A.classB.periodC.programD.direction答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析16.Who should qualify for minimum wage protections, sick leave or any of the other benefits typically given employees?alformia's state Legislature is reopening that high-stakes,decades-long debate, as it prepares to vote on a proposal that would give hundreds of thousands of contract workers, such as drivers of ride haling companies, new benefits by legally relassfyig them as employees. If it passes, the state's narrower definition of "contractor" would trigger a host of other changes for companies that would then have to pay for Social Security, workers' compensation and unemployment insurance. Large employers would also have to pay for health insurance. This would be a significant development in workplace law and could eventually have implications for workers and companies across the country.The proposed change is of keen interest to a rapidly growing population of contractors likeLeonardo Diaz. For most of the past 4 years, he has made a decent living working 40 to 50 hours a week driving for the ride-hailing companies. "I love interacting with people," says the father of four, who lives in Los Angeles. But more recently, Diaz has soured on his job. He says that both ride- haling companies cut his share of payments, reducing his take home pay to only $9 an hour,after taking the cost of gas, insurance and car repairs into account. But he says the bigger problem is that he is tired of working as a contractor and misses employee health and paid leave benefits he used to recive when he worked as a valet. "We don't get any holiday pay, "Diaz says."If we get sick, you know, nobody's going to pay for our doctors," Contractors like Diaz make up a fast-growing part of the workforce. And any company in California using them could be affected.The impact of the new law would reverberate beyond the state."Everyone is looking to California right now and they're all following it with bated breath because they recognize that likely whatever happens in California is going to sweep across the country," says Monique Ngo-Bonnici, an attorney in California. The proposal expands on a landmark California Supreme Court ruling last year that extended wage protections to more workers and narrowed the definition of "independent contractor." The. legislative proposal expands on that ruling and would give workers benefits like paid sick leave and protections under anti-discrimination laws. Ngo-Bonnici argues that the, California proposal would put big constraints on workers and companies alike. Speically, it would mean more workers will be put on shifts, which in certain municipalities must be scheduled weeks in advance . - - -giving workers far less flexibiliy, she says.One ride-hailing company confirms it would have to revamp its operations in the state drivers are redassified as employees." We would need far fewer drivers than we currently have."says Adrian Durbin, a company spokesman. And those that remained would have a much more rigid work schedule. Durbin says those Big companies pushed California lawmakers for a middle ground that would grant independent contractors a narrower set of benefits, like minimum wage guarantees, without making them ullledged employees. What is Moniquc Ngo-Bonnicis atitude towards the legislative proposal? A.She remains ncutralB.She supports the workersC.She represcnts the businessesD.She is doubtful about the proposal答案:D 本题解析:从文章第三段的后半部分Ngo-Bonnici's argues that.我们可知,她认为这项提案会给与工人及用人单位更多的限制,因此可以推断出她对这项提案持有怀疑态度。所以答案选D.17.下列选项中,不属于Internet提供的服务是()。A.电子邮件B.文件传输C.远程登录D.实时监测控制答案:D 本题解析:Intemet提供的常用服务是环球网(WWW)、电子邮件(E-mail)、文件传输协议(FTP)、远程登录(Telnet)、电子公告牌系统(BBS)。18.联合国针对全球日益严重的人口、资源和环境的挑战,以保护人类赖以生存的地球环境为 宗旨的人与生物圈计划,格外受到世界各国的拥护和支持,这项松散的政府间科学计划自 1971年开始实施以来,已经在100多个国家和地区开展了数千个实地科研项目,有数万 人参加了有关的培训活动。下列对实行人与生物圈计划的目的,表述正确的一项是( )。A.保护人类赖以生存的地球环境B.促进生产与经济的迅速发展C.寻求并揭开人与生物圈之间的秘密D.为国际间的合作交流提供更加有利的条件答案:A 本题解析:文中明确指出人与生物圏计划以“保护人类赖以生存的地球环境”为宗 旨,故A项正确。19.The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be _with the existing IT system.A.compatibleB.feasibleC.believableD.receivable答案:A 本题解析:如果知道表示软件等“和兼容”的短语“be compatible with”,就可以很容易地解答问题。20.金融风险按()可划分为静态金融风险和动态金融风险。A.市场的运作B.产生的形态C.产生的根源D.金融机构的性质答案:C 本题解析:金融风险按产生的根源可划分为静态金融风险和动态金融风险。21.文饰作用是指人们在受挫折后会想出各种理由原谅自己或为自己的失败辩解的现象。 下列不属于该类现象的一项是( )。 A.戈尔竞选美国总统失败后,抱怨美国司法制度不公正B.小张没评上先进分子,他认为是自己与当评委的领导关系不好C.张敏生意失败,股票下跌,就吃安眠药想自杀D.老师说漏了嘴,便解释说自己路上太匆忙,打乱思路了答案:C 本题解析:定义的关键为“想出各种理由原谅自己或为自己的失败辩解”,选项C中张敏生意失败想要自杀来逃避现实与上述条件不符,故选C。22.美国哈佛大学教授戴维·麦克利兰把人的高级需要分为三类,即()。A.心理、独立和发展需要B.生理、安全和社交需要C.权力、交往和成就需要D.生存、交际和实现需要答案:C 本题解析:麦克利兰成就需要理论把人的高级需求归纳为对成就、权力和交往(友谊)的需要,故ABD错误,所以答案选C。23.某公司生产了甲乙两种产品共100 件,各占50%,其中大型号的甲乙产品共计25 件,小型号的甲乙产品共计75 件,已知大型号的甲产品有10 件,则小型号的乙产品有( )件。A.25B.10C.35D.45答案:C 本题解析:甲乙两种产品各占50%,可知甲=乙=50。甲(大)+乙(大)=25 件,甲(大)=10件,则乙(大)=15 件,即乙(小)=50-15=35 件。选C。24.某工厂原来每天生产100个零件,现在工厂要在12天内生产一批零件,只有每天多生产10%才能按时完成工作,第一天和第二天由于部分工人缺勤,每天只生产了100个,那么以后10天平均每天要多生产()才能按时完成工作。A.12%B.13%C.14%D.15%答案:A 本题解析:由题干可知,每天生产100个,多生产10%则每天生产100×(1+10%)=110(个),这批零 25.中国模式最终一定会影响世界政治的游戏规则,丰富世界民主政治的内容和形式,西方模式也是一路走来,并最终成为强势模式的,这很像学外语,如果你认为世界上只有英语好,那么你就永远是学生,能永远可以说你哪些地方不对,甚至打个不及格,现在中国崛起了,中文也自然会成为国际社会的强势语言,你要和我交流,就要好好学习我的语言,尽量达到我的母语水平,好戏在后头。从这段文字看来,作者想要表明的态度是:( )A.中文将成为强势语言,值得自豪B.中国模式正在超越西方模式C.中国模式将最终成为强势模式D.平视西方模式,中国应更自信答案:C 本题解析:该文段为总结结构,第一句是作者的观点,下面是对现观点的进一步阐述,由文段中“中国模式最终一定会影响世界政治的游戏规则,丰富世界民主政治的内容和形式”可知吗,中国模式将成为强势模式是作者的态度,故选择C。26.Rogers TV is a service available _ to cable customers as part of the basic service of Rogers Cable Communications Inc.A.exclusivelyB.extremelyC.exactlyD.extensively答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析27.2011年7月11日是第二十二个世界人口日,今年世界人口日的主题是“_”。( C )A.减贫与发展B.每个人都很重要C.面对70亿人的世界D.平等 = 授权答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析28. ( )是解决城乡差距的根本途径,也是最大的内需所在。 A.农业现代化B.城镇化C.大力发展生产力D.工业化答案:B 本题解析:2015年政府工作报告中指出,城镇化是解决城乡差距的根本途径也是最大的内需所在。要坚持以人为核心,以解央三个l亿人问题为着力点,发挥好城镇化对现代化的支撑作用。故本题答案选B。29.A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.Asia accounts for 75% of the world's coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.Today's trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asia's coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.Govemment supporing coal may face three risks except ()A.Cultural risksB.Environmental risksC.Economic risksD.Risks of politics答案:A 本题解析:由第五段第一句话“Nevertheless, goverments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental."可知B项正确。由第六段第一句“There is an economie risk, too.可知C项正确。由第七段第一句“And then there is politics.”可知D项正确。故只有A选项不符合,所以答案选A。30.树根对于()相当于树对于()A.伞架伞B.齿轮曲柄C.墙基房屋D.竹节竹叶答案:C 本题解析:有了树根,树才能稳固;同理,有了墙基,房屋才能稳固。A项伞架是伞的骨架,而树根与树没有这种关系;B项齿轮与曲柄、D项竹节与竹叶都没有这种关系。故答案选C。31.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:每一行为一组,将每行的三个图形重叠在一起,不难发现,第一行、第二行重叠起来,恰巧每一组图中有8个小黑块和8个小白块,而第三组只有选项B符合要求,将三张图重叠在 一起才能得到8个小黑块和8个小白块。故选B项。32.A startup company in California is using machine learning and arificial itelligence to advise fire departments about how to plan for earthquakes and respond to them. The company hopes its algorithms can take a lot of the guesswork out of the planning process for disaster response by making accurate predictions about earthquake damage. I's one of a handful of companies rolling out atificial itelligence and machine learning systems that could help predict and respond to foods, cyber-attacks and other large- scale disasters.Nicole Hu, the company's chief technology oflicer, says the key is to feed the computers three mam categories of data. The first is data about homes and other buildings, such as what materials they're made of, when they were built and how likely they are to collapse when the ground starts shaking. The next category is data about the natural environments. For example. "What is the soil like" What is the elevation like? What is the general humidity like?" explains Hu. The third thing we look at is live instant data." she says, such as the magnitude of the quake, the trafic in the area of the quake and the weather at the time of the quake. The computer uses the information to make predictions about what would happen if an earthquake occurred in a particular area. It then uses data from past earthquakes to see whether its predictions are any good, and revises its predictive models accordingly. In other words, it learns as it gocs, which is basically how machine learning works.Stanford University earthquake engineer Gregory Deierlein consulted for the company. He says one of the most remarkable things about the company's software is its ability to incorporate data from an earthquake as its happening. and to adjust its predictions in real time. "Those sort of things used to be research projects." says Deierlein " After an event, we would collee data and a few years later we' d produce new models." Now the new models appear in a matter of minutes. He note the company's exact methods are opaque. "Like many startup companies they're not fully transparent in everything they're doing." He says.“I mean, that's their proprietary knowledge that they're proprietary knowledge that they're bringing to it."Nonetheless, some first responders are already convinced the software will be useful. Fire chief Dan Ghiorso leads the Woodside Fire Protection District near San Francisco, which covers 32 square miles. The San Andrea's fault is only a couple hundred feet behind the firehouse. Ghiorso says in the past, when an earthquake hit, he 'd have to make educated guesses about what parts of his district might have suffered the most damage, and then drive to each place to make a visual inspection. He hopes the company' s software will change that, although he has yet to put it to the test during an actual quake." Instead of driving thity two square miles, in fifteen minutes on a computer Ican get a good idea of the concerns." he says,“instead of me, taking my educated guess, they re putting science behind it, so I' m very confident." Unfortunately, it's going to take a natural disaster to see if his confidence is justified. What can we learn about the earthquake-predicting software? A.It can incorporate live instant date to adjust its predictionsB.It can measure and locate earthquakes eficientltC.It has proved to be useful in Woodside Fire Protection DistrictD.It algorithms have made known to the public答案:A 本题解析:细节题。根据题目可定位至文章第三段,"He says one of the most remarkable things about the company's software is its ability to incorporate data from an earthquake as its happening, and to adjust its predictions inreal time."可知A选项符合题意。33.观察数列的变化规律,然后为空缺处选出正确的数: 7、17、27、 47、 107、 ( )A.407B.547C.347D.207答案:C 本题解析:两两做差得到10, 10, 20, 60, 二级数列的规律是后一项依次是前一项的1倍、2倍、3倍,则下一项应为60的4倍,即240, 则题干中括号内应为107+240-347. C选项正确,A. B、D选项错误。故本题应选C.34.The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake inSichuan Province, _the students to return to their classrooms.A.enablingB.having enabledC.to enableD.to have enabled答案:A 本题解析:enable与句子的主语the man之间是主动关系,故用现在分词enablin9,句意为:这个退休的男人把自己他大部分积蓄都捐给了在四川地震时被摧毁的学校,确保学生能重返他们的教室。此处用现在分词短语作状语,表示结果,故选A。35.把一根钢管锯成两段要用4分钟,若将它锯成8段要多少分钟?()A.16B.32C.14D.28答案:D 本题解析:根据题意可知,此钢管锯一次要用4分钟,那么将它锯成8段要锯7次,需要7×4=28分钟。所以选D项。36.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:观察图中的三种元素五角星、小太阳和菱形,横向来看,第一组图形中有3个五角星、2个小太阳和1个菱形;第二组图形中有1个五角星、3个小太阳和2个菱形。三组图形结合来看,规律应当是:五角星、小太阳、菱形个数分别是3、1、2,2、3、1,1、2、3排列,因此第三组中应该有2个五角星、1个小太阳和3个菱形。再观察正方形被切成的区域,发现第一组正方形分别被切为5个区域、4个区域、3个区域;第二组正方形分别被切为4个区域、3个区域、2个区域;因此第三组的正方形应该被切为3个区域、2个区域、1个区域。只有B选项同时符合以上两个条件。故本题选B。37.海豚是体型较小的鲸类,共有62种,分布于世界各大洋,海豚一般体长1. 210米,体重459000千克,主要以小鱼、乌贼、虾、蟹为食。他们喜欢“集体”生活,少则几条,多则几百条,海豚是一种本领超群、聪明伶俐的海中哺乳动物。 根据以上陈述,可以得出以下哪项结论?()A.海豚是一种体型较小的哺乳动物B.有些聪明的哺乳动物生活在海里C.海洋中的哺乳动物有62类D.海豚善解人意,能模仿人的动作答案:B 本题解析:日常推理。A项可以排除,海豚体型为1.210米,有大有小。海豚共有62种,不代表哺乳动物有62种,C项无法推出。D项文章并未涉及,无法推出。38.从市场理论的角度而言,企业市场营销的最终目的是( )A.满足消费者的需求和欲望B.求得生存和发展C.推销商品D.获取利润答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析39.By "Angel money", the author refers to_.A.the money borrowed from banksB.the money spent to promote salesC.the money raised from close friendsD.the money needed to start a business答案:D 本题解析:从文章第一段“So,I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors“Angel moilev”it was called”可知“Angel money”是第一批投资商投入的资金,此时公司刚刚成立,从而可以推断“Angel money”是用来创业的,故选D项。40.半导体产业的快速发展,将有助于拉开国内电子产业_的大幕,业内人士指出,物联网、新能源汽车、智能制造等新兴产业都需要半导体的_,半导体将推动整个电子信息产业的变革。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.升级支撑B.竞争配合C.更新介入D.改革支持答案:A 本题解析:本题属于逻辑填空题目。第一个空,根据最后一句话,“新兴产业”,强调的是产业的更替,所以“竞争”不选,排除B;“变革”指的是质的改变,“改革”不选,排除D项。再看第二个空,产业需要半导体的“支撑”是可以的,半导体推动整体产业的发展。“介入”没有体现这种含义,而且更强调进入其中干预,与语境不符。排除C项。因此,选择A选项。41.The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before t


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