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专题十 特殊句式和交际用语,-2-,考情概览 从近五年高考试题来看,特殊句式主要考查倒装句、省略句和强调句的用法,交际用语主要考查语境和英语思维习惯。命题的着重点在以下几个方面: 1.考查倒装句式,特别注意以下几种情况: (1)考查全部倒装结构。 (2)only位于句首修饰状语等时,要用部分倒装。 (3)虚拟条件句省去if,将had,were,should等移至句首的倒装。 (4)含有否定意义的词置于句首时,要用部分倒装。,-3-,2.考查省略句的构成,尤其是以下几种情况: (1)省略主语、主语和谓语或主语和谓语的一部分。 (2)状语从句省略为“连词+非谓语动词”形式,务必要明确句子主语与非谓语动词的逻辑关系以及非谓语动词与谓语的时间关系。 (3)不定式的省略。 (4)if so,if ever,if not,if possible等省略结构。 3.考查强调句型的构成。近几年高考更加注重考查知识之间的交叉现象,加大了综合考查语法知识的力度,以下几个方面要引起高度重视: (1)强调状语从句及not.until.句型的特殊构成方式。 (2)把强调句型与定语从句、省略句以及强调句型与时间状语从句、地点状语从句的考查等融合到一起考查学生综合把握语法知识的能力。,-4-,4.考查社会交往类交际用语。考查的方式以应答为主、提问为辅,侧重考查上下句在语气上的和谐一致以及考生的英语思维意识。要求考生掌握一些常见的诸如表示感谢、道歉、请求等的应答用语。,-5-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,倒装句 1.全部倒装常见的情况: (1)here/there/out/in/up/down/away等副词置于句首,句子主语又是名词时,须用全部倒装语序。如: Here is a letter for you. Out rushed the children. Away went the boy. 句子主语是代词时,不用倒装语序。如: Here she comes. Out they rushed. (2)有的句子为了保持前后平衡、使上下文紧密衔接,或为了表达生动,或为了强调表语或状语,常采用全部倒装语序。,-6-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(3)表示地点的介词短语位于句首时,须用全部倒装语序。如: In front of his house sat a small boy. (4)so/neither/nor置于句首,表示前面的情况也适用于另一者时,须用全部倒装语序。但当so位于句首,表示对前面所说情况的认同和强调、前后主语一致时,不用倒装,这时so意为“的确,确实,真的”。如: He is a doctor.So is his wife. I have never been there;neither has he. He can speak English. So he can.,-7-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 This is not my story,nor the whole story.My story plays out differently. A.is there B.there is C.is it D.it is 答案为C项。句意:这不是我的故事,也不是整个故事。我的故事结局是不同的。nor位于句首时,应用倒装结构。该句主语应该是it而不是there be句型,故选C项。,-8-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,2.部分倒装常见的情况: (1)含有否定意义的副词或连词never/not/little/seldom/hardly/not only/no sooner等置于句首时,须用部分倒装语序。如: Never shall I forget it. Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started. (2)only置于句首,修饰状语时,须用部分倒装语序。如: Only in this way can you learn English well. (3)as意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句时,须用部分倒装语序,把表语、状语或动词原形提前,并且做表语的名词提前时,不能带有冠词。如: Pretty as she is,she is not clever. Try as he would,he might fail again. Child as he is,he can speak two foreign languages.,-9-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(4)表示“如此以至于”的so/such.that.句型,为强调而把so/such.置于句首时,须用部分倒装语序。如: So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself. Such a nice man does he seem that we all believe him.,-10-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 (2016·江苏卷,34)Not until recently the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas. A.they had encouraged B.had they encouraged C.did they encourage D.they encouraged 答案为C项。not until引导时间状语从句并位于句首,主句要用部分倒装。句意:直到最近,他们才鼓励在农村地区发展与旅游相关的活动。,-11-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(2015·天津卷,3)Only when Lily walked into the office that she had left the contract at home. A.she realized B.has she realized C.she has realized D.did she realize 答案为D项。句意:直到莉莉走进办公室,她才意识到自己把合同落在家里了。“only+状语从句”位于句首时,主句采用部分倒装语序;根据前面的walked一词可知,此处用一般过去时。,-12-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,省略句 1.不定式的省略。某些动词后面可省略做宾语的不定式而只保留to。但to后有系动词be或助动词have时,be和have也应保留。如: Are you an engineer? No,but I want to be (an engineer). He did not give me the chance,though he had promised to (give me the chance). He hasnt finished the task yet. Well,he ought to have (finished the task).,-13-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,2.在时间、条件、让步等状语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句主语可以省略,同时将从句的谓语动词变为分词形式。如果主语与从句谓语是主动关系,用动词-ing形式;如果是被动关系,用过去分词。如: While waiting/he was waiting there,he saw two pretty girls come out of the building. If not/he is not invited,he wont go to your birthday party. 3.在时间、地点、条件、让步等状语从句中,从句主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,其后动词是be时,可省去“主语+be” 部分。如: When (he was) still a boy of ten,he had to work day and night. If (it is) necessary,Ill explain it to you again.,-14-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,4.表示“除了”的介词but前若有实义动词do/does/did/done,后面的动词不定式不带to。介词but前若没有动词do及其变化形式,后面的不定式带to。如: I could do nothing but wait there. We had no choice but to obey the rules.,-15-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,特别提醒 遇到省略句的题目,应从以下几个方面考虑: (1)根据省略的条件判断哪些成分可以省略。例如不定式to后的have/be是否可以省略。 (2)根据省略的条件判断省略了哪些成分,可以试着补出省略的成分,以达到理解句意的目的。 (3)“连词+非谓语动词”是状语从句的省略,非谓语动词的逻辑主语也就是全句的主语,要通过逻辑关系和时间关系判断该用哪一种非谓语形式。,-16-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 Children,when by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium. A.to be accompanied B.to at accompany C.accompanying D.accompanied 答案为D项。考查非谓语动词。句意:孩子们有父母陪伴时才被允许进入这个体育场。children与accompany存在被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。,-17-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,强调句型 1.构成形式:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom. 2.强调句型常用来强调句子的主语、宾语或状语。该句型的主语一般是it,不可换用this或that。无论强调什么,引导词都可用that;强调人时,引导词可用who/whom,不可使用其他引导词。如: It was Li Ping that/whom I met in the park yesterday. Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping? When and where was it that you were born? 3.not until置于句首时须用倒装语序。强调not.until.句型的时间状语时,要把not与until连在一起。如: It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.,-18-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,4.在强调句型中,当强调主语时,其后的谓语动词应同被强调成分的人称和数保持一致。如: It is I who am responsible for the accident. 5.强调句型不能用来强调句子的谓语。需要强调谓语动词时,要借助于助动词do/does/did,表示“确实,真的,务必”。如: Do sit down. I did attend the meeting yesterday.,-19-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,特别提醒 由于强调句型是一个单一、固定的句式,所以考查强调句型时,往往通过复杂的题干来增加题目的难度。做题时应注意: (1)区分强调句型和定语从句。试着把it is/was.that/who/whom.去掉,如果剩下的成分仍然能组成一个完整的句子,就是强调句型,否则就是定语从句。 (2)对话中常承接上文将强调句的部分内容省略,从而给考生造成错觉,这时要根据上下文语境做出判断,看是不是不合语境、不合句意或答非所问。 (3)遇到以特殊疑问句形式考查强调句型时,可以通过试着做出回答来判断答案。 (4)还应该注意强调谓语动词的句式,要根据句式和句意选择do,does或did。,-20-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 (2017·天津卷,11)It was when I got back to my apartment I first came across my new neighbors. A.who B.where C.which D.that 答案为D项。句意:就在我回到公寓的时候,我第一次遇见了我的新邻居。强调句型的构成为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。本句中被强调的部分是时间状语从句when I got back to my apartment,故用引导词that。选D项。,-21-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(2016·天津卷,13)You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel the coach picks up tourists. A.who B.which C.where D.that 答案为D项。句意:你等错地方了。长途汽车到宾馆接游客。强调句型的构成为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+句子其他部分。本句中at the hotel是被强调部分,故用引导词that。故选D项。,-15-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,反意疑问句 构成形式:“肯定句+否定疑问部分”或“否定句+肯定疑问部分”。 1.前面若有多个句子并列,反意疑问部分则以最后一个句子为准;若前面部分为主从复合句,一般来说,以主句为准;但若主从复合句的主句谓语动词是think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect/guess等,主语又是第一人称且为一般现在时、谓语又没有任何副词修饰时,反意疑问部分的动词、时态、人称则以从句为准,而肯、否定形式依主句而定。如: He said he wanted to visit Japan,didnt he? I dont think he is bright,is he?,-15-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,2.前面句子含有must/cant/may等表示推测的词时,疑问部分则依据句子的实际时态及时间状语而定。如: He must be a doctor,isnt he? He must have finished it yesterday,didnt he? 3.前面部分有表示否定意义的no,nothing,nobody,never,few,seldom,hardly,rarely,little等词时,后面疑问部分用肯定形式;但若前面部分含有由否定词缀构成的否定词时,后面部分还是用否定形式。如: Some plants never blossom,do they? It is impossible,isnt it?,-15-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 It doesnt matter if they want to come to your party, ? A.doesnt it B.does it C.dont they D.do they 答案为B项。复合句的反意疑问句的构成原则就是与主句保持一致,该题主句部分为否定,所以答案为B项。句意:他们是否愿意来参加你的聚会没有关系,是吗? There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, ? A.is there B.isnt there C.is he D.isnt he 答案为A项。一般来说,复合句后面的反意疑问句应根据主句构成,可排除C、D两项;该题主句中有否定意义的little,所以反问时用肯定形式,答案为A项。,-25-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,社会交往类交际用语 1.感谢和应答: Thank you very much./Thanks a lot./Many thanks. /Thanks for helping me. Not at all./Thats OK./Thats all right./Youre welcome. /Dont mention it./My pleasure./Its nothing. /Im very glad you enjoyed it./Its my pleasure./No problem. 2.道歉、遗憾和应答: Im sorry./Im sorry to trouble you./Forgive me (for.). /What a pity!/Its a pity that./Im sorry to hear that. It doesnt matter./Its not important./Thats nothing. /Forget it./Thats all right./Never mind.,-26-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,3.祝愿、祝贺和应答: (1)Good luck!/Best wishes to you./Have a good time. /Congratulations! Thank you. (2)Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas! The same to you. (3)Happy birthday to you. Thank you. 4.邀请和应答: Would you like to.? Yes,Id love to./That would be fine./Thats very kind of you. /All right./Yes,I will./I would love to,but./I am afraid I cant. /Sorry,I cant.,-27-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,5.提供帮助和应答: Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/Here,take this./Let me do it for you. Thanks for your help./Yes,please./No,thanks./Thats very kind of you. 6.请求允许和应答: (1)May I.?/I wonder if I could./May I ask a favor of you? Yes./Certainly./Of course./OK./All right. (2)Do/Would you mind if I.? No,not at all./Never mind./Youd better not.,-28-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,7.请求和应答: Could you.for me?/Would you please.?/May I have.? /Please pass me. With pleasure./Certainly./Sure,go ahead./Yes,help yourself. Im afraid not./Better not./I would rather you didnt. /No,thank you.,-29-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,8.劝告、建议和应答: (1)If I were you,Id./It might be a good idea if you. /Have you ever thought of.?/I strongly advise you to. /Personally,I think youd better./You need (to). (2)Why not do.?/Why dont you do.?/What about.? /How about doing.?/Shall we.?/Lets.,shall we? 肯定应答:Good idea./Thats great./Sounds great. /It sounds good./Thats fine./Why not? 否定应答:I would love to,but./I am afraid.,-30-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,9.打电话: (1)This is.(speaking)./It is.here. (2)Whos that (speaking/calling)?/Is that.(speaking)? (3)Hold on,please./Hold the line,please. (4)Can I take a message? (5)Can you give/leave a message? (6)Can/Could I ask who is calling?,-31-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,10.购物: (1)What can I do for you? (2)Its well worth the money. (3)Have you got anything a little cheaper? (4)Its a bit too large (small,plain,etc.) for me. (5)Thats fine.Ill take it. (6)Whats the price of.? 11.问路和应答: Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to.?/How can I get to.? Go down this street./Turn right at the first crossing. /Its only a ten-minute walk from here. /Go straight ahead till you see.,-32-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,12.就餐: (1)What would you like (to have)? /Would you like something to drink? Id like. (2)Would you like some more.? Just a little,please./Im full,thank you. /No,I enjoyed it very much,but I wont have any more. (3)Make yourself at home./Help yourself to.,-33-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,13.看病: 医生用语: (1)Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter with you? /Whats your trouble?/Is there anything wrong with you? (2)Take this medicine three times a day. (3)Youll have to have an examination./Youll have to have a chemical examination./You need an injection. (4)Take it easy./Its nothing serious./Youll be well./ Youll be all right soon. 病人用语: I have got a pain here./There is something wrong with my back/leg /arm./Ive got a cough/headache/toothache/stomachache/fever./I feel bad/terrible/sick today./I dont feel well/all right today.,-34-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,14.谈论天气: Whats the weather like today?/How is the weather in.? /Whats the weather going to be like at the weekend? 15.祝酒用语: (1)Lets drink to./Drink a toast to./Cheers! (2)I now propose a toast to./Id like to propose a toast to. 16.语言困难: Pardon?/Would you please say that again? /Would you please say that more slowly?/What do you mean by.? /Im sorry I cant follow you.,-35-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 (2015·天津卷,1)Sorry,Liz.I think I was a bit rude to you. ,but dont do that again! A.Go ahead B.Forget it C.It depends D.With pleasure 答案为B项。句意:对不起,莉兹。我想我对你的态度有点儿粗鲁。没关系,但是以后不要再那样做了。根据后面的“but dont do that again”可知,答话人这次原谅了对方,但是建议他以后不要那么做了,故选择B项“没关系;算了吧”。A项意为“说吧,做吧,用吧”;C项意为“视情况而定”;D项意为“非常乐意;没问题”。,-36-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,Hello Jenny,can I see Ms.Lewis? .Ill tell her youre here. A.With pleasure B.Never mind C.Youre welcome D.Just a minute 答案为D项。句意:你好,珍妮,我能见路易斯女士吗?稍等,我将通知她你到了。A项意为“乐意,愿意”;B项意为“别介意”;C项意为“不客气”,均不符合语境。D项意为“稍等”,符合句意。,-37-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,态度类交际用语 1.同意和不同意: (1)Certainly./Sure./Of course./Yes,please./Yes,I think so./All right. /OK./I couldnt agree more./Exactly./Absolutely./No problem. /Thats a good idea./I agree with you. (2)Not really./Not exactly./That depends./No way./Its hard to say. /I am afraid not./No,I dont think so./Im afraid not. /I really cant agree with you. 2.肯定和不肯定: (1)Im sure./Im sure that. (2)Im not sure./Im not sure whether/if./Maybe. 3.禁止和警告: You mustnt./Take care!/Look out!/You are not allowed to.,-38-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 (2016·天津卷,1)It was a wonderful trip.So,which city did you like better,Paris or Rome? .There were good things and bad things about them. A.Its hard to say B.I didnt get it C.You must be kidding D.Couldnt be better 答案为A项。句意:那真是一次很棒的旅行。那么你更喜欢哪个城市,巴黎还是罗马?很难说。它们各有优缺点。A项“这很难说”;B项“我不明白”;C项“你一定在开玩笑”;D项“太棒了;没有比这更好的了”。根据答题空后的句子可知,巴黎和罗马各有优缺点,故应选择A项。,-39-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(2016·浙江卷,1)Are you sure youre ready for the test? .Im well prepared for it. A.Im afraid not B.No problem C.Hard to say D.Not really 答案为B项。句意:你确定你为考试做好准备了吗?没问题。我已做好准备。no problem“没问题”,符合句意。Im afraid not“恐怕没有”;hard to say“很难说”;not really“不完全是”,均与语境不符。故选B项。,-40-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(2016·江苏卷,32)Only those who have a lot in common can get along well. .Opposites sometimes do attract. A.I hope not B.I think so C.I appreciate that D.I beg to differ 答案为D项。句意:只有那些有很多共同点的人能相处得好。我可不同意。有相反特点的人有时候确实相互吸引。,-41-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,情感类交际用语 1.惊奇: How come.?/Is that so?/What a surprise!/Good heavens. 2.同情: Im sorry to hear that./What a pity!/Bad luck. 3.安慰: Make yourself at home./Take your time./Take it easy./It will be OK./Dont worry./Its quite all right. 4.鼓励: Come on./Cheer up./Well done./You will make it. 5.不在乎: So what?/Who cares?,-42-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,【典例分析】 (2017·天津卷,7)Michael was late for Mr.Smiths chemistry class this morning. ?As far as I know,he never came late to class. A.So what B.Why not C.Who cares D.How come 答案为D项。句意:今天早上,在史密斯先生的化学课上,迈克尔迟到了。怎么可能?据我所知,他可是上课从不迟到的。So what“那又怎样”;Why not“为什么不呢”;Who cares“谁在乎”;How come“怎么可能”。D项符合语境,用来表示听话者的惊讶。A、C两项表示不在乎;B表示赞同或疑问,故选D项。,-43-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,(2015·江苏卷,23)Jim,can you work this Sunday? ?Ive been working for two weeks on end. A.Why me B.Why not C.What if D.So what 答案为A项。句意:吉姆,这个周日你可以加班吗?为什么是我?我已经连续工作两周了。why me“为什么是我”;why not“为什么不”;what if“如果会怎么样”;so what“那又怎么样”。,-44-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,特别提醒 解答交际用语类的题目,有两点需特别注意: (1)避免汉语式思维。做题时要摒弃汉语的影响,真正从英语的角度去思考,既要遵循文明礼貌和委婉客气的原则,又要考虑一些常见的句式和结构。 (2)把握好语境。交际用语的考查一般在真实的语境中,所以做题时要全面考虑,注意语境的和谐一致。特别要注意上下句之间的关系,不能只看到题目的一部分就得出结论。对话中要看答语与问句是否一致。,-45-,1.(2017·天津卷,1)Alberts birthday is on next Saturday,and Im planning a surprise party for him. .Ill bring some wine. A.Sounds like fun B.It depends C.Just a minute D.You are welcome 解析 句意:下周六是艾伯特的生日,我想给他筹划一个惊喜派对。听起来很有趣。我会带些酒。Sounds like fun“听起来很有趣”;It depends“视情况而定”;Just a minute“稍等一下”;You are welcome“不客气”。根据句意可知A项符合语境。,A,-46-,2.(2017·江苏卷,35)Going to watch the Womens Volleyball Match on Wednesday? !Will you go with me? A.You there B.You bet C.You got me D.You know better 解析 句意:星期三去看女子排球比赛吗?当然!你和我一起去吗?You bet“当然”,符合语境,故选B项。,B,-47-,3.(2017·天津耀华中学二模,15)Ive studied your program,Peter.Could I make some suggestions? Go right ahead, . A.Im all ears B.Its a piece of cake C.Dont pull my leg D.As you wish 解析 句意:彼得,我已研究过你的方案。我可以提一些建议吗?说吧。我洗耳恭听。Im all ears “我洗耳恭听”;Its a piece of cake“小菜一碟”;Dont pull my leg“别跟我开玩笑”;As you wish“随你的便”。根据句意可知A项符合语境。,A,-48-,4.(2017·天津十二重点中学毕业班联考二,5)Smoking should be banned in public. .It is harmful to both the smokers and non-smokers. A.Id love to B.Its my pleasure C.Im with you on that D.Its up to you 解析 句意:公共场所应禁止吸烟。在这一点上我同意你的观点。吸烟对吸烟者和不吸烟者都有害。Id love to“我很乐意”;Its my pleasure“乐意为您效劳”;Im with you on that“在这一点上我同意你的观点”;Its up to you“你说了算”。由句意可知应选C项。,C,-49-,5.(2017·天津第一中学第五次月考,7)I wouldnt agree with him if I were you. The suggestion he put forward is very practical. A.Why not? B.Well done! C.It depends. D.Good luck! 解析 句意:如果我是你,我不会同意他的观点。为什么不呢?他提出的建议很实用啊。Why not“为什么不”;Well done“干得好”;It depends“视情况而定”;Good luck“祝你好运”。根据句意可知A项更符合语境。,A,-50-,6.(2017·天津第一中学第三次月考,31)My parents always remind us that by no means no respect for our teachers. A.did we show B.we should show C.we show D.should we show 解析 句意:我的父母总是提醒我们决不能对我们的老师表示不尊重。在that引导的宾语从句中,含有否定意义的短语by no means置于句首,句子要用部分倒装语序,排除B、C两项。由句意可知此处表示一般的情况,应用一般现在时,排除A项。故选D项。,D,-51-,7.(2016·浙江卷,20)The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go. .See you at 8:10. A.So long B.Sounds great C.Good luck D.Have a good time,B,解析考查情景交际。句意:电影8:30开始,我们可以快速地吃点东西就走。好主意。8:10见。同意对方的观点或提议用sounds great或good idea等,故选B项。so long“太久了”;good luck“祝你好运”;have a good time“祝你玩得开心”。C、D两项都表示对方参加某活动,而自己并不参加的时候要表达的话语;A项显然是不同意的语气。,-52-,8.(2015·天津卷,4)Jack,you seem excited. ?I won the first prize in the English speech contest. A.Guess what B.So what C.Pardon me D.Who cares,A,解析考查交际用语。句意:杰克,你看起来很兴奋。你猜怎么着?我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。A项符合语境。B项意为“那又如何”;C项意为“原谅我”;D项意为“谁会关心呀”。,9.Hi,Dr Brown!Im a little early.Should I wait outside? No. . A.Thats right B.My pleasure C.Come on in D.Take it easy,C,解析考查交际用语。句意:布朗博士你好!我来得有点儿早了。我应该在外面等吗?不必。进来吧。come on in“进来吧”,符合语境。A项意为“那是对的”;B项意为“愿意为您效劳”;D项意为“沉住气,不紧张,慢慢来”。,-53-,10.Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party? Well,you know hes . A.an early bird B.a wet blanket C.a lucky dog D.a tough nut,B,解析考查习语。句意:你为什么没邀请约翰来参加你的生日聚会?哦,你知道他是一个扫兴的人。an early bird“早起的人”;a wet blanket“扫兴的人”;a lucky dog“幸运儿”;a tough nut“难对付的人”。,-54-,11.Sorry,I forgot to lock the door. .Mike can do it later. A.No way B.Take your time C.Nothing serious D.Youre welcome 12.How is your table tennis these days?Still playing? .I just dont seem to find the time these days. A.Thats right B.No,not much C.Thats great D.Dont worry,C,解析考查情景交际。A项“没门,不可能”;B项“(时间上)不用紧张”;C项“不要紧,没什么大不了的”;D项“不客气,不用谢”。因为上一句表达的是歉意(Sorry),所以C项符合题意。句意:对不起,我忘记锁门了。不要紧,过会儿迈克会锁的。,B,解析考查交际用语。句意:你的乒乓球最近怎样了?还在打吗?没有,没怎么打。最近没时间。no,not much“不,不太多”;thats right“对的,正确的”;thats great“棒极了”;dont worry“别担心”。B项符合语境。,-55-,13.Bach died in 1750,but it was not until the early 19th century his musical gift was fully recognized. A.while B.though C.that D.after,C,解析考查强调句。句意:巴赫于1750年去世,但直到19世纪早期他的音乐才华才得到普遍认可。not until强调句的基本句型为:It is(was) not until+被强调部分+that.。故C项正确。,14.It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning . A.had it stopped B.did it stop C.stopped it D.it stopped,B,解析句意:整个夜晚一直下着大雨,直到今天早晨才停。not until.引导的时间状语从句提到句首,主句要用部分倒装,此句是把助动词did提到主语it前面,把谓语动词stopped改为原形。,-56-,15.Its necessary that not only to see a doctor but also he should have a good rest. A.did Bob go B.Bob should go C.should Bob go D.Bob went,C,解析句意:鲍勃不仅需要要看医生,还应该好好休息一下。not only.but also.句式中的not only提到句首,主句要用部分倒装。该句中的necessary要求后面的宾语从句谓语用should+动词原形,所以要把should提到主语Bob前面。,-57-,16.Out ,still discussing the fashion show with great interest. A.walked a crowd of young girls B.did a crowd of young girls walk C.were walking a crowd of young girls D.a crowd of young girls were walking,A,解析句意:走出一群年轻的女孩,仍然兴致勃勃地谈论着时装表演。out是表示方位的副词,提到句首,该句要用全部倒装,即把整个谓语提到主语前面;全部倒装句不用进行时,要用一般时表示正在进行的状态,故C项排除。,-58-,17.(2016·天津和平区第四次模拟,10) The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police . A.not to do B.not to C.not do D.do not,B,解析句意:那位司机想靠近路边停车,但是,交警要求他不要那样做。空格处构成be asked to do sth.。表示“不要停车”,为了避免重复,要用动词不定式的省略形式,即只留下不定式符号to,动词可省略。,-59-,18.He is good at a lot of things but it doesnt mean he is perfect. Actually no one is. A.Whats going on? B.Lets get going. C.Thank goodness. D.Im with you on that.,D,解析句意:他擅长很多事情,但这并不意味着他很完美。我同意你的说法,事实上,没有人会很完美的。这是一个同意对方观点的情景,故用D项表示“就这一方面我同意你的观点。”Whats going on“发生什么事了”;Lets get going“让我们行动起来吧”;Thank goodness“谢天谢地”。,-60-,19.Dont you think Mary will make a good teacher? .Rumor has it that she couldnt get her ideas across clearly. A.Not a little B.No wonder C.Not really D.No problem,C,解析考查交际用语。句意:你不觉得玛丽会成为一名好老师吗?不见得。据说她不能清楚地表达她的想法。not a little“很,非常”;no wonder“难怪”;not really“不完全是,不见得”;no problem“没问题”。根据语境应选C项。,-61-,20.Would you like to go shopping with me now? ,but I have so much work to do. A.Im afraid not B.Id like to C.Go ahead D.It depends 21.Tracy,did your whole family go to Paris for sightseeing last year? No. only two of us,my sister and I. A.There was B.It were C.That were D.It was,B,解析考查交际用语。句意:你愿意现在和我一起去购物吗?我很乐意,但是我有很多工作要做。根据上下文语境及后面的“but”可知,应选Id like to(我很乐意)。故选B项。,D,解析考查强调句型。句意:特蕾西,你们全家去年去巴黎旅游了吗?没有,只有我们中的两个,我和我妹妹去了。答语第二句补充完整为“It was only two of us,my sister and I,that/who went to Paris for sightseeing last year.”。,-62-,22.Experts warn that medical waste


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