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高考英语二轮复习 专题十二 情景交际课件.ppt

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高考英语二轮复习 专题十二 情景交际课件.ppt

专题十二 情景交际,词汇复习12(根据汉语提示填入以f开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵情景,熟记以f开头的课标高频词汇。) 【情景】I have figured out it was the (女的)fairy who fetched my (最喜爱的) fruits,fragrant flowers, (新鲜的)food,multifunction furniture on the festival feast.In return,I found a fine day when the sea wind was not so fierce and invited her to have a trip by ferry.But a foreigner who spoke fluent French did not finish his work on time.And I would not (原谅) him and (禁止)him to follow us freely,and forced him out of frontier in a fortnight,so he didnt fulfil his dream.,female,favo(u)rite,fresh,forgive,forbid,译文:我已弄清楚了是一位仙女在节日的盛宴上,给我带来了我喜爱的水果、香气扑鼻的花卉、新鲜的食物、多功能的家具。作为回报,我找了一个海风轻柔的好日子,邀请她乘渡船旅游。但是,有位说流利法语的外国人没有按时完成他的工作。因此,我不会原谅他,且将禁止他自由地跟着我们,而且在十四日内把他驱逐出境,因此他没有实现他的梦想。,情景交际看情境,风俗习惯要记清; 回答语言需得体,语气态度不伤情。 1.(2015·安徽卷改编)Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter? Oh, !Im already going out,Im afraid.,答案,解析,2.(2015·重庆卷改编)Hello Jenny,can I see Ms.Lewis? .Ill tell her youre here.,答案,解析,3.(2015·四川卷改编)Sorry,I forgot to lock the door. .Mike can do it later.,答案,解析,4.(2015·天津卷改编)Jack,you seem excited. ?I won the first prize in the English speech contest.,答案,解析,5.(2015·陕西卷改编)Lets go to the New Years Eve party,shall we? ?I guess it will be fun.,答案,解析,一,二,三,一、社会交往 (一)感谢和应答(Thanks and Responses) 常用表达法: 1.Thank you(very much)./Thanks a lot./Many thanks./Thanks for./I really dont know how I can thank you enough./Its very kind of you to. 2.Not at all./Its/Thats all right/OK./Youre welcome./Im very glad you enjoyed it./I am glad to have been of help./Its a pleasure./My pleasure./Please dont mention it./It was nothing./Forget it. 注意: 感谢的表达法在国外几乎用于一切场合,家人之间、陌生人之间、师生之间等等,哪怕是一件小事情,甚至是理所当然的事,也得说声谢谢。但不能“谢”得过头,否则会被认为是一种不真诚,更不要照搬中国的“道歉式致谢”方式,如:Im sorry to have wasted your time.,一,二,三,在大多数场合,仅说:“Thanks”;“Thank you”; “Thanks a lot” 是不够的,还需说些其他表示感激和非常高兴之类的话。如感谢别人的宴请,可以这么说:“The dinner was delicious.Thank you for your invitation.” (2014·山东师大附中三模)I really cant thank you enough,sir. 我真的对你感激不尽。 Im glad to have been of help. 非常高兴能够帮助你。,一,二,三,(二)道歉、遗憾和应答(Apologies,Regrets,Sympathies and Responses) 常用表达法: 1.Sorry./Pardon. Im terribly/awfully sorry./Im sorry for/about. Im sorry to./to have done that. I apologize. Forgive me (for.). I really didnt mean that at all. 2.Excuse me (for.). be afraid that. What a pity/shame!/Its a pity that.,一,二,三,3.Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. Dont worry about it. Never mind. Forget it. It cant be helped. Its OK. It really isnt worth mentioning.,一,二,三,注意: 道歉场合很多,用语也很多,有时候,在一些特殊情况下,我们也得要求别人为某人或某事道歉。比如我们有时觉得朋友受到不公正待遇时,可以理直气壮地向对方说:“Im sorry,but I have to say that you owe my friend an apology./Apologize to him for your rudeness.” 无论是向别人道歉还是回答别人的道歉,一定要注意语言和表情的一致性,即神情一定要诚恳,另外,说道歉用语时,一律用降调。 I am so sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time. 非常抱歉让你等了那么长时间。 Never mind.I have nothing urgent to do. 不打紧。我没有急事要做。,一,二,三,(三)邀请和应答(Invitations and Responses) 常用表达法: 1.Will you come to.? Would you like to.? Id like to invite you to. Wed be very pleased if you could come to dinner this evening. Why dont you.? Perhaps youd like to.?,一,二,三,2.(1)肯定应答 Oh/Sure,why not? OK.Thats terrific/a great idea. That sounds very nice. Yes,Id love to(.). Yes,its very kind/nice of you. (2)否定应答 Id love to,but. Im really sorry,I cant. Im afraid I cant because.,一,二,三,注意:除了见面时的临时邀请,在西方,特别是关系不是很亲近的人之间往往在一到两个星期前提出邀请,以便对方能调整自己的时间表。 无论是书面还是口头邀请,都有多种表达法,但要注意避免使用命令式的口气。如:You come to our dinner this evening. 在被邀请时,如若不去,应当找出适当的理由向对方说明,免得对方误认为你不愿意与其交往。当然作为邀请者,你也可以在表示遗憾时,对他说没关系,以后还可以找机会。 Will you please go to see a movie with me tonight? 今天晚上你陪我去看场电影好吗? Sure,why not? 当然可以。,一,二,三,(四)提供(帮助等)和应答(Offers and Responses) 常用表达法: 1.Can/Could/Shall I help you? Would you like me to.? Is there anything(else) I can do for you? Do you want me to.? What can I do for you? Let me do/carry.(for you). Would you like some.?,一,二,三,2.(1)肯定应答 Thanks.That would be nice/fine. Thats very kind of you. Thank you for your help. Yes,please. Here,take this/my. (2)否定应答 No,thanks/thank you. No,thanks/thank you.I can manage it myself. Thank you all the same. Thats very kind of you,but. Shall I carry the baggage for you?要我帮你拿行李吗? Thats very kind of you,but I think I can mange it myself. 你真是太好了,不过我想我自己拿得了。,一,二,三,(五)请求、允许和应答(Asking for permission and Responses) 常用表达法: 1.May I.? Can/Could I.? I wonder if I could. Would/Do you mind if I opened/open the window? May I ask a favor of you? Would you do me a favor? Be kind enough to tell me the truth.,一,二,三,2.(1)肯定应答 Yes./Sure./Certainly. Yes,(do) please. Of course (you may). Go ahead,please. Thats OK/all right. Not at all. Well,if I can. Id be glad to. With pleasure.,一,二,三,(2)否定应答 Im sorry,you cant. Im sorry,but. Youd better not. Id like to,but I. 特别提醒: 在此类交际项目的肯定表达中,“With pleasure”一定要与表示回答感谢的“Its a pleasure”或“My pleasure”区别开来。,一,二,三,二、态度 1.同意和不同意(Agreement and Disagreement) 熟悉中英两种文化的差异,掌握两个不同民族的交际习惯非常重要。 (1)表示同意的常用表达 Certainly./Sure./Of course./No problem. By all means./Thats a good idea. I cant agree with you more.,一,二,三,(2)表示不同意的常用表达 No,I dont think so./I am afraid not. Im afraid I (really) cant agree with you. You have to believe in yourself.No one else will,if you dont. 你一定要相信自己。如果你不相信自己,没有人会相信你。 I couldnt agree more.Confidence is really important. 我非常赞成。自信心真的很重要。,一,二,三,2.肯定与不肯定(Certainty and Uncertainty) (1) 表示肯定的常用表达 Im sure (of that). Theres no doubt/question about it. (2) 表示不肯定的常用表达 Im not sure (of that). That/It all depends. Are you going to Toms wedding ceremony? 你去参加汤姆的婚礼吗? It depends.I might have to work. 看情况而定。我可能得上班。,一,二,三,三、情感 安慰(Reassurance) Dont be afraid./Itll be OK./All right./Take your time./Make yourself at home./Cheer up! Sally,do you mind if I take off my jacket? 莎莉,你介意我脱掉外套吗? Of course not.Make yourself at home. 当然不会。就当在家一样就好。,一,二,三,一、完成句子 1.I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great! (坚持下去). 2.I cant remember those grammar rules! (不只是你一个人).Practise more. 3. (哎呀,天哪)!Somebody has left the lab door open. Dont look at me. 4.Could I use this dictionary? (用吧).Its a spare one. 5.This apple pie is too sweet,dont you think so? (不完全是).I think its just right,actually. 6.You know,I met my girlfriends parents for the first time only yesterday. (真的吗)? I thought youd met them before.,Keep it up,Youre not alone,Dear me,Just go ahead,Not really,Really,一,二,三,7.How about dinner tonight?Its on me. (我愿意). 8.OK,Ill fix your computer right now. Oh,take your time. (我不急). 9.How long have you been learning English? About four months. (你不会是当真的吧)! Your English is so good. 10.I am going to Spain for a holiday soon. (祝你好运). 11.Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 am,please! OK, (我会帮你设好的).,Id like to,Im in no hurry,You cant be serious,Good luck,Ill make sure you get one,一,二,三,12.Why not stay here a little longer? (我乐意),but I really have to go. 13.Jack,Id like to have your opinions about my written report. (在我来看写得不错).But I have one suggestion. 14.Michael was late for Mr Smiths oral class this morning. ?As far as I know,he never came late for class. 15.Im not good at table tennis,you know. .Were playing for fun.Just try and youll see you can do it. 16.Congratulations!You have been admitted to Oxford. (是吗)?I cant believe my ears. 17.Tom,could you give me a hand in the following exam? (别想了).Mum wont allow me to do such crazy things.,Id love to,It looks fine to me,How come,Come on,Have I,Forget it,一,二,三,18.Have you been wasting time on computer games again? .Ive been studying a lot and I need a break. 19.Shall we go to the station on foot? (这是个好主意). 20.Are you sure the delegation will come to our school next week? (你可以打赌).The head of it has just e-mailed me about the departure time of their flight. 21.I really thought Id be offered the job. Oh,well, (下次好运). 22.Tony said he could fix my bicycle,but I really doubt it. (不必担心).Hes very good at this sort of thing.,Not really,Its a good idea.,You bet,better luck next time,Dont worry,一,二,三,23.Will you do me a favour and pick me up tonight? . 24.Do you think he will come to my birthday party? (你完全可以相信). 25.Will you please spare me a few minutes now? (恐怕不行),but Ill be free in half an hour. 26.I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework. (别说了)!You are the last person to keep a promise.,With pleasure,You can count on it,Im afraid not,Come off it,一,二,三,二、语法填空 There are two factors 1. (determine)an individuals intelligence.The first is the sort of brain he is born 2. .Human brains differ 3. (consider) ,some being more capable than others.4. however good a brain he begins with,an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.So the second factor is what happens to the individualthe sort of environment 5. he is brought up.If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍)environmentally,it is 6. (like)that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.,determining,with,considerably,But,where,likely,一,二,三,The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can 7. (show)by the case of the twins,Peter and Mark.When the twins were three months old,8. parents died,and they were placed in separate foster homes.Peter was brought up by parents of low intelligence with poor 9. (education)opportunities.Mark was educated in the home of well-to-do parents 10. had been to college.This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens.When they were given tests to measure their intelligence,Marks IQ was 125,twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his twin brother.,be shown,their,educational,who,一,二,三,三、短文改错 It is well-known that good habits do us good all our life.Entered high school,I took delight in having fast food and often eat too much.In the end,I was so serious overweight that I suffered a lot from my awkward appearance.It made matters worse was the fact that my classmates made a fun of me at times.From now on,I made up my mind to avoiding snacks.In the meanwhile,I took jogging to lose weight.In my surprise,it was not long until I did succeed in creating my new appearance.Only then did I start to appreciate the importance of developing a good habit.,一,二,三,


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