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高考英语writing how to write a letter课件.ppt

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高考英语writing how to write a letter课件.ppt

Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot. And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days olang syne? *For auld lang syne, my friends, For auld lang syne, Well taka cup okindness yet For auld lang syne. Repeat(重复),WuYan from Sanya Shiyan Middle School,How to write an English letter?,Speaking & Writing,Thinking?,Do you like making friends? If yes, what will you do when you meet someone for the first time? What will you say the first time you meet new friends?,Task 1: Use one or two words to describe yourself:,I am_ and_.,confident,good-looking,energetic,humorous,creative,reliable,tall with glasses,patient,honest,easygoing,handsome,Task 1: Use one or two sentences to describe yourself:,How to describe yourself? I am a/an _ boy/girl. I am fond of _. I have a gift for_. I am able to _.,18- year-old,English,music,speak fluent English,1. In what situation(情境) will you introduce yourself ?,Task 2: Speaking & discussion,高考真题,假如你是李华,在互联网上看到美国中学生Tony希望结识一位中国朋友的信息,请你用英文给他发一份电子邮件,希望和他做网友,并盼望能尽快收到他的回信。内容包括: 表示愿意和对方交朋友; 简单介绍自己,如性格特征、爱好特长等; 希望多了解美国文化。,1. In what situation(情境) will you introduce yourself ? 2. In an English letter, how to introduce yourself?,Task 2: Speaking & discussion,Task 3: Reading & discussion,Please answer the following questions. Whom does LiHua write to? Why does he write this letter? What is the main idea of each paragraph?,Dear Tony, I am LiHua, a boy of 16 from China. I am glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA. I am a sociable and supportive person who likes talking with people and helping with their problems. Im good at English and I think we can communicate with each other by sending e-mails or chatting on the Internet. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and I am crazy about popular music. At the same time, I like traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and Ill show you around many places of interest. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua,-对象,署名-,Questions: Whom does LiHua write to? Why does he write this letter? What is the main idea of each paragraph?,Dear Tony, I am LiHua, a boy of 16 from China. I am glad to read your information on the Internet and I know you want to make an e-pal with a Chinese. I want to be your friend and wish to know more about the culture of the USA. I am a sociable and supportive person who likes talking with people and helping with their problems. Im good at English and I think we can communicate with each other by sending e-mails or chatting on the Internet. I like table tennis, enjoy singing and I am crazy about popular music. At the same time, I like traveling around in my spare time. I hope you can come to visit China, and Ill show you around many places of interest. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua,Para 2: My hobbies & abilities,Para 3: My wish,Para 1: Self-introduction &My purpose,-对象,署名-,影响高考英语书面表达得分的几个因素 1.语篇信息是否完整 2.行文是否连贯流畅,语言是否得体。 3.是否使用高级词汇 4.是否使用复杂句 5 .卷面整洁,书写工整,Task 4: Discuss how to write an English letter well.,The Writing Steps: (审题的步骤),文体 type of writing,主体时态 tense,人称 person,信息点整合 key points,不一定要打草稿,但至少应有提纲 Dont have to make a draft, but at least have an outline.,Task 4: Discuss how to write an English letter well.,Task 4: Discuss how to write an English letter well.,Dear _ (对象), Para 1: Beginning:-The purpose of writing the letter-点题,一两个句子,概括性; Para 2: Body -中心记述部分;主次分明 -self-introduction -other key points Para 3: Ending: Your thanks and your wish小结;呼应主题 Yours (署名),黄金模板,Task 4: Discuss how to write an English letter well.,Dear _ (对象), Para 1: Beginning: -The purpose of writing the letter-点题,一两个句子,概括性; Para 2: Body :-中心记述部分;主次分明 -self-introduction (personality & hobbies) -other key points Para 3: Ending: Your thanks and your wish小结;呼应主题 Yours (署名),I hope that you can I would appreciate it if you could Looking forward to your reply.,I, LiHua, am a middle school student from China. Im writing to ,黄金模板,I am easy to get along with and like to make friends. I can speak fluent English. I want to / Please let me know,Finish the composition with the help of the writing advice above.,Your turn!,Task 5: Write a letter (A letter of application),小试牛刀:(高考真题链接) (2012 ·课标全国卷)假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括: 1自我介绍(包括英语能力); 2参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家); 3希望获准。,You have 13 minutes to write.,Writing time,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Minutes,Seconds,You have,Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English. Whats more, I'll be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well. Besides, I'm easy to get along with and I like to make friends. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp. Looking forward to your reply! Yours Li Hua,Post-writing:,【自评】 : 1. 要点是否齐全; 2. 时态、语态是否正确 ; 3. 主谓是否一致(尤其是第三人称单数的动词形式); 4. 标点及大小写是否正确。,【互评】: 1结构是否合理?要点是否齐全? 2是否有精彩词句?(如有,请用波浪线划出) 3是否有中式英文?是否有可改善的字、词、句? (如有,如时态、语态、主谓一致、行文逻辑、词性等,请用直线划出.) 4卷面是否整洁?字迹是否工整?,Pay attention to the structure and details when writing an English letter.,Summary,I hope that you can I would appreciate it if you could Looking forward to your reply.,I, LiHua, am a middle school student from China. Im writing to ,黄金模板,I am easy to get along with and like to make friends. I can speak fluent English. I want to / Please let me know,Homework,1. 整理完善学案,反思本节课的收获与不足; 2. 润色自己的作文,总结和掌握英文书信的写作步骤和技巧。,


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