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行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数( 外研版初一第八模块)设计人:大连市第三十八中学 李静课型:语法课一、         教学内容分析行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数是初一上册的重点语法项目,是第八第九模块语言学习的关键,也是一般现在时的重点和难点。行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数的理解和掌握,有助于其它时态第三人称单数的正确理解和运用,所以,可以说它是英语语言交际和运用的基础和前提。二、         学习者分析经过前几个模块的英语学习,初一的学生似乎掌握了一般现在时,但由于缺乏系统的归纳和梳理,学生对于行为动词的第三人称单数并不是十分清晰明了,无论在口语表达还是书面运用,总会出现混乱和偏差,缺乏准确性。所以,学生非常需要教师对于这种语法的细化引领和准确的点拨。三、         教学目标1              知识目标:掌握和运用行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数。2              技能目标:能运用一般现在时第三人称单数进行语言交际和写作。3              情感目标:通过小组合作,提高团结合作精神和竞争的意识。 14.策略目标:抓住用英语交流的每一次宝贵的机会。5.文化意识目标:了解英语语言结构的独特性和运用的灵活性。四、         教学重点、难点和关键1              教学重点:行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数的结构体系和正确运用。2              教学难点:行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数运用于交际和表达。3              教学突破的关键:a. 采用多媒体教学,运用形象的图片和彩色字体的强化; b. 采用顺口溜的形式,提高学生的学习兴趣,强化学生的记忆; c. 小组合作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。五、         教学步骤与设计意图1.Pre-teaching 课前播放大屏幕图片和歌曲 the school day,让学生在轻松和愉快的氛围下进入语法的学习。Students stand up and greet ,Not sitting down ,the teacher gets the students to talk about “My school day” in pairs ,设计意图:激情引趣,为上课创造良好的学习氛Homework checking(share ) Get the Volunteers to share “My school day” with the class设计意图:检查作业,为下面的第三人称单数的语言交际打好基 2础,基础好的学生可以对第三人称单数有少量的使用。 PresentationA. Question and answerThe teacher:我们以上的交流运用了什么时态?The students:学生回答:一般现在时.The teacher:你怎样理解这种时态?The students:一般的状况或经常发生的动作.The teacher:我们现在学习了几种动词的一般现在时呢?The students:系动词,情态动词和行为动词;(学生在回答时,答案可能有偏差,教师作好引领)The teacher shows the sentences on the screen: a. Tom is from England. b. He can speak English very well. c. We often get up at six every day. She often gets up at six.The teacher :我们发现行为动词一般现在时的运用有几种情况?The students: a. 动词用原形 b.主语是第三人称单数时,动词加sThe teacher:什么样的词和短语是第三人称单数?B. words and phrases 3 细节掌握、快速反映1: 从下面的单词和短语中找出第三人称单数(在题号前划v ) 1). my friend 7). the boys parents 2). our teacher 8). your teachers 3). your name 9). our class 4).their brother 10). Tom and Lucy 5). her pens 11).the chair 6). Lucy and Lilys parent 12). DaMing with his parents 与学生研究为什么).2).3).4).6).9).11).12)是第三人称单数,而其他的不是第三人称单数。 The teacher:当主语是第三人称单数时,动词有什么变化? The students:.(学生回答,教师补充展示) a直接在动词后加s. reads b.以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词在后面加es. watches c.以辅音字母加o结尾的动词,加es. goes d.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i加es. carries e. 以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接加s. says f.动词的不规则变化。have 变成has细节掌握、快速反映2:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 1). study - 6).go- 11). Pass 4 2). say- 7).open- 12). do- 3). have- 8).write- 13). ride- 4). play- 9).read- 14). carry-5). wash- 10).teach - 15). likeCheck up and read them together设计意图:培养质疑,激发思维,快速反映,引导呈现。4. PractiseA. oral practice学生日常活动表格wherehowwhen /what timewhat to doat schoolby bus7:00go to school8:00start lessons4:00 p.m.play footballby car5:00 p.m.go homeat home ?get up7:30do homework10:00?10:30watch TVin the supermarket_?_on Saturday ?on footon Sundaygo shoppingafter schoolplay gamesat the cinema6:00 ?by taxi in the evening see a film)     运用表格,用单三形式造句子(one bye one): 5for example: a. He goes to school at seven.b. Xiaohong goes to school by bus. The Teacher:这些句子的疑问,特殊疑问,选择疑问和否定有什么变化?The students answer and the teacher shows and concludes: 主语是第三人称单数句子的变化: She often gets up at six.a. She doesnt often get up at six.b. Does she often get up at six? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. c. When does she often get up? d. Does she often get up at six or at five ? Explain and read together. 绕口令:Does是个照妖镜,动词见它现原形。2).运用表格,编一个对话或一段短文(teamwork)教师与的三个学生合作一个model.The model: A: She goes home at 5. B: Does she go home at 5/6? C: Yes, she does/No, she doesnt How does she go home? 6 A: She goes home by car. D: Does she go home by car or on foot? A: She goes to school by car. 有能力的小组或个人可以脱离表格和Model,创造自己的对话或文章。设计意图:理清单三句型的变化,利用绕口令,激发兴趣,加深理解;小组合作,化解语言的难点,知识运用于交际; 口语操练从造句子过渡到编对话或文段,由易到难,层层深入。B. written practice)语言运用,习题巩固(by oneself)按照要求转换句型,每空一词。 aThey speak English.(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ English? b. She does her homework at home on Sundays.(变为否定句) She _ _ her homework at home on Sundays。 cThe little girl has a new book .(改为一般疑问句) _ the little girl _ a new book? d. Mike lives in London.(完成句子) _ _ Mike _ ? 7 e. I like apples.(加 oranges改为选择疑问句 ) _ you _ apples _ oranges? f. Mike _ (stay) at home on Sundays.(正确形式填空) g.My brother with my parents_ (watch) TV every evening. (正确形式填空)(选做题)用动词的正确事态填空,使文章语言表达正确。 It is Tonys birthday soon. Tony usually _(have) a party. His mother _(make) a cake. His favourite cake _ (be) chocolate cake. He _( get) up at 7:00, and he _ (open) his presents at once. He often _( get) money from his parents his parents. His sister always _(make) him a nice birthday card. All his friends _(come) to the party. 设置两部分习题,意在让好同学吃饱,第二部分选做,课下给答案。 )语言运用,生活链接(teamwork)你校英语报(初一版)征集稿件,题目为:My friend/ father/dog.这是你班王芳的作品找出其中的语法错误。先自己改错和思考,然后小组讨论交流。你认为这是一篇好的稿件吗?如果不是,从哪些地方改进? This is my friend, Lingling. She is thirteen years old , she 8come from Shanghai She have a round face, She like singing and dancing , she isnt like playing football. She often plaies the piano very well, she love music very much she is my good friend, I love her.我对于这篇短文的写作指导是:先让学生根据自己对文段的理解,来找出错误和它的不足之处,然后教师总结。A.短文的语法错误。B.这篇短文的句型较单一,可以变换或加入一些系动词或情态动词的句型,使语言更丰富,语句饱满。C.注意句与句之间的连词and 和but 的使用。D.注意句与句之间的逻辑关系是否得体,She plays the piano very well 和She loves music very much最好互换。教师展示修改以后的书面表达:This is my friend, Lingling. She is thirteen years old and she comes from Shanghai She has a round face and big eyes. She likes singing and dancing ,but she doesnt like playing football. she loves music very much and She can play the piano very wellshe is my good friend and I love her.The students read the passage together.让有能力的学生完成自己的创作并展示。设计意图:由点到面,准确运用语法;让学生在初学语言篇章时,有一个准确和理性的判断,能够掌握最基本的语用技巧,为课下的writing 作业做好准备,为语言的交际和运用打下良好的基础。 feedback教师及时了解学生所学知识,学生及时了解自己的掌握情况。习题反馈:a.      The boy_(have ) supper at 6 p.m. every day.(用适当形式填空)b.     The little girl studies at home on Sunday. _ _the little girl _ on Sunday?(就划线部分提问)c. Tom and Lucy do their homework after school. ( 变否定句) Tom and Lucy _ _their homework after school.d. Emily has lunch at school. ( 加 at home 改为选择疑问句 ) _Emily _ lunch at school _at school ?6. Homework层次作业,a.配习题巩固b. 写一篇与生活相关的小作文A 组题按照要求完成句子1.Tom and Lucy often play football on the playground. ( a. 变否定句, b. 变疑问句并做肯定和否定回答, c. 就划线部分提问)2.Our teacher usually reads English in the morning . ( a. 变否定句, b. 变疑问句并做肯定和否定回答, c. 就划线部分提问) 3. Daming often has supper at 6 in the afternoon. (变否定句)B组题书面表达假如你是李蕾,你的笔友 Tom 暑假要到你家度假,他向你询问你家人及宠物的日常活动和爱好等, 请你写回信介绍: 要求:1、用一般现在时 2、不少于50字 设计意图:学语法的目的是巩固难点,准确运用,同时把所学知识运用于生活和交际。作业的不同层次,使中等学生巩固所学,使优秀学生达到高度。附教学流程图:1.Pre-teaching2. Homework checking(share)3.PresentationA. question and answer B. words and phrases 4.Practise A. oral practiceB. written practice 5. Feedback 6. Homework教学评价: 设计与语法相对应的习题反馈,设计校园活动短文的错误查找,设计生活中语言交流的作业,完成本课的学习任务,达到本课的学习目的。附学生使用的预习学案和上课学案:大连市第三十八中学李静行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数预习学案:    定义理解:什么是行为动词?把下面的动词分类:listen. is. can. watch. are. 系动词:情态动词:行为动词:    人称把握:第一人称:单数:_复数:_第二人称:单数:_复数:_第三人称:单数:_. _. _复数: _下面单词和短语属于哪一人称:Tom, he, I , you ,Lucy, we, she ,they, Lucy and Lily,our friend, their . 第一人称: 第二人称: 第三人称单数: 第三人称复数:3. 知识链接A: 名词变复数与动词变第三人称单数a.名词变复数)     一般的名词 - book_ egg_)     以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词在后面. Bus_ box_ _)     以o结尾的名词. piano_ _ tomato_ _ 4)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词Candy_ _)以元音字母加y结尾的名词day_ _ boy 6 )名词复数的不规则变化。child_ _ b.查阅动词如何变第三人称单数 观察名词变复数和动词变第三人称单数的相同之处)一般的动词read_)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词 watch_ )以辅音字母加o结尾的动词 go_ )以辅音字母加y结尾的动词 study_ ) 以元音字母加y结尾的动词 say_)动词的不规则变化。have_B: 第一第二人称与第三人称复数的句型变化与第三人称单数的句型变化我们已经学习了第一第二人称与第三人称复数的句型变化,看你掌握的怎么样? They go to school at 7 oclock. 否定句: 疑问句: 特殊疑问句: 选择一般疑问句(at 8 oclock):你会下面句子的句型转换吗?试一试He goes to school at 7 oclock.否定句:疑问句:特殊疑问句:选择一般疑问句(at 8 oclock):4.语言表达:写一篇my school day 的短文,不少于字大连市第三十八中学李静行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数上课学案:     学习目标:掌握所学。能运用所学进行语言交际和写作。学习重点:语法的结构体系和正确运用。学习难点:语法运用于交际和表达。学习策略:小组合作,集成优化学习任务。学生日常活动表格wherehowwhen /what timewhat to doat schoolby bus7:00go to school8:00start lessons4:00 p.m.play footballby car5:00 p.m.go homeat home ?get up7:30do homework10:00?10:30watch TVin the supermarket_?_on Saturday ?on footon Sundaygo shoppingafter schoolplay gamesat the cinema6:00 ?by taxi in the evening see a film细节掌握、快速反应1:从下面的单词和短语中找出第三人称单数(在题号前划v ) 1.my friend 7. the boys parents 2. our teacher 8. your teachers 3. your name 9. our class 4.their brother 10. Tom and Lucy 5. her pens 11.the chair 6. Lucy and Lilys parent 12. DaMing with his parents 细节掌握、快速反应: 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 1. study - 6.go- 11. pass 2. say- 7.open- 12. do- 3. have- 8.write- 13. ride- 4. play- 9.read- 14. carry-5. wash- 10.teach - 15. like语言感知 、习题操练:按照要求转换句型,每空一词。 aThey speak English.(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ English? b. She does her homework at home on Sundays.(变为否定句) She _ _ her homework at home on Sundays。 cThe little girl has a new book .(改为一般疑问句) _ the little girl _ a new book? d. Mike lives in London.(完成句子)_ _ Mike _ ? e. I like apples.(加 oranges改为选择疑问句 ) _ you _ apples _ oranges? f. Mike _ (stay) at home on Sundays.(正确形式填空) g.My brother with my parents_ (watch) TV every evening. (正确形式填空)二、B 组题用动词的正确事态填空,使文章语言表达正确。 It is Tonys birthday soon. Tony usually _(have) a party. His mother _(make) a cake. His favourite cake _ (be) chocolate cake. He _( get) up at 7:00, and he _ (open) his presents at once. He often _( get) money from his parents his parents. His sister always _(make) him a nice birthday card. All his friends _(come) to the party. 语言运用、生活链接:你校英语报(初一版)征集稿件,题目为:My friend/ father/dog.这是你班王芳的作品找出其中的语法错误。This is my friend, Lingling. She is thirteen years old , she come from Shanghai She have a round face, She like singing and dancing , she isnt like playing football. She often plaies the piano very well, she love music very much she is my good friend, I love her.你认为这是一篇好的短文吗?如果不是,从哪些地方改进?知识验收、习题反馈:         The boy_(have ) supper at 6 p.m. every day.(用适当形式填空)         The little girl studies at home on Sunday. _ _the little girl _ on Sunday?(就划线部分提问)3. Tom and Lucy do their homework after school. ( 变否定句) Tom and Lucy _ _their homework after school.4. Emily has lunch at school. ( 加 at home 改为选择疑问句 ) _Emily _ lunch at school _at school ? Homework :一A 组题按照要求完成句子1.Tom and Lucy often play football on the playground. ( a. 变否定句, b. 变疑问句并做肯定和否定回答, c. 就划线部分提问)2.Our teacher usually reads English in the morning . ( a. 变否定句, b. 变疑问句并做肯定和否定回答, c. 就划线部分提问) 183. Daming often has supper at 6 in the afternoon. (变否定句)二、B组题 : 书面表达假如你是李蕾,你的笔友 Tom 暑假要到你家度假,他向你询问你家人及宠物的日常活动和爱好等,请你写回信介绍: 要求:1、用一般现在时 2、50 字左右DearTom,_ _ _ Yours, Lilei


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