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设计方案英文3篇设计方案英文 篇1教材分析:本单元的核心内容是万圣节晚会的准备工作,重点学习万圣节所需要的一些物品、动物类单词以及Do you likeYes, I do./No, I dont. I like等句子。学情分析:四年级学生的年龄,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。而且他们接触英语已经有一年的时间,已具有初步的听说能力。在学习单词的时候,应提醒学生注意名词的复数形式在词形和读音上的变化。句子的教学教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,用已经学过的句型引出新句型。本单元所出现的动物类单词,紧密结合的是商店里的购物用语,在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如地运用这些购物的交际用语。我相信必能很好的调动学生学习积极性。教学目标:1、认知目标:能够听懂会说本单元的新单词today、Halloween 、Come in、of course.并能灵活运用。2、能力目标:通过模仿、操练、表演等活动,学生能够运用所学的语言知识进行对话,提高英语口语交际能力。3、情感目标:了解万圣节的文化背景,感受异国文化,促进中西方文化的交流。教学重点:句型 Can I have some 及其回答Yes, I can. / No, I cant.的运用。教学难点:能熟练运用本课的'句型进行交际。教学过程:一、Warming up and revision1、Greetings2、Chant3、Sing “Happy New Year”二、PresentationWhen the Ss are practicing the sentences , a student who wears monsters clothes knocks at the door and act the dialogue with the Teacher.Say the sentences “Can I come in Of course !” slowly . Help the Ss understand the news .1.Tell the Ss some details about “Halloween”2. When the Ss look at the pictures , a student who wears monsters clothes knocks at the door and acts the dialogue with the teacher. Say the sentences“Can I come in Of course” Help the Ss understand the meaning of Halloween.三、Practice1、Show the word cards to the Ss and get them to say the words together.soup 、sweets、bread、biscuits、fruit、rice2、Review the sentence:T: Can I have someIf you have, you should say “Yes , please.” If you dont have, you should say “ Sorry, you cant”。Listen to the tape , then repeat . Say the chant together . lastly get the Ss to say in their groups which group is the best 四、Consolidation1、Say the chant .听录音,模仿学说,熟练朗读并会表演本单元会话内容。2、Show the copy.收集有关Halloween的知识,了解西方国家的其它节日。五、Homework.布置学生课后收集有关Halloween的知识,并了解西方国家的其他节日。不仅培养了学生跨文化意识的培养,同时也为学生提供了一个课后学习的情境,一举两得。设计方案英文 篇2教学目标:1、知识目标A认读单词mine,yours,argue,mattet,wear,hers,his,line,cleanB掌握句型Its mine/yours/hers/his. It isnt mine/yours/hers/his.C理解课文2、情感目标A通过情景创设,让知识与学生生活实际更贴切,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。B教育学生不要与人发生争吵,遇事要沉着、冷静的分析。3、技能目标能运用Its。/It isnt。表达物品所属。教学重点:能用It's mine/yours/hers/his.说明物品的所属,熟练地应用句型Its/ It isnt 。教学难点:名词性物主代词的运用。学情分析:五年级学生掌握一定的英语日常用语,具备一定的英语基础,而对于单词也已经有了掌握,能够读和书写。而对于名词性的物主代词和形容词性的物主代词讲解单词时已经做过归纳。对于形容词性的物主代词也有了一定的掌握。讲解本篇课文之前要求学生课前已经提前预习。教具准备:录音机 、多媒体课件、单词卡片、 学生本人的书包、钢笔、课本、外套教学过程:Warming-up唱歌曲The London Eye。复习单词;出示准备好的单词卡让学生看中文说英文,并书写单词。教学新课Step1 Talking with studentsboys and girls. Look at my T-shirt. I washed it yesterday, so its very clean now. Did you wash it yesterday引导学生回答Yes, I did./No,I didnt. 然后继续问学生Did Lingling wash her T-shirt Do you knowNow Lets listen the recorder then tell me!引入新课让学生听课文录音两遍,让学生对课文内容有了初步了解。Step2跟读录音两遍后学生自读。之后小组之间相互检查读的情况,一号帮四号,二号和三号相互读。组内成员都读熟后组长到黑板在自己小组上划红旗。Step3 比比看看谁读的最好。小组和小组之间比赛看哪个小组能分角色有情境的读的最好。评出读得好小组画红旗。Step4讨论解决问题学生把在自己预习过程中打“”的地方小组讨论解决,意见不相同的邀请老师和其他小组共同讨论。Step5再听录音,加深印象。当学生听到mine/his/hers/lingling's等时,学生必需举手,看看谁的反应最快。Step6趣味操练,巩固新知指着自己的T恤向学生说;This is my T-shirt.It's mine.板书句子。然后又走向一学生并指着他/她的书说;This is your book.It's yours.板书句子。接着拿出准备好的书包向全班说;This is his bag.It's his. 板书句子。拿出准备好的的钢笔对全班说;This is her pen.It's hers.板书句子。拿出准备好的外套说;This is Lingling's coat.It's Lingling's.板书句子与词语Lingling's. 教师演示完这些句型后,用此方式让学生小组内说桌上物品所属。教师继续演示拿起一男同学的钢笔说“It isnt mine. It's yours.”教师继续拿起一女同学的书包指着刚才的男同学说:“It isnt his. It's hers. 教师演示完这些句型后,让学生小组内说桌上物品所属。Step7游戏比赛让学生小组之间比拼,一个小组出示物品,另一个小组找到物品的主人。小结: 今天我们学了名词性的物主代词,我们前面学的是形容词性的物主代词。那它们有什么区别呢(指板书)形容性物主代词后面要跟著名词,而名词性物主代词后面什么都没有,它孤零零一个。作业用所学知识描述身边的东西是谁的。设计方案英文 篇3Teaching Aims 1. Practise Indirect Speech .2. Do the listening practice. Make sure the students understand the listening material.Step I PracticeSB Lesson 71, Part 1. Go through the answers in the second column to reinforce the language items in the Presentation. Then match the first two questions and answers with the whole class, before they work in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.Answers: 1.e 2.c 3.d 4.f 5.a 6.bStep II PracticeChange the questions in the exercise in Part 1 with the whole class, then let the Ss work on the exercise in Part 2 in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers:Part 1:1.He asked her what she was looking for.2.He asked her what kind of necklace it was.3.He asked her where she had lost it.4.He asked her what it looked like.5.He asked her if it was valuable.6.He asked her how much the necklace was worth.Part 2:1.She asked her where she had been all these years.2.She asked her if times had been hard for her.3.She asked her what had happened.4.She asked him where they were holding the ball.5.He asked her how much a new dress cost.6.He asked her if she needed to wear any jewellery.7.He asked her if she had a friend who might lend her some jewellery.8.She asked him if they had invited anyone else in his office to the ball.9.She asked him if the ball was held every year.10.He asked her if the necklace was valuable.11.He asked her how much the necklace was worth.12.He asked her how much this necklace cost.13.He asked her if she thought it had been stolen by a thief.Step III Preparation for listeningSB Lesson 71, Part 3. Wb Listening, Unit 18, page 124. Discuss the pictures in Ex. 1 before you play the tape. Go through each exercise in turn before you carry out the exercise, to make sure the Ss understand what to do.Step IV ListeningListening Cassette Unit 18. Do each exercise one by one. Play the tape, then let the Ss discuss their answers. Play the tape again if necessary, then check the answers with the whole class.Step V WorkbookWb Lesson 71, Exx. 1 - 3.Do all these exercises orally first in class.Step VI HomeworkFinish the Workbook exercises.


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