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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

Grammar,Unit 4 My day,Part A Prepositions of time in, on, at,Dear Amy I am so glad to receive your letter. Id like to tell you something about Halloween. It is _ October 31st in Autumn. We often have a party _ the evening on that day. And we wear costumes with masks. My family always have a party _ about 8 p.m. We often have a good time at the party. Please e-mail me soon!,Amy,Halloween,on,in,at,A: When do you go to school? B: I go to school at 7:00,go to school do after-school activities go home do my homework,time of a day,A: When do start school in china? B: Children start school at 6 years old. at 6 years old,age,A:When do you have breakfast? B:I at 7:00 A:What do you do at breakfast? B:I at breakfast.,have breakfast have lunch have supper,meal times,More about “at”,A:What do you eat at Ester? B:We eat chocolate eggs at Easter.,Easter the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival,some festivals,I get up _6:30. I have breakfast_7:00.I listen to English _ breakfast. I like English. I started learning English _the age of 13. I have lunch _ 12:00. _ lunch I talk to my friends.I have supper _ 7:00p.m.I watch TV _ supper. I like watching TV. I watch TV_ the Chinese New Year with my family.,at,at,at,at,at,At,at,at,at,4 seasons in a year,spring,summer,autumn,winter,January,12 months in a year,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,Can you read them?,May Jan. Jun. Sep. Oct. Dec.,Feb. Mar. Apr. Jul. Aug. Nov.,1.A:When is New Years Day? B: It is _. 2.A:When is Womens Day? B: It is _. 3.A:What do you do on Saturday? B: I go swimming on Saturday. 4. A:Do you have a Reading Club on Sunday morning? B: No, we dont.,on January 1st,on March 8th,dates,days,parts of a special day,on May 1st,May Day,On May Day, we dont have to go to school. We have a holiday.,special holidays,A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on December12th.,And I was born in 1977.,I was born in December.,I was born in winter.,years,months, seasons,A: When do you watch TV every day? B: In the evening .,parts of day,Read Part A on P45 and finish Part A1,Dear Millie, Thanks for your email. I would like to tell you about my life here. Our lessons begin _ nine oclock. Usually we have three lessons _ the morning and two _ the afternoon. We do not have lessons _ Saturday or Sunday. I love sports. I am good at playing football. I often play it with my friends _ Saturday afternoon. We have a football match _ autumn every year. This year, it is _ 15 November. My friends and I always have great fun then. All the best, Tommy,at,in,in,on,on,in,on,Fill in the blanks with “at” “on”in”.,The children dress up _ Halloween. Christmas party is _ the evening of December 24th . I was born _ 1999. And my birthday is _ May 16th . I like to see the moon _ night. Im good at English. I want to go to America _ the age of 20. We start classes _ 8:30 _ Monday morning.,at,on,in,on,at,at,at,on,What are you going to do in October?,We have a long holiday _ October. Its a holiday _ Wednesday. My birthday is _ 6th October. Im going to see the doctor _ three oclock this afternoon. I always take my dog for a walk _ the evening.,in,on,on,at,in,Part B Adverbs of frequency,Lets talk about Toms diet.,He eats vegetables every day.,He always eats vegetables.,He drinks milk every day except Sunday.,He usually drinks milk.,Lets talk about Toms diet.,He eats bread from Tuesday to Saturday.,He often eats bread.,He sometimes eats fruit. He seldom eats meat. He never eats hamburgers.,Pay attention to the differences between the adverbs of frequency.,将左栏中的百分数和右栏中相应的频率副词对应起来. 1 . 100% A. sometimes 2. 80% B. seldom 3. 60% C. never 4. 40% D. usually 5. 20% E. always 6. o% F. often,E,D,F,A,B,C,Look at the graph on Page 48 of the students book and help Millie complete the sentences.,always,usually,sometimes,often,seldom,never,Adverbs of frequency频度副词:,How often do they exercise?,1.Simon loves playing football. He _ plays football in the playground. 2.Sandy does not have much time to play tennis. She _ plays tennis. 3.Amy is a member of the swimming team. She _ swims after school. 4. Daniel does not like basketball. He _ plays it. 5.Kitty goes to her dancing lessons every day. She _dances for half an hour. 6. Millie _ goes roller skating, but she is not good at it.,always,usually,never,seldom,sometimes,often,翻译下列句子 1. 太阳总是从东方升起,西方落下. The sun _ rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. 他通常10点钟睡觉 He _ goes to bed at ten oclock. 3. 他上学经常迟到 He is _ late for school. 4. 有时他晚饭后去图书馆. He _ goes to the library after supper. 5. 莉莉不常读报 Lily _ reads newspaper. 6. 我上学从来不迟到 I am _ late for school.,always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never,句型转换,1.She often goes to the Reading Club on Wednesdays and Fridays.(同义句) She goes to the Reading Club_ _week. 2.He seldom takes a taxi to go to school.(提问) _ _ _he _ a taxi to go to school? 3.We play badminton for half an hour every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ play badminton every day? 4. Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ Eddie _ to his bowl?,twice,a,How often does,take,How long do you,How often does,walk,Homework,Write a letter to Millie and tell her what you do this week. ( use “in”, “on” and “at”.) Exercise book,


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