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七年级英语上册 Unit 8《Fashion Task》课件5 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 8《Fashion Task》课件5 (新版)牛津版.ppt

7A Unit8 Task Designing clothes,To be fashion designers what we should be careful with?,material,colour,feature,T-shirt,trousers,tie,sweater,jacket,dress,hat,Test1: Telling What kinds of the clothes,shorts,jeans,trainers,boots,scarves,scarf,gloves,blouse,skirt,shoes,a blue jacket,Test2: Telling What colour of the clothes,a pink skirt,a red blouse,Test2: Telling What colour of the clothes,a pair of white gloves,a grey T-shirt,an orange sweater,a purple tie,Test2: Telling What colour of the clothes,a pair of dark blue jeans,a yellow dress,Test2: Telling What colour of the clothes,a green scarf,a pair of black trainers,a pair of brown boots,cotton,wool,silk,leather,Test3: Telling the materials of clothes,What are they made of ?,be made of由制成的,Test4: Telling the features of clothes,soft and smooth,light and comfortable,Test4: Telling the features of clothes,beautiful,modern,smart and cool,Test4: Telling the features of clothes,Well done !,I give you red packets for reward.,Congratulations!,Clothes&shoes,description,shirt,jacket,jeans,trainers,Features,Colour,Material,clean,white,cotton,not long not large,dark blue,cotton,comfortable,blue,cotton,light and comfortable,grey,leather,What does Sandys design include?,Her design includes a shirt, a jacket, a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.,learn about Sandys design,特征,包括,包含,The shirt is made of cotton.,The shirt is white.,I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any colour.,cotton,white,clean,Sandys design,Clothes&shoes,description,shirt,jacket,jeans,trainers,Features,Colour,Material,clean,white,cotton,not long not large,dark blue,cotton,comfortable,blue,cotton,light and comfortable,grey,leather,1.What colour is the jacket? 2.Do students look smart in dark blue? 3. What is it made of?,cotton,The jacket is made of cotton.,dark blue,The students look smart in dark blue.,not long, not large,The jacket is not too long or too large.,Sandys design,Clothes&shoes,description,shirt,jacket,jeans,trainers,Features,Colour,Material,clean,white,cotton,not long not large,dark blue,cotton,comfortable,blue,cotton,light and comfortable,grey,leather,1.What colour are the jeans? 2.Are jeans very popular among students? 3. What are they made of?,cotton,The jeans are made of cotton./The pair of jeans is made of cotton.,The jeans are blue.,The jeans are comfortable. /Jeans make people feel comfortable.,Sandys design,Clothes&shoes,description,shirt,jacket,jeans,trainers,Features,Colour,Material,clean,white,cotton,not long not large,dark blue,cotton,comfortable,blue,cotton,light and comfortable,grey,leather,1.What colour are the trainers? 2.Are they light and comfortable? Do you like trainers? 3. What are they made of?,The trainers are made of leather./The pair of trainers is made of leather.,leather,grey,They are grey.,light and comfortable,Trainers are light and comfortable.,My fashion design Look at the model. Here is my design for a shirt, a_, jeans and a pair of trainers. The shirt is white. I think white shirts look_, and white matches any other colour. The jacket is not too long or too large, and it is _blue. Students look smart in dark blue. Jeans are very popular among students ,so my design _a pair of blue jeans. The shirt ,the jacket and the jeans are all _of cotton and are very comfortable . There is also a pair of trainers. They are grey. Trainers are light and comfortable, and all the students like them. 幻灯片 25 .,Listen and complete,jacket,clean,dark,includes,made,What is he wearing?,a white shirt:,a pair of black trousers,look clean,White matches black.,White matches/goes well with any other colour.,Black matches/goes well with any other colour,too.,Students look smart in dark blue. =Dark blue looks smart on students.,colour,somebody,My fashion design Look at the model. Here is for a shirt, a jacket , jeans and a pair of trainers The shirt is white. I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other colour. The jacket is not too long or too large, and it is dark blue. Students look smart in dark blue.,Para1 General introduction,Para3 About the jacket,Para2 About the shirt,Jeans are very popular among students ,so my design includes a pair of blue jeans. The shirt ,the jacket and the jeans are made of cotton and are very comfortable . There is also a pair of trainers. They are grey. Trainers are light and comfortable, and all the students like them,Para6 About the trainers,Para5 About the material of the shirt, the jacket and the jeans,Para4 About the jeans,My Fashion design,Writing Help me write fashion design,Writing Structure (结构),Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,About,About,About.,General introduction,.,Useful sentences,.look(s),match(es) /go(es) well with,is /are not too long or too large.,.is/are made of, is/are light and comfortable,Sb.look(s) smart in (colour) look(s)good /cool on sb.,The colour of is.,is/are very popular among young people.,sweater: white and pink cotton looks colorful skirt : white cotton looks clean,Boots: white leather look modern,For boys,hat: blue cotton looks cool T-shirt : white cotton looks clean white matches any other colour jeans: dark blue cotton comfortable students look smart in dark blue Jeans are very popular among students,Summary,What did we learn today? How to design clothes and write an article about fashion design.,Homework,1.Recite the article on P103 2.Make a poster about your fashion design.,Enjoy English! Enjoy fashion ! Enjoy your life! Thank you!,


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