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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

,Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading(1),水果 fruit,Review,饮料 drink,食 物 food,diet 日常饮食,/aI/,I love I dislike I hate ,I love I dislike I hate ,I,Some new words:,1.dancer 跳舞者 2.diet 日常饮食 3.important 重要的 4.need 需要 5.easy 容易的 6.tired 累的 7.keep 保持 8.fit 健康的 9.seldom 很少 10.sweet 甜的 11.snack 零食 12.Coke 可口可乐 13.between 在之间,14. meal 一餐饭 15. sugar 糖 16 fruit 水果 17 milk 牛奶 18 bread 面包 19 meat 肉 20 study 学习 21 top 拔尖的 22 lifestyle 生活方式 23 fast 快的 24 change 改变 25 plan 计划 26 juice 果汁,Reading(1) What we eat and how we live,Guess: Who has a healthy diet, Kitty or Daniel?,Check your pre-reading:,1. What does Kitty want to be?,She wants to be a dancer.,2. Does Daniel have a healthy diet or lifestyle?,No, he doesnt.,1. How long does Kitty dance every day? 2. What is important for a dancer? 3. What does she need to dance? 4. Does she eat a lot of sweet snacks between meals? 5. What does she usually have?,Part One,She dances for two hours every day.,A healthy diet is very important for a dancer.,She needs lots of energy.,No, She doesnt.,She usually has fruit and vegetables.,Name:,Daniel,Age:,12,Hobby:,studying, playing computer games and chatting with friends,Love drinking and eating :,Coke and hamburgers,Plan to do:,have healthy meals, go swimming twice a week,What does Daniel like doing ? 2. What does Daniel want to do? 3. Can he play basketball very well? Why?,Part Two,He likes studying, playing computer games and chatting with his friends on the Internet.,He wants to play basketball.,No, he cant. Because he can not run fast.,Kitty wants to be a d_, but she always gets t_, so she knows that it is important for a dancer to be h_. She s_ eats sweet s_ like cakes, sweets and C_between m_, because she thinks theres too much s_ in them. She likes to eat fruit and v_. She a_ eats an apple, some milk and b_ for breakfast, she usually eats m_ and vegetables for dinner.,oke,eldom,egetables,nacks,ugar,ancer,ired,ealthy,read,eat,eals,lways,Read the passages again, try to complete the passage:,Daniel likes s_and he is a t_ student at school. He likes playing c_ games and c_with his friends o_ the Internet. But he doesnt have a healthy d_. He always eats h_. He wants to run f_ but he cant. Its time for him to c_now. He p_ to e_ every day by swimming t_ a week. He has some j_, bread, f_ and vegetables for meals. He thinks it is i_ to change his diet and l_ .,tudying,op,omputer,hatting,n,iet,ast,xercise,wice,uice,ish,hange,ifestyle,amburgers,mportant,lans,1. How often does Kitty dance? A.three times a week B.every day C.30 hours a week 2. Why does Kitty seldom eat sweets? A.Because she is too fat B.Because she hates sugar. C.Because she wants to be healthy. 3. What does Daniel do after school? A.dance B.plays computer games C.cooks healthy food 4.How often does Daniel plan to swim? A.twice a day B.every day C.twice a week 5.What does Daniel plan to have for breakfast? A.Coke and hamburgers B.juice and bread C.fish and vegetables,(B),(C),(B),(C),(B),Read the passage quickly,then find the right answers.,Discussion,After reading the passage, do you know how to keep fit?,We should often eat fruit and vegetables.,We should often exercise.,We should seldom eat fast food like Coke and hamburgers.,We should not spend too much time playing computer games.,A saying: An apple a day, keeps a doctor away! 一天一苹果,医生远离我!,1.Read the passages fluently and try to retell it. (熟读课文并能复数课文) 2.Make a survey about your classmates diets and lifestyles. (作一份关于同班同学日程饮食和生活方式的调查),Homework,a dancer,get tired,easy,keep fit,seldom,sweet snacks,between meals,energy not healthy,fruit vegetables,always,breakfast,dinner,important,top,computer chatting,nota healthy diet or lifestyle,Coke, hamburgers,basketball, run fast,never,change,plans to healthy meals,breakfast,go swimming twice,lunch and supper,


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