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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

Unit 6 Grammar,Countable and uncountable nouns,apple orange cup plate egg dish beef bread cake hamburger Coke juice salt pear meat milk rice tomato,说出下面哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词?,apple orange cup plate egg dish cake pear hamburger tomato cake,salt beef Coke juice meat milk rice bread,an apple,a pear,an orange,a banana,an egg,a carrot,学,We use a or an before a singular countable noun. If the noun starts with a vowel(元音) sound, we use an.,More examples:,_ useful book _hour _uncle/aunt There is _ “u” and _ “s” in the word “ use”.,Tips,a,an,a,an,an,“a” or “an”,a knife,knives,a sheep,some sheep,a strawberry,stories,strawberries,a tomato,tomatoes,Singular(单数) plural(复数),写出下列名词的复数形式。 match_ 2. watch _ 3. month_ 4. box _ 5. library _ 6. story _ 7. radio _ 8. foot _ 9. woman _ 10. baby _,matches,watches,months,boxes,libraries,stories,radios,feet,women,babies,练,Phrases 十一个婴儿 九个男孩 四个班级 我的五张相片 六头大象 三个好朋友 十八只猴子 七把小刀,eleven babies nine boys four classes my five photos six elephants three good friends eighteen monkeys seven knives,练,不可数名词,bread,water,chicken,salt,a piece of bread,a glass of water,a plate of chicken,a packet of salt,Here are some examples.,如何表达不可数名词的量?,rice,tea,meat,milk,juice,two bags of rice,three cups of tea,four kilos of meat,five cartons of milk,six bottles of juice,三碗米饭 七瓶牛奶 五千克肉 六把小刀 两篮土豆 四袋盐,three bowls of rice,seven bottles of milk,five kilos of meat,six knives,two baskets of potatoes,four packets of salt,翻译词组,三袋大米 两公斤肉 一张纸 两片面包 四杯茶 五盒牛奶,three bags of rice two kilos of meat a piece of paper two pieces of bread four cups of tea five cartons of milk,用所给单词的正确形式填空。,There are some _ (tomato) in the basket. They are from different _ (country). I often drink some _ (milk) and eat some _ (vegetable) for breakfast. I watch TV for about 30 _ (minute).,tomatoes,milk,countries,minutes,vegetables,bag,packet,apple,vegetables,carrots,potatoes,oranges,bottles,chicken,rice,salt,juice,Pairs work,Please make a dialogue to talk about the things you want to buy for your Mums birthday, pay attention to the amount. A: Tomorrow is my mothers birthday, I want to buy some things for her birthday . B: What do you want to buy? A :We need B:What about some drinks? A: Ok, we should buy ,1、李小姐经常喝两杯绿茶。 2、我妈妈需要买三袋盐。 3、中秋节我们吃5盒月饼。 4、厨房里有两篮 土豆。 5、他早餐吃几片面包。,Miss Li often_.,My mother _.,On Mid-Autumn Festival _.,There are two _in the kitchen.,He _.,drinks two cups of green tea.,needs to buy three packets of salt.,we eat five boxes of mooncakes.,baskets of potatoes,has some pieces of bread for breakfast,测,Thank you!,


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