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七年级英语上册 Unit 6《Food and lifestyle task》课件3 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 6《Food and lifestyle task》课件3 (新版)牛津版.ppt

,Unit 6 Food and Lifestyle,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,Sing the song,Task 1 Lead in,Drinks,Meat,Food,fruit,snacks,vegetables,Task 2: List the names of different food.,Lets have a competition!,How many kinds of food do you know ? Please name as many of food as possible in your group.,They are unhealthy.,But they give us lots of energy.,Are they healthy? Why?,Its easy for us to get fat.,Do you often eat fruits and vegetables?,fruits,Vegetables,Fruits and vegetables are good for us. We need them to keep healthy.,Do you have a healthy lifestyle?,A: Do you have any hobbies ? B: Yes, I often A: How often do you exercise? B: A: What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I usually have for breakfast. A: What about lunch? B: For lunch ,I often have. A: Do you often eat ? B: Yes / No. A: Why? B: Because .,Task 3: Pair Work(make a survey),How about Simons lifestyle?,Task 4 Listen to Simon,1. What does Simon often do?,2. What does he often have for lunch?,He often plays football.,He has rice or noodles, meat and vegetables.,Task 5 Read,Read by yourselves and find out the difficulties,1. play football to keep fit,2. need them to keep healthy,3. give me energy for the whole afternoon.,4. This helps me start the day.,5. Fruit and vegetables are good for us.,Fill in the blanks.,play football,an egg,a glass of milk,start the day,rice,noodles,vegetables,meat,energy,fish,healthy,water,vegetables,Fruit,整个的,My name is Simon. I often play football to keep fit. I also eat healthy food. For breakfast, I always have an egg. I also eat baozi or mantou, and I drink a glass of milk. This helps me start the day well. I have rice or noodles for lunch. I have meat and vegetables too. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon. For dinner, I often have soup, fish and vegetables. I eat fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are good for us. We need them to keep healthy. I also drink lots of water every day.,Diet,Hobby,Try,Task 6 : Enjoy your writing,Writing Structure,Paragraph 1,name hobbies,Paragraph 2,breakfast reason,Paragraph 3,lunch reason,Paragraph 4,supper reason,Useful sentences,I dance /swim every day.,I often to keep fit.,For breakfast /lunch/ dinner ,I have,.is/are good for us.,I plan to,This helps me.,This gives me for,Attention,1. Remember to write it into several parts. 1.分段写作 2. Try to use some colourful expressions. 2.用精彩语句 3. Dont make small mistakes. 3.尽量没有错,Your outline,Name: _ Hobbies: _ Breakfast:_ Lunch: _ Supper: _,Page 72,We should seldom eat snacks. We should often do some exercise. We should drink more water. We should not watch too much TV or play computer games for hours. 5.We should sleep for more than 8 hours every day.,Some suggestions for health 建议,Homework,1.Look for more information about healthy lifestyle on the Internet or in the library. 2.Write a passage about your friends diet and lifestyle.,


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