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-广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试大纲与样题(课程代号:0517)广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室组编广州外语音像出版社广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试大纲与样题(课程代号:0517)广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室组编撰写人 杜慧贞广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试大纲(课程代号:0517)一、 考核目标:听、说是英语教学中的两项基本技能。在高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专科专业中,英语听说属于必考课程和实践考核。英语听说考试主要考核学生在英语听力和英语口语两方面是否达到以下目标: (1) 在听力理解方面,能听懂英语国家人士在一般社交场合的交谈和相当于美国TOEFL考试中minitalk等中等难度的听力材料,能理解大意、抓住主要论点或情节,能根据所听材料进行分析、领会说话人的态度、感情和真实意图。(2) 在英语口头表达能力方面,要求学生达到:(a)基本上能正确使用英语语音、语调朗读、表达思想并进行交际; (b)能就日常生活、学习、工作等熟悉话题进行交谈,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。(c)能利用已掌握的英语比较清楚地表达自己的思想,在遇到想不起的单词或没有把握的结构时能运用交际策略绕过难点达到交际的目的。二、考核依据教材:指定教材: 1英语听力教程(Listen this way)13册,张民伦编,高等教育出版社,1998版2英语初级口语吴祯福 外语教学与研究出版社,1993年版参考教材:1.TOEFL考试听力训练材料2 涉外秘书高级英语口语杜慧贞 黄家修编著,华南理工大学出版社,1998年版三、考试内容和题型 : 英语听说考试由笔试和口试两种形式组成。1笔试:英语听力考试分为三部分,总分60分,考试时间为25分钟左右。题型为多项选择题。 第一部分Statements共有15题,每题1分,共15分。要求考生听完每题一句或两句的陈述(statement)后从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。第二部分Short Conversations共有10题,每题1.5分,共15分。要求考生听完每题所含的一组短小对话(conversation)后从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。第三部分Minitalks有三篇故事或介绍性短文,共15题,每题2分,共30分。要求考生听完每篇材料及后面的5个问题后,从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。听力部分的每题后有约10秒的间隙,录音的语速为每分钟约120个词,念一遍。2口试:口语考试准备时间为5分钟,口试过程为5分钟。英语口语满分为40分:朗读部分为10分,回答问题部分30分。朗读部分:考生从A、B、C三篇200字左右的文章中,抽取一篇,准备5分钟后到两名主考老师面前朗读。考官根据其朗读的语音语调(5分)和流利程度(5分)打分。回答问题部分:考生就日常生活、学习、工作、秘书职业等熟悉话题与考官进行交谈。主考老师根据考生回答问题时的语音语调(5分)、流利程度(5分)内容、语法、用词 (20分)打分。两位主考老师给每位考生的分数相加除以2,得出的最后评分为考生的成绩。主考老师的职责:l 考生准备5分钟后进入考场,主考老师在评分表上登记考生姓名和准考证号。l 主考老师让考生朗读所抽到的短文,对其语音语调和流利程度进行打分。l 主考老师从主考用卷所提供的问题中抽取几个向考生提问,对其回答问题时的语音语调(5分)、流利程度(5分)内容、语法、用词 (20分)打分。l 每个问题提问不超过两次。口试时间控制在5分钟。l 主考老师在评分表上登记考生的分数(各项分数和总分)并签名。四、命题要求1命题应严格按照本大纲对于学生听说技能的要求,不能随意提高或降低标准。2命题应严格按照本大纲试卷结构要求设计试题,不得随意改变。3每套试题要安排题目的难易层次。在一般情况下,测试中心大意的题目占30%,测试细节和推理能力的题目占50%。试题中适当采用教材中的材料,但分值一般不得超过总分的40%。五、题型举例1英语听说考试的听力部分为多项选择题, 共40题,60分。Part One Statements (15%)Directions: There are fifteen items in Part One. For each item in this part, you will hear a short statement. The statements will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a statement, read the four sentences on your question paper and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to make your choice for each item. Here is an example.You will hear:Jimmy ran into an old schoolmate at the airport.You will read: AJimmy and I ran into the airport together. BJimmy ran into the airport to meet his old schoolmate. CJimmy met an old schoolmate at the airport. DJimmy rushed into the airport with his old schoolmate.Sentence C “Jimmy met an old schoolmate at the airport” is closest in meaning to the statement. Therefore you should choose answer C. Part Two Short Conversations (15%)Directions: In Part Two, you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will hear a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be give 10 seconds to answer each question. Here is an example.You will hear: (woman)I don't like this painting very much.(man)Neither do I.(narrator)What does the man mean?You will read:A. He doesn't like the painting either. B. He doesn't know how to paint. C. He doesn't have any paintings. D. He doesn't know what to do. You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman likes the painting. The best answer to the question, "What does the man mean?" is A, "He doesn't like the painting either." Therefore, the correct choice is A.Part Three Minitalks (30%)Directions: In this part, you will hear three talks. After each talk, you will be asked five questions. The talks and questions will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your question paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Here is an example.On the recording, you will hear:(narrator)Listen to an instructor talk to his class about a television program.(man)I'd like to tell you about an interesting TV program that'll be shown this coming Thursday. It'll be on from 9 to 10 pm on Channel 4. It's part of a series called "Mysteries of Human Biology." The subject of the program is the human brain - how it functions and how it can malfunction. Topics that will be covered are dreams, memory, and depression. These topics are illustrated with outstanding computer animation that makes the explanations easy to follow. Make an effort to see this show. Since we've been studying the nervous system in class, I know you'll find it very helpful.Here is an example.You will hear:(narrator)What is the main purpose of the program?In your test book, you will read:A. To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.B. To discuss the possibility of an economic depression. C. To explain the workings of the brain. D. To dramatize a famous mystery story.The best answer to the question, "What is the main purpose of the program?" is C, "To explain the workings of the brain." Therefore, the correct choice is C. 2 口试:1.考生朗读下列短文: My ChildhoodWhen I was young, I was considered to be a very beautiful child. I had large eyes, very round, and very long blonde hair. As a result, I was invited to take part in television programs modeling the latest childrens designer clothes. These programs were devoted solely to designer clothes and so the clothes that the models all wore were largely unique. If I was supposed to be starting work at 8 am, I should, according to their regulations, be in the studio by 7 am sharp! First my hair had to be washed, then I would have to be made up, the clothes I was to wear had to be sorted out, and jewelry and shoes decided upon. By eight oclock I would be exhausted! But by then, my day was only just beginning.The first time I walked out onto the catwalk was unforgettable. In the walks it was very dark; but once at the end of the catwalk, the lights suddenly lit up before me, and all I could see was a mass of people at my feet, applauding and photographing me, I was so happy!But when I was young, little did I think that in later years I would never be able to climb that catwalk again. 2考生回答主考老师的问题。ü 日常生活: Where are you from? Tell me something about your hometown?ü 学习: How do you learn English? ü 工作: Do you use English in your work? ü 秘书职业: What are the typical duties of a secretary?六、注意事项:英语听说考试中的听力部分为客观题,实行机器阅卷。考生在考前必须准备好2B铅笔和橡皮,考试时采取涂卡的答题方式。 广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室 2004年元月修订样题广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试(听力部分)问卷(试卷类型:A课程代号:0517)考生注意事项1 在机读答题卡上写上自己的考场、科目、姓名、试卷类型、准考证号,并将准考证号数字下方对应的方框用2B铅笔涂黑。考试结束后,将问卷、机读答题卡放在桌上,教师收卷后方可离开考场。问卷机、读答题卡均不得带走。2 仔细阅读题目的说明。3 本问卷共三部分,全部为客观题。请在机读答题卡作答,必须使用2B铅笔涂卡。4 多项选择题只能选一个答案,多选作废。5 本次考试时间为40分钟,包括10分钟准备,25分钟作答,5分钟检查。考生必须在规定时间内答完全部试题,不得拖延时间。多项选择题, 共40题,60分。Part One Statements (15%)Directions: There are fifteen items in Part One. For each item in this part, you will hear a short statement. The statements will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a statement, read the four sentences on your question paper and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to make your choice for each item. Here is an example.You will hear:Jimmy ran into an old schoolmate at the airport.You will read: AJimmy and I ran into the airport together. BJimmy ran into the airport to meet his old schoolmate. CJimmy met an old schoolmate at the airport. DJimmy rushed into the airport with his old schoolmate.Sentence C “Jimmy met an old schoolmate at the airport” is closest in meaning to the statement. Therefore you should choose answer C.Part One1 AYou told her so.B You should have told her.C You should have asked her. D You didnt ask her. 2 A Jane is allowed to use part of the corridor.BJane is probably quarrelling with someone.C Maybe Jane is smoking in the corridor.D Perhaps Jane is in the corridor taking a rest.3 A.We ought to eliminate the names of those who are never here. B We shouldnt be cross with anyone.C Those who fail to attend the training should be punished. D The people who never come should be trained again. 4 A. You worked hard.B You were promoted.C You didnt work hard.D You should be promoted.5 A Please keep what I gave you.B You are the person I am looking for. C Both of us are good persons.D Please keep secret.6 A Thursday is the day we meet once a week.B I have an appointment each Tuesday.C We dont meet on Thursdays. D Our appointment is on this Thursday.7 A I dont think you should do that.B Its better to do it this way.C That way isnt any better.D Thats even worse.8 A Susan is probably sick.B Susan has got a cold.C Susan is in fact a warm person. D Susan is not a friendly person. 9 A I wrote my report on lined notebook paper.B The office has lined notebook paper.C There is no more lined notebook paper in the office. DThe office has no notebook computer.10 A We didnt enjoy the party.B The party was especially nice.C Did you go to the party on time?D Didnt you go to the party? 11 A She turned around to see a new computer.B She was happy to see the computer.C Her face was disguised by the light. D The light brightened up her face. 12 A The plane is leaving in a hour. B The flight is due to arrive in a hour. C The flight is landing on time.D The plane is arriving in 15 minutes. 13 A When is our big boss coming to inspect us?B Maybe our big boss is coming to visit us. C May our big boss come to inspect us? D Our big boss will inspect us in early May. 14 A The secretary felt guilty for what had happened.B The secretary was to blame for what had happened.C The secretary was praised for what had happened. D The secretary was criticized for what had happened. 15 A I am not really disappointed about losing.B I thought I would win.C I won unexpectedly. D I am sad that I did not win as I expected. Part Two Short Conversations (15%)Directions: In Part Two, you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will hear a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be give 10 seconds to answer each question. Here is an example. You will hear: (woman)I don't like this painting very much.(man)Neither do I.(narrator)What does the man mean?You will read:A. He doesn't like the painting either. B. He doesn't know how to paint. C. He doesn't have any paintings. D. He doesn't know what to do. You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman likes the painting. The best answer to the question, "What does the man mean?" is A, "He doesn't like the painting either." Therefore, the correct choice is A.Part Two16 AThe situation looks better as it is.BThe phone connection was bad.CThe women ought to speak to each other in person.DIts better to call than speaking face to face.17 AHe will take them if he can.BHe would prefer to go to the party on foot. CHis car is in quite good condition. DHes willing to lend them the car. 18 ADont subscribe to the journal.BRead a different journal. CFind a better journal. DDont save the money. 19 AWhat I have been. BHow long he will have to wait.CWhere the woman has been.DWhere they are going.20 AGo to the conference.BAsk the travel agent to handle it.CStay at a hotel. DMake her own reservation.21 AHes carrying too many computers.BHe lost his tools.CHe hurt his hand.DHe is very busy. 22 AShe shouldnt put on her shoes.BShe ought to work on her report.CShe should go to a movie.DThey should go to the movie together.23 AShe should ask Tom to call the secretary.BShe cant use the secretarys phone.C There is not enough time to phone Tom.DThere is not much time for the secretary to receive the call. 24 ANo vacation plan.BGo to Kuwait.CRest about half a month.DTo boat with his wife.25 AHe wont listen to any more explanation.BThe woman has more excuses.CHe will accept exceptional excuses.DThe woman should not oversleep again.Part Three Minitalks (30%)Directions: In this part, you will hear three talks. After each talk, you will be asked five questions. The talks and questions will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your question paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Here is an example.On the recording, you will hear:(narrator)Listen to an instructor talk to his class about a television program.(man)I'd like to tell you about an interesting TV program that'll be shown this coming Thursday. It'll be on from 9 to 10 pm on Channel 4. It's part of a series called "Mysteries of Human Biology." The subject of the program is the human brain - how it functions and how it can malfunction. Topics that will be covered are dreams, memory, and depression. These topics are illustrated with outstanding computer animation that makes the explanations easy to follow. Make an effort to see this show. Since we've been studying the nervous system in class, I know you'll find it very helpful.Here is an example.You will hear:(narrator)What is the main purpose of the program?In your test book, you will read:A. To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.B. To discuss the possibility of an economic depression. C. To explain the workings of the brain. D. To dramatize a famous mystery story.The best answer to the question, "What is the main purpose of the program?" is C, "To explain the workings of the brain." Therefore, the correct choice is C. Questions 26-30 are based on talk 1.26 AMike and Joan.BMatt and Joan.CMatt and Jane Wilson.DMatt Wilson and Jane. 27 AShe asked the man to help her find a job. BShe would like to know what happened to the man.CShe wanted to help the man to find a job. DShe asked the man for advice on job interview. 28 AHe has been fired.BHe has resigned.CHe has been promoted because he is a very successful man. DHe has just got a new job. 29 AShe did not expect to hear the bad news about the man.BShe was very proud that the man was so successful.CShe was disappointed that the man has resigned.DShe was glad to hear the good news.30 AHe enjoyed talking about his experience of job interviews.BHe did not know much about questions for job interview. CHe had many successful job interviews. DHe was tired of the questions at job interviews.Questions 31-35 are based on talk 2. 31ARoom 304.BRoom 403.CRoom 201.DRoom 102.32ATo return to the speaker. BTo bring to the porters lodge.CTo bring the keys with them. DTo leave behind the keys.33AKeysBPresentation script CSpeech notes. DRecords of discussion 34AOct, 2004BNov, 2004CHawaii DAustralia. 35 A At the opening session of a conference. BAt the final session of a conference.CAt the first lesson of a course.DAt the final lesson of a course. Questions 36-40 are based on talk 3.36AEvery family in the US has cars.BFew families have two or more cars CCars are not very common in the US.DThere are still families without cars.37ACars are used for driving children to schools.BCars are a very important part of American peoples life.CCars are used for pleasure only.DCars are used for business only.38ASmall children must be driven to schoolBSchool buses are provided for children who live more than a mile away.CA mother drives her own children to school.DThree or four men take turns to drive to the place where they all work.39ASalesman who are sent to different parts of the city to carry their productsBMothers who take turns to send children to schools.CFarmers who have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.DMen who work in different companies.40ACar pools should be encouraged.BParking is becoming more and more difficult.CToo many cars are on the road. DTraffic is a great problem in and around cities.样题广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试 口试卷(A)(考生用卷)Read the following passage.Stage FrightTom was sick with disappointment. The piano recital had turned out well, all except for his solo. He couldnt understand how it could have happened.He had practised for weeks that seemed like months, he had given up sports until after the recital because he wanted to make his parents proud of him, he has spent all his time with the pianoHis teacher had said he was gifted. It was true that he accepted music as another language, another way to talk to people.His parents, aunt and uncle all came to hear him play, and he was anxious to show them that he was the best in the whole classBut, when he stood up to go to the piano, his knees felt weak. He looked into the audience and saw his family smiling back at him.His mouth went dry. His fingers began to tremble. The trembling became uncontrollable shaking as though he has caught a bad cold.He sat down at the piano. He took a deep breath. He played the first five bars of his music and realized with horror that he had forgotten the rest, He started over, thinking that would help. It didnt.He stood up as if in slow motion and walked off the stage. He was a failure. The demon stage fright had left a brilliant musical career in ruins.广东省高等教育自学考试涉外秘书专业(专科)英语听说考试 口试卷(B)(考生用卷)Read the following passage.Asking the way in BostonLast summer my brother and I stayed for a week with some family friends in Boston. That was our first trip away from home and we wanted to see some of Bostons beautiful places.One morning we started out to look for a famous tower. We stopped a stranger and asked politely. “Excuse me, could you tell us how to get to the Tower of Boston, please?”“ Go three blocks and turn to your left,” the man said q


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