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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年中国农业发展银行河北省分行校园招聘130名人员名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.41.2X8.1+11X9. 25 + 537X0.19=()A. 527. 8B. 536. 3C. 537. 5D. 539. 6答案:C解析:把8.1,11和0.19拆分成(8+0.1)、(10+1)和(0.20.01),即41.2X8.1+11X9.25+537X0.19=41.2X(8+0.1)+(10+1)X9.25+537X(0.20.01)=537.5。2.国际货币体系的主要内容包括( )。A.确定国际储备资产B.确定经济政策协调方式C.确定汇率制度D.确定国际收支调节方式答案:A,C,D解析:本题考查国际货币体系的主要内容,包括:确定国际储备资产,确定汇率制度、确定国际收支调节方式。3.在中央银行的资产负债表中,( )属于中央银行资产项目。A.国库及公共机构存款B.流通中的通货C.外汇、黄金储备D.金融机构存款答案:C4.国债属于()。A.货币市场工具B.资本市场工具C.所有权凭证D.衍生金融工具答案:B解析:资本市场工具是期限在一年以上,代表债权和股权关系的金融工具,包括股票、企业债券、国债等。国债代表债权,属于债权凭证,而非所有权凭证。5.某仓库失窃,四个保管员涉嫌被传讯,四人口供如下:甲,我们四人都没有作案;乙,我们中有人作案;丙,乙和丁至少有人没作案;丁。我没作案。如果四人中有两个人说的是真话,有两个人说的是假话,那么以下哪项判断成立?()2006年建行真题A.说真说的是甲和丙B.说真话的是甲和丁C.说真说的是乙和丙D.说真话的是乙和丁答案:C解析:甲和乙的说法不能同真,必有一假。由题干可知,两个人说的是真话,所以丙丁中也是一真一假。如果丁的说法为真则丙的说法也为真,唯有丁的说法为假,丙的说法为真符合题意,说真话的是乙丙答案选C。niutk6.One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly. The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly.What is the best title for the story?A. The Love for the CocoonB. The Joy of Helping Each OtherC. The Lesson of the CocoonD. The Expectation for the Butterfly答案:C7. 我国民法通则规定的一般诉讼时效期间为()。 A.6个月B.1年C.2年D.3年答案:C解析:普通诉讼时效又称一般诉讼时效,是指在一般情况下适用的诉讼时效。凡是法律没有规定特殊诉讼时效期间的,都应适用一般诉讼时效的规定。我国民法通则第135条规定:“向人民法院请求保护民事权利的诉讼时效期间为2年,法律另有规定的除外。” 8.汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史于1938年问世,至今已超过半个世纪,此书规模之_,结构之谨严,材料之丰富,考证之_,问题提出之深刻,剖析解释之_,实可为中外学者们之楷模填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.宏大,精准,周全B.恢宏,精确,周密C.庞大,精到,周详D.宏伟,精妙,周严答案:B解析:本题主要考查词语间的搭配。先看第二空,“精到”意为精细周到,“精妙”意为精致巧妙,都不能用来与“考证”搭配。排除C、D两项。再看第三空,“周全”意为周到全面,“周密”意为周到而细密。由“剖析解释”申的“析”可知这里应选侧重逻辑上环环相扣的“周密”正确答案为B。9.Question 61-63 refer to the following email.To: Barry Weinstein (bweinstein)From: Andrew Kim (akim)Subject: Next monthDate: August 3Barry,Thanks again for arranging that videoconference last week. I just heard form Maxine Dawson, our account manager for the Johnson Company account, that the next product trial will be September 8 in their production plant in Denver. She has requested that I fly D. A presenter at an award ceremony.out there with her. Of course, I still plan to attend the Engineering Society awards dinner in San Francisco on September 9, so I've booked a flight there after the meeting. Let me know whenyoull be arriving there.I'm looking forward to seeing you honored in San Francisco. You deserve it!Regards,Andrew KimCelgar AssociatesWhat is the purpose of Mr. Weinstein's trip to San Francisco?A. He is relocating to a different office.B. He is receiving an award.C. He is being promoted to manager.D. He is attending a product trial.答案:D解析:据邮件可知,Weinstein 先生去旧金山的旅行是为了获一个奖。10.中国半殖民地半封建社会开端于( )。A.鸦片战争B.马关条约C.辛丑条约D.百日维新答案:A解析:1840年6月到1842年8月,英国政府以保护鸦片贸易为借口,发动了对华侵略战争鸦片战争,鸦片战争和战后一系列不平等条约的签订,是中国半殖民地半封建社会的开端。11.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A、签发银行承兑汇票必须以合法的商品交易为基础,禁止签发无商品交易的汇票。B、使用银行承兑汇票的单位,可以在银行开立账户,也可以不在银行开立账户。C、银行承兑汇票可以背书转让。D、银行承兑汇票付款期限,由交易双方商定,但交易不得超过6 个月。答案:B12.答案:A解析:从图中封闭空间的数量来看,从左到右是5、5、4、5,接下来应该是5;从交点数量来看是4、4、3、4,下一个应该是4,封闭空间的数量比交点数量分别多一个,且呈左右对称的关系。13. 甲杯中有浓度17%的溶液400克,乙杯中有浓度为23%的同种溶液600克,现在从甲、乙取出相同质量的溶液,把甲杯取出的倒入乙杯中,把乙杯取出的倒入甲杯中,使甲、乙两杯溶液的浓度相同,问现在两杯溶液浓度是多少?() A.20%B.206%C.212%D.214%答案:B解析:14.在马斯洛的需要层次理论中,五种需要类型由低到高的排列顺序是()。A.生理-安全-自我实现-尊重-归属和爱B.生理-安全-归属和爱-尊重-自我实现C.安全-生理-尊重-归属和爱-自我实现D.生理-安全-尊重-自我实现-归属和爱答案:B解析:马斯洛的需要层次理论中,需要类型由低到高的排列顺序为生理需要、安全需要、归属和爱的需要、尊重的需要和自我实现的需要。15.凡尔赛会议涉及中国主权的条约有()。A.四国条约B.五国条约C.凡尔赛一华盛顿体系D.九国条约答案:D16.在Excel中用来存储并处理工作表数据的文件叫()。A.工作簿B.工作表C.单元格D.活动单元格答案:A解析:Excel中用来存储并处理工作表数据的文件为工作簿。17.下面关于Internet网上的计算机地址,()是正确的。A.使用域名或IP地址表示B.所有域名的长度是固定不变的C.IP地址是唯一的D.域名不是唯一的答案:A,C解析: 与网络上的数字型IP地址相对应的字符型地址被称为域名。域名也是由若干部分组成,包括数字和字母。域名的长度不是固定不变的,有长有短,但域名是唯一的。 18.Is the theory of evolution in direct _ with religious teachings ,or does it leave room for debate?A. comparisonB. distinctionC. disturbanceD. contradiction答案:D解析:关键词:with religious teachings(与宗教教义);the theory of evolution(进化论),我们知道这两者是相互矛盾的。进化论代表科学,宗教与科学是背道而驰的。答案是D,contradiction(矛盾)。comparison 比较,对照;B. distinction 区别;C. disturbance 干扰。19.2, 7, 24, 77,( )。A. 107 B. 207 C. 238 D. 258答案:C解析:7 = 2×3 + 1,24 = 7×3 + 3,77 = 24×3 + 5,因此空缺项为 77×3 + 7 = 238。20.A、B两地以一条公路相连。甲车从A地,乙车从B地以不同的速度沿公路匀速相向开出。两车相遇后分别掉头,并以对方的速度行进。甲车返回A地后又一次掉头以同样的速度沿公路向B地开动。最后甲、乙两车同时到达B地。如果最开始时甲车的速度为x米秒,则最开始时乙车的速度为()。A.缸米秒B.2x米秒C.05x米秒D.无法计算答案:B解析:因为两车相遇后乙车以甲车的速度调头返回B地,所以可以认为甲车一直以x米,秒开了一段AB距离;同理,可以认为乙车一直以开始时的速度在相同的时间内开了两段AB距离,时间不变,速度比等于路程比,所以乙车最开始的速度为甲车的两倍。等于2x米/秒。21.联合国总部设在( )。A.日内瓦 B.维也纳C.瑞士 D.纽约答案:D22.According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Companymentioned in the book? ()A.To point out the legal issues raised by new technologiesB.To show how the world's largest computer technology firm was createdC.To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplaceD.To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions答案:D解析:由原文第二段相关内容:“MsNarazaki explains the effect technology has on the valuation of a companyon communication”可以得出正确答案。A、B、C在原文中均未提到。23.简述合同担保的种类。(8分)答案:解析:合同的担保分为人的担保与物的担保。所谓人的担保主要是指保证,即债务人让适合的第三人为其债务作保证,约定当债务人到期不履行债务时,保证人负保证责任,承担相关债务。物的担保又可细分为抵押、质押、留置和定金等几种形式。在农村信用社贷款担保中,人的担保与物的担保为常见的担保形式。24.银行业监督管理机构从事监督管理工作的人员有()情形之一的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。A.违反规定对银行业金融机构进行现场检查的行为B.滥用职权、玩忽职守的其他行为C.违反规定查询账户或者申请冻结资金的行为D.违反规定对有关单位或个人进行调查的答案:A,B,C,D25.关于基尼系数的正确说法包括()A.基尼系数为0,表示收入分配绝对不平等B.基尼系数的值越大,表明收入分配不平等程度就越大C.基尼系数的值域总是在0和1之间D.在任何社会中,基尼系数都不可能等于0E.基尼系数为1,表示收入分配绝对平等答案:B,C,D26.单独完成某项工作,甲需要16小时,乙需要12小时,如果按照甲、乙、甲、乙、的顺序轮流工作,每次1小时,那么完成这项工作需要多长时间?( )A. 13小时40分钟 B. 13小时45分钟C. 13小时50分钟 D. 14小时答案:B解析:还需要45分钟才能全部完成,故完成这项工作总共需要13小时45分钟。27.Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.Among the report's more outrageous findings-a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission."While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards."Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page."Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.A study was carried out by Britain's NCC to_.A. find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standardsB. inform the consumers of the environmental impact of the products they buyC. examine claims made by products against ISO standardsD. revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization答案:C解析:此题暂无解析由第七段“many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards”可知,相对于IS0标准来说,许多产品说明太过模糊,或有误导之嫌。这句话的意思就是许多说明不符合IS0标准,由此可以断定该研究的目的即是C所述的内容。 28.研究人员长期以来都设想干细胞能够用来修复或替换受损组织,该研究领域被冠名为再生医学。“多能的”胚胎干细胞被再生医学家们寄予厚望,所谓“多能”就意味着这些干细胞可以分化出多种其他类型的细胞。现在的技术已经可以在非胚胎细胞中诱导细胞的多能性,这样就可以绕过直接使用胚胎细胞时所引发的伦理争议。作者接下来最不可能讲述的是( )。A.细胞多能性研究的意义B.再生医学的得名由来C.细胞多能性研究的新成果D.再生医学领域的伦理争议答案:B解析:文段首先介绍了“再生医学”的来由,之后介绍了“科学家对细胞多能性的技术寄予厚望”。观察选项发现,B 项的“再生医学的由来”在文段第一句就点出了,因此下文不会再讲,B 项当选。文段接下来主要是围绕细胞的多能性进行阐述,因此A、C 两项与话题一致,后文可能会详细阐述。D 项与文段尾句话题一致,后文也有可能对此进行论述。29.资料:With 55% of consumers' customer service interactions starting online and 63% of adults using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service, your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A strong mobile customer service strategy will not only help you avoid losing customers, it can help you gain new ones and impact the bottom line.Think fast or drop the ballWhen it comes to customer service, speed is key. If my credit card stops working. or if I am trying to find the gate to my flight, or if I just lost cell reception, I needed the response five minutes ago. When customers do get in touch, it's important to act fast to get them the information they need. Forty-two percent of American shoppers complaining on social channels expect a brand to respond within the hour, and 57% expect the same level of timely customer service via social media at night and on the weekends as during business hours.Customers, however, are not just looking for speedy responses. We're accustomed to having all the information we need at our fingertips. According to Forrester. SS% of shoppers are likely to abandon their online purchase if they can't quickly find an answer to their question and 30% of users considering abandoning a purchase if a site is not mobile optimized, whether thats on your website or via your social media platforms.Make sure that doesn't happen to you by thinking through potential questions your customers may have, and identifying any missing or incorrect information before customers need to reach out. Additionally, ensure your customer service contact info(whether that's a contact form, email address or social media handle) are readily available on all mobile website pages. The fewer chicks we have to make to get the information we seek, the better!How many people first turn to on-line channels when they seek customer service?A.CD.D答案:B解析:本题问的是“有多少人在寻求客户服务时首先转向在线渠道?”根据主题句可知,是的人,B选项正确。30.1,2,11,26,47,()。A.39 B.57 C.69 D.74答案:D解析:31.某画家从来不在其作品上标注日期,其作品的时间顺序现在才开始在评论文献中形成轮廓。最近将该画家的一幅自画像的时间定位为1930年一定是错误的,1930年时该画家已经63岁了,然而画中的年轻、黑发的男子显然是画家本人,但却绝不是63岁的男子。上面结论所依据的假设是()。A.画家画过几幅显示他60岁以后的样子的自画像B.画家在63岁时,不可能在画中将自己画成年轻时的样子C.在该画家远未到60岁以前,他没画过明确标注日期的自画像D.通过不给其作品标注日期,画家试图使针对其作品的评论抛开时间因素答案:B解析:这题比较简单,要求是从画家的作品中了解画家的年龄状况。答案是B。因为,这是一个假设类型,要求通过假设的判断来与文中的意义对照起来。如果画家不可能在63岁时,将自己画成年轻时的样子,则文中的假设画家作画的时间1930年是错误的就无从判断,因此正确答案是B。32.下列属于货币市场工具的有()。A.大额可转让定期存单B.回购协议C.承兑汇票D.股票答案:A,B,C解析: 货币市场是指期限在一年以内的短期债务工具市场主要功能是解决市场主体的短期性、临时性资金需求,所交易的金融工具包括银行承兑汇票、商业票据、回购协议、可转让存款证以及国库券等。33.计算机在工作过程中突然断电,不会丢失所保存信息的存储介质是()。A.光盘B.硬盘C.只读存储器D.内存答案:A,B,C解析:光盘里的东西是不会因突然断电而丢失的;硬盘里的东西是已经存储好的,也不会因为断电而丢失;只读存储器是只能读取,所以也不因为断电丢失;只有内存里的东西会因为断电而丢失,因为它的存储是暂时的。答案为ABC34. 甲因失恋,将前女友乙的照片传到网上,并公开她的姓名、电话、单位名称等,且捏造事实恶意中伤。乙要求网络服务提供者删除,但遭拒绝。对此,下列说法不正确的有()。 A. 甲的行为侵犯了乙的名誉权B. 甲的行为侵犯了乙的隐私权C. 网络服务提供者对甲的行为承担补充责任D. 网络服务提供者对甲的行为承担连带责任答案:C35.为坚持房住不炒的基本原则,我国多地提高了二套房贷款的首付比率,此措施属于哪种货币政策工具? ( )A.直接信用控制B.间接信用控制C.选择性控制工具D.一般性控制工具答案:C解析:提高二套房带贷款的首付比率属于不动产信用控制的范畴,而不动产信用控制属于选择型货币政策工具,故C项正确。36.下列各项中,( )属于财政支出缺位的表现。A.财政对经营性事业单位进行不合理补贴B.社会保障支出水平偏低C.基础性科研和义务教育保障力度不够D.对农村公共服务的保障水平短缺答案:B,C,D解析:财政支出的缺位是指政府该管的本属于社会公共需要领域的事没有管好,应该由财政支出来满足的领域实际上财政支出没有给予满足或者满足得不够。A选项属于财政支出越位的表现。37.下列说法与资料相符的有几个?( )1国民生产总值小于1000亿美元的国家(地区),幸福指数均高于其他国家(地区)2人口过亿的国家(地区)失业率越低,幸福指数越高3比中国内地失业率低的国家(地区),幸福指数均低于中国内地4人均国民生产总值超过2万美元的国家(地区),幸福指数均低于其他国家(地区)A0B1C2D3答案:C解析:国民生产总值小于1000亿美元为哥斯达黎加、多米尼加、越南,幸福指数均高于其他国家,A项正确;比中国内地失业率低的国家为韩国和日本,幸福指数均低于中国内地,C项正确。38.He is an enthusiastic person, but too much enthusiasm from him made me () of his motive.A.swelteringB.suspiciousC.sympatheticD.swollen答案:B解析:他是个很热情的人,但是他的过度热心让我怀疑他的动机。39.下图是一个由许多完全相同的白色立方体构成的实心塔,共有20层,除了与桌子接触的那一面,塔的外表都被涂成了红色。如果将塔拆开,一共有()个各面全都是白色的立方体。A.1785 B.2109 C.2470 D.2870答案:B解析:按规律由上至下各面全是白色的立方体从第3层到第20层各层分别有:12,22,32,172,182个。则各面全都是白色的立方体共有:12+22+32+l72+182=1/6X18X(2X18+1)X(18+l)=2109(个)。40.资料:Job Responsibilities:1. Enters IEP data into internal database2. Reviews therapists session notes for accuracy and files them in student charts3. Prepares and submits monthly statistics (attendance, meal counts) to expedite meal reimbursement under CACFP4. Enters student data onto CMR and prepares monthly roster for submission5. Enter children into Pre-K rider and does updates to system as needed6. Assists with preparation of annual reviews, sorting reports and mailing packets to districts7. Prepares and revises school forms including rosters, class lists, staff lists, monthly calendars, form letters, schedules, etc.8. Assists with fire drills by timing the evacuation and maintaining appropriate records to ensure procedure policy compliance9. Maintains daily staff attendance records, prepares bi-weekly time cards, tracks personal, comp, sick and holiday time10. Tracks and monitors the daycare program for timely submission of payments and contracts during Fall and Summer terms11. Tracks enrollment for UPK program per school year12. Provides secretarial support to ensure smooth flow of operations by:a) Typing all administrative and confidential reports, memos and correspondenceb) Maintaining inventory of office and cleaning supplies by submitting orders when inventory is low, tracking orders and receiving orders when supplies are delivered.c) Serves as the receptionist to receive and direct phone calls, take messages, screen and direct visitors Receive and sort all incoming mail, packages and deliveries.d) Maintains school administrative files by filing correspondence, school forms, memos, budgets immediately upon completion.e) Maintains office equipment in working order by contacting repair personnel.Education: High School Diploma/GED with secretarial TrainingExperience: 5 years secretarial experienceSkills: Typing 65 wpm, excellent receptionist skills, excellent interpersonal skills, congenial phone manner, computer literacy, significant knowledge of bookkeeping. Bilingual Spanish/English helpful.How often is it required to prepare the time cards?A.every monthB.every two weeksC.every weekD.every day答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】How often;prepare the time cards【主题句】9. Maintains daily staff attendance records, prepares bi-weekly time cards, tracks personal, comp, sick and holiday time维护员工每日出勤记录,准备双周时间卡,记录个人、公司、生病和节日放假时间【解析】本题的问题是“每隔多长时间需要准备时间卡?”。A选项“每个月”;B选项“每两周”;C选项“每周”;D选项“每天”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,主题句中,准备双周时间卡,所以是每两周准备一次,故选B。41.资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea.Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women.How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?A.Ten yearsB.Nineteen yearsC.Eight yearsD.Thirty-six years答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】How many years;graduation from medical school;the opening of her hospital【主题句】第2自然段In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. 1849年,从医科学校毕业后,她决定去巴黎继续深造。第3自然段By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, 1857年,伊丽莎白和她同为医生的姐妹,以及另一位女性医生,一同开办了一所新医院。【解析】本题的问题是“自她从医科学校毕业到开办医院一共过了多少年?”根据主题句可知,1857-1849=8。42.书架上共有书168本,分别放在4层。第一层本数的2倍是第二层本数的一半第一层比第三层少2本,比第四层多2本,则第一层有多少本书?()A.30B.24C.34D.26答案:B解析:此题是典型的和差倍关系题。把第一层本数看作1倍量,则第二层就是4倍,所以有总量168+22=168本对应于1+4+1+1=7倍量,因此第一层的书有(168+22)÷(1+4+1+1)=24本。43.用计算机进行资料检索工作,属于计算机应用中的( )。A.科学计算B.数据处理C.实时控制D.人工智能答案:B解析:计算机应用分为科学计算、数据处理、计算机辅助技术、人工智能、过程控制、网络应用。计算机进行资料检索工作属于计算机应用巾的数据处理。 44.What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Business? ()A.It is Anne Narazaki's first bookB.It is published by Rotaro incorporatedC.John Gilliam helped write a section of itD.Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter Technologies答案:A解析:“to congratulate you on the publication of your first book,"该句表明:“New Century,New Business”这本书是“Anne Narazaki”的第一本书。B、D两项不能从原文中得到,C选项错误,因为“John Gilliam”只是为这本书写了“Reviews”。所以本题答案应为A。45.某工厂报告期与基期相比较,某产品产量增加5,单位产品成本下降了5,那么,生产费用是增加。 ()


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