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第一单元Section B: Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21. Was it an accident or did you do it purpose? 22. The teacher introduced the concept of "thinking for yourself" my life. 23. I don't think much the colour of the sofa. 24. "Do you find that you learn best by reading everything very carefully?" 25. People different cultural backgrounds have different ways of telling stories. 26. She spoke great length about the dangers of smoking. 27. The film was to start when we arrived at the cinema. 28. Before an exam, I make sure I go all of the notes that I've written. 29. He put a constructive suggestion. 30. I was put an advanced class that I did not think I was ready for. Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions (31) to (40) are based on the following passage.It's (31) to have good study habits if you want to succeed in school. There's no set (32) for studying as each person has their own style of learning. But there are some tips to keep in mind to improve your study skills. You should (33) a study zone at home. Take time to figure out your needs and plan an ideal (34) where you can study. Some people need a completely quiet room free from interruptions in order to (35) on their notes, but others prefer listening to music while studying. When you study a large body of information, you should study from (36) to detail, not the other way around. It will be much easier to learn the details if you take time to learn the ideas of the (37) first. The least (38) approach to studying is to attempt to memorize your notes from beginning to end. It's not the words that are important, it's the ideas. One way of learning material is to make charts, (39) and graphs. These are (40) tools for visual learners who prefer to learn using images. Remember that these study habits may work for one person but not work for another. However, there are general techniques that seem to produce good results. Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 4145 are based on the following passage.Learning styles are different approaches or ways of learning. There are three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. Most people learn best through a combination of the three types of learning styles, but everybody is different. Auditory learners would rather listen to things being explained than read about them. They interpret the underlying meaning of speech through tone, pitch and voice speed. They learn best by hearing information, and can usually remember information accurately when it has been explained to them orally. If they are only presented with visual reading materials, they will absorb and retain less information and have more trouble concentrating than if the information was combined with someone speaking. Visual learners tend to process information through what they see. They learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration or reading. Visual learners understand a person's intended communications by paying close attention to the person's facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures and body language. For example, if a visual learner is only presented with verbal information, they will absorb less and retain less information than if the verbal instructions were combined with visual materials. Kinaesthetic learners manage information by doing, touching and experiencing. They absorb information more easily by physically interacting with their environment through movement, dance, drawing or taking notes. Kinaesthetic learners must touch and explore by themselves in order to learn. They are unable to process or retain materials just by seeing or listening, because their memory is linked to movement. Sitting while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. Knowing and understanding the types of learning styles is important for people of any age. It is beneficial for students to understand their learning styles early on so that learning may be easier and less stressful in the future. 41. Auditory learners learn best _. (a) when they read information (b) When they read information and someone explains it to them (c) when someone explains information to them (d) when they write down information 42. Which of the following do visual learners not focus on when someone is communicating to them? (a) Facial expressions. (b) Tone. (c) Body language. (d) Hand gestures. 43. Which of the following is not connected to kinaesthetic learners' memories? (a) Drawing. (b) Writing. (c) Dancing. (d) Reading. 44. Which learning style(s) is (are) most suitable for someone who relates concentrating better with a clear line of sight to the blackboard? (a) Auditory learning style. (b) Visual learning style. (c) Kinaesthetic learning style. (d) Combination of auditory, visual and kinaesthetic learning styles. 45. Which of the following best summarizes the passage? (a) Each person has a different learning style and knowing what it is can be advantageous to learn effectively. (b) It is easy to determine your learning styles. (c) Most people learn best through a combination of different learning styles. (d) There are three main types of learning styles. 第二单元1. These players' shooting _ is shocking. (a) accuracy (b) agency (c) currency (d) deficiency 2. I'm watching this game for_. (a) amuse (b) amused (c) amusement (d) amusing 3. "Do you still observe _ customs of your ancestors?" (a) ambient (b) ancient (c) obedient (d) sufficient 4. The new rules have been _ by more and more people. (a) hoped (b) embraced (c) started (d) fixed 5. Charles Darwin believed that changes brought about by _ could lead to distinct new species. (a) evolution (b) evolutionary (c) evolutionist (d) evolve 6. I had a heated _ with the referee on the bad call that he made. (a) exception (b) excerpt (c) exchange (d) excitement 7. Exercise is a _ necessity in maintaining one's health. (a) fractional (b) foundational (c) functional (d) fundamental 8. According to _ records, the first Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Greece. (a) categorical (b) historical (c) rhetorical (d) theoretical 9. Her performance has shown _ after months of training. (a) impairment (b) impression (c) improvement (d) impulsion 10. I was exhausted after a(n) _ workout at the gym. (a) dense (b) incense (c) intense (d) tense 11. The sport _ two teams trying to score a goal with a large ball. (a) has (b) needs (c) involves (d) contains 12. The football match was attended by _ thousands of people. (a) literally (b) locally (c) logically (d) loyally 13. "Does basketball practice _ most of your time after school?" (a) occupied (b) occupies (c) occupy (d) occupying 14. "If they hope to _ the other team, they need to score at least three more runs in the game." (a) overtake (b) overlook (c) overload (d) overpass 15. Tanni Grey-Thompson, Britain's greatest Paralympian, has changed people's _ of Paralympic sport, and has inspired many athletes. (a) conception (b) deception (c) inception (d) perception 16. Hiking and football are his favourite _. (a) reconstructions (b) reformations (c) recreations (d) restrictions 17. The game will _ after a 15-minute break. (a) resume (b) rearrange (c) reassure (d) recall 18. Golf is thought to be a(n) _ sport that requires more skills than other sports do. (a) authenticated (b) dedicated (c) educated (d) sophisticated 19. The players need to implement the coach's _ in order to win the game. (a) strategic (b) strategy (c) strategical (d) strategist 20. The obstacle course tests the _ of the fittest. (a) rival (b) substantial (c) survival (d) upheaval Section B: Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21. Many sports in Greece and China have much common. 22. "I think our school should implement more competitive athletics their curriculum." 23. In order to maximize my performance the match, I spend a lot of time preparing mentally and physically. 24. Modern paintings do not bear comparison those of the old masters. 25. I met an old friend chance yesterday. 26. l was involved a number of sports, such as basketball, football and tennis. 27. At 10 o'clock people began to line for the tickets. 28. As I ran the obstacle course, I tried to stay focused. 29. They have to run a long distance and see who can finish the quickest. 30. No one can believe that he did such a thing just of curiosity. Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions (31) to (40) are based on the following passage.It's not easy being a(n) (31). I have to train about three to four hours a day to keep in shape all year round. I'm on a(n) (32) swimming team which meets for practice at 5:45 a.m. Our workouts are quite (33) and can be physically demanding. However, everyone shows great (34) for the sport and we all have the same goal, which is to win each swim meet. One of our pre-meet (35) is to read and recite inspirational quotes by famous (36) to help us get pumped up. It seems to work since we have a winning record. Also, I won a(n) (37) for having the fastest time at the last event. Needless to say, I was in a good (38) that day! It'll take hard work and (39), but it is my dream to become an Olympic (40). Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 4145 are based on the following passage.If you like sports, you've probably seen it or experienced it yourself. Tennis players shaking hands with their opponents after a long match, football players exchanging jerseys after an intense 90 minutes, and boxers touching gloves at the beginning of each round, and hugging each other after beating each other for 12 rounds . this is all part of sportsmanship, a great tradition in sports and competition that means playing fair and handling both victory and defeat with grace, style and dignity. Good sportsmanship is showed when you follow the rules of the game, and show respect for yourself, your teammates, opponents, coaches, judges, referees and other officials. Sportsmanship is a style and an attitude, and it can have a positive influence on everyone around you. There are some athletes who gloat, trash-talk, or insult other players. Some brag about their abilities and victories. This is the exact opposite of what sportsmanship is all about. People should keep in mind that this type of behaviour can cause them to lose the match or result in penalties from unsportsmanlike conduct. Even if others are losing their tempers, it doesn't mean you have to. Remind yourself that no matter how hard you've practised or played, it is, after all, just a game. Good sportsmanship takes maturity and courage. When you work really hard to win, it's not easy to admit that you made a mistake or that someone has better skills. You may not always win but you can learn something from losing. When you lose, don't take it out on your opponent, blame the officials or the team. Take it in stride. You should be proud of how you performed, or be aware of things you need to improve. Whether you win or lose, congratulate your opponents on a game well played. 41. Which of the following is not an aspect of good sportsmanship? (a) Playing fair. (b) Following the rules of the game. (c) Respecting the judgment of referees and officials. (d) Bragging about your abilities. 42. Which of the following would not be an example of good sportsmanship? (a) Shaking hands after a match regardless of the outcome. (b) Exchanging jerseys at the end of a football match. (c) Celebrating a goal with a long victory dance. (d) Congratulating opponents after a match. 43. According to the passage, displaying bad sportsmanship can cause _. (a) a team to lose the match (b) fights to break out (c) referees to lose their temper (d) coaches to kick the player off the team 44. What does "take it in stride" mean? (a) Accept that you and your teammates are a bad team. (b) Calmly deal with the fact that you lost. (c) Understand that you and your teammates are at fault for the loss. (d) Admit that your opponents are better players. 45. Which of the following best summarizes the passage? (a) Good sportsmanship is required in every sport. (b) Good sportsmanship is a skill that needs to be learnt. (c) Good sportsmanship is important because it teaches people how to be gracious in both victory and defeat. (d) Good sportsmanship is every athlete's obligation第三单元Questions (31) to (40) are based on the following passage.Investigative reporters are (31) who thoroughly research, investigate, interpret and communicate new and public affairs through newspapers, television, radio and other (32). They uncover secrets people would rather keep quiet and dig deep into cases to expose issues such as government (33) or abuse of power. Reporters investigate leads and news tips and interview people. They use investigative databases that give them (34) to the most (35) and comprehensive information on people, businesses and locations. Investigative reporters play an important role in our society. They write stories that (36) us about current local, national and international events and the conduct of public officials, corporate executives and special interest groups. The goal after (37) and synthesizing information is to figure out how to (38) it logically so that people can understand what it means to their daily lives. Good investigative news reports usually generate positive and negative (39), which is the (40) of the reporterto earn readers' attention. Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 4145 are based on the following passage.Self-censorship is a growing problem in journalism, particularly in covering countries that restrict the freedom of the press. As commercial pressure in the media marketplace grows, media organizations do not want to lose access to high-profile countries by producing unflattering stories. For example, the American network CNN admitted that it had practised self-censorship in covering the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq in order to ensure continued access after the regime had thrown out other media. Journalists in Cambodia are facing problems of self-censorship, lawsuits and a competitive market. In recent years, journalists have had to face a number of lawsuits or jail terms for reporting the news. While some journalists believe that they have a responsibility to bring the truth to the public, others have practised self-censorship and have avoided issues like corruption and human rights abuses. Some journalists resort to self-censorship as a survival tactic. They have to think twice before covering issues such as those touching on the military, political conflict, drugs and organized crime. In some countries, journalists do not write openly on these topics because they fear that they could be arrested or lose their jobs. In some countries, governments and private parties have threatened or even attacked journalists to prevent certain news from being covered or to seek revenge after controversial information has been exposed. In some cases, practising self-censorship is useful when done for the right reasons for example, if a journalist is aware of their own biases or the sensitivity of a situation is circumspect about the stories they produce. The media should follow the principles of responsibility, honesty and accuracy. However, there are times when self-censorship is conducted for the wrong reasons, in which journalists keep important information from the public or provides them with inaccurate information. Self-censorship limits the exchange of ideas and consequently the right and authority of the public to know the truth. 41. Self-censorship is a problem _. (a) when journalists are producing unflattering stories about the government (b) when media organizations are competing for access to information (c) when journalists are reporting on countries that limit the freedom of the press (d) when media organizations force journalists to portray governments in a positive light 42. Which of the following is not a topic journalists have avoided covering? (a) Corruption. (b) Human rights abuses. (c) Organized crime. (d) War crimes. 43. Which of the following is not a reason why journalists have to practise self-censorship? (a) To protect themselves from attacks. (b) To keep from being exiled from their country. (c) To keep their jobs. (d) To keep out of jail. 44. Which principles should the media follow? (a) Responsibility, fairness and accuracy. (b) Courage, honesty, responsibility. (c) Accuracy, honesty, responsibility. (d) Accuracy, fairness, integrity. 45. According to the writer, what is the consequence of practising self-censorship? (a) The public is kept from learning important information. (b) The public can't trust journalists. (c) Journalists are spreading lies to the public. (d) Journalists are kept from the truth. 第四单元Section B: Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21. A lion got from the zoo last night. 22. "Do you think it should be the law for people to keep wild animals as pet?" 23. dogs are social animals, snakes are not. 24. "Do you think it is all right people to hunt animals?" 25. Don't let your child play matches. 26. l support companies that do not test their products animals. 27. Every year animals are subjected experiments so painful and damaging that no one would ever do them on humans. 28. "Do you know how many animals are used scientific research?" 29. I can't get the tool on the shelf. 30. Europe is far ahead of the United States recognizing animal rights. Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions (31) to (40) are based on the following passage.An animal rights group has (31) laboratory of animal cruelty. Their methods have caused considerable (32) to lab animals. The charges include punching and choking monkeys. The animal rights group has produced a videotape to prove their findings. The video was shot at the laboratory and also shows violations of animal abuse and neglect. They released their findings after conducting an undercover investigation for nearly one year. The laboratory did not (33) well to the accusations. The (34) representing the lab has (35) the charges. The laboratory is hoping to settle the case quick


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