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第23届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛汉译英原文(总4页)-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-汉译英竞赛原文:摩天大楼指数一一如影随形的经济危机作为一种以巨大的经济力量为支撑的建筑物,摩天大楼常被民众和政客视 为展示经济繁荣、社会进步的标志。有些经济学家则持完全相反的看法,认为 摩天大楼的出现,特别是摩天大楼的纪录被刷新,往往预示着经济即将衰退。“高楼建成之日,即是市场衰退之时”,这是德意志银行的证券分析师安 德鲁劳伦斯于1999年发表的判言。2006年2月15日,雷曼兄弟公司在北京 召开全球经济会议,其全球首席经济学家卢埃林向我国客户提及“摩天大楼指 数”的预言:“如果全球有发生经济危机的可能性,那很可能会在2007年或 2008 年。”雷曼的首席经济学家预见了 2007年到2008年的经济危机,但却不曾想 到,雷曼的百年基业正是在这场危机中化为泡影。对于经济而言,摩天大楼是 荣耀还是诅咒其与经济危机之间是否真的存在这样密切的联系呢1999年,安德鲁劳伦斯经过研究验证了摩天大楼与经济危机的关联,并 将这种关联称为“摩天大楼指数”。每一幢刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼的崛起, 往往都伴随着经济的衰退。自20世纪初以来,全球共出现了四轮摩天大楼热, 而每一次,都伴随着经济危机或金融动荡。20世纪20年代,美国经济转好,证券市场再度空前繁荣,民用、商用房产 建设高歌猛进。这期间,三座刷新纪录的摩天大楼先后兴建。纽约的华尔街40 号、克莱斯勒大厦和帝国大厦相继于1929年至1931年的三年中落成,但随之 而来的不是新的繁荣,而是空前的大萧条。在经历了被美国人称之为“黄金时 代”的20世纪60年代强劲、持续的经济繁荣后,纽约的世贸中心和芝加哥的 西尔斯大厦开始兴建。1972年和1974年,两座再次刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼 相继落成,随后,全球经济发生了严重滞胀。摩天大楼与经济危机的关联如此密切,很难用巧合来理解,那么究竟是什 么原因让经济危机总是与摩天大楼如影随形呢?首先,人性使然。人性当中有盲目自信的一面。具体体现在对客观事物认 识不足,偏执于对事物的主观看法上。劳伦斯把他发现的经济危机与摩天大楼 的联系称为“百年病态关联”,但此类现象,在人类社会中又何止只存在了百 年。以史为鉴,我们不难发现,在我国历史的长河中,此类现象早有体现。商 朝兴盛时,纣王兴建造鹿台,引得民怨四起最终于鹿台自焚;清代鼎盛时,乾 隆帝大举修建园林,导致国力衰落最终丧权辱国。其次,利益推动。在商业行为中,逐利是前提条件。在经济繁荣之前,通 常有一个低利率的过程,这也是经济向繁荣周期转化的一个先决条件。而在经 济繁荣的过程中,利率相对于人们对于未来收益的预期来说,一直都是低的。 所以,就会产生一系列的利益传导途径,也就是前面所提到的利益链条。经济 的繁荣和相对较低的利率,对土地价值和资本成本有着直接的影响。在土地价 格、企业需求和资金支撑三个因素所构成的利益链的作用下,可以刷新世界纪 录的摩天大楼计划,就应运而生了。就像日有昼夜、季有冬夏一样,经济也是存在景气周期的。任何商品的价 格,都会受到供需关系的影响。否极泰来,盛极而衰,低廉的利率、膨胀的需 求、上涨的资本价格,以及大多数人盲目乐观的心态,所集合产生的“黄金状 态”构成了摩天大楼的需求,但这种状态是不可持续的。所以,通常是在经济已经步入衰退的时候,摩天大楼才刚刚竣工;在它真 正投入使用的时候,经济很可能已经深陷困境。这就导致了经济危机总是与摩 天大楼的兴建如影随形,也常使全球第一建筑成为逝去繁荣的纪念碑。本帖最后由colinliudd于2011-3-13 16:07编辑第23届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛汉译英摩天大楼指数如影随形的经济危机 Skyscrapers indexeconomic crisis to follow作为一种以巨大的经济力量为支撑的建筑物,摩天大楼常被民众和政客视为展 示经济繁荣、社会进步的标志。有些经济学家则持完全相反的看法,认为摩天 大楼的出现,特别是摩天大楼的纪录被刷新,往往预示着经济即将衰退。As buildings propped by a powerful economy, Skyscrapers are usually regarded by publics and politicians as a symbol of social progress. On the contrary, some economists think the emergence of skyscrapers, especially when records are refreshed, too often indicates a declining economy.“高楼建成之日,即是市场衰退之时”,这是德意志银行的证券分析师安德鲁 劳伦斯于1999年发表的判言。2006年2月15日,雷曼兄弟公司在北京召开 全球经济会议,其全球首席经济学家卢埃林向我国客户提及“摩天大楼指数” 的预言:“如果全球有发生经济危机的可能性,那很可能会在2007年或2008 年。”“When tall buildings stand up, the markets fall down,” asserted in 1999 by Andre Lawrence, a security analyst of Deutsche Bank. On January 2ed, 2006, the global chief economistLlewellyn in Lehman Brothers predicted in the global economical conference in Beijing held by itself that, “if there is a possibility of economic crisis, that would be in 2007 or 2008.”雷曼的首席经济学家预见了 2007年到2008年的经济危机,但却不曾想到,雷 曼的百年基业正是在这场危机中化为泡影。对于经济而言,摩天大楼是荣耀还 是诅咒其与经济危机之间是否真的存在这样密切的联系呢His anticipation did have been proved, yet he may not have foreseen that his own company would be end in smoke in this crisis. For economy, Skyscraper is an honor or a curse Is it really so closely related to economic crisis as such 1999年,安德鲁劳伦斯经过研究验证了摩天大楼与经济危机的关联,并将这 种关联称为“摩天大楼指数”。每一幢刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼的崛起,往往 都伴随着经济的衰退。自20世纪初以来,全球共出现了四轮摩天大楼热,而每 一次,都伴随着经济危机或金融动荡。20世纪20年代,美国经济转好,证券市场再度空前繁荣,民用、商用房产建 设高歌猛进。这期间,三座刷新纪录的摩天大楼先后兴建。纽约的华尔街40 号、克莱斯勒大厦和帝国大厦相继于1929年至1931年的三年中落成,但随之 而来的不是新的繁荣,而是空前的大萧条。在经历了被美国人称之为“黄金时 代”的20世纪60年代强劲、持续的经济繁荣后,纽约的世贸中心和芝加哥的 西尔斯大厦开始兴建。1972年和1974年,两座再次刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼 相继落成,随后,全球经济发生了严重滞胀。In 1999, Andre Lawrence tested and verified the relations between Skyscraper and economic crisis and called it “Skyscraper index”. The erections of record-broken Skyscrapers used to be accompanied by economic downturn for times. Since the beginning of 20 century, four rounds of Skyscraper hot heated the globe, and none escaped recessions or financial turbulences as followed. The economy in the US turned to recover in 1920s, with security market more booming than ever before and the construction of house properties for either civil use or commercial use flourishing. During this period, three Skyscrapers that set new records were erected one after one from 1929 to 1931, including the Wall street NO. 40(Trump Building), Chrysler Building and Empire State Building in new York. But the following scene was an all-time depression instead of a renewed prosperity. After a strong and sustaining economic boom called the “golden time” by Americans in the 1960s, the world trade centre in new York and the sears tower in Chicago started to be built. In 1972 and in 1974, the two were completed, surpassing any previously established record. However, a grave stagflation followed suit.摩天大楼与经济危机的关联如此密切,很难用巧合来理解,那么究竟是什么原 因让经济危机总是与摩天大楼如影随形呢It seems difficult to explain why Skyscrapers and economic crisis are so closely connected simply by coincidence. So what on earth are the reasons for that首先,人性使然。人性当中有盲目自信的一面。具体体现在对客观事物认识不 足,偏执于对事物的主观看法上。劳伦斯把他发现的经济危机与摩天大楼的联 系称为“百年病态关联”,但此类现象,在人类社会中又何止只存在了百年。 以史为鉴,我们不难发现,在我国历史的长河中,此类现象早有体现。商朝兴 盛时,纣王兴建造鹿台,引得民怨四起最终于鹿台自焚;清代鼎盛时,乾隆帝 大举修建园林,导致国力衰落最终丧权辱国。First of all, human nature may be to blame. Blind confidence is part of humanity, which lies in the fact that people tend to stick to their own subjective opinions as a result of insufficient knowledge of objective facts. Lawrence named the link he had found as“centennial metamorphic link”. Yet phenomenons of this kind are far longer than just a century in human history. Taking history as a mirror, we are easy to discover relevant tracks in the long history of China. When the Shang dynasty came to its peak, the king Zhou ordered the construction of Lutai, a enormous storehouse for his wealth collected from people, where he burned himself after the people were furiously raged by his action. The Emperor Qianlong constructed imperial gardens in a large quantity during the most prosperous period of Qing Dynasty , resulting in a lapse of national power and eventual disgraceful lose of its authority and national sovereignty.其次,利益推动。在商业行为中,逐利是前提条件。在经济繁荣之前,通常有 一个低利率的过程,这也是经济向繁荣周期转化的一个先决条件。而在经济繁 荣的过程中,利率相对于人们对于未来收益的预期来说,一直都是低的。所 以,就会产生一系列的利益传导途径,也就是前面所提到的利益链条。经济的 繁荣和相对较低的利率,对土地价值和资本成本有着直接的影响。在土地价 格、企业需求和资金支撑三个因素所构成的利益链的作用下,可以刷新世界纪 录的摩天大楼计划,就应运而生了。Secondly, interests drive actions. In business behaviors, seeking profits is the prerequisite. There is often a period of low interest rate before an economic boom; in the process of boom, the interest rate remains low in terms of people's expectation for future earnings. Thus, a set of channels for transmission of interests, or interest chain mentioned above, will be produced. A prosperous economy and relatively low interest rate have a direct impact on the land value and Capital Cost. The plan of rewriting world record then emerges as the time requires under the effect of interest chain constructed by lower land value, needs of enterprises and abundant capital support.就像日有昼夜、季有冬夏一样,经济也是存在景气周期的。任何商品的价格, 都会受到供需关系的影响。否极泰来,盛极而衰,低廉的利率、膨胀的需求、 上涨的资本价格,以及大多数人盲目乐观的心态,所集合产生的“黄金状态” 构成了摩天大楼的需求,但这种状态是不可持续的。Just like the circulated days and nights, and the repeated winters and summers, economy has its own boom-recession circle. Prices of any goods are affected by the relations of supplies and demands. Out of the misfortune depth comes bliss and it is also true the other way around一the demands for skyscrapers constituded by the "golden state" which is collectively produced by lower interest rate, the pushing of inflation, rising property price as well as blindly optimistic attitudes by most people is far from sustainable.所以,通常是在经济已经步入衰退的时候,摩天大楼才刚刚竣工;在它真正投 入使用的时候,经济很可能已经深陷困境。这就导致了经济危机总是与摩天大 楼的兴建如影随形,也常使全球第一建筑成为逝去繁荣的纪念碑。Therefore, in most cases, while the skyscrapers are being sealed, the economy has started to fall down; when they are put in actual use, the economy may have been trapped in plight. This gives rise to a scene where economy crisis always happens immediately after the construction of skyscrapers, and the building of the world becomes a monument for the past prosperity.


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