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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Section B(2a-Self Check)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Section B(2a-Self Check)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B(2a-Self Check),What do you like for breakfast?,Review,For breakfast, I like bread, milk and eggs.,What do you like for lunch?,For lunch, I like rice and meat.,What do you like for dinner?,For dinner, I like chicken and hamburgers.,A: What do you like for breakfast/ lunch /dinner?,B: I like and for .,Pair work,Which food do you think is healthy? Check() Yes, Maybe or No.,2a,Read the magazine article and circle the food words.,2b,1. Sports Star Eats Well!,体育明星吃的好。,Well 是副词,意为 “好”,用来修饰动词eat,意为“吃得好”。Sleep well. 睡得好。,Tom likes basketball. He plays it very well. 汤姆喜欢篮球。他打得很好。,Explanation,2.David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits. ask sb. about sth.询问某人关于某事 ask sb to do sth. 要某人做某事 The teacher often asks me about my homework.老师经常询问我关于我的作业。 He asks me to buy some food. 他要我去买些食物。,David问排球明星 Cindy Smith 关于她的饮食习惯。,3. One last questiondo you eat ice-cream after dinner? 最后一个问题,晚饭后你吃冰淇淋吗?,ask questions 问问题 answer the question 回答这个问题,4 .I dont want to be fat. 我不想变胖。,want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要去做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事,5. health和healthy (1)health意为“健康”,是抽象名词,不可数。在句中作主语和宾语。 eg:Eating too much is bad for health. 吃太多不利于健康。 (2)healthy“健康的”,是形容词,在句中作表语或定语。 eg:Keep healthy! 保持健康 We like eating healthy food. 我们喜欢吃健康的食物。,根据提示完成下列句子。,1.体育明星吃得好。Sports star _ _. 2.我身体很好。I am very _. 3.他的确喜欢运动。He _ _sports. 4.Cindy 喜欢健康的食物。Cindy likes _ _. 5.我想成为一个明星。 I _ _ _a star. 6.对于早餐来说,我喜欢水果。 _ _, I like fruit. 7.David问Cindy关于她的饮食习惯。 David _ Cindy _ her _ _. 8.吃冰激凌怎么样呢? _ _ _ice-cream?,eats well,well,really likes,healthy food,want to be,For breakfast,asks,about,eating habits,How about eating,短文填空。,Sports Star Eats Well! David _(ask) the volleyball star, Cindy Smith , about her _ _(饮食习惯). Cindy _(love) fruit for breakfast . She thinks its _(健康的). She likes oranges and apples, but she _(like) bananas. What about lunch? Oh,_(对于)lunch, she really _(like) salad . And _(对于)dinner, she _(have) chicken. She thinks hamburgers arent_(health). She _(eat) ice-cream after dinner. Because she _(不想变胖).,asks,eating habits,loves,healthy,doesnt like,for,for,likes,has,healthy,doesnt eat,doesnt want to be fat,Who can translate 2b? Please read the passage, then try to recite!,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,Cindy likes healthy food.,1.Cindy 2.She 3.She 4.Cindy doesnt 5.She doesnt,loves fruit and vegetables.,likes oranges and apples.,like hamburgers.,likes chicken for dinner.,eat ice-cream.,2c,Complete the survey.,3a,Write about what you and your partner like and don't like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.,For breakfast, I like_, but I don't like_ For lunch, _ _. And for dinner, _ _.,rice or bread,eggs or milk.,I like rice, tomatoes and fruit, but I don't like hamburgers.,I like hamburgers and vegetable salad, but I don't like fuit.,3b,For breakfast, _likes _. For lunch, _ _ _. And for dinner, _ _,she likes chicken, carrots and fruit salad, but she doesn't like ice-cream,she likes vegetable salad and fruit salad, but she doesn't like hamburgers.,1.Do you know the plurals of these words? Put them in the correct columns.,Self Check,2.What food ,sports and colors do you like and dislike?你喜欢什么食物,运动和颜色?不喜欢什么?,eg: I like basketball, but I dont like baseball.,3. What food ,sports and colors do your parents like and dislike? Write at least five sentences.你父母喜欢什么食物,运动和颜色?不喜欢什么?至少写出五句话。,eg: My parents like healthy food. My mother likes apples very much, but she doesnt like oranges.,Homework,1. 背诵课文2b部分。 2.写一篇自己喜恶食物的小短文。,Thanks for listening!,


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