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ASTHMA 相关英文词汇小结1. NationalAsthma Education andPrevention Program (NAEPP) 国家哮喘教育防治项目2. Susceptible individuals易感人群3. Recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing 反复发作的喘息、气短、胸痛、咳嗽4. airflow obstruction 气道阻塞5. reversible either spontaneously or with treatment可自愈或治疗后可逆6. bronchial hyperresponsiveness(BHR) 支气管高反应性7. a variable degree不同程度的8. hypersecretion 分泌增高9. bronchospasm支气管痉挛10. Inhaled allergen吸入过敏原11. an early-phase allergic reaction 早期过敏反应12. allergen specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies抗原特异性IgE抗体113. rapid activation of airway mast cells and macrophages, 气道肥大细胞巨噬细胞迅速激活14. proinflammatory mediators 促炎因子15. histamine组胺17. eicosanoids类花生酸类物质18. contraction of airway smooth muscle 气道平滑肌收缩19. mucus secretion粘液分泌20. vasodilation血管舒张21. exudation of plasma血浆渗出22. a diabetogenic lifestyle (excessive calories, inadequate exercise, and obesity) 易导致糖尿病的生活方式(能量过度摄入 锻炼不足、肥胖)23. engorged充满的24. edematous airway wall气道壁水肿25. airway lumen气道腔26. reduced mucus clearance 粘液清除减少27. late-phase inflammatory reaction 迟发炎症反应28. allergen provocation 过敏原激发29. recruitment and activation of eosinophils, T lymphocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and macrophages嗜酸性粒细胞,T淋巴细胞,碱性粒细胞, 中性粒细胞,巨噬细胞招募和激活30. inflammatory mediators (leukotrienes and granule proteins) 炎性因子(白三烯和颗粒蛋白)31. type 2 T-helper cellsth2淋巴细胞32. interleukin IL-4, IL-5,and IL-13 白介素-4,-5, -1333. type 1 T-helper (TH 1 ) cellsTH淋巴细胞34. IL-2 and interferon-丫白介素-2和干扰素Y35. Mast cell degranulation肥大细胞脱颗粒36. chemotactic factors趋化因子37.leukotrienes C4 , D4 , and E4白三烯 C4, D4,E438. prostaglandins前列腺素39. platelet-activating factor (PAF)血小板激活因子40. Alveolar macrophages肺泡巨噬细胞4 . furthers the inflammatory process 加剧炎性过程42. 5-lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism花生四烯酸代谢的 5-脂氧酶途径43. peptidases 多肽酶44. matrix proteins 基质蛋白45. cytokines 细胞因子46. nitric oxideNO46. Epithelial shedding 表皮脱落47. heightened airway responsiveness 气道高反应性48. altered permeability of the airway mucosa气道粘膜通透性改变49. depletion of epithelial-derived relaxant factors表皮来源舒张因子的减少50. sloughing of epithelial cells into the airway lumen表皮细胞脱落至气道腔内5 . impair mucociliary transport 影响纤毛运输52. bronchial glands 支气管腺66. expiratory wheezing on auscultation 听诊有呼气喘息音53. goblet cells 悲壮细胞67. a dry, hacking cough干咳54. Expectorated mucus 咳出的粘液68. atopy变态反应55. have high viscosity. 粘度高69. allergic rhinitis哮喘56. innervated by 由神经支配70. eczema 湿疹57. parasympathetic 副交感神经71. chronic daily symptoms症状日常反复发作58. sympathetic 交感神经72. intermittent symptoms 症状间断发生59. nonadrenergic inhibitory nerves 非肾上腺素能抑制神经73. nighttime awakenings夜间醒来60. noninnervated 卩2 -adrenergic receptors that produce bronchodilation74. interference with normal activity 影响日常活动非神经支配的B2肾上腺素受体可产生支气管收缩的作用75. short-acting inhaled 卩2-agonists短效吸入卩2受体激动剂61. trachea 气管76. confirmatory spirometry可明确诊断的肺功能检查结果62. episodic dyspnea间断憋气77. reversibility after inhaled 卩 2 -agonist administration63.chest tightness胸闷在吸入B 2受体激动剂后可逆转78. necessarily rule out asthma64. wheezing喘息可排除哮喘79. methacholine65. a whistling sound哨鸣音乙酰甲胆碱80. Pulse oximetry脉氧测定81. decreased arterial oxygen and O2 saturations 动脉氧及氧分压下降82. Arterial blood gases 动脉血气83. metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒84. low partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) 动脉氧分压降低85. asthma exacerbations哮喘加重86. hospitalizations住院治疗87. intubations插管治疗88. complicating illnesses 并发症89. cardiac disease心脏疾病90. hydration status 水化状态91. accessory muscles of respiration 辅助呼吸肌92. presence of cyanosis发绀93. pneumonia肺炎94. pneumothorax气胸95. pneumomediastinum纵隔积气;96. purulent sputum 脓痰97. quick relief of symptoms 症状快速缓解98. Reducing impairment 减少损伤99. exercise-induced bronchospasm EIB) 运动诱发的支气管痉挛100. activates adenyl cyclase 激活腺苷酸环化酶101. (near-) normal pulmonary function 几乎正常的肺功能102. attendance at work or school 正常工作或上学103. Reducing risk 降低风险104. recurrent exacerbations 反复加重105. loss of lung function 肺功能降低106. reduced lung growth 肺组织生长发育不全107. correction of significant hypoxemia 纠正明显的低氧血症108. rapid reversal of airway obstruction (within minutes)在数分钟内快速逆转气道阻塞109. stepwise approach for managing chronic asthma 逐步控制慢性哮喘110. home treatment 在家治疗111. self-management skills 个人疾病管理技巧112. adherence to medication regimens 治疗方案依从性113. Objective measurements of airflow obstruction 气流阻塞的客观指标114. peak flow meter 峰流速仪115. allergenic triggers 过敏激发源116. supplemental oxygen therapy 氧疗117. arterial oxygen saturation >90% 动脉血氧饱和度>90%118. >95% in pregnant women and patients with heart disease 孕妇及心脏疾病患者,血氧应>95%119. urine specific gravity 尿比重120. intracellular 细胞内121. cyclic adenosine monophosphate cAMP平滑肌舒张123. mast cell membrane stabilization 肥大细胞膜稳定124. skeletal muscle stimulation 骨骼肌刺激125. Aerosol administration 喷雾吸入126. bronchoselectivity 支气管选择性127. Albuterol沙丁胺醇128. Regular treatment (four times daily)常规治疗(qid)129. as-needed usePRN130. Formoterol福莫特罗131. salmeterol沙美特罗132. adjunctive辅助的133. advancing to进展至134. ineffective for对*无效135. continuous nebulization of 持续雾化吸入122. smooth muscle relaxation136. unsatisfactory response 疗效不满意137. aerosolized 卩2 -agonists雾化的卩2受体激活剂138. nocturnal asthma 夜间哮喘发作136. an indicator of inadequate anti-inflammatory treatment. 预示着抗炎治疗不足137. Corticosteroids糖皮质激素138. increase the number of 卩 2 -adrenergicreceptors增加B 2受体数量139. improve receptor responsiveness to 卩 2 -adrenergic stimulation增加B 2受体对激活剂的反应性140. reduce mucus production/ hypersecretion减少粘液生成或分泌增加141. reduce BHR(bronchialhyperresponsiveness) 降低支气管高反应性142. reduce airway edema and exudation降低气道水肿与渗出143. check adherence考察患者的依从性144. Intermittent asthma哮喘间断发作145. Persistent asthma哮喘持续发作146. Intensity of treatment depends on severity of symptoms根据症状的严重程度决定治疗方案强度147. Stepwise approach(Step up,Step down) 阶梯治疗(上调、下调)148. Isoproterenol异丙肾上腺素149. Pirbuterol吡布特罗150. Terbutaline特布他林151. Comparative doses等效剂量152. once-daily dosing indications每日一次给药的适应症153. tapered down逐渐下调剂量154. maximum improvement 症状的最大改善155. dose-dependent剂量依赖的156.oropharyngeal candidiasis口腔念珠菌病157. dysphonia失声、发音苦难158. spacer device储雾罐159. enhance lung delivery提高肺部药物分布160. Prednisone泼尼松161. short burst短期冲击疗法162. maintain the patient on appropriate long-term control therapy with inhaled corticosteroids 给予患者长期吸入糖皮质激素以控制症 状163. alternate-day therapy 隔日给药方案164. Levalbuterol左旋沙丁胺醇165. beclomethasone dipropionate 二丙酸倍氯米松166. Budesonide 布地奈德167. Ciclesonide环索米松168. Methylxanthines 甲基黄嘌呤169. Theophylline茶碱170. bronchodilation支气管扩张171. nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibition非选择性磷酸二酯酶抑制172. are ineffective by aerosol 吸入无效173. ethylenediamin乙二胺174. aminophylline氨茶碱175. susceptible to induction and inhibition 由诱导和抑制影响176. large interpatient variability 个体差异巨大177. steady-state range 稳态浓度范围178. monitoring schedules 监测方案179. tachycardia 心动过速180. jitteriness 神经过敏181. cardiac tachyarrhythmias 快速心律失常182. seizures 癫痫发作183. duration of action 作用持续时间184. leukotriene antagonists 白三烯抑制剂185. Ipratropium bromide 异丙托溴铵186. tiotropium bromide 噻托溴铵187. muscarinic receptorsM胆碱受体188. cholinergic-mediatedbronchoconstriction 胆碱能街道的支气管收缩189. Mast Cell Stabilizers肥大细胞稳定剂190. Cromolyn sodium 色甘酸钠191. available as a metered-dose inhaler and nebulizer solution 有MDI和供雾化吸入两种剂型192. prophylaxis 预防性治疗193. regardless of etiology 无论病因194. achieve maximum benefit 取得最大获益195. Leukotriene Modifiers 白三烯调节剂196. Zafirlukast扎鲁司特(Accolate®)197. montelukast孟鲁斯特(Singulair®)198. reduce the proinflammatory effect 减轻促炎效应200. leukotriene D4白三烯D4201. taken on a regular basis常规使用202. symptom-free periods无症状期205. idiosyncratic syndrome特发症状206. ChurgStrauss syndrome ChurgStrauss 综合征207. eosinophilic vasculitis嗜酸性粒细胞血管炎208. Zileuton齐留通(Zyflo®)209. Combination Controller Therapy 混合制剂疗法210. budesonide and formoterol (Symbicort®) 布地奈德联合福莫特罗(信必可都保®)AZ211. fluticasone propionate and salmeterol 氟替卡松联合沙美特罗(Advair®)葛兰素212. varied doses of the inhaled corticosteroid with a fixed dose of the long-acting 卩2 agonist 固定剂量的长效卩2受体激动剂联合不同剂 量的吸入激素213. The addition of a long-acting 卩2 agonist allows a 50% reduction in inhaled corticosteroid dosage.加入长效卩2受体激动剂可降低吸入激素剂 量至50%214. Omalizumab (Xolair®) 奥马珠单抗(索雷尔®) Roche215. anti-IgE antibody抗IGE抗体203. without regard to food与食物无关216. baseline total serum IgE 基线血清总IgE204. chewable tablet咀嚼片217. a 0.2% incidence of anaphylaxis过敏性反应(严重)发生率0.2%218. occurred up to 24 hours after injection 可以在注射后24小时后发生219. interference with normal activities 影响正常生活220. Validated questionnaires 公认的问卷221. Asthma Therapy Assessment Questionnaire, 哮喘治疗评价问卷222. Asthma Control Questionnaire 哮喘控制问卷223. Asthma Control Test 哮喘控制检测224. exercise tolerance 运动耐量225. inhalation technique 吸入装置226. a similar time frame 相似的时间范围227. morning peak flows 晨起峰流速228. lung auscultation 肺部听诊229. supraclavicular retractions 锁骨上回缩


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