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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

Unit 4 My day,Millie _ in Beijing. Her school is Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She _ her school. They always _ with each _ or _ in the playground. They always have _ _ _. Her _ lessons is English. She likes _ volleyball. They _ after school. They go to the _ in the afternoon. They have a Reading C_. They read books on T_ and T_.,根据课文内容填空:,is,loves,chat,other,play,a good time,favourite,playing,practise,library,lub,uesday,hursday,Language points,1.each other意为”互相,彼此”,通常做动词或介词的宾语.,例:We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助. Do Simon and Daniel often write to each other. 西蒙和丹尼儿经常相互写信吗?,(1) 我们在学校经常互相帮助. (2) 当我和玛丽在一起时,我们总是互相聊天.,We often help each other at school.,When Im with Mary, we always chat with each other.,2. exercise,A:1. Exercise意为”锻炼”. 当它为可数名词时,常用复数形式.此时 exercise 表示”锻炼或训练的一套动作”.也可表示”练习题”.,例:The students usually do morning exercises at 8:40 every day. 学生们通常每天早上八点四十做早操.,Li Ming does five maths exercises every evening. 李明每晚做五道数学题.,2. 当它表示不可数名词时.此时 exercise的意思是”体格锻炼”的总称.,例: Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的锻炼.,B: exercise 还可以用作动词,意为”锻炼”.,例: Eddie never exercises. 埃迪从来不锻炼.,完成练习: (1) We do eye_ (锻炼) to protect (保护) our eyes. (2) Do you often _ (锻炼) after school ?,exercises,exercise,3. first first 可以作形容词,意为”第一的”. “first名词”这一结构前通常要用定冠词the.,例: Please read the first lesson. 请读第一课.,2. first 也可作副词,意为”首先”.,例:I must find my bike first. 我必须首先找到我的自行车,(1) 星期天是一周的第一天. (2) 你必须先完成的家庭作业.,You must finish your homework first.,Sunday is the first day of a week,in the playground 在操场上 2. start at eight 在8点开始 3. from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 4. do morning exercises 做早操,Phrases in the e-mail:,5. be nice to sb. 对某人友好 6. chat with each other 互相交谈 7. be in the school volleyball team 在校排球队 8. have a good time 过得愉快,Exercises:选用词或词组的正确形式填空 play ball games, each other, first, chat with, have a good time 1. We do eye exercises at school _. 2. I _ my friend on the Internet every Saturday. 3. We must learn from _. 4. The students always _ with their PE teacher. 5. My mother likes _ very much.,first,chat with,each other,have a good time,playing ball games,改写下列句子。 His hobby is watching TV .(同义句) He _ _ TV . 2. It is time for lunch . (同义句) It is time _ _ lunch . 3. He often has fun at school . (同义句) He often _ _ _ _ at school . 4. Wake up Jim and me .( 用代词代替) Wake _ up . He gets up at 7:00 a.m. every day . ( 提问) _ _ _ he _ up every day ?,Exercises,enjoys,watching,to,have,has a good time,us,What time does get,6 . He always has a good time every day. (同义句) He has _ every day. . 7. He likes English and Maths best . (同义句) His _ _ _ English and Maths. 8.Our class begins at 7:45 a.m. (同义句) We begin _ _ _ at 7:45 a.m.,fun,favourite lessons are,to have class,Read the passage and choose:,I am an American girl.My name is Alice Brown. I am thirteen. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We dont have classes on Saturday and Sunday. My parents are teachers. They say,“China is great.” I like reading. My favourite lesson is Chinese. My favourite teacher is Miss Zhao. She teaches us Chinese. I like football best. I like Monday because we have two Chinese classes on Monday. I always read Chinese books at the school library. Lin Tao and I are good friends. He is a Chinese boy. We are in the same class. We always study together, and we learn from each other .,( )1. Alice Brown is _. A. an American girl B. an English girl C. a Chinese boy ( )2. Alice _ . A. goes to school on Saturday B. doesnt have lessons on Saturday and Sunday C. plays games on Saturday and Sunday ( )3. _ are teachers. A. Alices father and mother B. Alices parents C. A and B ( )4. What is Alices favourite lesson? A. English B. Chinese C. English and Chinese ( )5. What do Alice and Lin Tao always do together? _. A. Study B. Play football C. Read Chinese books,A,B,C,B,A,Homework,1. Read and recite the text. 2.完成导学手册上的练习.,


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