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Unit 2 Man and Technology Text A Technology and Happiness Before Reading 1 Global Reading 2 Detailed Reading 3 After Reading 4 Contents Topic Preview Video Clip Topic Preview Please look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 1.What association do the previous pictures bring to you? Advanced science and technology: Picture 1- information technology Picture 2-Birds Nest of Beijing Olympic Games Picture 3-Shenzhou 7: Manned Spaceship Picture 4-sharkskin like swimsuit Picture 5-the gigantic bridge spanning Hangzhou Bay Company Logo Watch the video clip and answer the following question. What changes could take place in our future life with the advancement of technology? Video Clip Q: What changes could take place in our future life with the advancement of technology? Health be improved. Production be increased. Human labor be decreased. Peoples mental horizon be broadened. Do you think technology makes your life easier? Could you give some examples? Is the advancement of technology always a good thing? Yes: convenient telecommunication and transportation, comfortable household appliances, working environment without the limitation of time and space, and so on. What negative aspects do you think should be avoided when we develop science and technology? Environmental pollution, misuse or overuse of the human resources, wars, moral problems, and so on. True or False Structure Analysis Questions and Answers Blank Filling Further Understanding Structure Analysis Part 1 (Para.1-2) Material and technological advances do not really bring happiness to people in the developed countries. Though Americans now are wealthier than they were in the middle of the last century, they are not happier than they used to be. Part 2 (Para.3-5) Technology and happiness are not necessarily closely correlated because people adapt to technological progress too quickly. Part 3 (Para. 6-9) The current comments on technology have mostly centered on the bad effects of technology on human relationships rather than particular, harmful technologies. Part 4 (Para.10) The most important impact of technology on peoples sense of well-being is in the field of health care. Part 5 (Para. 11) People in general claim that on a deeper level, technology cannot bring happiness to them, which is just contradictory to the fact that it has greatly improved peoples health and life expectancy. 1. In the second half of last century, gross domestic product per capita increased by 200 percent in US. 2. Media and leisure were turned into multibillion-dollar industries for the American spent less time on work and more time on entertainment. 3. Material and technological advances havent made Americans happier than before. 4. This is a unique phenomenon in US that with the increase of their income the percentage of people who feel happy has fallen slightly since the early 1970s. True or False Read the first part of the text and make your judgement about whether the following sentences are true or false according to paras. 1-2. 1. In the second half of last century, gross domestic product per capita increased by 200 percent in US. 2. Media and leisure were turned into multibillion-dollar industries for the American spent less time on work and more time on entertainment. Americans pursuit of entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries even though they seemed to work extraordinarily hard. 3. Material and technological advances havent made Americans happier than before. 4. This is a unique phenomenon in US that with the increase of their income the percentage of people who feel happy has fallen slightly since the early 1970s. Similar data revealing this phenomenon have been found in most developed countries. T T F F 1. In what sense is Richard Easterlins paper a truly groundbreaking work? 2. What is the relationship between money and happiness according to Richard Easterlin? Questions and answers Read the second part of the text and try to answer the following questions. 3. How usually does a lottery winners sense of well-being change? 4. Why do people tend to take technological innovations for granted? 1. In what sense is Richard Easterlins paper a truly groundbreaking work? The topic his paper is concerning has seldom been examined by other economists and social scientists. 2. What is the relationship between money and happiness according to Richard Easterlin? At least after a certain point, money cant buy happiness. Questions and answers Read the second part of the text and try to answer the following questions. 4. Why do people tend to take technological innovations for granted? Technology develops very fast, any miraculous innovation will soon become common or frustrating when it doesnt work well, and its hard for people to remember what things were like before without the technological innovation. Questions and Answers 3. How usually does a lottery winners sense of well- being change? Usually he is very happy, but soon the excitement will disappear, and his sense of well-being will become the same as before. Specific bad technologies: a. , b. , c. . telemarketing _ traffic jams _ Downside of technology 1. 2. 3. Negative impact of TV identity theft _ disrupt relationships _ fracture community _ gradual isolation _ Blank Filling Blank Filling Read the third part of the text and try to fill in the blanks in the following paragraph. 1. How has life expectancy changed in Europe? 2. How did technology change peoples life? 3. How did medical technology benefit people? 4. What is the paradox of happiness? Work in pairs to perform an interview. One student plays as the writer, James Surowiecki, and the other, a journalist. You two are talking about the impact of technology on peoples sense of well-being in the field of health care and the paradox of happiness. Your conversation should be based on part 4 and 5. The conversation should cover the following aspects: Directions: Role Play In the present era, all of us are enthusiastically pursuing technological advancement and take it for granted that the development of technology will make us happier. However, little evidence can be found to prove the correlation between technology and happiness once material and technological advances reach a certain level. The text below may provide you with some insights into this issue. Detailed Reading Part 1 (Para.1-2) Questions: What is the authors opinion of the technological advances of the 20th century?(Para.1) What evidence is given in Para. 2 to justify the statement “Americans are better off now than they were in the middle of the last century”?(Para.2) gross domestic product 国内生 产总值 His gross annual income, before tax, is just $12,000. The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the box. 这个包裹连盒子总重量是十公斤。 gross: a. general, total life expectancy: Women still have a longer life expectancy than men. 这个部落人的平均寿命是 40岁。 The average life expectancy of the people in this tribe is 40 years. Collocations: low life expectancy high life expectancy a life expectancy of 50 years 预期寿命短 预期寿命长 预期寿命 50年 the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live boom: n. This countrys economy development has contributed a lot to the boom in world trade. 我们必须要意识到 90年代的经济繁荣已经结束了。 We have to realize that the economic boom in 90s is over now. a (period of) rapid growth or increase 57.The post-World War II baby resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers _ in the 1960s and 1970s. A) production B) boost C) prosperity D) boom 2004.6, CET6 formal: a. We should be formal on business occasions, and never call anyone by their first name. 我们在商务场合应该讲究礼仪 , 不要对别人直 呼其名。 Collocations: formal curriculum formal dress formal effectiveness formal style 正式课程 礼服 正式生效 正式文体 suitable for official occasions, serious writing, etc. but not for ordinary conversation Part 2 (Para.3-5) What insightful viewpoints did Easterlin present in his article?(Para.3) Can you give an example to show that “people adapt very quickly to good news”?(Para.4) How does peoples attitude change towards a new innovation according to the author?(Para.5) The truly groundbreaking work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist Richard Easterlin, who in 1974 wrote a famous paper entitled “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” Translate this sentence into Chinese. 经济学家理查德 伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的关系方面进 行了具有开拓性的研究,并于 1974年发表了一篇题为 “ 经济 增长改变人类命运吗? ” 的著名论文。 when it comes to: When it comes to this matter, peoples opinions vary. 这个问题大家众说纷纭。 在记者招待会上,当提到这位影星的私人生活时, 他总是保持沉默。 At the press conference, when it came to his personal life, the movie star always kept silence. when it concerns There is an obvious correlation between sun bath and skin cancer. In tests, there was no correlation found between diet and intelligence. correlation: n. a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two things The pills are at work, and he is sleeping like a log now. 经济学家们正在研究通货膨胀在经济中的作用。 Economists are now studying the inflationary forces at work in the economy. at work: having an effect on sth. frustrating adj. annoying; discouraging Many learners find it frustrating that they cant speak the second language well enough after a long time of study, and then quit. Recovery from a serious accident can be a slow and frustrating process. frustrate v. to cause feelings of discouragement Lack of progress in recovery frustrates her greatly. 康复没什么起色 , 这让她很灰心。 frustrated: a. The world-famous director once was a frustrated actor. 这位世界闻名的导演曾是个不得志的演员。 frustration: n. the state of being frustrated In childrens education, its necessary to develop their ability to endure frustration. 在儿童教育中,培养他们的耐挫能力是有必要的。 being in a state of upset or discouragement 63. She was deeply _ by the amount of criticism her play received. A) frustrated B) deported C) involved D) deprived 2005.1, CET6 Part 3(Para.6-9) Can you name some of the bad things technology has brought about besides telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft?(Para.6) How is it that people always feel disappointed with the things they have bought?(Para.8-9) come to mind: make (one) suddenly think of The moment when he locked the door, it came to his mind that he left his wallet in the room. 看到这幅图,你第一个会想到什么东西? At sight of this picture, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? monitor: vt. watch or listen to (sth.) carefully over a certain period of time for a special purpose 我们将会监督他的表现 ,看看他是否能有所进步。 We will monitor his performance to see if he can make some progress. Satellite technology means that enemy airwaves can be monitored more closely than ever before. 67. The doctors dont _ that the patient will live much longer. A) monitor B) manifest C) articulate D) anticipate 2003.12, CET6 The notion that technology disrupts relationships and fractures community gained mainstream prominence as an attack on television. Translate this sentence into Chinese. 人们对电视的批评主要集中在以下方面:技术扰乱了人际 关系、破坏了社区交往。 disrupt: bring or throw into disorder Protesters disrupted the candidates speech. 转校,尤其是在 11岁至 16岁之间,很容易打断一个孩子的教育。 Moving to a new school can easily disrupt a childs education, especially between the ages of eleven and sixteen. disrupt traffic disrupt schedule disrupt public order Collocations: 引起交通混乱 扰乱计划 扰乱治安 63. Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to _ the food supply. A) enhance B) curb C) disrupt D) heighten 2003.12, CET6 fracture: v. (cause to) break or crack The old lady fell down the stairs, and her right leg fractured in two places. 老妇人摔下楼梯,右腿两处骨折。 他被提名破坏了权利的微妙平衡。 The nomination of him fractured the delicate balance of power. prominence: n. the quality or condition of being prominent. Some young writers born in 80s have recently come to prominence. 一些生于 80年代的青年作家们近来已经崭露头角。 The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence. 各报都以相当的重要性报道了那件事。 Today, technological change is so rapid that when you buy something, you do so knowing that in a few months theres going to be a better, faster version of the product, and that youre going to be stuck with the old one. 1. With technology changing so rapidly, is it possible for people to buy the best product? Why or why not? No, because rapid development of technology will always soon produce a better one. 2. What can we do with the old version of the product? We have to keep it even if we dont like it any more. be stuck with: have or deal with sth. unwanted unwillingly Jill asked me to take care of her little son, so I had to be stuck with the naughty boy for a whole weekend, which almost drove me crazy. As a result of the financial collapse, many people are stuck with worthless investments. Part4 (Para.10) What is the writers tone when he talks about the impact of medical technology on peoples sense of well- being? Daily stress, an annoying sense of disappointment, fear that the government knows a lot more about you than you would like it to these are obviously some of the ways in which technology reduces peoples sense of well-being. Translate this sentence into Chinese. 日常生活的压力、一种令人烦恼的失望感、 对政府知道你的情况超出你希望程度的恐惧 感 这些显然都是技术降低了人们幸福感 的几个方面。 build into: make (sth.) a part of a system, agreement, etc. The government is focusing on building stability into the economy. 政府正致力于建立经济的稳定性。 正直已经根植于我们的企业文化之中。 Integrity has been built into our corporations culture. nasty: a. very ugly or unpleasant to see, taste, smell, etc. I almost threw up at sight of the nasty scene. 豆腐乳是中国的传统食物,它闻起来臭吃起来香。 Preserved bean curd is traditional Chinese food, which smells nasty, but tastes good. Part 5(Para.11) What is the authors conclusion about the relation between technology and happiness? 47. It is a(n) _ that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease. A) paradox B) correlation C) analogy D) illusion 2004.6, CET6 even though people may not be happier, even though they are wealthier and possess more technology, theyre still as hungry as ever for more time. Translate this sentence into Chinese. 即使人们不会更幸福,即使他们 更加富裕并拥有更多技术,他们 还会像以前那样渴望长寿。 1. 国内生产总值 gross domestic product 2. 预期寿命 life expectancy 3. 富裕 better off 4. 平均 on average 5. 永恒的课题 an eternal subject 6. 工业革命 Industrial Revolution 7. 突破性研究成果 groundbreaking work 8. 人类命运 human lot 9. 就 而言 when it comes to 10. 普遍现象 a universal phenomenon 11. 彩票中奖者 lottery winners 12. 幸福感 sense of well-being Useful Expressions 13. 起作用的原则 principles at work 14. 牢记在心 keep in mind 15. 没有影响 make no difference 16. 好歹 for good or ill 17. 身份资料失窃 identity theft 18. 想到 come to mind 19. 脆弱的隐私 fragile privacy 20. 联网的数据库 linked databases 21. 被 缠住 be stuck with 22. 医疗技术 medical technology 23. 在更深层次上 on a deeper level 24. 渴望 be hungry for


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