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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生:小学六年级 2,学科:英语2,课时:13,学生课前准备:1)通过互联网的信息搜索,了解中国著名景点,所在位置及成名原因。2)课前分组,让学生在组内将网上搜索到得相关信息分享,并试图用所学英语交流。2)通过学生博客,下载并学唱教师上传的歌曲:Travel 二、 教学课题“自主参与式学与教”小学英语课堂教学研究课,自选教材,互联网上下载教学资源,课文动画:外研版新标准英语三起始第六册Module 6 Travel , Unit 1 I went there last year 教师加以改编,课题为:Travel on the Internet (在互联网上旅行)。整节课课时为30分钟。 三、 教材分析知识目标1 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 famous, east, south, west, north2能正确地听、说、读词汇Tianshan Mountain, Tianchi Lake, the West Lake3能正确地听、说、读、写句型Its in the east/south/west/north of China. Whats famous for? Its famous for .能力目标:1.能正确理解并交际: -Where is Wuxi/? -Its in the east/ south/ west/ north of China. -Whats famous for? -Its famous for .2能正确地理解并掌握语篇内容,并能用所学语言进行实际运用。3 通过互联网的信息搜索,培养学生提取、加工信息和分析问题的能力,根据提供的材料和信息, 培养学生用英语表述的能力。情感目标:1 培养学生朗读和记忆能力2 培养学生通过对图片的观察和内化,用英语进行表述的能力。3 通过对祖国一些城市、各地风光的了解,激发他们爱国、爱家乡之情。教学之前用百度在网上搜索并下载了教学资源,课文动画:外研版新标准英语三起始第六册Module 6 Travel , Unit 1 I went there last year 及Unit 2 的歌曲Travel 。然后根据学生接受能力进行和课堂教学需要对文本进行改编拓展,确定教学内容并上网搜索了许多关于“Famous scnice spots in China”的教学材料,确定课堂教学形式和方法。用百度图片网上搜索下载各种风景名胜的图片,结合中国地图,做成PPT课堂给同学们演示,让学生了解名胜的位置和特色,并创设情境,让学生在互联网上通过写电子邮件的形式进行英语综合语言训练。四、 教学方法情景教学法、讲授法、分组讨论法、任务型教学法 1、通过设置情景和教师讲授,帮助学生了解中国一些城市的位置及著名景点或特色,并了解这些风景名胜的英文,扩大学生的视野。 2、运用任务型教学法,采用活动的方式,整体设计教学目标,面向全体学生,充分发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,鼓励学生采用自主合作的学习方式。3、结合所给信息和图片,让学生分组讨论,给Mike提出在中国旅游的推荐城市,各小组在课后给Mike发电子邮件,利用图文向他具体介绍。 五、 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and lead in1. Enjoy the song: Travel 歌曲【下载地址】百度网页2. Free talkDo you like travelling? Where did you go? What did you do there?Step 2 New lesson teachingT: Today lets talk about travelling. I like travelling. I travelled a lot of places and took many photos. Now let me show you.1. Hangzhou I visited Hangzhou in spring. Its in Zhejiang . I drove there with my family. We walked around the West Lake, its famous in China. We visited Lingying Temple, too. It is in front of Feilaifeng. Its one of the tenfamous temples in China. Then we went to the Tiger Spring. Its famous for the two tigers there. Now children, do you know where Hangzhou is? Its in Zhejiang. Its in the east of China. Its famous for the West Lake, Lingying Temple, Feilaifeng and the Tiger Spring. 利用多媒体呈现教学:east, 东方的,东部的 in the east of China, famous, be famous for Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. 2. XinjiangHangzhou is in the east of China .and the West Lake is in the east of Hangzhou. Its interesting, isnt it? Then I visited Xinjiang. Its in the west of China. What is Xinjiang famous for? Lets look at my photos. 利用课件呈现The Tianshan Mountain, the Tianchi Lake, the grapes, pears and watermelons. 教学west, in the west of China Have you gone to Xinjiang before? Do you want to go there? I think it is a good place to travel. You can go there this summer holiday. 3. Beijing But last summer holiday I visited Beijing, the capital of China. Beijing is in the north of China. 教学north What is Beijing famous for? Please discuss and tell us what you know. I also visited a lot of famous scenic spots in Beijing. I visited the Tiananmen Square. I climbed the Great Wall. I also saw the Birds Nest and the Water Cube. Beijing is really beautiful but a little hot in summer. Its hotter than in Wuxi. 4. SanyaIn winter I visited Sanya. Its in the south of China. So its not cold, its warm in winter. People love to go there in winter. I walked on the beach, I travelled around the Worlds End, you know its the end of the world. I saw a lot of coconuts trees in Sanya. I love to eat coconuts. And I love to eat the seafood there. They are fresh and delicious. Do you want to eat the coconuts and the fresh seafood, too? You can visit Sanya one day. Where is Sanya? What is it famous for?利用课件教学in the south of China, 让学生自己说Its famous for Sanya is in Hainan. Its in the south of China. Look at this map of China. Where is Shandong/ Xizang(Tibet)/ Neimenggu/ Fujian? Ss:图片【下载地址】百度图片:杭州、三亚、新疆、北京风景名胜地图【下载地址】百度图片:中国地图高清版、中国地图拼图游戏截取色块Step 3 Learn the dialogue.Look, this is Lingling. Shes a lovely Chinese girl. But shes living in England now. she lives in her good friend Amys home. Lingling likes travelling, too. She visited a lot of places in China Now Lingling , Amy and Amys mother, Ms Smart are having a chat about the photos.1. Enjoy the flash and answer the question: Where did Lingling visit?2. Reading timeNow children, its the reading time. First lets listen and repeat.lets read it in role. read the dialogre and try to remember the important message. 自读对话并试着记住对话中重要的信息。5. Read and judgeDo you have a good memory? Lets read and judge. 1. Lingling has got some stamps. ( )2. Theyre photos of China. ( )3. Lingling went to Xinjiang last May. ( )4. Lingling went there with her parents. ( )5. She stayed there for a month. ( )6. She visited the Tianshan Mountain. ( )7. Linglings uncle has two children. ( )8. Hainan is in the west of China. ( ) Now let me see who has a better memory.Please correct the false statements.Lingling has got some stamps. (photos) Lingling went to Xinjiang last May. (July) She stayed there for a month. (week) Linglings uncle has two children. (three) Hainan is in the west of China. (south)课件资源【下载地址】I like travelling. Lingling likes travelling, too. How about you? Step 4 Extantion Actibities Look, this is Mike. Mike likes travelling, too. He wants to travel around China. There are so many beautiful places in China. Where can he go? Let s give him some advice. We can tell Mike like this : Mike, you can go to Sanya. Sanya is in Hainan. Its in the south of China. Its famous for the sea.课件出示表格Famous city SanyaPosition in the south of ChinaFamous for? the seaT: I have some information for you. Please look at the information and discuss in pairs. And then try to give Mike some advice. (教师给学生四人一张城市风景照片。让学生先进行同桌问答操练,然后请一些学生介绍他的照片上的城市给Mike)A. Sanya in the south of China the sea(大海)B: Hangzhou in the east of China West Lake(西湖)C: Beijing in the north of China the Great WallD. Hong Kong in the south of China the DisneylandE. Xian in the west of China the historyF. Shanghai in the east of China the bund(外滩)G Harbin in the north of China ice and snowH: Yellow Mountain in the east of China pines(松树)I: Jinan in the east of China springs(泉水)J: Chengdu in the west of China pandas创设了一个让学生给Mike介绍中国一些其他城市情况的语言情境,让学生在真实的情景中使用语言、操练语言。避免了学习的枯燥性。同时,也让学生更多的了解中国的各个城市。 What do you suggest then?Step 5. HomeworkT: There are so many places in China. If you want to know more places. You can surf the Internet and find out where they are and what they are famous for. Then discuss with your classmates next time.(课件出示回家作业) And dont forget to write an Email to Mike to tell him your advise, his email address is mike 2012 .Step 6. SummaryT: Today we travelled many places with Lingling and Mike. We travelled east, we travelled west. But now were back and home is the best. (课件音图动画)Our motherland is so large and beautiful. We love our motherland. We love our home.(sing a song together)歌曲【下载地址】六、 教学反思1根据新课标的理念,充分发挥学生的自主参与性和教师的主导作用。意识到多媒体辅助教学在英语教学运用中的重要性,以及这种教学给学生带来的好处。 2任务型教学给英语学习课堂的启示。它使任务更明确,活动方式更加灵活多样。尤其是设计信息差问题任务的设计,使课堂导入更加赋予创意,学生的兴趣和积极性更易调动。 3基本能完成教学内容,注重了对学生听说、阅读、和综合语用的训练,教学过程中,注重对学生情感价值观的培养,有益于加深对本国文化的理解和认识,培养爱国主义精神,有益于提高人文素质。4教案设计中可能存在的不足:1)课的复习和新课的导入的时间可能过长。 2)学生小组活动这方面,可能要求过高,难以完成,因时间的关系没有让更多的同学在课堂上得到充分的语言能力锻练。七、 教师个人介绍省份:江苏省 学校: 无锡市芦庄实验小学 姓名: 季晓峰职称:小教高级 电话:13812270217 电子邮件:1264036335通讯地址:无锡市芦庄实验小学教导处 邮政编码:214000 季晓峰,无锡市芦庄实验小学英语教导,信息主任,区英语教学新秀。小学教育本科学历,学士学位。在英语教学方面,认真钻研教材,不断更新教学理念,所带班级在校名列前茅,在市、区级各项教学比赛中多次获奖。作为一名教师,能一直不断的学习。坚信,在信息技术发展的今天,互联网会给我们的教学提供更多的帮助。


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