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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party(第2课时)Section A(2a-2d)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版 (2)

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八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party(第2课时)Section A(2a-2d)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版 (2)

Unit 9Can you come to my party?,第二课时Section A (2a2d),available形容词,意为“有空的;可获得的”。作“有空的”讲时,相当于free。 Maybe another time.可能要下次了。 another意为“另一个;再一个”,后接可数名词单数,通常用于三者或三者以上不确定数量中的任意一个人或物。 【拓展】another数词名词复数数词more名词复数,意为“再来个”。 eg:We need another five/five more desks.我们还需要五张课桌。,until的用法 作介词,意为“直到”,表示时间,后跟时间点。用于肯定句中,谓语动词用延续性动词;用于否定句中,谓语动词常用非延续性动词。 eg:I waited until 3:00,but he didnt come.我一直等到3点钟,但他没来。 作连词,意为“直到时候”,引导时间状语从句,常与延续性动词连用。 eg:Ill wait until he comes.我会一直等到他来。 【拓展】not.until.意为“直到才”,与非延续性动词连用。 eg:I wont go to bed until I finish my homework.直到完成作业,我才上床睡觉。 catch动词,意为“及时赶上;接住;抓住”,其动词三式分别为catches,catching,caught。 eg:Get up earlier and youll catch the first bus.早点儿起床你就能赶上头班车。 hang out (with sb.)(和某人)常去某处/闲逛,一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。,1Go straight on _ you come to a large red building. 2If you are free tomorrow,why not _ out with us? 3Ms. Smith is _ soon to go back to the US. 4Jim fell down when he tried to _ the ball with both hands. 5Im sorry Im not _ Because I have to go to the doctor.,until,hang,leaving,catch,available,二、单项选择。 ( )6.The boy was _ hungry and he ate _ bread. Amuch too;much too Btoo much;too much Cmuch too;too much Dtoo much;much too ( )7.What about going swimming this afternoon? Im afraid not.Maybe _.(易错题) Aother time Bmore time Cthe other timeDanother time ( )8.Can you go to the movies with me this Sunday evening? Sorry,Im not _.I have to help my parents do the housework. Acreative Bclear Cavailable Dbusy,C,D,C,( )9.Dont worry.We are sure to _ the train and arrive there on time. Aget Bhang Ccatch Dmiss ( )10.I want to watch TV,Mom.(易错题) But you cant watch it _ you finish your homework. Aand Bif Cthough Duntil ( )11.Jack,lets meet at 7 oclock in the evening. OK._. AThats right BCatch you then CThats it DI think so,C,D,B,三、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有一项多余) A:Hey,Gina.Do you know Kate? B:Of course.Shes your cousin.12._ A:Yes,thats right.Shes going to move to Beijing next week.13._ B:Id love to,but Im afraid I cant.14._ A:Thats really too bad. B:15._ Ill be free then. A:Really?Thats great. B:Where shall we meet? A:Lets meet at my home. B:OK.16._,D,A,G,B,E,ASo can you go to visit her with me this afternoon? BHow about Friday afternoon? CIm sorry. DWe went swimming together last Friday. ECatch you on Friday. GI have to practice dancing this afternoon.,


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