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盛泽第二中学期中考试复习试卷三初三英语试卷一、选择填空21.-_ hard work you have done! -Its very kind of you to say so. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a22.Do you have any problems if you _ this job? A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered23.-He didnt go to school this morning, did he?-_, though he was not feeling very well.A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt24.-Hello! Golden Sun Hotel. Can I help you?-Do you have a room _ for this weekend?A. available B. useful C. empty D. possible25.It's nice _ you to _ so much time showing me around your school. A. for, take B. for, spend C. of, spend D. of, cost26.There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don't know _ to choose. A. what B. which C. how D. where27.- I hope you don't mind my opening the window. - _. It's a bit hot here today. A. Certainly B. Of course not C. All right D. Never mind28.The boy read the article _ and found something important in it.A. careful enough B. carefully enough C. enough careful D. enough carefully29.I think this talk is worth Ato listen Bto listen to C1istening D1istening to30.He often says, “I _ one million smiles in my heart _ one billion dollars in my pocket.” A. dont like; but B. prefer; than C. would rather; than D. prefer; to31. I wonder _ Tom will come to our party.He will when he finishes his work, I think. A. howB. whetherC. thatD. what32. Not all the students would rather _ computer games than _.A. play; studyB. playing; studyingC. to play; to studyD. playing; study33. The boy looks nice _ white and the red sweater looks good _the girl . A. with; on B in; on C. on; in D. in; with 34.This morning I tried on some coats in the shop, but _ of them looked good. A. nothing B. all C. none D. neither35. - Im sure I will get good marks in the mid-term exam. - I believe your parents will _ your study if you try your best. A. be satisfied with B. be angry with C. be bored of D. be worried aboutB)完形填空 I became lame(瘸的)in both legs in my childhood. I cant stand 36 the support of two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “ 37 ”.I still remember the first day at school. When I appeared at the door, everyone in the classroom stared(凝视)at me in 38 . My face turned red. I couldnt help turning back. It was the _39 and sympathy(同情)in their eyes that 40 me doing so. I went shyly towards an unoccupied (空的) seat.Being lame, I didnt dare to walk in front of my classmates. I was afraid that I might be 41_ at. In those days I was very sad to see others walking happily.One day, a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really excited. They encouraged me with a friendly smile and 42 me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was thankful to them for giving me a chance to see the sights of our lovely school with my own eyes.After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are always 43 to help me. It made me 44 I am handicapped (残疾的).Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation (犹豫) I said, “It is the 45 .”36. A. with B. without C. under D. on37. A. walk B. run C. sit D. stand38. A. thoughtB. interest C. anger D. surprise39. A. feelingB. kindness C. happiness D. pain40. A. made B. stopped C. kept D. let41. A. laughed B. smiled C. stared D. looked42. A. drew B. placed C. pushed D. pulled43. A. smart B. ready C. wise D. polite44. A. forget B. rememberC. imagine D. think45. A. teachers B. schoolyard C. classmatesD. friendship二、阅读理解A Want to be an astronaut? Then “study hard, stay healthy and have perseverance (毅力)”! This is what Chinese astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said in a talk with some students. Students were interested in the astronauts space lives. They asked questions like “Did you see the Great Wall from space?” Fei and Nie said they didnt see the Great Wall. But they felt excited when they passed over China, including Taiwan. The island “looked very beautiful, like a jade(翡翠)”。Speaking of their lives beyond (在之外)the earth, the two astronauts said cooperation with each other was the most important. “We are like the left and right hands,” they said.Young people wanted to know how the astronauts developed their careers.“How did you decide to be astronauts when Chinas space industry is still at the beginning?” asked a young woman. The astronauts said it was because of their love of flight and also the need of the country.They said their love of flight could be seen from their childrens names. Nies daughter is called “Nie Tianxiang”, which mean “flying up high”. Feis son is called “Fei Di”, which sounds like “Feidie”, meaning UFO.After the success of Shenzhou VI, China plans to put a man on the moon and build a space station in 1015years.46. If you want to be astronauts, what should you do from now on?A. We should change our names.B. We should be interested in the astronauts space life.C. We should love the flight and our country.D. We should study hard, stay healthy and have perseverance.47. Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “cooperation” in the passage? A. 友好 B. 竞争 C. 合作 D. 手术48. In 1015 years, China could put a man on _ and build a space station.A. Shenzhou VII B.UFO C. the moon D. the sun49. Which of the following is true?A. Nie Haisheng saw the Great Wall from space.B. Fei Junlong met UFO in space.C. The astronauts couldnt see Taiwan from space.D. Fei and Nie make a contribution to Chinas space industryBWhat are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save yourself. It is important to know the ways you can use and to show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways (楼梯) and fire escapes, but not lifts.From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving through windows with the least chance of serious injury (伤害).The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person, hanging by the finger-tips (手指尖) will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked (泄露) into the room.On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those which open onto a roof (屋顶). From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement (水泥) might end in injury. Bushes and grass can help to break a fall.50. It is important to _.A. know the ways to escape a fire B. put out a fire in a burning houseC. jump out of a burning house D. keep the door closed51. It is possible to escape through the windows _.A. if you are strong enough B. if there are some bushes on the groundC. if you live on a lower floor D. if you have a long rope52. Keep your head low at the window so that _ if the building is on fire.A. you can get fresh air B. you can call for helpC. you can easily jump off D. you can be seen first53. The best title for the passage is _.A. Escaping as fast as possible B. Saving Yourself from a Burning HouseC. Knowledge on Fire D. Waiting for HelpC Do you like drinking Coke? As a symbol of American culture, Coca-Cola is liked by many people, especially young people all around the world. But from now on, perhaps it will be hard for students in the US to get it in school. A new agreement will end almost all sales of high-sugar fuzzy(起泡的)drinks in the US schools. The agreement allows only unsweetened juice(无糖果汁), low-fat milk and water in primary and middle school vending machines(投币式自动售货机) and cafeterias. The agreement is “a bold(大胆的) step forward in the struggle to help 35 million young people lead healthier lives”.Rising childhood obesity(肥胖) has become a big problem in America. A report noted that obesity has tripled(增至三倍) among teenagers in the past 25 years. It called for new limits on the marketing of junk food to children. Soda is a particular target because of its caloric content and popularity among children.Britain has already taken steps to fight obesity. A recent study shows that people in the UK are much healthier than the people in the US. However, its better late than never. Now American schools are trying to make new regulations to guide the students to choose healthy drinks.54.According to the agreement, which will not be allowed in the US schools?A. Unsweetened juice. B. Low-fat milk. C. Water. D. Pepsi.55._ has become a big problem in America.A. Junk food B. Drinking coke C. Obesity D. Health56. Why is soda a particular target?A. Because it tastes good. B. Because it has more calories and is popular among kids.C. Because it is not a healthy diet. D. Because it is a symbol of American culture.57. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Britain has no such problem as obesity. B. People in the UK are healthier than people in the US.C. Americans are much healthier than British people.D. New regulations have been made to guide students in the US schools.DJerry Baldwin, 30 years old, owned a restaurant. He lived in a flat about one mile north of the restaurant. He walked to and from work. When it was raining, he took the bus. Jerry loved gangster(匪徒) movies. When a new one came out, he would go to the theater and watch the new movie three or four times. Then, when it went to video, Jerry would buy the video at Barneys Video Store. Jerry had a home over 1,000 gangster videos. Old ones, new ones; color, black and white; English, Spanish, Japanese - he loved them all. He could tell you the name of the movie, the director, the stars, and the story. Jerry finally decided that he would own a gun, just like the gangsters. So he saved his money for a couple of years. Then he went to the gun club to practice shooting. He was in the club for only 10 minutes when he accidentally dropped his gun. The gun went off, and the bullet(子弹) went into Jerrys right knee. Jerry now walks with a walking stick, just like some gangsters. 58. What was Jerry Baldwin? A. The boss of a restaurant. B. The manager of a cinema. C. The owner of a video shop. D. The head of a shooting club.59. Jerry Baldwin dropped his gun mainly because of his _. A. illnessB. angerC. carelessnessD. eyesight60. From the passage, we learn that Jerry _ in the end. A. lost his interest in moviesB. turned out to be a real gangster C. had his own shooting clubD. couldnt walk in a normal way三、单词拼写61.Do you have any difficulty (解决) the problem?62. “ (注意) ,please. Flight No. 2903 has arrived.” 63.Thank you for giving us so many good (建议).64.We all wish that the Asian Games(亚运会) would be held (成功地) in Guangzhou.65.Millie had no (选择)but to wait for the next train yesterday morning66.You shouldnt leave a child (单独)in the house67.It is said that twins have (相似的) characteristics.68.The more vegetables you eat, the (健康) you will be.69.-I am not sure which tie to wear for the party. -God! I have no idea, (也).70. He seems very serious, but in fact he has a good sense of (幽默).四、句子翻译71.我们永远不会放弃希望。_72.您能告诉我怎么处理这些电子邮件吗?_73.那部电影我想起了我的家乡。_74.这份报告必须在周末前上交。_75.每个人都应当学会宽恕他人的错误。_五、书面表达最近你和父母就你要参加校篮球队一事交换了意见,各自阐述了观点。 现在请你参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。Your parents ideasYour ideas1. less time for study2. not strong enough3. get easily hurt注意:1、开头部分已写好,不计入字数。 2、所写内容必须包括表格中他们的想法和你的至少三个想法。3、词数:80左右。Should I be allowed to join the school basketball team?Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether or not I should be allowed to join the school basketball team. _盛泽第二中学期中考试复习试卷三英语试卷一、1-5 BCABA 6-10 BABBC 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 CBBAA21-25ACBAC 26-30 BBBDD 31-35 BABCA36-40 BADBB 41-45ACBAD46-49DCCD 50-53 ACAB 54-57DCBB 58-60ACD四、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)61. solving 62. Attention 63. suggestions 64. successfully65.choice 66. alone 67.similar 68. healthier69. either 70. humour五、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)71. Well never give up hopes.72. Can you tell me how to deal with/what to do with these e-mails?73. That film reminded me of my hometown.74. The report must be handed in before the weekend.75. Everyone should learn to forgive others for their mistakes.六、书面表达(共1题;满分20分)One possible version: Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether or not I should join the school basketball team. They dont think I am strong enough to be a good basketball player. I might get hurt while playing. And they hope I will spend more time on my studies. However, I dont agree with them. I know they care about me. But becoming a member of the school team is my dream, you know. Ill try my best to keep a balance between my study and sport. More importantly, I can learn how to work with others in a team. I can make friends with them. Playing basketball can make me stronger.


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