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山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学七年级英语下册《Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第1课时)》学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学七年级英语下册《Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第1课时)》学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolNew words and phrasesTeaching and Learning Goals:1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words课程表词汇) on p7-12:tooth (teeth), shower, job, station, night, group, half, quarter, homework, life, lot, dress, brush, work, exercise, run, clean, walk, taste, best, funny, up, usually, sometimes, never, early, oclock, quickly, either, forty, fifty, past.2. 能争取使用下列常用短语: get up, get dressed, take a shower, radio station, on weekends, do ones homework, take a shower, eitheror3. 能认读下列词汇(Non- curriculum words非课程表词汇): wow.4. Enable to read and understand the story.Teaching and learning steps Step 1 Learn to read the words on P95-96.Let Ss try to read the words by themselves using the phonetics and underline the difficult words you cant. Especially read the difficult words in groups or with your partners. Encourage the students to read the difficult words or in your group.Get two or three middle-level students to read all the words, the others listen and then ask the good students to correct the wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher helps them. Read after the tape, imitate the pronunciation. The students read aloud to memorize the words. (Meanwhile The teacher walks around to see whether students have any questions.) (设计意图:该步骤首先是有意识培养和训练学生根据音标自主学习单词的能力和习惯的养成;然后培养和激发学生谦虚好学和积极合作的学习态度,尤其是我们七年级的学生,更要重要的是使其树立正确的、良好的学习观合作精神、 “三人行必有我师焉” 和勇于面对自己、敢于挑战自我的好习惯和正确观点;跟读矫正发音;自由朗读加强训练与巩固。总之单词的学习要坚持从个体同伴小组整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组合作学习的能力,使其树立能够学习好英语的自信心,同时真正地体现教学大纲的要求:以学生为主体,教师为主导。)Step2 Learn to remember the new words on P7-P12.一、 Remember the words by looking at the pictures. get up (起床) dress (n. 连衣裙) get dressed (穿上衣服)The girl usually gets up at 6:00 The baby gets dressed at 9:00 in the morning. oclock in the morning. brush teeth (刷牙) take a shower (洗淋浴)Students brush teeth at 7:00 in the morning. The dogs take a shower every day. work (n. & v. 工作) night (n. 夜晚)TV station (电视台) Teachers often work to night.My sister works at a. exercise (n. & v. 锻炼;练习) clean (v. 打扫 adj. 干净的) My uncle exercises every day. The baby wants to help her mother clean the room. group (n. 群,组) half (n. & pron. 一半) past (prep.过)A group of people are singing and dancing. Our English class begins at half past two. quarter (n. 一刻钟) funny (adj. 滑稽可笑的)I often sleep at a quarter to 1 oclock. Xiao Shenyang is a very funny actor. do ones homework(做作业) run (v. 跑)She always does her homework first after school. He runs the fastest in the world. take a walk (散步) lots of (大量;许多)My parents often take a walk in the afternoon. I have lots of books in my library.taste (v.品尝;n. 味道) Ice cream tastes good.(设计意图:通过图片呈现来形象直观地学习单词或短语,并学习在句子运用,这样简单易懂。另外时尚生活图片也能激发学生的兴奋点,让英语课堂新鲜多变,改变年年如一的陈旧现象,使得学习不再枯燥而是充满乐趣。创设具体而又新潮的语境,学生能很容易地掌握单词的意义及用法,也是学习单词的一种好方法。)二、Remember the difficult and the most useful words and phrases by matching themselves with their meanings.usuallyfunny job work lots of never oclock either do homework exercise quickly quarter sometimes life early 工作大量;许多表示整点或者;也做作业职业通常滑稽好笑的从不;绝不一刻钟;四分之一锻炼;练习很快的 生活;生命早(的)有时(设计意图:用英汉对比记忆英语单词,采用记忆大擂台,看谁记得又快又准确,让学生举手积极抢答,并且及时给予激励与表扬来调动学生学习的积极性)三:Remember the words by their similar pronunciation and forms.sit down a little quickly i (很快地一点的坐下来)get best dress never let exercise e(得到最好的连衣裙,绝不让锻炼)name game date station taste ei (日期和名字来品尝电台游戏)mine sometimes life like bike kite ai(我的生活有时喜欢自行车和风筝)no note homework u (没有注意家庭作业)cup brush run up bus funny (杯子、刷子跑向上公共汽车滑稽可笑)seat meat clean i: (打扫座位上的肉/座位上的肉是干净的)meet feet teeth i: (脚遇见牙齿)food tooth u: (牙齿和食物)how now shower au (怎么现在沐浴?)not lot hot oclock (不是许多热门的钟点工呀!) (设计意图:利用含有相同的字母或字母组合发出相同的音来引导学生再次识记、巩固新词汇,同时QQ图片和有趣的词义串烧又一次激发学习的欲望,获得了事半功倍的效果。)四:Remember the words by conversion( 转换 ), derivative( 派生词 ), comparison(对比)and complex words( 合成词 ). .转换1. I get dressed at 8:00 oclock. I like to wear a new dress.2. I work in a school. I have much work to do. 3. I like exercising every day. And I must do some exercises.派生 1. I usually go to school at 8:00 oclock. I have an unusual bike.2. Liu Xiang is a runner. He runs very fast. 3. I eat a quick breakfast. I eat very quickly in the morning.4. Xiao Shenyang is a funny actor. He takes us much fun.对比1. I bought a new tooth brush. I brush my teeth every day.2. I live a very happy life. .合成 I always do my homework at home.(设计意图:利用词形、词义的变化,并且融于句子中使学生进一步了解词汇的正确运用,以扩大学生的词汇量。内容形式多样,全面而不重复,使学生很容易就能从多个角度来理解掌握单词。)五、Remember the words by looking at semantic map.Step 3 Consolidate 1. Give students a few minutes to memorize the words.2. Get students to read and try to remember the words, then look at Chinese meanings and spell English words by covering the English words.3. Let Ss spell the words each other (SA: says the words of Chinese meanings and writes down the words that his/ her partner cant. SB: spells the words.) 4. Let Ss read by themselves again and consolidate the words that they cant. (T: Encourages Ss to consolidate the words after class or after school using their free time.)(设计意图:先给予学生一定的时间记忆单词;然后两两互相合作检查,并记下各自不会的或不牢固的,接着再次进行重点读记巩固。该环节结束仍会有少部分的学生不达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。本步骤继续培养学生自主学习能力和合作学习的精神,以便共同促进、共同成长。另外教师需要鼓励学生充分而有效地利用自由空闲时间继续学习和巩固。) Step 4 Read the story and translate into Chinese.1. Get students to read the story and underline the new words.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of two.3. Read the story by yourself again and try to read it fluently. At half past six, the big bear and his brother get up, and then they get dressed, brush their teeth. After that, they like taking a walk in the forest and try to find foods. The food in the forest tastes good. They usually go to the forest at half past seven, they are never late, because Guangtouqiang goes to the forest at seven forty, he will cut down the trees. That is his job. But on weekends, Guangtouqiang usually works at the radio station, he needs tomake money for his wife. So he goes to the forest early, At 8 o clock he arrives at the forest, take out his tools, but at this time, the bear brothers will come out to stop him, he isscared (害怕的)and runs quickly, he looks funny. The bear brothers is the best group. After finding the food, the two brothers walk to home, clean the room. In the afternoon, they either exercise or do lots of homework. At a quarter to twenty- two, they take a shower and go to bed. Their lives are really colorful.在6:30熊大和他的弟弟起床,然后穿好衣服并刷刷牙。之后他们喜欢到森林散步并试着找食物,森林里的食物尝起来很美味。他们通常在7:30去森林,从来不晚,因为光头强在7:40去森林,他会砍伐树木,那是他的工作。但是在周末,光头强通常在电台工作,他需要为他的妻子赚些钱,因此他很早去森林。他在8:00钟到达森林,然后拿出他的工具,与此同时,熊大和熊二会出来阻止他,他是很害怕的,并且迅速地逃跑,他看起来很滑稽可笑。熊兄弟俩是最棒的组。熊兄弟俩找到食物之后步行回家,打扫房间。在下午他们或者锻炼或者做许多的家庭作业。在9:45他们洗澡后去睡觉。他们的生活真是丰富多彩的。(设计意图:运用电视热播的熊出没动画片中三个可爱的人物角色熊大、熊二和光头强来编织故事,相信中学生们也一定会喜欢的。文中巧妙的把词汇与故事意境相结合,这样既能提高学习兴趣,也降低了掌握单词的难度,从而使更多的学生更主动、更乐意地学习英语。)Step 5 Mind map思维树1. Get students to read the mind map and fill in it according to the story in groups.2. Let students try to retell the story using the mind map. (设计意图:根据故事内容及段落编写了思维树。用思维树的方式能形象直观,简洁明了的表述故事的内容。第一幅图,围绕The Big Bear and His Brothers Day展开他们每天上午的生活情况。第二幅图围绕Guangtouqiangs weekendslife展开.第三幅图围绕After finding the food(即熊大和熊二找到食物之后的事情展开。这样学生根据思维树就能很清晰的把握故事的脉络,并能很容易的对故事进行复述,进一步巩固了单词意义,达到熟练运用单词的目的。这样学生学单词既不枯燥乏味,又能事半功倍。) Step 6 当堂检测一、按要求写出下列单词。1. tooth ( 复数)_ 2. usual (副词)_3. never (反义词) _ 4. fun(形容词)_4. good(最高级)_ 6. run(跑步者)_7. quick( 副词)_ 8. life (复数)_二、写出下列短语。1. 起床_ 2. 穿衣服_3. 刷牙 _ 4.洗淋浴_5. 广播电台 _ 6.在周末_7. 做作业_ 8.散步_9. 要么要么_ 10.许多,大量_三、根据句意及首字母提示或汉语意思完成句子。1. I often take a _( 淋浴) before I go to bed.2. My father _( 工作 ) in a factory.3. What time do you often do your _( 家庭作业)?4. Mary _(或者) watches TV or play computer games.5. Its a _( 一刻钟 ) past eight.6. What time do you g_ up in the morning?7. Tom always c_ his room on Saturday?8. I u_ go to school with Tom.9. Whats Marys uncles j_?10. Ice-cream usually t_ good, so I like it very much.Step 7 Homework. 1. Review the words and phrases, especially the words and phrases they havent grasped. ( )2.Preview of Unit 2 Section A (1a2d).(选做题)3. Read and write the new words first. Then using workbook (英语助学) to dictate the words by yourself. Next check yourself, correct them and write more times to master them correctly. (首先练习读和写,然后用英语助学自我检查,之后自我批改并订正,尽可能地多写、多练,直至正确掌握。) (必做题)当堂检测答案:一、1. teeth 2. usually 3. always 4. funny 5. best 6. runner 7.quickly 8.lives二、1. get up 2. get dressed 3. brush teeth 4. take a shower 5. radio station 6. on weekends7. do homework 8. take a walk 9.either or 10. lots of 三、1. shower 2. works 3. homework 4. either 5. quarter 6. get 7. cleans 8. usually 9. job 10. tastes亮点: 1. 本节课的课堂教学设计基本涵盖了本单元的词汇,本人利用不同的教学方法和手段来激励和调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和学习氛围,同时通过各种形式加深了对单词的识记,达到了预习的目的。比如根据音标自学词汇、利用图片识记单词,读音归类识词,词与句相结合识记词汇,最后利用众所皆知熊出没中熊大、熊二和光头强三者情况来编写的小故事再次让学生对单词有了进一步的学习和巩固等等。其中Step2中一、三、五中三项活动学生学习的积极性异常高涨,收到了很好的学习效果。2. 在整个教学的过程中和家庭作业的布置中教师都能够注重培养学生自主学习的能力和合作学习的精神,这对于学生的良好习惯的养成和健康成长都会有很大的促进作用。3. 当堂检测的设计更是有效地补充与巩固了词汇的用法。不足之处:本课容量较大,在记单词和巩固单词的课堂设计中,通过课上的学习和操练,仅有1/3的学生能做到熟练拼读和掌握,还有少部分学生不能够流利读出。因此仍需要坚持课后辅导或督促。使用建议:由于学生学习的程度不一,老师要有足够的耐心允许学生犯错误并要更多的关注成绩后进的学生,不让任何一个学生掉队。一定尽力做到做好:多鼓励,少批评,充分树立学生的自信心,尽可地激发学生学习英语的积极性。 8


本文(山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学七年级英语下册《Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第1课时)》学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版)为本站会员(沈***)主动上传,装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知装配图网(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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