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第6期第2版READING TASKSTask I. 1-D;2-F;3-A;4-E;5-C;6-BTask II. 1. money 2. interview 3. body language4. guilty 5. publishingTask III. 1-d;2-e;3-a;4-b;5-c LOOK BACK1. unforgettable 2. to 3. professional 4. curious 5. detailed 6. depending 7. permitted 8. where 9. deliberately 10. guilty 11. was inspiredLISTENING PRACTICE听力训练(五)参考答案1-5 BCBAB 6-10 ABCAC11. doctor 12. history 13. Canadian 14. chess 15. interesting第3版GRAMMARI. 1. can we get into the house 2. the weather get any colder3. had he entered than4. does he visit us that5. you been there 6. did he speak to me7. will Janet get on a plane8. did he laugh9. did she remember10. is Thailand warmer than EnglandII. 1. Only when I lost the game did I realize Never will you allow it to happen againSo important is the skill not only do you need to improve your skillHard as / though it seems2. Had I had the opportunity Only son as / though I amGUIDED WRITINGOne possible version:Wang Dong Wins AwardWang Dong, a student from Class Three, Grade Two of our school was presented with an award for his bravery and courage in the face of an emergency from the mayor this morning. Last Saturday, Wang Dong was walking in Ren Min Park when he saw a child falling into the lake. Without hesitation, he ran over, jumped into the water and managed to save the child's life. The child's parents were very grateful and the local TV reported Wang Dong's good deeds. Having seen the report, the mayor decided to meet the “hero” and present him with the award because he had set a good example for teenagers.第4版CHECKING CORNERPart 1I. 1. acquire 2. dilemma 3. assessing4. thorough 5. demand 6. Meanwhile7. deadline 8. colleagues 9. amateur 10. updating 11. submitted 12. guilty13. published 14. sceptical / skeptical II. 1. journalist 2. photographer3. delighted4. admirable 5. unusual 6. assistant7. professional 8. deliberately 9. technically 10. giftedIII. 1. was accused of 2. concentrate on 3. depends on 4. inform; of 5. so as to 6. was eager toPart 21. nor did she know 2. So interesting was3. Had we known 4. will he realize 5. Neither / Nor does he 6. as / though he was7. hangs a painting by Qi Baishi8. May you Part 3I. 1. accurate 2. edition 3. Polish 4. department 5. negative II. 1. make an appointment 2. in the process of 3. approve of 4. our chief concern 5. ahead of第5-6版Book 5 Unit 4综合能力评估试题参考答案Part A 略Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C信息点:1. A man was selling medicines at a fair.2. Many people bought the cold cure medicine.3. Even more people gathered to hear the man.4. Then the man held up a very small bottle to show the crowd.5. The man said the medicine in the small bottle could make people live forever.6. Most of the people didnt believe what the man said.7. One person shouted at the man and asked why he didnt drink it himself.8. The man answered that he had and he was already 329 years old.9. One person asked the mans assistant whether it was true.10. The assistant said she didnt know because she only worked for the man for 150 years.1-5 CBDCB 6-10 CBDCA 11-15 CADCB 16-20 EACGB21-25 CBDCC 26-30 ABCCB 31-35 BCDDB 36-40 BCBDA41. gathering 42. in43. that 44. best45. professional 46. are 47. what 48. truth49. simply 50. to set 短文改错:When I started learning English, I found it very difficulty. No matter what hard I tried, I just could not understand the grammar. Then one day, my sister asked me why I was so confusing by English and I told her that I was afraid of it. Then she asked me to watching English movies and listen to some English songs. I fell in the love with these songs. I learned to sing them and find I could remember more and more word. I also felt very interested the movies, because I could learn everyday words from them. Have become interested, I've started to make greatly progress. Now, I'm not afraid of English any more.When I started learning English, I found it very difficulty. No matter what hard I tried, I just difficult howcould not understand the grammar. Then one day, my sister asked me why I was so confusing by confusedEnglish and I told her that I was afraid of it. Then she asked me to watching English movies and watchlisten to some English songs. I fell in the love with these songs. I learned to sing them and find I foundcould remember more and more word. I also felt very interested the movies, because I could words inlearn everyday words from them. Have become interested, I've started to make greatly progress. Having greatNow, I'm not afraid of English any more.One possible version:English Club explored the Wildlife ParkOn July 23rd, our school English Club organized a visit to the Wildlife Park located in the northern suburb of our city, for all its members.First we visited the indoor exhibition, where we saw many colorful pictures of different kinds of butterflies, dinosaur fossils and other wild animals. Then we entered the outdoor area by bus to see the wild animals, such as lions and tigers. For most students, it was the first time they had seen animals in the open air so closely. It was really exciting. Through this activity, we learned more about wild animals and our awareness of protecting the endangered animals was improved.基础题. 1. delighted 2. admirable 3. meanwhile 4. unusually 5. demand 6. informed 7. approve 8. processed 9. acquire 10. assesses II. 11. ahead of 12. so as to 13. accused; of 14. depend on 15. concentrated on 16. are guilty of 17. were eager for 18. have a good nose for 19. later on 20. are supposed to III. 21. He submitted his plan for urban development to the city government. 22. The story goes that his brother died abroad in the end.23. Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they reach a decision.24. Not until he left his home did he begin to know how important the family was for him.25. Never have I seen a better movie than this one.部分解析阅读理解:第一节:A篇 (文化娱乐)本文是应用文。文章介绍了游乐场里的四个娱乐项目。1. C。细节理解题。由Whoppie Whizzer部分的The ride starts with a few gentle spins that gradually increase in speed, so that after thirty seconds youre moving round at 15 miles per hour可知,在该地点游客可以体验高速骑行。2. B。细节理解题。由Pirate Ship部分的This huge pirate ship has been specially designed just for kids its made of inflatable plastic及they can . enjoy themselves可知,由可充气塑料制成的海盗船可以给儿童带来欢乐。3. D。文章出处题。文中提及的过山车、鬼屋、迷宫和海盗船都是娱乐项目,故这四处旅游热点最可能在一家游乐场找到。B篇 (文娱与体育)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了第一位跑完波士顿马拉松的女性。4. C。篇章结构题。由第二段划线词后的It changed the way men thought about women以及第四段的Many people didnt think women were physically capable of running longer distances可知,Gibb完成了马拉松并比大多数男性选手跑得快,她的行为改变了人们认为女性不适合长跑运动这一观点。5. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的the crowd cheered when they realized she was a woman可知,当Gibb的身影被发现出现在1966年波士顿马拉松比赛时,观众们欢呼起来以示对她的支持。6. C。推理判断题。Gibb为了实现她参加波士顿马拉松的梦想,用了两年的时间训练体能;当参赛申请被拒绝后,她并没有放弃梦想,而是乔装打扮也要参加,由此推断她意志力坚定。7. B。标题归纳题。本文介绍了第一位跑完波士顿马拉松的女性Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb,因其努力与坚持,改变了女性不能参加马拉松比赛的规则,故而创造了历史。故B项最符合文章主旨。C篇 (学校生活)本文是说明文。研究调查发现成人终身学习的主要方式仍然是走进课堂学习。8. D。细节理解题。由第一段的where hell teach you . in person可知,Matt McEntee的课程是由华盛顿公共图书馆系统开设的周末班,针对成年人进行面对面授课。9. C。推理判断题。由第四段的if Im reading by myself online I can get lost in the information可知,网络信息量之大让Andrews觉得困惑。10. A。推理判断题。由最后两段的she prefers learning in person . I feel like the library seems more credible可知,Andrews对华盛顿公共图书馆系统开设的课程充满期待。11. C。主旨大意题。由第五段的调查结果 . learn in a physical classroom is still the preferred choice for adults以及倒数第三段分析受教育水平和收入水平对人们学习方式的影响可知,本文探讨的是成人终身学习的主要方式。D篇 (热点话题)本文是议论文。文章探讨了是否该强制回收食物垃圾。12. A。细节理解题。由第二段的Meat, fish, and dairy food waste cannot be recycled可知,并不是所有的食物垃圾都可以用来堆制肥料。13. D。段落大意题。由第三段可知,堆肥可以减少垃圾填埋,且堆肥有利于农作物生长,这些都是堆肥带来的好处。14. C。词义猜测题。由划线词前的Our landfills are far from enough可知,垃圾填埋地如今的使用已达到饱和,且可用来修建新的垃圾填埋地的地方也越来越少,这也是减少垃圾填埋的一个原因。故shrinking此处有“逐渐变小”之意。15. B。推理判断题。由最后一段Patti Ferguson的观点an indoor container containing food waste would get smelly可知,她对回收食物垃圾的法律持否定态度。第二节:话题:周围的人本文是记叙文。为了帮助好朋友Jonah治病,Dylan出版了一本他写的书来筹集善款。16. E。 E项中的create a book与下文Dylan说的People usually dont write a book to help other people. Thats why I wanted to do it相呼应,Dylan通过写书来帮助他患病的好友。17. A。由下文的their school可知,Dylan和Jonah不仅是好朋友,也是同学。18. C。由上文Dylan请求一家当地杂货铺销售他写的书并赠送巧克力棒以及下文所有的巧克力棒都卖完了可知,Dylan写的书很畅销。19.G。Dylan在“做好事日”那天能募捐到6000美元,是因为慷慨的人们伸出了援助之手。20.B。由上文Dylan的书在“做好事日”那天广受欢迎和下文迄今为止他筹得不少善款可知,正因为Dylan写书的消息很快传播开来,所以他决定通过网络销售他的书。英语知识运用:第一节:话题:人际关系本文是议论文。作者认为交友时应更多地注重他人的品格而非外表。21. C。“作者认为诚实是一种不易获取的品质”与“他愿意结交诚实的朋友”之间是因果关系,故选Therefore。22. B。由下文作者说明结交诚实的朋友的好处可知,他把诚实“看得很重(value)”。23. D。由下文作者列举朋友的重要作用可知,他认为诚实比外表更“重要(important)”。24. C。25. C。由When I have a problem, I like to ask for . from my friends可知,作者认为朋友应该是保守秘密的人和“解决问题的人(problem solver)”,当有问题时,可以向朋友征求“意见(advice)”。26. A。由上文的my secret keeper和I can discuss private things with my friends可知,作者希望与朋友谈论私事时,他们不会“告诉(tell)”其他人。27. B。28. C。由I dont want them to lie to me可知,作者希望朋友可以给予他“诚实的(honest)”意见,而不是说谎或者“掩盖(hide)”事实的真相。29. C。由下文的make me upset可知,作者认为如果朋友欺骗了自己,这会“伤害(hurt)”他。30. B。由本段作者解释如果没有交到好的朋友会让别人不信赖自己可知,作者认为诚实的人可以被他人“信赖(trust)”。31. B。由下文的help you to better yourself可知,作者认为朋友之间应该起到“积极、正面的(positive)”影响。32. C。由上文的someone who repeatedly lies和下文的I would become someone that others cannot trust可知,作者认为如果身边总有人说谎,他有可能也会染上这种坏“习惯(habit)”。33. D。外表不能经常反映一个人的内心是作者认为品质比外表重要的另一个“原因(reason)”。34. D。35. B。朋友的“长相(looks)”不能帮助解决问题或者让你难过的心情变得“更好(better)”。36. B。相比于外表不能帮人排忧解难,拥有好品质且诚实的人则会在“尊重(respect)”你情绪的同时告诉你真相。37. C。外表“不像(Unlike)”品质能够长久保持。38. B。39. D。综上所述,作者认为拥有一个诚实的朋友比拥有一个外表“出众的(attractive)”朋友更能让社交生活变得“愉快(pleasant)”。40. A。当涉及如何维系长久友谊时,“诚实才是上策”这条谚语尤其“正确(true)”。第二节:41. gathering。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词by的宾语,故填动词-ing形式。42. in。考查介词。in its truest form意为“最真实的状态”。43. that。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词people and places,且在从句中作主语,故填that。44. best。考查形容词的最高级形式。由空前的定冠词the可知此处应用所给形容词的最高级形式。45. professional。形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰名词knowledge,故填professional。46. are。考查倒装结构。Not only位于句首句子用部分倒装,且由they及curious . around them可知,设空处应填系动词are。47. what。考查连接词。由语境可知,破折号后面的内容意为“一种什么能成为好故事的感觉”,故填what。48. truth。考查名词。设空处作shading的宾语,意为“真相”,故填truth。49. simply。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语动词,故填副词simply。50. to set。考查不定式作状语的用法。“撇开那些偏见”是“他们努力”的目的,故填to set。第7期第2版READING TASKSTask I. 1. warm 2. water 3. touchTask II. 1. mild 2. liquids 3. electricTask III. watery surface Second degree burnsblack and white and charred Third degree burnsrough, red and swollen Second degree burnsTask IV. 1. clothing 2. third 3. wet4. bandage5. higherLOOK BACK1. given 2. injured 3. depending 4. into 5. which 6. speaking 7. using 8. is stuck 9. icy 10. gently 11. with 12. or 13. infectionLISTENING PRACTICE听力训练(六)参考答案1-5 BCCBA 6-10 BACAB11. important 12. collection 13. northwest 14. Christmas 15. 6:00第3版GRAMMARI. 1. I believe that this party can, and will, win the next election.2. I was to take the east path and Steve, the west.3. John can play something, but I don't know what.II. 1.He is dead and I am alive.2.Mark bought a coat and Lynn bought a hat and gloves.3.I want to go but I can't go.4.He'll come soon but I don't know exactly when he'll come.5.I could have gone to her party, but I didn't want to go to her party.6.I don't know if John has gone, but I think he has gone.III.1. A: Why don't they move to a bigger place?B: They don't want to move to a bigger place. They're happy where they are.2. A: Have more coffee.B: I'd better not have more coffee. I won't be able to sleep later.3. A: Do you want some coffee?B: Is there any coffee?4. A: What should I have done? B: You should have told him the truth.5. A: Has she been running? B: No, she has been cycling.6. A: Have you seen my gloves anywhere?B: They're in the kitchen.7. A: Are you ready yet?B: Yes. I'm ready now. I'm sorry to keep you waiting.GUIDED WRITINGOne possible version:First aid for poisoning If you think someone may have been poisoned, follow these instructions. First, see whether the person is breathing. If the person isnt breathing, clear the airway and try to get him or her to breathe. If the person is breathing, try to get him or her to spit out what remains in his or her mouth. Next, call for an ambulance. Search for any pills or bottles that may contain the poison. Then take the person, together with the poison or the poison container, to hospital as soon as possible. Whatever you find will help the doctor find what kind of poison the person has swallowed.第4版CHECKING CORNERPart 1I. 1. bleeding2. choked3. temporary4. ankle5. cupboard 6. organs7. poisoned8. skin9. barrier10. liquid 11. pan12. stove13. scissors14. symptoms 15. wrist16. complex 17. damp 18. tissuesII. 1. injury2. swollen 3. mildly4. unbearable III. 1. fall ill 2. a variety of / all kinds of / all sorts of3. if necessary 4. acted as 5. in place 6. over and over again 7. It is best to8. squeezed the water out 9. depending on / according to10. sat up 11. get / be burned / burnt12. caught fire13. was sticking to / was stuck to14. knocked over Part 21. What Kate said did really hurt John.I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt him.2. One side of the wall should be painted yellow, and the other side of it should be painted white.3. The disease can result in total blindness if it is left untreated.4. Ask him to take you home if it is possible.5. The girl is very shy, and she never speaks until she is spoken to.6. When is he leaving?He is leaving tonight.7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to do it.8. He came home earlier than he was expected.Part 3I. 1. pressure 2. bravery 3. treatment 4. applicationII. 1. a number of 2. put my hands on3. made a difference 4. take part in 5. are / were proud of第5-6版Book 5 Unit 5综合能力评估试题参考答案Part A 略Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C信息点:1. When Tommy was a kid, he never did what he was told.2. Tommys father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do.3. One day, Tommy and his father were bringing sacks of sugar home.4. The sacks of sugar were being carried by their horses.5. Tommy and his father were crossing a river.6. One of the sacks on Tommys horse began to slip.7. Tommys father said that Tommy should press down on the sack.8. Tommy didnt do the opposite of what his father said, as he usually did.9. The sack of sugar was lost, and Tommys father was angry.10. Tommy said that he wanted to show his father how stupid his orders always were.1-5 BAAAA 6-10 DBBCA11-15 BBCCA 16-20 DGAEC21-25 BCABD 26-30 CADAB31-35 BDDCD 36-40 CADCB41. was waiting 42. shocked 43. immediately44. were injured 45. treatment 46. but47. to check 48. bleeding 49. on 50. a短文改错:Last Friday, we went to Beijing Survival Island to go on an outing, that left us with a deep impression. Early in the morning, we gathered the school gate and the school bus takes us there. In the way, we talked and laughed, full of excitement. Upon arrive, we were attracted by various activities and got involved immediate. The monkey bars were really challenging. One of the boys managed to make it with the encouragement of her classmates. I was interested in making cakes. I was being taught to make my first cake on my own! At lunchtime, we sat around, enjoying the delicious food. Everyone had the good time.We really enjoyed our stay there. Before we left, we had a photo taken to record the unforgettable days.Last Friday, we went to Beijing Survival Island to go on an outing, that left us with a deep whichimpression. Early in the morning, we gathered the school gate and the school bus takes us at tookthere. In the way, we talked and laughed, full of excitement. Upon arrive, we were attracted by On arrival / arrivingvarious activities and got involved immediate. The monkey bars were really challenging. One of immediately the boys managed to make it with the encouragement of her classmates. I was interested in hismaking cakes. I was being taught to make my first cake on my own! At lunchtime, we sat around, enjoying the delicious food. Everyone had the good time. aWe really enjoyed our stay there. Before we left, we had a photo taken to record the unforgettable days. dayOne possible version:If you are bitten by a dog, you should give first aid by following these steps.If the bite only breaks the skin, treat it as a minor wound. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection and cover the bite with a clean bandage. If you notice signs of infection, such as swelling or redness, see a doctor immediately.If the skin is badly torn and bleeding heavily, apply pressure with a clean, dry cloth to stop the bleeding and then go to a doctor as soon as possible.基础题. 1. poured 2. mildly 3. swelled 4. injury 5. bravery 6. bleeding 7. poisoning8. pressure 9. treats 10. varietyII. 11. fall ill 12. over and over again 13. applied; for 14. first aid15. an electric shock 16. Squeeze out 17. put his hands on 18. make a difference 19. in place 20. depending onIII.21. Its vital to take the children to hospital at once.22. There is no doubt that she will be presented with an award.23. He was about to telephone me when I came up to him.24. If possible, it can be used to act as a barrier against the radiation.25. Every evening after dinner, if tired, I will spend some time walking.部分解析阅读理解:第一节:A篇 (人际关系)本文是应用文。作者写信感谢急救培训中心教给她急救知识和技能,让她能在一次事故中帮助受伤的阿姨。1. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的I realized that she was in a poorly ventilated area as many were frequently walking past her. My workmates and I moved her to a well ventilated area可知,作者和同事把伤者转移到空气流通好的地方。2. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Thankfully a medical shop was nearby and necessary first aid items were bought. While dressing the wound .可知,作者在发现伤者的伤口后,去附近的药店买了急救所需物品,并为伤者包扎了伤口。3. A。写作目的题。由最后一段中的Thank you for taking the time to teach us these lifesaving skills和Special thanks to the First Aid Team for making a difference in our lives可知,作者写这封信是为了感谢新加坡急救培训中心教给她急救技能。B篇 (个人情况)本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了意大利女性教育家玛丽亚·蒙特梭利及其独创的蒙特梭利教育法。4. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Children learn from dealing with everyday materials and they develop at their own pace . children enjoy learning and this gives them confidence and makes them happy可知,蒙特梭利教育法认为儿童是独立的个体,它主张让儿童自由、自主地发展。5. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的The Montessori Method also teaches children skills to help them become independent. Very young children learn to dress themselves, to cook and to put their toys and clothes away可知,蒙特梭利教育法教儿童一些帮助他们独立的技能。6. D。推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的learn through self-teaching and self-correction和learn by doing and experimenting可知,Montessori想解放儿童的思想,让他们能够通过自我学习和自我改正而学习,鼓励儿童在实验和实践中学习。7. B。细节理解题。由文章内容可知,


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