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英语应用文写作,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,前 言 我国大学英语教学改革正朝着实用方向发展。大学英语课程教学要求中对写作的实用性提出了具体要求。特别是高职高专教育英语课程基本要求中对学生的写作能力培养做出了明确规定。即:“能填写和模拟套写简短的英语应用文,如填写表格与单证,套写简历、通知、信函等。”为了给广大的英语学习者以及努力想通过“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的学生提供一本内容实用、语言规范、查找方便、配有练习、涵盖面广的教材,我们编写了这本英语应用文写作。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,本书特点如下: 1. 指导性 本书对各类英语应用文的写法按类型、格式、 语言特点、常用句型等加以全面介绍。 2针对性 本书针对“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的写作要求结合历年实考真题进行归纳、剖析,使学习者通过学习不仅能获取有针对性的指导还能接触到最新、最全的考试信息,以便有针对性地迎考备考。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,3实用性 本书在编写中针对高职学生的实际英语写作水平,本着帮助他们在打好英语写作的基础上,侧重培养其写作应用文能力。书中提供了大量的范文及实用写作方面的用语,设计了大量的练习,以方便学生模仿。 英语应用文写作旨在培养学生借助英文进行实际写作的能力。本教材主要包括基础写作知识、“英语应用能力考试”所涉及到的英语应用文写作,如英文信函的常规写作格式,公务信函、商务信函、私人信函、电子邮件以及,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,其他类型应用体裁文章的写作方法及大学英语四级考试作文所涉及到的应用文题材的写作知识。本课程在讲解这些文体时以多媒体课件的方式展示大量的范文、格式说明、语言特点、常用句型、历年“英语应用能力考试” 真题、同步练习等,使学生通过实例、讲解以及写作练习了解并熟练掌握各种常用应用文的格式,以求提高学生的实际写作能力,提高英语考试的“过级率”。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,本书在编写过程中参阅了大量的国内外出版的写作教程。在此,谨向有关作者致以诚挚的谢意。由于时间仓促,水平有限,书中疏漏之处在所难免,祈望各位同仁不吝赐教。 实用英语应用文写作编写组 2009年12月,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,常用书信写作,商务信函写作,广告文档写作,写作基础知识,公文写作的基本知识,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,英语句子(Sentences) 英语段落(Paragraphs) 英语篇章(Essay),第一章 写作基础知识 (Basic Writing Skills),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,第一节 英语句子 (Sentences),1.1.1.英语基本句型 1.1.2.英语句子种类 1.1.3.有效句子,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,1.1.1.英语基本句型 (Basic Elements of a Sentence),英语句子的主要构成成份有: S = Subject 主语 V = Verb 动词 O = Object 宾语 C = Complement 补语 A = Adverbial 状语,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,英语的七种基本句型: SV: 主谓 SVO: 主谓宾 SVC: 主谓补 SVA: 主谓状 SVOO: 主谓(间接)宾(直接)宾 SVOC: 主谓宾补 SVOA: 主谓宾状,此外还有比较常用的There be 句型, 表示“存在,有”,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,SV: The sun is shining. SVO: You should also consider this. SVC: The apple tastes good. SVA: I was at college. SVOO: Living at college gives me a sense of responsibility. SVOC: That makes me responsible for my own life. SVOA: You can put the dish on the table. There be:There are friendly people around to talk with.,Samples,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Your dinner seems ready. ( ) I must send my parents a Christmas card. ( ) That class interested me. ( ) My school is on the next street. ( ) Many students find that book very helpful. ( ) You may put your umbrella under the table. ( ) She was smiling. ( ) We have made her the head of our group. ( ),同步练习Now read the following sentences and tell which clause type they belong to.,SVC,SVOO,SVO,SVA,SVOC,SVOA,SV,SVOC,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,1.1.2.英语句子种类 (Types of Sentences) 1.句子按其用途可分为陈述句、疑问句、 祈使句、感叹句 2.句子按其结构可分为简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,陈述句(Declarative Sentence): a declarative sentence makes a positive or negative statement Our warehouses have limited facilities. He is not the rival in negotiation. 疑问句 (Interrogative Sentence): a interrogative sentence asks a question. Will you please pay your prompt attention to this matter? (General Question),Example,我们的仓库设施很有限。,他不是谈判对手。,Example,对此问题,请及时加以注意。,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,How old are you? (Special Question) Is the delegation leaving today or tomorrow? (Alternative Question) You didnt go to Shanghai, did you? (Tag Question) 祈使句(Imperative Sentence): an imperative sentence expresses a command or a request. Please think over the local tax rate. Dont open the door. 感叹句( Exclamatory Sentence): an exclamatory sentence shows a strong feeling or emotion. What a lever boy he is! How careless she is!,Example,Example,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,简单句(Simple Sentence): a simple sentence is one that consists of a single independent clause. We would appreciate a prompt reply. 并列句(Compound Sentence): a compound sentence is one that contains two or more independent clauses. I have finished the work, but there is still much to do.,Example,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,复合句(Complex Sentence): a complex sentence is one that contains one independent clause and one or more subordinate or dependent clauses. I was reading a book when he came. 并列复合句(Compound-complex Sentence): a compound- complex sentence is one that contains at least two main clauses and at least one dependent clause. In other words, it is a combination of a compound and a complex sentence She wears a red dress when she is in good mood, but she wears a blue one when she is in bad mood.,Example,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,1.1.3.有效句子(Effective Sentences) 什么是有效句子?有效句子就是好句子。好句子除了语法结构正确外,必须思想完整,表达准确,生动形象,才能有效地表达作者的思想。那么如何写出好句子即有效句子呢?应遵循以下几点:,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,完整的句子 (Completeness) 清晰的句子 (Clarity) 简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 5. 灵活多变的句子 (Variety),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,1.写完整的句子 (Completeness) 一个完整的句子既包括结构上的完整,也包括意义上的完整。 (1) 结构上的完整,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Sentence Completeness,Wrong: My name Helen.,汉语句子可以不用动词,主语也可以省略,而英语句子一般需要有主语和谓语动词才算完整。再者,与汉语不同,英语句子中及物动词的宾语不能省略。我们还可以用that、who或because之类的词把小句子连在一起,组成大句子。例如:,Wrong: They eat rice, and we eat, too.,Correct: My name is Helen.,Correct: They eat rice, and we eat rice, too.,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Wrong: Friendly people, another thing I like about college.,Correct: Friendly people, thats another thing I like about college.,Wrong: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quickly. Because they know how to listen.,Correct: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quickly because they know how to listen.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,None of the following sentences are complete. Make necessary corrections to make them complete.,1. I dislike dogs because very smelly (气味难闻).,2. The dogs always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit.,-I dislike dogs because they are very smelly.,-The dogs are always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit them.,3. Ways of naming new babies different around the world.,-Ways of naming new babies are different around the world.,同步练习,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,4. In Guangzhou is hotter than in Beijing.,5. Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, go to get a stick if you throw it.,-In Guangzhou, it is hotter than in Beijing.,-Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, they go to get a stick if you throw it.,-Its too cold in this room.,6. Is too cold in this room.,7. Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet.,8. A book that you like.,- That is a book that you like.,-Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet, we dont keep one.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,简单陈述句的语序 (Word order in Simple Statements),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,bought,a hat,yesterday,The children,ran,home,The driver,shouted at,me,angrily,The car,stopped,suddenly,Jack,read,the book,quietly,in his room,all afternoon,名,代,数,短语,从句,谓语动词,名,代宾,数,短语,从句,副词,相当于副词,短语和从句,I,They,are sitting,behind me,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,1.The film I enjoyed yesterday 2. A tree in the corner of the garden he planted. 3.This morning a book I from the library borrowed 4. A new school built they in our village last year.,I,enjoyed,the film,yesterday,He,planted,a tree,In the corner of the garden,I,borrowed,a book,from the library,this morning,They,built,a new school,in our village,last year,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,(2)意义上的完整 意义上的完整指句意要完整。它至少是一个简单句,只能有一个中心思想。 请看下列句子: a. We are going to meet Jean Harris, and she is a professor of English literature. Jim is one of the fastest runners. Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,以上三个句子都不符合句子只有一个中心思想这一要求,句意不完整。可作如下修改: a. We are going to meet Jean Harris, and she is a professor of English literature. 修改: We are going to meet Jean Harris, who is a professor of English literature.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Jim is one of the fastest runners. 修改: Jim is one of the fastest runners of our school. Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. 修改: Ernest Hemingway, an American novelist, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,2.写清晰的句子 (Clarity) 写作要注意句子的清晰度。以下几种情况妨碍文章的清晰,影响读者的理解。 (1) 缺乏必要的细节。 简洁尽管重要,但必要细节的缺乏也会使读者产生误解甚至不知所云。例如: a. He loves sports much more than his sister. b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. c. The city has about one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,a句既可理解为“他比妹妹更喜欢运动”,也可以理解为“他喜爱运动胜过喜爱他妹妹”。为了使意义清晰明了,应该在该句的后半部补上相应的谓语: 修改: He loves sports much more than his sister does. 或:He loves sports much more than he loves his sister.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. b句中的a person和you 指代不明。 应改为:When a person gets married, he takes on new responsibilities.(泛指) 或:When you get married, you take on new responsibilities. (特指) c. The city has about one million. c句中,“one million”究竟指什么,缺乏必要的细节说明,应改为: 修改: The city has a population of one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,(2) 缺乏连贯性。 一个完整的意思被不必要地切割成几个句子,这样 一连串的短句由于未能体现出相互间的关系,读起来费 解,妨碍思维。 为了使句子连贯,应注意不要将联系密切的词分开; 应围绕一个中心意思,多用修饰语(如分词短语、介词短 语、从句等)。例如: Some people can not distinguish between colors .they are said to be color-blinded. 此句将其中一句改成定语从句 应该为:Some people who can not distinguish between colors are said to be color-blinded.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. He found the kitchen window open. He put a ladder against the window. He climbed in. 此句子可改为: Finding the kitchen window open, he put a ladder against it and climbed in.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,(3) 随意转换。 英语句子的时态、语态、语气等在句中必须保持一致,随意转换往往造成句子意思模糊不清。 时态的随意转换。 They did not know when they will go to the Great Wall. 应改为: They did not know when they would go to the Great Wall.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. He worked late into the night yesterday but gets up early this morning. 应改为: b. He worked late into the night yesterday but got up early this morning.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 语态和主语的随意转换。 He was running very hard in the race and his ankle was broken. 应改为: He was running very hard in the race and broke his ankle.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. The teacher left the classroom after the lecture was finished. 应改为: The teacher left the classroom after he finished the lecture. 或: Having finished the lecture, the teacher left the classroom.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,c. She reviewed the lessons and all the exercises assigned by the teacher were done. 应改为: She reviewed the lessons and did all the exercises assigned by the teacher.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,语气随意转换。 a. First stop the noise and then you may start discussion. 应改为: First stop the noise and then start discussion.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. Students should learn to solve problems independently. Dont rely on your parents help. 应改为: b. Students should learn to solve problems independently. They should not rely on their parents help.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 人称和数的随意转换。 a. If one has talents, we will be likely to succeed. 应改为: If one has talents, one will be likely to succeed. 或: If we have talents, we will be likely to succeed.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,b. If a person is selfish, they will have few friends. 应改为: b. If a person is selfish, he will have few friends.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 代词指代不明。 The pollution in this area is serious; they should do something about it. 应改为: The pollution in this area is serious; the government should do something about it.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,同步练习:Correct the following sentences if necessary,There are always a lot of good news over the radio. Each of the plans has its advantage. Either you or I are to clean the room. All those who want to go on the trip should get his equipment ready immediately.,is,am,their,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,5. Paid little attention to his table manners. 6.The teacher giving such a hard exam.,-He paid little attention to his table manners. (add a subject),- The teacher is giving such a hard exam. (add a helping verb),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,7.When only five years old, my father took me to a circus(杂技团).,_ When only five years old, I was taken to a circus by my father. _ When I was only five years old, my father took me to a circus.,8. A car drove down the street decked with ribbon. (用缎带装饰起来的) _ A car decked with ribbon drove down the street. (Misplaced modifier误置修饰语),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,3.写简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 简洁就是用尽可能少的词表达尽可能充分的意思。在不改变句子意义的情况下,在能用词的地方,不用短语;在能用短语的地方不用句子。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,比较下列两个句子: a. He expresses a number of clever expressions much to the audiences delight. He delighted the audience with his clever expressions b. This morning I went to the classroom, when I got there, I saw many people in the classroom. This morning I went to the classroom and saw many people there.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,要想使句子简洁应注意以下几点: (1) 避免重复意义相同的词。 a. It was blue in color. b. It was small in size. c. In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible. d. Mary is a quiet and careful woman. 以上划线部分都属于意义重复,应去掉。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,又如: He gave many reasons for his failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing. 应改为: He gave many reasons for his failure, but none of them was convincing.,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,(2) 避免使用累赘的词。 累赘的词指的是拖泥带水,啰啰唆唆的词或词组。例如: She was told of the fact that eating junk food might harm her health. b. Mrs. Smith likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France. c. There are some students who cheat in exams. 以上划线部分都是累赘的词,应去掉。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,同步练习,The chairman will give up his job next year because of old age. -The chairman will retire next year.,The woman who is dressed in black over there is the person who is now in charge of our sales department. -The woman in black over there is the manager of our sales department.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,4.写平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 在一个句子中,有几个表达相近或相对意义的并列成分时,应该使用词性一致的排比结构,这就是写作中的平行结构原则。两三个词性相同的词连成一串,形成平行结构。这种结构能使句子显得严谨,层次分明,增强感染力。例如:,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,a. The article is short, informative, and reading it was easy,应该为: The article is short, informative, and easy to read. (three adjectives),b. Knowing what to do and to do it well will bring you success.,应该为 Knowing what to do and doing it well will bring you success. (two gerund phrases),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,再看下例: In summary, I do like a lot of things about college, as I said beforebeing on my own, talking with friendly people, having Fridays off. (这里是3个动名词短语并列。),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,同步练习 1.She spends her free time reading, listening to music, and she works in the garden. She spends her free time reading, listening to music and working in the garden.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,2. The teacher told us that we should read our text and to write a short review of it. The teacher told us that we should read our text and write a short review of it. Or: The teacher told us to read our text and write a short review of it.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,3. Mr. Butler is a man of wide experience and who is very popular with his co-workers. Mr. Butler is a man of wide experience and great popularity among his co-workers.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,4. Would you prefer to go for a walk outside or staying indoors?,Would you prefer to go for a walk outside or stay indoors?,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,5. Please clean the kitchen, the heat must turn down, and lock the doors.,Please clean the kitchen, turn down the heat, and lock the doors.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,6. The manager told Henry that he had only two choices: to work harder or leaving the company.,The manager told Henry that he had only two choices: to work harder or to leave the company.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,7. My best friend is honest, clever, and works hard., My best friend is honest, clever, and hard-working.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,8. After the long trip, I was tired out, thirsty, and wanted to eat.,After the long trip, I was tired out, thirsty, and hungry.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,5.写灵活多变的句子 (Variety) 要使文章生动吸引人,写作时要经常变换句型和句子结构。 (1) 句子开头多样化,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 分词或分词短语开头。 a. We reached our destination exhausted. 应该为:Exhausted, we reached our destination. b. I finished my homework and began to review the lessons. 应该为: Having finished my homework, I began to review the lessons.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 形容词开头。 He was intelligent and hard-working, and he graduated with honors. 应该为: Intelligent and hard-working, he graduated with honors.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 介词短语开头。 a. The girl was in despair and turned to her friends for help. 应该为: In despair, the girl turned to her friends for help.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件, 不定式短语开头。 a. He worked hard day and night to pass the exams. 应该为:To pass the exams, he worked hard day and night. b. He spoke slowly and emphatically to make everything clear. 应该为: To make everything clear, he spoke slowly and emphatically.,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,(2) 句型多样化。 用排比句、修辞疑问句、倒装句等多样化的句型能增添语言的渲染力,增加文章的艺术色彩。例如: a. The more we get together, the happier well be. b. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,再如: 美国黑人“民权运动”领袖马丁路德金(Martin Luther King)著名的演说我有一个梦想(I have a dream)。这份演讲气势如虹,感情充沛,鼓动性强。其中非常重要的原因是运用了一些比喻、排比的修辞手法和句型,增添了语言的渲染力及文章的艺术色彩。 例如 “I have a dream that one day”。,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.,I have a dream by Martin Luther King,我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的;人人生而平等。”,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.,我梦想有一天,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够和昔日奴隶主的儿子坐在一起,共叙兄弟情谊。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ,我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评判他们的国度里生活。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,同步练习: Use coordination or subordination to combine the groups of simple sentences into longer sentences. Omit the words where necessary.(用并列连词或从属连词将下列简单句连成长句。),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,I needed someone to help me. I couldnt find anyone. I had to do it all on my own. 2. These children took their naps. They unrolled their sleeping mats. 3. My car is not starting on cold mornings. I think the battery needs to be replaced. I already had it recharged once. I dont think it would help to charge it again. 4. The pipes had frozen. The heat had gone off. We phoned the plumber. He couldnt come for two days. He has been swamped with emergency calls.,but,so,Before,Because,so,because,but,as,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,第二节 英语段落 (Paragraphs) 语段,又叫“句群”,是由句子组成的语言表达单位,它是句子和语篇之间的中间层次。我们知道,句子在一定的语境中能够单独地使用,能够单独地表达相对完整的意思。但是,要表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,往往需要把几个句子组织起来,结成更大的言语片断,以表达“一层”的意思。因此,语段是一个相对独立的较大语义单位,既与上下语段相关联,又与上下语段相区别。正是许多这样的语段相结合,才构成了 语篇。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,一个段落既是一篇文章的组成部分,又是一个自成一体、相对独立的整体。一个段落就是一篇微型文章,它的内容应该完整、连贯并且展开得法。内容完整就是要求段落中的各句都紧紧围绕一个中心或主题,如有必要另辟主题则需另起一段。内容连贯则要求文字条理清晰,层次结构清楚,句与句之间有内在的逻辑关系。 一个段落可长可短,视全篇的需要而定,比如要看该文章的主题是什么,本段落在全文中处于什么位置,以及它在文章观点阐述过程中有何作用等。长的段落通常用于表达比较复杂的主题,而短的段落有时是做一个过渡或进行一次概括,也有可能是用来强调某个观点。,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,段落的组成和特征 1.2.1.段落的组成 (Basic Structure of a Paragraph) 一个核心的英语段落一般由一个主题句(topic sentence)、若干个支持句或扩展句(supporting sentence或developing sentence)构成, 有的还有关联句(transitional sentence)和结论句(concluding sentence)。主题句给出谈论的话题,或着段落的主旨即中心思想;支持句是对主题句进行的阐释、说明、例证或引申等;关联句使主题句和各支持句连贯成一个整体;结论句对全段作总结,往往照应主题句,起承上的作用。这些具体细节使中心思想的表述呈现一定的层次。例如:,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Topic Sentence (general),Supporting Sentence No.1 (specific) (explanation, example, or more details),Supporting Sentence No.2 (specific),Supporting Sentence No.3 (specific),Concluding Sentence (general),英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,主题句 (Topic Sentence) 主题句在英语段落中起着举足轻重的作用。英语段落的主题句大多位于句首,但也有居于中间或末尾的。主题句位于句首,开段明义,让读者很快就能了解作者要说明的问题。例如:,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Although working is good for us, as it helps train our body and mind, yet there should be a limit. Too much work will use up our energy, and we shall feel tied. We should know that our capacity(容量) is limited. Our mind also needs relaxation, without which we could become sluggish(行动迟缓的). We should always remember that we are human beings, and that we need playing and amusements to make our life fuller.,This paragraph is about the limit of working.本段的段首句 是Topic Sentence .主题句位于句首。后面的句子便是 支持句(Supporting Sentences), 为主题句所表达的 思想提供支持。作者采用的是“从一般到具体”的写作方法。,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体教学课件,Lets Speak for Ourselves,Most of us depend too much on preprinted greeting cards to express our feelings on special occasion. Instead of making an effort to say what we feel, we communicate almost exclusively through words written by professional card writers. We send preprinted cards for birthday, anniversaries, congratulations, major holidays, and numerous other events. We use these cards to express love, long


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