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课时提能练(三).阅读理解A(2019·绵阳市第一次诊断)We are what we eat.That is an old expression,but one worth knowing.A recent look at diets around the world shows that people who eat healthy foodand not too much of itlive longer.But which areas of the world have the best diets? Researchers found that foods in some of the healthiest diets Mediterranean diet,New Nordic diet,Japanese diet and French dietmay be very different,but they are all heavy on local and seasonal foods,which include more vegetables and seafood and less red meat.Mediterranean diet contains lots of fruits,vegetables,whole grains,nuts and olive oil.The diet has proper amounts of fish and poultry(家禽肉)Red meat and foods high in sugar and salt are not big parts of this diet.New Nordic diet has whole grains like oats and rye,vegetables such as carrots,broccoli and eggs,seafood,fruits,oil,low­fat milk and cheese.Sugary desserts are not common in this diet.Japanese people are some of the longest living people on the planet,with women up to 87 years old and men up to 80.The Japanese diet is the reason for such lengths of life.The diet has many foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients.Japanese people eat a lot of seaweed,tofu,rice,vegetables and fish.The tradition there is to stop eating when your stomach feels 80 percent full.However,French people eat fatty foods but do not get fat.And they live a long time.This phenomenon is called the “French Paradox”The reason why the French eat fatty foods without getting fat may be simple.They eat less.Serving sizes in French restaurants and of products sold in stores are smaller than those in most countries.And generally speaking,most French people do not snack.This means they do not eat food between meals.【语篇解读】本文介绍了世界上四种最健康的饮食。1What do we know about the healthiest diets around the world?AThey contain abundant calories.BThey tend to be expensive.CThey share certain similarities.DThey reflect popular tastes.C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“may be very different,but they are all heavy on local and seasonal foods,which include more vegetables and seafood and less red meat”可知,尽管有不同之处,但世界上最健康的饮食都使用很多当地的和时令的食物,包括更多的蔬菜和海鲜,更少的红肉。由此可知,世界上最健康的饮食有一定的相似之处,故选C项。2What is considered as a harmful eating habit in Japanese tradition?AGoing low in calories.BEating to the fullest.CHaving much seafood.DPicking many foods.B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The tradition there is to stop eating when your stomach feels 80 percent full.”可知,日本的传统是吃八成饱。由此可推知,吃得很饱在日本被认为是不良的饮食习惯,故选B项。3How does the author develop the central idea in the last 4 paragraphs?ABy building connections.BBy exploring reasons.CBy listing examples.DBy analyzing figures.C写作手法题。通读后四段可知,作者列举了这些健康饮食中的食物,故本文后四段是通过举例子的方式来说明中心观点的。4Which can be the most suitable title for the text?AWhat is the healthiest diet on earth?BHow does the old expression serve?CWhy is a healthy diet so important?DWhere can we feed ourselves well?A标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了世界上四种最健康的饮食。故A项作为文章标题最合适。B(广东省2020届高三联考)Food experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey to the kitchen sink or nearby food.But it's been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing (冲洗) raw poultry.Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken.The assumption is that nobody eats raw meat of poultry, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.“The do­not­wash raw poultry advice from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is relatively new and perhaps hasn't caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean,”said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman,a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it's not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.The USDA­funded study stresses that point.Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of Ecoli (大肠杆菌) and watched volunteer cooks in test kitchens.Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce.But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce.And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkey: melting and cooking.To insure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check and make sure that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees.Even after the meat is cooked, you aren't out of the danger zone.To keep turkey and other leftovers safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,食物专家提示,禽肉中的细菌极易扩散到厨房其他地方或食物上,因此,在准备食材和烹饪时要十分注意,必须将禽肉彻底加热到一定的温度至完全熟透,并且应将未吃完的部分及时冷藏。5Why don't people take USDA's advice?AThe advice is relatively new.BCleaning seems more trustworthy.CCooks clean the turkey before cooking it.DHeat can kill most germs and no one eats raw meat.B推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The do­not­wash raw poultry advice from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)is relatively new and perhaps hasn't caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean”可知,人们普遍坚信冲洗能让东西变得干净,由此推断这种方法在人们心目中似乎更可靠,因此人们不接受美国农业部不洗生禽肉的建议,故选B项。6What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?AFood packages carry germs.BHands and surfaces are easy to get Ecoli.CMultiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.DGerms from the raw chicken can be spread whether it is washed or not.D细节理解题。在第四段中,作者主要介绍了一个实验,该实验对比了冲洗与不冲洗生鸡肉时细菌的传播情况。根据该段中的“Among those who washed their raw chicken,about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce.But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce.”可知,该实验的结论为,不管洗与不洗,鸡肉上的细菌都能被传播,故选D项。7Which way may help to cook the turkey safely?ARinsing the turkey before it is heated.BKeeping the turkey away from lettuce and refrigerator.CWashing hands and packages before taking out the turkey.DUsing a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“To insure a bird is thoroughly cooked,they say to use a thermometer to check and make sure that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees.”可知,用温度计测量肉最深和最厚的地方有没有达到165度有助于人们安全食用火鸡肉,故选D项。8From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?ACulture.BScience.CEducation.DMedicine.B推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要通过介绍一项研究,表明禽肉上的细菌极易扩散至厨房的其他部位,甚至是附近的食物上。由此可推断,文章选自杂志的科学专栏,故选B项。C(天津市和平区2020高三年级阶段性评估)Each country has its own secret to happiness.If “pyt”, which closely means “don't worry about it and stuff happens”, explains a relaxed attitude of Danish people,“niksen” will reveal how Dutch people combat stress and burnout (精疲力竭) in a fast­paced lifestyle.The term “niksen” originates from the Dutch word “niks”, which refers to “nothing”Mindfulness, another welcome subject to help people have a peaceful mind.But unlike mindfulness,niksen is not about concentrating on the present moment. It's about letting yourself do nothing,and allowing your mind to run free without expectations.In practice,this means “hanging around, looking at your surroundings, or listening to music as long as it's without purpose”,according to Time magazine.Niksen sounds contrary to the advice we were all given as kids.Nowadays, we're constantly told to stay busy and work harder than everyone else. But niksen opposes that mentality (心态). It offers the chance to “deliciously do nothing”, as Carolien Hamming, a coach at CSR Centrum,an organization devoted to fighting stress and burnout in the Netherlands,told Time.She thinks that niksen is essential to staying healthy, since it's a form of mental relaxation and healing. Just as a wild animal lies in wait for their prey, niksen seems to be a natural state of being.For some people, niksen can mean more than just stress reduction. It's also a means to imagine new ideas or plans. As an early adopter (采用者) of niksen, Jenny Holden, a communications expert in the UK., adds it to her daily lunch breaks. “Within 10 minutes of doing nothingjust staring and listening to myselfmy head began to clear and sort out my work and home to­do lists,” she told Metro, a newspaper in the UK.Above all, niksen is a suggestion for balancing work and rest. As Dutch­born writer Olga Mecking wrote in US.­based Woolly magazine,niksen is the “thorough enjoyment of life's pauses”Everyone is encouraged to embrace your niksen moments. They revitalize(使恢复元气) you and give you the strength needed to face everyday challenges.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述的是,“niksen”这个词代表了荷兰的一种新的处理压力和放松的方式。在快节奏生活中,“niksen”是一种保持健康的重要办法,它可以使精神放松,治愈烦躁心理。它还可以使某些人获得更好的想象力和创新性。9What does niksen mean?ALiving in the moment.BLeading a healthy lifestyle.CBeing free and doing nothing.DUsing your wildest imagination.C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It's about letting yourself do nothing,and allowing your mind to run free without expectations.”可知,“niksen”的意思是你什么都不做,让你的思想在什么也不期望的情况下自由地活动。10Holden's example is to show _.Ahow niksen improves one's mental healthBniksen is closely related to stress reductionCniksen can shorten the distance between peopleDniksen helps people come up with new thoughtsD推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“For some people,niksen can mean more than just stress reduction.It's also a means to imagine new ideas or plans.”可知,对于一些人来说,niksen不仅仅使他们放松,还可以使他们想到创新性思想和计划。接下来,文章就举了珍妮·霍尔登的例子。由此可知,霍尔登的例子是为了说明niksen能帮助人们想出新主意。11The underlined word “thorough” is closest in meaning to _.Along Bfull Cunexpected DquietB词义猜测题。根据倒数第三段中的“Within 10 minutes of doing nothing”和上文中对于niksen的描述可知,niksen就是指让人们的精神达到一种自由放松的状态,完全放松自己,什么也不做;故此处thorough应表示“彻底的,完全的”,与full意义相近。12What is the text mainly about?AThe introduction to a special Dutch lifestyle.BSuggestions on how to balance work and rest.CThe importance of allowing time to pause life.DAn explanation of some Danish words about life attitudes.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文通过荷兰人常用的一个词语“niksen”来描写荷兰的一种独特而放松的生活方式。该生活方式不仅可以使人放松,而且对于某些人来说,还可以激发他们的想象力和创新能力。13From the passage, we can know that _.Apeople can restrengthen themselves to face challenges by niksenBa wild animal usually lies in wait for their prey just as niksen advisesCDanish people are stressful and tired because of their special lifestyleDCarolien Hamming thinks niksen is the most important way to keep fitA细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“They revitalize you and give you the strength needed to face everyday challenges.”可知,文章最后鼓励每个人都去拥抱niksen时刻。这可以让人们恢复活力,给人们面对日常挑战足够的力量。.阅读七选五(山东新高考命题研究专家原创卷)Whether you're hoping to lose weight, build muscle, or just have more energy to power you through your day, a high­protein (蛋白质) diet can help. 1 Here's how to make it work in your body.High protein can mean different things to different people. The recommended daily allowance is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a 150­pound person, that's about 55 grams a day.But many experts say that number may be too low, especially if you are trying to lose weight. 2 You may often tend to have more protein at the end of the day. 3 Aim to get 15 to 20 grams at small meals every three to four hours. You may want to have more protein at larger meals and less protein at smaller ones. This will help keep you feeling full and allow your body to use the protein more efficiently. 4 That's especially important when you are older since we tend to develop an age­related muscle loss starting in about our 30s. Of course, including regular strength training will also help keep your muscles strong.You can go to a gym or exercise at home to start building muscle.Whether you like to run, swim, bike, lift weights, or just walk, you need adequate protein in your diet. From protein you can get what makes up your muscles. When you exercise the muscle gets broken down and must be replaced. 5 Ideally you can have some protein one hour after a workout since that is when your body starts to put together the new muscle tissue.ASo eat some protein after exercise.BA high­protein diet is so important.CProtein plays a wide number of roles in the body.DHowever,you'll find it easier to eat protein throughout your day.EIf you are physically active, that number should be significantly higher.FWhen you keep protein intake higher, it helps with any loss of muscle tissue.GSince muscle burns more calories than fat, enough protein can keep you energetic.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。本文介绍了摄入足够的蛋白质对人体的重要性以及如何科学地摄入足量的蛋白质。1C考查细节支撑句。上文提到高蛋白饮食在减肥、增肌、获取更多的能量方面对人有帮助,C选项“蛋白质在人体中起到许多不同的作用”承接上文,符合语境。2E考查细节支撑句。本段主要讲的是不同人摄入的蛋白质的量应该不同,根据空前一句“But many experts say that number may be too low,especially if you are trying to lose weight.”可知,许多专家说这样的每日摄入量太低,尤其是在你要减肥的情况下,而E选项论述运动量很大的情况下,每日摄入量(that number)应该更高。E项继续讨论摄入量高低的问题,与空前一句都有关键词“that number”,与上文联系紧密,故选E。3D考查逻辑关系句。本段主要讲蛋白质的摄入时间,根据上文提到“你或许往往会在一天结束时摄入更多的蛋白质”,下文提到“每三到四小时分小量每次摄入1520克”,可知此处讨论蛋白质的摄入应该是少量多次,D选项“However,you'll find it easier to eat protein throughout your day”提出蛋白质摄入要分摊到一整天,与上文形成转折,且D选项中的“throughout your day”与下文中的“every three to four hours”相呼应。4F考查段落主旨句。根据空后的“That's especially important when you are older since we tend to develop an age­related muscle loss starting in about our 30s.”可知,本段讨论的是蛋白质与增肌,F选项符合此段主旨,F选项中的“loss of muscle tissue”与下文中的“muscle loss”相呼应。5A考查逻辑关系句。上文谈到从蛋白质中你能获取形成肌肉的物质,当你锻炼时,肌肉会分解,所以肌肉需要更新;结合空后的“Ideally you can have some protein one hour after a workout”可知,所以,锻炼后你需要补充蛋白质。A项符合语境。


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