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2014届高考英语一轮 Unit 1 Cultural relics指导活页作业 新人教版必修2

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2014届高考英语一轮 Unit 1 Cultural relics指导活页作业 新人教版必修2

必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics一、单项填空1The World Expo is like_great stage for cultural exchange,bringing people into closer contact with_rest of the world.Aa;/Ba;theCthe;/ Dthe;the解析:考查冠词的用法。句意:世博会就像一个文化交流的大舞台,使得世界不同地方的人们进行更加密切的接触。第一个空表示泛指“一个大舞台”,故用不定冠词a;第二个空the rest of属于固定用法表示“其余的”。答案:B2You certainly had a busy day._!I also have to finish writing a sales report.ANever mind BThats importantCThats not all DI dont think so解析:考查交际用语。根据语境可知,回答应表示“这还没完呢”。句意:你这一天可真忙。这还没完呢,我还得写一份销售报告。答案:C3She was such a proud girl that she would die _ she would admit she was wrong.Arather than BuntilCafter Dbefore解析:考查连词。before在本句中意为rather than sth.。句意:她是一个骄傲的女孩,她宁愿死也不愿意承认她错了。答案:D4If I hadnt helped you when you were in trouble,you _ now.Awouldnt be smiling Bcouldnt have smiledCwont smile Ddidnt smile解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:如果你那次麻烦的时候不是我帮你,你现在就不会在这里笑了。答案:A5Which does he often enjoy_his weekends,playing computer games or studying?Aspending Bto spendCbeing spent Dspend解析:考查非谓语动词。to spend his weekends作目的状语。此题是陷阱题,考生会误选A项,其实enjoy的宾语是后面的playing computer games or studying。答案:B6Mr.Smith,here is my homework._,young man.Keep it up and youll make progress.ACongratulations BGood jobCYou are welcome DBe careful解析:考查交际用语。Congratulations祝贺;Good job做得不错;You are welcome没关系;Be careful小心。句意:史密斯先生,这是我的作业。做得很好,年轻人。保持下去,你会进步的。根据句意选B项。答案:B7Her son came out of the examination room and waved to her after _ seemed like hours.Athat BwhichCit Dwhat解析:考查名词性从句。what引导的从句做介词after的介词宾语,what表示时间,在从句中作seem的主语。句意:感觉好像数个小时后,她的儿子才从考场内出来向她挥手示意。答案:D8I think the way the manager talked _ the money seems improper.Aabout raise Bto raiseCabout to raise Dof raise解析:the way后跟了两个定语,一个是省略了that的they talked about定语从句,另一个是to raise the money的不定式短语。句意:我认为经理谈到的筹措钱的方式似乎不恰当。答案:C9Which of the clothes on this shelf do you like best?_.They are both fashion and beautiful.AEither BNoneCAll DBoth解析:选择答案的主要信息是like best,由best最高级可知表示三者以上,又由后一句的fashion和beautiful可知C项正确。答案:C10Koalas,Australian animals,eat so many of these leaves that they_a special smell from their oil,making you think of cough pills.Atake on Btake offCtake up Dtake in解析:考查动词短语辨析。take on呈现;take off起飞,脱掉;take up占据,拿起;take in吸收。句意:澳大利亚的动物考拉吃这么多的这些树叶以至于他们的脂肪中呈现出一种特别的气味,这种味道让你想起一种咳嗽药。答案:A11This formed the center of what came to be known,and still_known,as Africa Town.Awas Bwill beCis Dhad been解析:考查时态。用一般现在时表示“现在仍然很出名”。此题考生会认为前后时态一致而错选A项。句意:这形成了逐渐闻名的中心,并且作为非洲城现在仍然很出名。答案:C12While playing computer games,_.Athe doorbell rangBthe doorbell ringsCI heard the doorbell ringDI heard the doorbell rings解析:考查主语一致和省略。playing的逻辑主语是I,因此排除A和B,动词hear后面用动词原形作宾补,故C项符合。答案:C13Although she was disabled,yet she aimed _ when she was young,for which her classmates spoke _ of her.Ahigh;high Bhighly;highlyChighly;high Dhigh;highly解析:考查固定搭配。aim high“力争上游”;speak highly of“高度评价某人”都是固定搭配。句意:尽管她身体有残疾,然而她从小就目标很高,因此她的同学对她评价很高。答案:D14The warning we were given as children_eating fast will make you fat may,in fact have a scientific explanation.Athat BwhoCwhere Dwhich解析:考查名词性从句。从句that eating fast will make you fat作先行词warning的同位语从句。句意:孩子们所得到的吃饭快会使他们发胖的警告事实上有一种科学的解释。答案:A15Coffee _ milk.Only coffee,please,_ I used to like coffee with milk.Aand;and Band;butCor;and Dor;but解析:考查并列连词。第一个人要“咖啡加牛奶”;第二个人只要咖啡,但他以前常常喝咖啡加牛奶。由句意可知选B项。注意:不要理解成了问句和答语。答案:B1What does Deitz think of his painting in his apartment?AHe believes the house will be a good place for a tour.BHe thinks city planners will not like it.CHe is proud of his work and believes it will be a great work.DHe is not sure whether people will like it.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段Jim Deitz believes hes creating a landmark in Grand Forks.可知,Deitz相信他的作品可以成为一个新的里程碑式的地标,可推知他对他的作品感到骄傲并觉得它会成为一件伟大的作品。答案:C2Pizza delivery drivers are mentioned by Deitz in order to show that_.Ahe has played a great role in delivering pizzaBhe orders many pieces of pizza every dayChe has developed a good relationship with themDhe has painted his apartment in such a special way解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Pizza delivery drivers wont have any trouble finding this place和You cant miss it这两句话可推知,Deitz实际上在说自己的公寓被刷得非常特别。答案:D3Deitz is painting polka dots on his apartment mainly to_.Aattract more attention from the neighborhoodBadd a beautiful sight to the neighborhoodCattract more people to live in itDshow he is against the city planner解析:细节理解题。根据第五段Deitz insists the polka dots are meant simply to brighten up the neighborhood and are not as a form of protest这一句话可知,Deitz为自己的公寓刷油漆是为了给街坊们增加一道特殊的风景线。答案:B4Why doesnt Brooks like the idea?ABecause he doesnt like the colors and the style.BBecause he thinks it brings bad influence to the city.CBecause he thinks Deitz is not professional.DBecause the tenants show little interest in it.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段But the city doesnt have a rule that forbids homeowners from painting their houses certain colors and in certain styles但是城市没有规定禁止房主把房子刷成什么颜色和变成什么风格,可推知,Brooks不喜欢这个想法是因为它的色彩和风格。答案:ABAs a child,I was interested in becoming a baseball general manager.This desire changed while I was in high school,where I decided law school would be a more practical idea.After high school I went to Syracuse University,where I majored in English literature with the thought that writing skills would be important in my development as a lawyer.I graduated from Syracuse University in 1994 and began law school at Loyola University in 1996. Three months later,I quit law school and moved to Arizona in 1996 to follow my childhood dream of becoming a baseball general manager.However,after 2 interviews for a $5/hour entry level job with the Arizona Diamondbacks,I remained unemployed.Jobless and without a clue of what I would do with my life,I joined the US Navy in 1997.At the 6­month mark of my enlistment(服役期间),I applied to become an officer.About half a year later,my officer application was rejected,after which I complained my way up the chain of command,leading to an honorable discharge after only 13 months of service.I have always been interested in fitness,so my mom recommended becoming a personal trainer.I became certified as a personal trainer through three organizations,and worked for 3 years in this profession.It was with this interest in biochemistry,health,fitness and aging that I enrolled in Queens College in 2000,with the goal of obtaining a second bachelors degree,in Biochemistry.In the spring of 2003 I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry,and,in the fall,I began graduate school at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.In 2009,I earned a PhD in Physiology and in the process,learned a great deal about the biochemistry underlying the aging process.However,I remained interested in studying athletic performance,so in 2010 I joined a lab at Tufts University that studies the biochemistry underlying body composition,athletic performance and markers of muscle injury.As you can see,Ive had a circuitous(迂回的)path in becoming a scientist,but I wouldnt trade this journey for any other!作者叙述了自己曲折的奋斗经历,以给我们一些启发。5Why did the author major in English literature in Syracuse University?ABecause he wanted to be a writer in the future.BBecause he was interested in English literature.CBecause he thought it was a must to become a lawyer.DBecause he wanted to master the skills of writing novels.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段.with the thought that writing skills would be important in my development as a lawyer可知,答案为C项。答案:C6What do we know about the author?AHe began to set up a private law school in 1996.BHe joined the US Navy in order to be an officer.CHe had to leave the US Navy due to his complaint.DHe took a great interest in being a personal trainer.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段.after which I complained my way up the chain of command,leading to an honorable discharge after only 13 months of service可知,答案为C项。答案:C


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