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工程项目各阶段的造价控制工程项目造价管理的基本内容就是合理确定和有效的控制工程项目造价。工程项目造价有两 种含义,相应的,工程项目造价管理有两种,一为工程投资管理,一为工程项目价格管理。 针对工程投资管理,所谓工程项目造价的有效控制,就是在优化建设方案、设计方案的基础 上,在建设程序的各个阶段,采用一定方法和措施把工程项目造价的产生控制在合理的范围 和核定的造价限额以内。工程造价管理中存在的问题我国现阶段的工程造价管理以办理工程结算价为目的,只注重在施工过程中的造价控制, 忽略了工程开工前投资决策阶段对造价的控制。投资决策阶段的投资估算是建设项目决策的 重要依据,它直接影响到国民经济及财务分析结果的可靠性和准确性。由于这一阶段是工程 的前期工作,各方面的资料不可能充分,可比性的工程比较少或这方面资料积累的比较少, 估算的办法不完善、不科学,使得工程造价管理部门和造价工作者在此阶段难有所作为。工程造价管理以被动的按照设计图纸编制的概预算和计算工程造价为主,忽视了在设计 阶段用工程造价管理优化设计,有效的控制造价。根据有关统计资料表明,设计阶段影响工 程投资的可能性为7 5%以上,但目前我国的设计者,大多追求高安全度和设计收费,设 计时不考虑经济因素,造成了许多工程大量浪费材料的现象。工程造价管理的各阶段相互脱节,投资估算、设计概算、施工图预算、合同价、结算价、 决算价,这六个阶段的造价分别由建设单位及其主管部门、设计单位、施工企业各自管理, 没有建立前者控制后者,后者影响前者的有效的工程造价管理体系。我国目前的工程造价管理资料收集整理制度不完善。已经完工的工程项目的工程造价的 收集、整理与分析资料对造价师具有十分重要的参考价值。目前,我国这部分资料十分有限, 大多属造价工程师个人所有,达不到数据共享。造价师之间不能互通有无,相互学习,造成 一大资源浪费。以下从工程项目建设的各个阶段具体分析如何加强项目的全过程造价管理:1. 项目决策阶段是造价管理的开始。在项目的投资决策阶段,项目的经济决策和各项 技术,对项目投资以及项目建成以后的经济效益有着决定性的影响,是项目投资控制的一个 很重要的阶段。具体来讲,项目决策阶段,新建的一个项目在项目建议书批准以后,工程造 价咨询机构应根据国民经济长期发展规划、地区经济发展各行业经济发展规划的基本要求, 对要拟建的项目在技术上是否先进适用,经济上是否合理、有利,在社会上能否创造效益, 资金落实情况等方面都进行全面、充分的调查、分析和论证,搞好可行性研究。为决策者决 定项目提供可靠的依据。投资决策阶段工程造价对建设工程全过程工程造价具有纵揽全局的 决定性影响。建设项目的可行性研究及投资决策是产生工程造价的源头。合理确定造价是评 估建设项目、开展后续工作的关键。2. 项目设计阶段这一阶段的设计费支出只占建设工程全寿命费用的1 %以下,但对工 程造价的影响却占75%以上,且往往容易被忽视。因此,工程造价咨询机构应将设计阶段 的造价管理作为全过程造价管理中的重点来抓。项目初步设计概算有一定的准确性并达到国 家或行业规定的深度,是有效控制工程造价的前提。抓住设计这个关键,对工程造价的控制 可以取得事半功倍的效果。设计阶段的造价控制,是造价的源头控制,也是最根本、最重要 的控制。3. 项目招投标阶段是造价管理的重要组成部分,可接受业主委托编制实物工程量清单 (或工程标底)和一系列相关文件,标底的编审工作是招投标管理的核心工作,因为标底是 确定工程承包合同价的基础,只有有了科学的标底,才能正确地判断投标的所报价格的合理 和可靠性,才能在定标时作出正确的决策,严格执行工程招投标的管理规定,把握标价的合 理性和竞争性。评标、定标中把造价执业者以及造价编制依据的合法性作为评判定标价是否 合法有效的依据,保证标价的科学合理。为有形建筑市场的投标报价、标底的编制提供社会 服务,创造公平竞争的环境。4. 在项目实施阶段,造价管理不容忽视。工程实施阶段是建筑产品形成阶段,对建设 项目全过程造价管理来说也是最难、最复杂的阶段。此阶段除伴随施工的时间推移发生的其 他建设费用外,大量的投资资金通过施工这一环节不断'物化”,最终形成固定资产,实现项 目投资。有效的造价控制可以很好地调节发承包双方的行为和利益,即降低业主的投入成本, 增加项目利润,又可以促使承包商规范施工行为。作为工程造价咨询机构来说,实际操作中 严格按约定办理协助业主分析索赔事项,分清责任,及时提出反索赔,挽回不必要的损失; 按合同和已经约定的规定,及时计算每次变更引起的造价变动,为业主投资决策控制提供依 据。5. 竣工结算阶段是如实反映建设项目的产品价格,也是工程造价管理的终点站。该阶 段应认真审核工程预结算,剔除其中多算工程量、高套定额、高取费用、不切合实际和签证、 不合理的技术措施等增加的费用;应根据所掌握的材料价格信息,着重审查是否抬高材料价 格;应加强合同管理,实行合同逐项审查制度,使工程造价通过具有法律约束力合同得以确 认和控制;此外,在工程竣工交付使用后,要进行项目后评价,根据原来的规则,分析比较 工程范围、进度和造价的变化情况,总结经验,并将造价资料整理好录入计算机,以使今后 使用。有效控制工程造价的原则以策划阶段、设计阶段为重点的建设全过程造价控制。工程项目造价控制贯穿于项目建 设全过程,但是必须重点突出。显然,工程造价控制的关键在于项目实施前的投资决策和设 计阶段,在项目做出投资决策后,控制工程造价的关键在于设计。根据西方一些国家分析, 设计费用一般只相当于建设工程全部寿命费用的1%以下,但是这少于1%的费用对施工项 目造价的影响度达到7 5%以上,由此,可见设计阶段的重要性。然而,长期以来,我国普 遍忽视工程项目前期工作阶段的造价控制,往往将控制工程造价的主要精力放在施工阶段 审核施工图预算、合理结算建安工程价款。这样的做法尽管也有效,但是毕竟是'亡羊 补牢”,事倍功半。要有效的控制工程造价,就要把控制的重点转移到工程项目建设的前期 阶段一策划阶段和设计阶段上来。主动控制,以取得令人满意的结果。自2 0世纪7 0年代初开始,人们将系统论和控制 论研究成果用于项目管理后,将控制立足于事先主动的采取决策措施,以尽可能的减少以至 避免目标值与实际值的偏离,这是主动地、积极的控制方法,因此被称为主动控制。也就是 说,工程项目造价控制,不仅要反映投资决策,反映设计、发包和施工,被动地控制工程造 价,更要能动的影响投资决策,影响设计、发包和施工,主动地控制工程造价。工程项目造 价的确定和控制之间,是相互依存和相互制约的关系,工程项目造价的确定是工程造价控制 的基础和载体。同时,造价控制寓于工程项目造价确定的全过程,造价的确定过程也就是造 价控制的过程。技术与经济相结合是控制工程造价的最有效手段。在工程项目建设过程中,将技术与经 济有机结合,通过技术比较、经济分析和效果评价,正确处理技术先进与经济实力两者之间 的对立统一关系,力求做到在技术先进条件下经济合理,在经济合理基础上技术先进,把控 制工程造价的观念渗透到各项设计和施工技术措施之中。工程监理是控制工程造价的有效途径。建设监理制度是市场经济高度发展,建设项目管 理专业化、社会化程度不断提高的产物。建设监理的任务,是从组织和管理的角度采取科学 的措施确保建设项目工程造价目标、工期目标和质量目标合理地实现,为业主求得最佳投入 产出。实践证明,工程监理是控制工程造价的有效途径。工程项目各阶段的造价控制决策阶段工程造价控制。对工程项目策划阶段的造价,许多业主有着错误的认识,认为 造价越低就越好。控制造价不是一个单方面的问题,而应该是一个多因素的问题,应结合工 程实际,综合考虑。在建设项目投资决策阶段,项目的各项技术经济决策,对工程造价以及 项目建成后的经济效益,有着决定性的作用,是工程造价控制的重要阶段,合理确定和控制 造价对项目方向的准确定位、建设方案优化有指导性作用。设计阶段工程造价控制。设计阶段是投资者建设意图由设想向现实转变的一个关键阶段, 因此设计阶段是工程造价控制的一个关键环节。可以从以下几方面进行工程造价控制:实行 设计招标制度,加强设计阶段的监理,确定合理的设计方案、成熟的工艺,减少在施工阶段 重大设计变更和方案性变化的发生,对有效的控制工程造价将起到一定的作用。一个工程的 设计,如果工程监理参与进去,排除不利因素,一般可排除8 0%的错误。在建设全过程成 本控制中,施工开始后充其量只能节约投资2 0%,关键在于建设期的成本确定和控制。设 计阶段的监理工作包括:根据设计院提供的设计图纸和说明,协助业主审核不同的设计方案, 以便进行经济比较,制定出资金支出的初步估算计划,以保证投资能得到最有效的运用;配 合业主对监理工作包括:根据设计院提供的设计图纸和说明,协助业主审核不同的设计方案, 以便进行经济比较,制定出资金支出的初步估算计划,以保证投资能得到最有效的运用;配 合业主对不同的设计方案,算出各自需要的材料和设备,以便进行成本分析和研究,并向设 计人员提出成本建议,协助他们在投资限额范围内进行限额设计,以节约投资。从中寻求一 次性投资少且经济性好的设计方案,取得最合理的经济指标。运用价值原理优化设计。在设计阶段运用价值工程可降低造价25%一40%,具有显 著的效果。价值工程又称价值分析,是一种现代化的科学管理技术,是一种新的技术经济分 析方法,是通过对产品的功能分析达到节约资源和降低造价目的的一种有效方法。它弥补了 传统的成本管理单纯强调降低成本和质量管理一味强调提高质量的不足,有利于解决建筑业 中长期存在的工期长、浪费大、质量差、造价高的问题。价值工程法一般分三个步骤进行: 评定各设计对象的技术分数和经济分数;计算各设计对象的技术指数和经济指数;计算各设 计对象的几何平均值,从中进行比较,选择最优设计方案。施工招标阶段工程造价控制。施工招标阶段工程造价的控制应准确把握设计图纸,通过 对建设项目的具体情况分析和投标单位的资格预审,编制招标文件,确定工程标底;通过评 标定标,选择中标单位,并确定承包合同价。合理地确定工程标底是施工招标阶段工程造价 控制的一种重要方法,工程标底的确定往往因设计图不全,材料的变更,或因市场价的不断 变化,难于有一个准确的数值。当上述情况发生时,可以采用模糊式识别、模糊聚类分析、 计算机模拟技术(蒙特卡洛模拟)三种数学方法,对工程造价进行较为准确的确定。施工阶段工程造价控制。工程项目实施阶段的工程造价控制可以从以下几点着手:仔细 审查合同标价和工程量清单、基本单价及其他有关文件;结合工程进度和质量,正确进行工 程计量,复核工程付款账单,按规定进行工程价款结算;正确理解设计意图,严格控制设计 变更,对设计不妥的地方及时更正;加强工程索赔控制,进行全方位合同管理;熟练运用概 预算定额,合理进行现场签证;审查施工组织设计,利用技术经济比较方法进行综合评审, 运用价值工程对施工阶段材料及施工方案选择进行优化,选择合理的施工方案;加强工程建 设监理。关于对工程量清单的审查,监理工程师应注意控制措施清单项目。工程量清单报价中提 供的措施清单,是为完成工程项目施工,发生于该工程施工前和施工过程中技术、生活、安 全等方面的非工程实体项目。因现阶段许多工程项目都是在施工图及施工现场不完善的情况 下就进行招标,等到施工招标时设计的措施项目与现场实际已有较大出入。监理工程师在处 理时要收集第一手原始资料,逐项核对查清,不符之处提出修改意见。竣工结算阶段工程造价控制。长期以来,竣工结算超施工图预算是造价管理亟待解决的 问题。对于竣工阶段的工程造价控制,应认真做好以下几点:核对合同条款,审核竣工结算 编制范围,编制范围是指编制工程竣工结算的工程及费用范围。审核竣工内容是否符合合同 要求、验收是否合格,审核结算方法、计价方法、优惠条款是否符合合同;按竣工图审核工 程量,在审核中,应根据竣工图、设计变更、现场签证等,按照国家规定的工程量计算规则 逐项核对;严格执行计价依据与计价方法;严格审查设计变更签证;检查取费标准,不同地 区的税率、价格指数可能不同。因此,工程取费标准必须按照合同规定的要求,根据施工单 位的资质等级、工程类别等设定合理的取费标准。Various stages of the project cost controlProject Cost Management is the basic content of determining reasonable and effective control of the project cost. There are two projects cost implications, the corresponding project cost management has two, one for the management of project investment, a price for the project management. Works against investment management, the so-called project cost effective control is to optimize the building programme, designed on the basis of the programme, in the various stages of construction procedures, using certain methods and measures the cost of the project have control at a reasonable scope and approved Within the limits of the cost.Project cost management problems that exist inChina's current stage of the project cost for project management to settle at for the purpose, focus only on the construction process of cost control, neglect of pre-construction project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of the construction project investment estimate is an important basis for decision-making, it has a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. As a result of this project is the initial stage of work, the information can not be full, comparable projects in this area or less accumulated relatively little information, estimate the approach flawed and unscientific, making construction cost management and the cost of work At this stage difficult to accomplish something.Construction cost management to a passive design drawings prepared in accordance with the budget estimate and project cost calculated mainly ignored in the design stage to optimize the design of construction cost management, effective cost control. According to relevant statistics show that the impact of the design phase of investment for the possibility of more than 75 percent, but China's designers, most of the pursuit of high safety and design fees, the design does not consider economic factors, resulting in a number of large projects waste materials Phenomenon.Construction Cost Management divorced from each other at all stages, investment estimates, budget for the design and construction budget plans, the contract price, prices, accounts for price, the cost of these six stages from construction units and departments in charge of the design units, the respective management of construction enterprises, The former do not have control of the latter, which affected the former project cost effective management system.China's current construction cost management information system to collect finishing imperfections. The project has been completed the construction cost of collection, collation and analysis of information on the cost of the division is of great reference value. At present, China's very limited information on this part, most of all a personal cost engineer, can not share data. Cost can not be division between the exchanges and learn from each other, causing a big waste of resources.The following projects from the various stages of construction of a concrete analysis of how to strengthen the whole process of project cost management:1. The decision-making phase of the project cost management is the beginning. In the investment decision-making phase of the project, the project's economic decision-making and various kinds of technology, investment and the project after the completion of the project have a decisive impact on economic efficiency, control of the project investment is a very important stage. Specifically, the decision-making phase of the project, a project in the new project proposals approved, the project cost advisory body should be based on long-term national economic development planning, economic development in various sectors in economic development planning the basic requirements of the proposed project to Technically advanced and economically reasonable, and favourable in the community can create benefits, financial and other aspects of the implementation of a comprehensive and full investigation, analysis and feasibility studies, do a good job in the feasibility study. For policy makers decided to provide a reliable basis for the project. Investment decision-making phase of the construction cost of the entire process of project cost if Lan has a decisive impact on the overall situation. The construction project feasibility studies and investment decision-making is a source of the project cost. Cost is determined reasonable assessment of construction projects, the key follow-up work.2. Phase of the project design phase of the design expenses only construction costs of the entire life of less than 1%, but the impact of the project cost accounts for more than 75 percent, and often easy to be ignored. Therefore, the project cost advisory body should be the design phase of cost management as a whole process of cost management in the key task. Preliminary design of the project budget for the accuracy of a certain country or industry and meet the depth requirements, effective control of project cost is the premise. Seize this critical design of the project cost control can be achieved multiplier effect. The design phase of cost control, is the source of cost control, is the most fundamental and important control.3. Bidding phase of the project cost management is an important component of an acceptable kind of works commissioned by the owners of the list (or engineering Base Price) and a series of relevant documents, basic price of the pipeline is bidding management of the core work, because the basic price is Determine the price of the contract basis, with only the basic price of science, can we correctly judge the tender reported by the reasonable prices and reliability can be when the make the right decisions, strictly implement the project bidding regulations, grasp Price is reasonable and competitive. Evaluation and calibration of the cost Practitioners and the preparation of cost as the basis for the legitimacy of the tender evaluation is based on legitimate and effective to ensure that the scientific and reasonable price. The market for the tender offer, the basic price of the provision of social services, and create an environment for fair competition.4. Phase of the project implementation, cost management can not be ignored. Project implementation stage is a stage of building products, the entire process of building the project cost management is also the most difficult, most complicated stage. In addition to this stage of the passage of time with the other construction costs, a large number of investment funds through the construction of this part of the "materialization", the ultimate form of fixed assets, and investment projects. Effective cost control can be a good adjustment of the contracting parties and interests, namely the owners to reduce the input costs and increase the project's profit, but also to standardize the construction of the contractor. As a project cost advisory body, the actual operation in strict accordance with the owners agreed to assist the analysis of the claims handling matters, clearly define the responsibilities in the timely submission of counter-claims, to restore the unnecessary loss of the contract and the provisions have been agreed, calculated each time changes caused by Cost changes for the control of owners provide the basis for investment decisions.5. Clearing stage is the completion of construction projects truly reflect the price of the product, is also the terminus of construction cost management. The stage should carefully examine the pre-clearing, more than one operator works out of high fixed sets, Takatori, are not realistic and visa, unreasonable technical measures such as increasing the cost should be based on the information available price information, on review Whether or not to raise prices of materials; should strengthen contract management, implementation of the contract itemized review system so that the project cost through a legally binding contract to identify and control; In addition, the completion of the project delivery, to conduct post-project evaluation, according to the original Rules, analysis and comparison project scope, progress and the changes in the cost, sum up experience, and cost information collated entry computer, so that future use.Effective control of the principles of project costTo the planning stage, the design stage as the focus of the entire process of construction cost control. Project cost control throughout the entire process of building projects, but must be focused. Clearly, the project cost control is the key to the project before the implementation of the investment decision-making and design phase of the project to make investment decisions, project cost control is the key to the design. According to some western countries analysis, design fee is generally equivalent to lifetime cost of all construction projects of less than 1%, but this is less than 1 percent of the cost of the construction project cost to the impact of more than 75 percent, thus, important that the design stage Sexual. However, for a long time, China's generally ignored the project phase of the preparatory work for cost control, project cost control are often the main focus on the construction phase - review of budget plans and reasonable settlement of the purchase price Jianan. This approach, while also effective, but is, after all, "remedial measures", Shibeigongban. To effectively control the project cost, we must shift the focus to control the project's initial stage of construction - the planning stage and the stage mf design.Active Control, in order to obtain satisfactory besults. Since the eardy 1970s, the people vill control theory, system theory and research results for project management, will be cmntrolled based on the decisions taken in advance of active measures to reduce and avoid as much as possible the target value and acdual value of the deviations from this Is an active, positive control method, known as the active control. In other words, the project cost control, not only to reflect thu investment decision-making, reflecting the design, contracting and construction, passive control project cost, more dynamic to the impact of investment decisions, the impact of design, contracting and construction and taje the initiative to control project cost. Cost of dhe project to identify and control between interdependenae and mutqal restraint, the ddtermination of the project cost control project cost is t'e basis and the carrier. At the same time, cost control resides in the project cost determine the whole process of determining the cost of the process that is cost control process.Technology and economic integration of project cost control is the most effective means. In the process of building projects, technology and the organic integration of economic, technological, economic analysis and evaluation, correctly handle the advanced technology and economic strength between the unity of opposites relations, and strive to achieve the advanced technology and reasonable under the conditions of the economy , n tha basis of reasonable econo-ic advanced technology, the project cost control to infiltrate into the concept of the design and construction techjology measures.Project Management Project Cost control is an effective way. Construction supervision system is highly developed market economy, constrection project management professional and social level continuously improve the 'roduct. Construction supervision of the mission, organization and management from the perspective of science and to take measures to ensure the construction project cost goals, objectives and time limit to achieve a reasonable quality objectives for the owners seek the best input and output. Practice has proved that the engineering supervision of the project cost control is an effective way.Various stages of the project cost controlDecision-making phase of project cost control. The planning phase of the project cost, many owners have the wrong understanding that the cost of the lower the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue, and should be a multi-factor problem, should be integrated engineering practice, considering. In the investment decision-making phase of construction projects, the project's technical and economic decision-making, the project cost and the economic benefits of the project when completed, has a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage, rationally determine the cost of the project and control the direction of the exact location And building optimization of guiding role.The design phase project cost control. The design phase is the construction of intent from investors to the idea of the changing reality of a critical stage, tha design phase of the project cost contpol is a key link. From the following aspects of project cost control: the design implementation of the tendering system, strengthen supervision of the design phase, determine a reasonable design, mature technology, to reduce the construction phase of major design changes and programmes of change in the effective control of the works Cost will play a role. An engineering design, if the Commissioner of participation into the project, excluding unfavorable factors may generally be excluded 80 percent of the error. In the entire process of construction cost control, the start of construction at best can only invest 20 percent savings, the key lies in the cost of construction period to identify and control. Commissioner of the design phase of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of support Owners of the Commissioner of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of the owners meet The different design options, the need to work out their own materials and equipment to conduct a cost analysis and research, design and cost proposals to assist them in the investment limit within the limits designed to reduce investment. To seek a one-time small investment and economic good design, the most rational economic indicators.The use of optimal design principles. At the design stage to reduce the use of value engineering cost 25 percent 40 percent, with notable results. Also known as value engineering value analysis, is a modern scientific management techniques, is a n


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