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专 业 英 语Physics English21 纳米纳米=10-9 米米一根头发丝直径的万分之一!一根头发丝直径的万分之一!NanotubeDNA1 m1 nm1 mNanometer:十亿分之一米 纳米是什么?纳米是什么?一种极小的尺度单位一种极小的尺度单位0.1 100 纳纳米米纳米科技尺度范围:纳米科技尺度范围:1 mm3英国科学家阿尔培特佛朗克斯教授:“在0.1-100纳米尺度范围起关键作用的科学技术领域。纳纳米科技定米科技定义义 美国“国家纳米技术倡倡议”(National Nanotechnology Initiative,NNI)2000年,美国总统克林顿向国会提出年,美国总统克林顿向国会提出NNI,拉开全球纳米热的序幕。拉开全球纳米热的序幕。科普作家伊凡阿莫托的提法:“在纳米尺度上,从一纳米到几百纳米介观范围内,所从事的工作范畴。中国中国“973”纳米材料与结构项目首席科学家张立德研究员纳米材料与结构项目首席科学家张立德研究员:“研究由尺寸研究由尺寸在在0.1-1000.1-100纳纳米之米之间间的物的物质组质组成的体系的成的体系的运运动规动规律和相互作用以及律和相互作用以及可能的可能的实际应实际应用中的技用中的技术问题术问题的科学技的科学技术领术领域域。4纳米科技思想从何而来?纳米科技思想从何而来?Original Nanotechnology Vision“广阔天地在底部。广阔天地在底部。”“There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom.”诺贝尔奖获得者:理查德诺贝尔奖获得者:理查德费曼费曼1959年,加州理工大学(年,加州理工大学(Caltech)二十世二十世纪经纪经典典科学科学演演讲讲之一之一Richard Feynman“The principles of physics,as far as I can see,do not speak against the possibility ofmanoeuvring things atom by atom.”纳米科技思想从何而来?纳米科技思想从何而来?Original Nanotechnology Vision“广阔天地在底部。广阔天地在底部。”“There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom.”诺贝尔奖获得者:理查德诺贝尔奖获得者:理查德费曼费曼1959年,加州理工大学(年,加州理工大学(Caltech)二十世二十世纪经纪经典典科学科学演演讲讲之一之一Richard Feynman“依我来看,物理学的原理,并不排除依我来看,物理学的原理,并不排除一个原子一个原子地操纵、制造物品的可能性。一个原子一个原子地操纵、制造物品的可能性。”6扫描隧道显微镜扫描隧道显微镜(STM)Scanning Tunneling Microscope1981,IBM;1986,Nobel PrizeA critical tool for nanotech!D.EiglerG.BinnigAFM,86 H.Rohrer 经典力学经典力学量子力学量子力学隧穿效应隧穿效应单原子观察和操纵单原子观察和操纵!D.EiglerNanotechnologyWorking at the atomic,molecular and supramolecular levels,in the length scale of approximately 1 100 nm range,in order to understand,create and use materials,devices and systems with fundamentally new properties and functions because of their small structuresAFM tip arraySAMAFM tip88纳米家电?纳米家电?纳米冰箱、纳米空调、纳米洗衣机?纳米冰箱、纳米空调、纳米洗衣机?在涂料或织物里加入一些纳米颗粒材料(或微粉)。真正的纳米家电,目前还处在实验室里的研究阶段。真正的纳米家电,目前还处在实验室里的研究阶段。纳米添加剂纳米添加剂纳米商业炒作纳米商业炒作“纳米概念纳米概念”、“纳米保健纳米保健”如“纳米冰箱”:添加了一些氧化钛纳米材料,具有一定的抗菌作用。纳米时代的标志:高度发达的纳米时代的标志:高度发达的 纳米器件本身纳米器件本身的研究水平及其广泛应用。的研究水平及其广泛应用。太空电梯太空电梯 科学幻想?科学幻想?NASA,Los Alamos NL,3Mhttp:/ Nanotubes 碳碳纳纳米管米管 碳管碳管/钢铁钢铁纳米科技的研究领域纳米科技的研究领域 纳米材料学(纳米材料学(Nano-materials)纳米电子学(纳米电子学(Nano-electronics)纳米生物学(纳米生物学(Nano-biology)纳米物理学(纳米物理学(Nano-physics)纳米化学(纳米化学(Nano-chemistry)纳米力学(纳米力学(Nano-mechaniscs)纳米医学(纳米医学(Nano-medicine)纳米加工技术(纳米加工技术(Nano-machining)11专 业 英 语Physics English NanotechnologyNanotechnology gets its name from a measure of gets its name from a measure of distance.distance.A nanometer,or nano,is one-thousand-A nanometer,or nano,is one-thousand-millionth of a meter(millionth of a meter(十亿分之一米十亿分之一米).).This is the This is the level of size of atoms and molecules.level of size of atoms and molecules.Nanotechnologists work with materials this small.Nanotechnologists work with materials this small.专 业 英 语Physics English Some experts credit the idea to physicist Richard Feynman.In 1959,this Nobel Prize winner gave a speech.He called it Mister Feynman discussed the theory that scientists could make devices smaller and smaller-all the way down to the atomic level.He did not use the word nanotechnology,but for years this idea remained only a theory.早在1959年,费曼就设想:“如果有朝一日人们能把百科全书存储在一个针尖大小的空间内并能移动原子,那么这将给科学带来什么!”专 业 英 语Physics English At the time,no way existed to record structures the size of molecules.Not even electron microscopes could do the job.But as the 1980s began,two researchers found a way.Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer worked at a laboratory in Zurich Switzerland.They worked for IBM,the American company International Business Machines.G.BinnigAFM,86 H.Rohrer IBM(International Business Machines Corporation国际商业机器公司)。总公司在纽约州阿蒙克市公司,1911年创立于美国,是全球最大的信息技术和业务解决方案公司,目前拥有全球雇员 30多万人,业务遍及 160多个国家和地区。IBM 2008全年全年:营业收入为1036亿美元,税前利润167亿美元,每股收益为8.93美元。现任CEO为Samuel Palmisano(萨缪尔帕米沙诺),他的中文名叫彭明盛。专 业 英 语Physics English They invented what they called a scanning tunneling microscope(STM).This permitted scientist to observe molecules and even atoms in greater detail than ever before.Once they could see microscopic structures,the next step for scientists was to find a way to create their own.D.EiglerIBM两名科学家利用STM直接操作原子,成功地在Ni基板上,按自己的意志安排原子组合成“IBM”字样.G.BinnigAFM,86 H.Rohrer 专 业 英 语Physics English By the middle of the 1980s,scientists had increased their research on carbon.They were interested in the ability to use this common element to make nano-sized structures.Carbon had already been engineered in chemical reactions to make long polycarbonite chains(多碳链多碳链).Today,the result of carbon chemical engineering is everywhere-in the form of plastic.1616专 业 英 语Physics English Scientists in the eighties wanted to create nano structures from carbon atoms.In 1985,Robert Curl,Harold Kroto and Richard Smalley succeeded.They aimed a laser at carbon.This powerful light caused some of the carbon to become a gas.The scientists cooled the gas to an extremely low temperature.Then they looked at the carbon material that remained.They found,among several kinds of carbon,a molecule of sixty atoms C60(fullerene).专 业 英 语Physics English C60 is a group of tightly connected carbon atoms that form a ball.It is a very strong structure.This is because all the atoms share any loose electrons that might take part in chemical reactions with other atoms.This kind of molecular carbon can also appear with different numbers of carbon atoms.There is also C70,for example.C28C32C50C60C70专 业 英 语Physics English Research has shown that carbon nano-structures Research has shown that carbon nano-structures even happen in nature.Scientist have found Ceven happen in nature.Scientist have found C6060 and and C C7070 structures in rock.structures in rock.These kinds of molecular structures had been unknown to These kinds of molecular structures had been unknown to science.science.For their work,Robert Curl,Harold Kroto and For their work,Robert Curl,Harold Kroto and Richard Smalley received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in Richard Smalley received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996.1996.Smalley生前是美国得克萨斯州休斯敦市赖斯大学的一名化学教授,他和其他科学家共同发现了碳-60分子,这是一种外形与足球类似的碳分子,人们也把它称为巴克敏斯特富勒烯或“巴基球”。与其他科研成果不同的是,有关碳-60的伟大发现使得研究人员相信,他们能够从原子到原子、从下到上构建材料。马里兰州贝塞斯达国家癌症研究所的代理主任Anna Barker表示,“Richard是整个纳米技术领域真正意义上的始祖”,国家癌症研究所如今正在进行一项耗资1.44亿美元的癌症纳米技术研究计划。June 6,1943-October 28,2005 Published Online July 22,2010 Science Detection of C60 and C70 in a Young Planetary NebulaScientists have detected the largest molecules ever seen in space,in a cloud of cosmic dust surrounding a distant star.The football-shaped carbon molecules are known as buckyballs,and were only discovered on earth 25 years ago when they were made in a laboratory.These molecules are the third type of carbon-with the first two types being graphite and diamond.The researchers report their findings in the journal science.Buckyballs consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a sphere.The atoms are linked together in alternating patterns of hexagons and pentagons that,on the molecular scale,look exactly like a football.They belong to a class of molecules called buckminsterfullerenes-named after the architect richard buckminster fuller,who developed the geodesic dome(测测地线拱顶地线拱顶)design that they so closely resemble.加拿大科学家在茫茫太空中首次探查到了巴基球C60及C70的踪迹。新发现发表在今天出版的科学杂志上。自从25年前C60偶然在实验室被发现后,科学家就认为,巴基球可能漂浮在宇宙中,但是,直到今天才真正捕捉到它。天然的碳能够以多种形式存在,众所周知的是石墨和钻石,但还存在一种被称作“富勒烯”的第三种类型,其中,最常见的两种富勒烯是C60和C70。作为富勒烯家族成员之一的巴基球C60包含有60个碳原子,这些碳原子采用六边形和五边形的形式交替地链接在一起,整个分子看起来非常像一个球体。富勒烯分子因其独特的硬度和化学以及物理特性而成为科学研究的“香饽饽”。巴基球具有用不同方式振颤的特性,这些振颤可同特定波长的红外线相互作用。加拿大西安大略大学的简卡米领导的研究小组运用美国宇航局“斯皮策”(Spitzer)红外线太空望远镜,在天坛星座一颗星体(距离地球6500光年)周围的宇宙尘埃中,捕捉到了疑似巴基球引发的红外光谱扰动,接下来,他们将这些数据同实验室中对巴基球测得的数据进行比较,结果发现,数据完全吻合。卡米表示,由于巴基球是最稳定的物质之一,因而,它们可以在星际间强大的太空辐射场中保存下来,这些发现是富勒烯确实可在太空中形成的证据。C60和C70因其所具有的独特特性,在太空发生的各种物理和化学反应中扮演着非常重要的角色,新发现甚至可能帮助科学家解释在宇宙尘埃中已经探测到还无法解释的化学信号。研究人员接下来想要搞清的是,这些巴基球究竟“锁住了”宇宙中的多少碳。1996年,英国科学家哈利克罗托因发现富勒烯与其他两位科学家共同获得当年的诺贝尔奖化学奖。克罗托表示:“这个最令人兴奋的突破给我们提供了令人信服的证据:正如我们一直期盼的那样,巴基球已经在宇宙深处隐藏了很久。”21专 业 英 语Physics English The next nano-structure developed came in 1993.Japanese scientist Sumio Iijima(饭岛饭岛)of the NEC(日本电日本电气公司气公司 Nippon Electric Company)company developed carbon nanotubes.These nano-sized objects are really six-sided atomic structures connected to form a tube.They are extremely strong.Scientists believe that someday nanotubes could replace the carbon graphite now used to make airplane parts.饭岛澄男(1939年5月2日-)日本物理学家,被称作是碳纳米管的发现者。尽管碳纳米管在其“发现”之前已被观察到过。但是饭岛澄男1991年的论文引发了人们对碳纳米管前所未有的兴趣,从此并给纳米技术领域的研究注入了新的活力。Iijima S.Nature,1991,354:5658 被引用次数:17461 22专 业 英 语Physics English Soon after this discovery,researchers started to think about using nanotubes to build extremely small devices.On May first of last year IBM announced that it had made the worlds smallest light.Researchers used a carbon nanotube attached to a silicon base.They sent electrical charges down the tube.The reaction between the particles produces an extremely small amount of light.IBM says the wavelength produced could be used in communications.专 业 英 语Physics English Nanotubes are not the only form of nanotechnology.Scientists are studying many different materials.The British magazine the Economist reported that a company has developed a special kind of cloth using nanotechnology.This cloth made by Gorix is treated with gasses under heat.This process gives the cloth the ability to carry electricity like metal.专 业 英 语Physics English The military is interested in such technology.Some researchers hope to develop what they call“smart cloth.Such cloth could transmit signals,record information or even change color.Clothing makers have already found civilian uses for cloth made with nanotechnology.This kind of material has the ability to resist dirt and always look freshly pressed.专 业 英 语Physics English Common products can be improved with nanotechnology.The sports equipment company Wilson has developed a new tennis ball using nano-science.The inside of the ball is covered with a thin layer of an extremely fine substance.A special clay with nano-sized particles makes the ball last longer and perform better.Today,the ball is used for the Davis Cup(戴维斯杯戴维斯杯)tennis competition.专 业 英 语Physics English Indeed,the possibilities of nanotechnology appear endless.Some researchers hope to create nano-sized devices that will enter the body to fight disease or replace lost body parts.Engineers hope nanotechnology will help industry make materials atom by atom.They also hope to use nano-stuctures to create materials that are lighter and stronger than ever before.专 业 英 语Physics English In electronics,we have already seen the work of In electronics,we have already seen the work of nanotechnology.nanotechnology.In 2000,the American company In 2000,the American company Intel announced that it had created a transistor Intel announced that it had created a transistor only thirty nanometers in size.only thirty nanometers in size.Transistors are small Transistors are small devices that control the flow of electrical current.devices that control the flow of electrical current.专 业 英 语Physics English As if this was not small enough,IBM announced that its scientists had created an even smaller transistor-only four to eight nanometers thick.Experts say this kind of technology will permit computers in the future to store much larger amounts of information.Nanotechnologists have also been at work to develop brighter flat screens for such things as computers and wireless telephones.专 业 英 语Physics English However,scientific claims can sometimes move faster than the science behind them.In November of 2001,a scientist claimed to have created the smallest transistor yet.Jan Hendrik Schon said it was the width of one molecule.He and his team worked for Lucent Technologies(朗讯科技公司朗讯科技公司)at its Bell Laboratories in New Jersey.舍恩丑闻,又名舍恩事件,舍恩造假事件,是指德国年轻科学家舍恩1998年加入美国新泽西的贝尔实验室,2002年,通过伪造数据,用所谓的“分子晶体管”糊弄了包括权威期刊编辑在内的许多人,十分嚣张,甚至在不同的学术论文中使用一样的数据,最终东窗事发,震撼了整个科学界,成为最臭名昭著的科学作假的丑闻事件。舍恩的学术造假事件不仅成为物理学史上最大的丑闻,其规模也是其他各次学术造假事件无法比拟的。通常一个科学家一年发表一两篇重要论文已是极为多产,而舍恩在3年中发表了超过100篇论文,其中很多发表在世界权威的学术期刊如科学和自然上。光2000年,舍恩就在这两本期刊上发布超过8篇论文。2001年,平均每8天,他的名字就会在学术期刊上出现一次。很多人开始讨论这位“爱因斯坦二世”获得诺贝尔奖的可能性。专 业 英 语Physics English Not everyone agrees that nanotechnology is a good idea.Bill Joy is chief scientist at Sun Microsystems in California.He says he fears that nanotechnology will be used for the war against terrorism.He says he believes it will be possible to develop microscopic robots that can build copies of themselves-just like living creatures.He says such robots might change the balance of life on Earth.专 业 英 语Physics English The company later ordered on investigation.The investigation found that some of the research came from earlier studies.It also found there was little evidence that the scientist developed what he had claimed.专 业 英 语Physics English Such a danger as Bill Joy imagines has already caught the interest of writers and moviemakers.Theres a new movie called“I,ROBOT机械公机械公敌敌,directed by Alex Proyas,that could help i n f l u e n c e w h a t s o m e p e o p l e t h i n k o f nanotechnology.专 业 英 语Physics English But supporters believe the current research will lead to great discoveries.Nobel Prize winner Richard Smalley is one of them.He says he believes that people like Bill Joy are simply wrong.At the same time,there are also efforts to establish new centers to study the possible side effects(副作用副作用)of nanotechnology.There is concern,for example,about sicknesses in factory workers who may breathe extremely small particles.专 业 英 语Physics English One thing is clear.Nanotechnology is receiving more financial support than ever.In 2001,the administration of President Bill Clinton spent about 280 million dollars as part of the National Nanotechnology Initiative(国家国家纳纳米技米技术术倡倡议议).For this year the Bush administration asked for more than 700 million dollars.The United States faces strong competition from the European Union and Japan.Clearly there are big expectations for this science of the very small.课堂要点q 专业词汇专业词汇nanometer 纳米纳米 nanotechnology 纳米科技纳米科技one-thousand-millionth of a meter 十亿分之一米十亿分之一米National Nanotechnology Initiative(NNI)国家纳米技术倡议)国家纳米技术倡议scanning tunneling microscope(STM)扫描隧道显微镜)扫描隧道显微镜 atom 原子原子 atomic 原子的原子的 molecule 分子分子 molecular分子的分子的supramolecular 超分子的超分子的IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)国际商业机器公司国际商业机器公司carbon nanotube(CNT)碳纳米管碳纳米管 single-walled carbon nanotube(SWCNT)单壁碳纳米管单壁碳纳米管 multiple-walled carbon nanotube(MWCNT)多壁碳纳米管多壁碳纳米管 carbon 碳碳 polycarbonite chain 多碳链多碳链 plastic 塑料塑料 fullerene 富勒烯富勒烯 graphite 石墨石墨 diamond 金刚石金刚石buckminsterfullerene 巴克敏斯特富勒烯巴克敏斯特富勒烯,简称简称 巴克球巴克球(Bucky ball)NEC(Nippon Electric Company)日本电气公司日本电气公司Davis Cup 戴维斯杯戴维斯杯transistor 晶体管晶体管 Intel美国英特尔公司,以生产美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称芯片著称 Lucent Technologies 朗讯科技公司朗讯科技公司side effect 副作用副作用专 业 英 语Physics English课堂要点专 业 英 语Physics Englishq专业知识专业知识o 纳米思想的来源纳米思想的来源o 纳米尺度的定义纳米尺度的定义o 纳米技术的应用纳米技术的应用SOME NANOTECHNOLOGY MILESTONES1959Richard Feynman delivers“Plenty of Room at the Bottom”The principles of physics,as far as I can see,do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom.This is often seen as year zero for nanotechnology.1974First molecular electronic device patentedAviram and Seiden of IBM file the first ever patent on a molecular electronic device.1981Scanning tunneling microscope(STM)inventedThe device uses quantum tunneling currents between the microscope tip and the material to produce images with atomic resolution.Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Karl Binnig were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1986.1985Buckyballs discoveredSpherical cages of 60 carbon atoms are discovered by Richard Smalley,Robert Curl,Jr.,and Harold Kroto.The new form of carbon these represent is dubbed buckminsterfullerene.(Nobel Prize in 1996)SOME NANOTECHNOLOGY MILESTONES1986Atomic force microscope(AFM)inventedOffering similar resolution to the scanning tunneling microscope.Publication of Engines of Creation Dr.K.Eric Drexler presents the ideas of molecular nanotechnology to a wide audience,outlining the future awesome potential and dangers.1987First observation of quantization of electrical conductanceGroups in Holland and the UK,step-like variations in conductance through tiny conducting strips,i.e.the conductance is quantized,demonstrating that nanoelectronics is not just smaller,but different.First single-electron transistor createdTheodore A.Fulton and Gerlad J.Dolan of Bell Laboratories construct a transistor where the current being switched consists of the movement of a single electron.SOME NANOTECHNOLOGY MILESTONES1988First designer protein createdWilliam deGrado and his group at DuPont design a new protein from scratch,and then make it.1989IBM written with 35 xenon atomsUsing the tip of an STM,scientists at IBM in Zurich show that individual atoms can be moved and positioned precisely.1991Carbon nanotubes discoveredSumio Iijima discovers tubes of graphite,called nanotubes,which turn out to have extraordinary strength and interesting electrical properties.1993First nanotechnology lab in the US:Rice UniversityThe USs first laboratory dedicated to nanotechnology is created.SOME NANOTECHNOLOGY MILESTONES1997DNA-based nanomechanical device createdNew York Universitys Nadrian Seeman demonstrates that DNA can be used as a building block for nanoscale mechanical devices.1999Scientists create electronic molecular switchYale scientists Mark Reed and James M.Tour create an organic switch in a single molecule.2000US launches National Nanotechnology Initiative(NNI)Putting a hefty$422 million into nanotechnology research,the US government shows its recognition of the strategic importance to the U.S.of the field.Nanotechnology starts to enter the vocabulary of the public at large.2001Nanotube logicResearchers at IBM and Delft University create the first transistors,and then logic gates made entirely from carbon nanotubes中国纳米科技中国纳米科技 R&D中科院物理所:中科院物理所:碳纳米管碳纳米管(最长、最细、定向阵列;最长、最细、定向阵列;0.33/0.5nm/3mm)、高密度存储、单电子原型器件、高密度存储、单电子原型器件中科院化学所:中科院化学所:高聚物插层复合、分子电子学、富勒烯、高聚物插层复合、分子电子学、富勒烯、二元协同纳米界面材料、二元协同纳米界面材料、SPM技术与分子组装技术与分子组装中科院金属所:中科院金属所:纳米铜纳米铜-超塑延展性、碳管储氢超塑延展性、碳管储氢中科院固体物理所:中科院固体物理所:纳米电缆、纳米陶瓷纳米电缆、纳米陶瓷中科院半导体所:中科院半导体所:量子阱红外探测器、半导体量子激光器量子阱红外探测器、半导体量子激光器中国科技大学:中国科技大学:富勒烯单分子结构与电子态表征、量子计算、富勒烯单分子结构与电子态表征、量子计算、溶剂热法合成金刚石纳米粉和氮化镓微晶溶剂热法合成金刚石纳米粉和氮化镓微晶清华大学:清华大学:发光氮化镓纳米棒、发光氮化镓纳米棒、100nm级级MOS器件器件北京大学:北京大学:8nm级超高密度信息存储器件材料(级超高密度信息存储器件材料(TEA/TCNQ)自制自制UHV-SPM系统、近场光学研究系统、近场光学研究复旦大学:复旦大学:高速高密度存储用双稳态薄膜、有机单分子器件高速高密度存储用双稳态薄膜、有机单分子器件西安交通大学:西安交通大学:碳纳米管场致发射显示器样机碳纳米管场致发射显示器样机Rank(1991-2000)JournalTotal CitesNumber of PapersCites Per Paper1SCIENCE1334123756.292APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS12586113211.123NATURE1131219258.924PHYSICAL REVIEW B952582011.625PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS802342418.926JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY642218235.297JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY558227020.678JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS54158256.569CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS539240513.3110NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS489310994.45Rank(1991-2000)InstitutionTotal CitesNumber of PapersCites Per Paper1UNIV CALIF BERKELEY659139316.772MIT537036614.673RICE UNIV432915627.754IBM CORP430528215.275NEC CORP LTD401614028.696HARVARD UNIV327815521.157TOHOKU UNIV32444856.698UNIV ILLINOIS309328910.79ECOLE POLYTECH FED LAUSANNE309221214.5810USN304530210.08Rank(1991-2000)AuthorTotal CitesNumber of PapersCites Per Paper1SMALLEY RE38167848.922ALIVISATOS PM30849731.793AJAYAN PM26596342.214EBBESEN TW24243667.335THESS A22132396.226GRATZEL M19807925.067IIJIMA S19597526.128RINZLER AG19373653.819DAI HJ18513159.7110INOUE A17191849.34Rank(1991-2000)NationTotal CitesNumber of PapersCites Per Paper1US9210899939.222JAPAN2626742516.183GERMANY2067335795.784FRANCE1716826736.425ENGLAND946614156.696SWITZERLAND823379210.47PEOPLES R CHINA765331682.428CANADA57077547.579SPAIN51318745.8710NETHERLANDS47675149.27


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