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2022年高二英语下学期寒假作业验收考试试题第一部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑The latest target(目标)for TV advertisers is children in Asia. Asian families are getting smaller and wealthier, and Asian children are watching more and more TV. It is said that the average Hong Kong child sees about 25,000 TV advertisements a year.To get the attention (and the money) of these young audiences, the advertisers use little actors. “The kids share the same feelings with someone from their own age group,” says one advertiser, “so this kind of advertisement is more effective. And, of course, the little actor earn big money.”Not everyone is happy to see kids turned into buyers. “advertising to children is wrong, ” said Pasty Liang, “because its aim is to make them ask their parents for money to buy things. Also, many things advertised, such as toys, are silly and encourage violence. If a child buys them, he or she will learn nothing.” Some educators believe that if young people watch the ads, they will bee more and more materialistic.Some people even think it wrong to use little actors in TV advertisements. “It is illegal for kids to work in factories, so why are they allowed to work in ads? Also, considering the high salaries, it is bad for children to have too much money.” said Elvis Hu.As an advertiser, J.W. Lu clearly has his own opinion about this. “It is nothing wrong with children earning a lot of money or asking their parents to buy things for them. Besides, kids buy toys to have fun, not to learn from.”Anyway, governments are beginning to take action to protect children. An ad. Would not be allowed to appear on TV if it made children feel inferior(低人一等的) because they didnt own the advertised product.1. The advertisers use little actors so that _.A. the ads can attract young audiences B. the little actors can earn big moneyC. the kids will share the same feelings D. people will see more TV advertisements2. What does the underlined word “illegal” mean?A. Not liked by the children.B. Not allowed by the law. C. Not accepted by the public.D. Not agreed to by the parents.3. Who thinks it all right for kids to earn money by acting in ads?A. Elvis Hu. B. J.W. Lu C. Pasty Liang D. Some educators.4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Little actors earn less money than adults.B. Advertisers want children to learn from toys.C. Some people are not for advertising to children.D. Governments are taking action to protect advertisers.5. What is the best title for the passage?A. Little Actors or Adult ActorsB. How to Get Childrens AttentionC. Opinions about TV Advertisements D. Children:New Target for TV AdvertisementsBIf you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the water, if he isnt brathing, you have four minutes before his brain is pletely destroyed. Support his neck, move his head back and press his chin upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and his sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesnt work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils(鼻孔)(the two holes at the end of your nose, through which you breathe and smell things)together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until professional help arrives.To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue-grey color, and you can feel no pulse(脉搏), then pressing is the last chance of saving his life. With arms straight, pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone. Dont be too hard or you may break a rib. Check how effective you are by seeing if his color improves or his pulse bees independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until rescue arrives. 6. If you want to save someone drowning, you _.A. have to pull off his clothes firstB. should try to get him out of water as quickly as possibleC. should first make out who he isD. ought to throw a life coat to him first7. Once a person stops breathing, it means _.A. you have no more than 4 minutes to bring him to life againB. his brain is pletely damagedC. he has passed awayD. there is no way to save his life8. To press his chin upwards is a way to _.A. keep the tongue blocking the airway in the throatB. prevent the tongue from stopping the airway in the throatC. wipe the tongue out o f the throatD. see if he can possibly be saved9. If the drowning boy has no pulse, _.A. press his chin upwards is enough to get him breathingB. blow air into his mouth is sure to save his lifeC. press his nostrils together with your fingers can workD. press is the last chance of saving his life10. Which of the following statement is true?A. Dont stop pressing his chest, if the drowning man starts breathing again.B. If you see someone drowning, you must give him mouth-to-mouth breathing.C. If a drown man does not breathe for four minutes, his brain will be pletely destroyed.D. When pressing, you can do it as hard as you can.CIt had been a tough year for my family. Whenever my mom looked over at the Christmas tree, she would sigh and warn us, “There wont be as much for Christmas this year. Try not to be disappointed.”Christmas had traditionally been a time for my parents to spoil us. In years past, the presents would pile up and spill out from under the tree, taking over the living room. I had heard the phrase “giving is better than receiving”, but thought that whoever had said that must have been out of their mind. Getting presents was the whole point! It was the reason I couldnt get to sleep on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, we eagerly waited in the hallway until Dad told us everything was ready. We rushed into the living room and let the wrapping paper fly. We made weak attempts to wait and watch while other family members opened their presents, but as the time passed we lost our self-control.“Heres another one for you,” said Mon as she handed me a package. I looked at it, confused. Having spent so much time examining the presents before Christmas, I recognized this one. But it had not been mine. It was my moms. A new label(标签) had been put on it, with my name written in my mothers handwriting.“Mom, I cant.”I was stopped by my mothers eager, joyful looka look I could not really understand. “Lets see what it is, honey. Hurry and open it.”It was a blow dryer(吹风机). Though this may seem to be a simple gift, to me it was so much more. Being an eleven-year-old girl, I was shocked. In my world, where receiving outweighed giving by light years, my moms act of selflessness was inprehensible(无法理解的). It was a huge act. Tears filled my eyes and I thought in disbelief about how much my mom must love me to give up her Christmas present so I could have a few more presents.11. Why would the authors mom sigh before Christmas?A. She couldnt afford to buy a Christmas tree.B. She was afraid she wouldnt get a Christmas present.C. She couldnt afford to buy enough Christmas presents.D. She was afraid her children would be spoiled on Christmas.12. What made the author unable to sleep on Christmas Eve?A. Giving Christmas presents to others.B. Waiting for Christmas presents.C. A blow dryer from her mother.D. The tough situation of her family.13. The authors mom put on a new label on the present to _.A. hide a truth.B. expose a secretC. exchange her gift with her daughterD. Make the present look more special14. How did the author feel when she received the blow dryer?A. Excited but worried.B. Delighted but doubtful. C. Surprised and moved.D. Disappointed and curious.15. What is the theme of the story?A. Blood is thicker than water.B. Giving is better than receiving.C. Love makes the world go around.D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.DThe government says calculators will be banned in maths tests for 11-year-olds in England from xx.Education and Childcare Minister Elizabeth Truss said pupils should only use them once they were confident in basic mathematical skills. Ms Truss said, “all young children should be confident with methods of addition, subtraction, times tables and division before they pick up the calculator to work out more plex sums. By banning calculators in maths tests, we will reduce the dependency on them in the classroom for the most basic sums.”Prof Celia Hoyles, director of the National Centre For Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, said, “It is important that calculators are used properly, so children do not bee dependent on them for arithmetic, but at the same time are able to use them as a tool to support their own problem solving.”But teaching unions argued banning calculator use in the tests would risk pupils ability to use them to deal with more plex mathematical problems.Christmas Blower, general secretary National Union of Teachers, said, “It may not be necessary to use calculators for the whole of the maths test paper, but it is a retrograde (倒退的)step to ban them pletely as it will damage the skills set for primary pupils and leave them struggling in secondary school.”Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said, “it is indeed good to be sure that children can perform routine calculations in their heads, but the advantage of a limited use of calculators is that children can focus on the problem itself.”16. According to Elizabeth Truss, banning calculators in maths tests can _.A. develop pupils interest in mathsB. increase pupils maths test scoresC. reduce pupils dependency on themD. improve pupils ability to take exams17. Prof Celia Hoyles believes that _.A. Calculators should be encouraged in testsB. Calculators should be banned in testsC. Children should use calculators frequentlyD. Children should use calculators properly18. Who is strongly against the banning of calculators in maths tests?A. Elizabeth Truss.B. Celia Hoyles.C. Christine Blower.D. Russell Hobby.19. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Experts hold different views about the ban of calculators. B. Banning calculators will improve pupils ability to calculate.C. Children only use calculators to work out difficult problem.D. Calculators will be banned in all maths tests soon in England.20. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Calculator Use Arouses Hot Debate Around the CountryB. Government Bans Calculators From Primary Maths TestsC. Using calculators Affects Pupils intelligence DevelopmentD. Banning Calculators Improves Pupils Test Performance第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分2分)阅读下列短文,从短文后每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Don and his 11-year-old son, Allen, love basketball very much. On Allens birthday, Don 21 to drive him to Chicago, more than two hours distance, for the first game of the World Championships. They had no 22 but hoped to buy two from other people.After arriving, they 23 in the streets for two hours carrying a 24 which said,” We need two tickets”. 25 the cheapest ticket was $175 and they could not 26 it. They were about to leave when a man 27 them. He pulled 28 two tickets and handed them to Don. “How much do you want?” “ 29 ! No money is needed!” said the man.When asked, the man 30 . “I am working for Joe, who hasnt 31 a World Championships for 16 years. But he is ill and cant make it this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. The only 32 he set is to give the tickets to people I think will be deserving. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and 33 them right away. Then I saw you. You seemed very 34 and you made me 35 my Dad and myself when I was a child. I 36 wanted to go to see a World Championships game with my father at that time. But I never got the 37 .” How important and 38 the game was to Don and his son! Here is 39 Don said, “Its the most worth 40 thing that happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game. I cant forget that night.”21. A. refuse B. decided C. ordered D. happened 22. A.tickets B. cards C. passes D. money 23. A. rode B. ran C. walked D. cried 24. A. book B. photo C. magazine D. sign 25. A. But B. And C. Or D. So 26. A. offer B. afford C. keep D. hold 27. A. invited B. asked C. stopped D. beat 28. A. out B. in C. through D. over 29. A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Terrible D. Free 30. A. agreed B. explained C. examined D. appeared 31. A. delayed B. won C. lost D. missed 32. A. record B. time C. rule D. point 33. A. lend B. sell C. tear D. make 34. A. boring B. interesting C. smart D. anxious 35. A. think of B. care for C. give up D. belong to 36. A. really B. very C. well D. nearly 37. A. ability B. right C. chance D. dream 38. A. unpleasant B. funny C. disappointing D. unforgettable 39. A. which B. what C. that D. how 40. A. hating B. discussing C. remembering D. Playing第II卷第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)Mother :Bill 41 (graduate) from high school soon. What do you think he is going to do?Father: I think he should go to college. But I havent decided where he should go yet. In my opinion, I want him 42 (go) to a small university, 43 the classes wouldnt be so large.Mother: He ought to go to a public school where the students are 44 (serious) about study than those in a private school.Father: Yes, I agree with you. And I suggest that he should go to a college out of the state, where he can widen his knowledge and 45 (broad) his view.Mother:but that will be too far for him to e home on weekends. I can only see him in summer and winter vacations. I 46 miss him.Father: He is old enough to depend on 47 . You cannot take care of him forever. Its time 48 him to be independent.Mother: OK. But the most important thing is where Bill wants to go. 49 we discussed now is just a suggestion. And Bill should make the final 50 (decide) by himself.Father: Thats right. We will talk to him about this after he es home.第三部分:书面表达(共1小题, 满分25分) 假如你是高二学生李华,最近收到了外国朋友Tom的Email。Tom对中国的春节特别感兴趣。请你根据下表提示,给Tom回一封email,告诉他每年你是如何过春节的。TimeActivitiesbefore the Spring Festivaldo cleaning.on the eve of the Spring Festivalget togetherHave a reunion mealMake dumplingsSet off fireworks.during the next few daysVisit relativesReceive lucky money.注意:1.词数100左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom, Im glad to tell you something about the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. _I hope you will e to China and celebrate the next Spring Festival with us.Your friend, Li Hua参考答案阅读理解ABBCD BABDC CBACB CDCAB完形填空1-5 BACDA 6-10 BCADB 11-15 DCBDA 16-20 ACDBC 语法填空1. will graduate/is to graduate 2. to go 3. where 4. more serious 5. broaden 6. will 7. himself 8. for 9. What 10. Decision书面表达Dear Tom, Im glad to tell you something about the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. A couple of days before it, I go shopping together with my parents. Besides, we do cleaning and decorate the house, in the hope of sweeping away bad luck and bringing happiness and fortune. On the eve, all my family get together and have reunion meal. After that, we make dumplings and enjoy the performances on TV, which is the Chinese tradition. When the clock strikes twelve, we set off fireworks and send best wishes by phone. During the next few days, I visit my relatives and receive lucky money in red packets. Its also a good time for me to have fun with my friends.I hope you will e to China and celebrate the next Spring Festival with us.Your friend, Li Hua


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