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Unit 1《Getting along with others》reading 同步练习(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》reading 同步练习(牛津译林版必修5)

111Unit1 Getting alone with others- Reading测试I. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given 1. Janet is a nice girl. She is always _ and outgoing . (cheer)2. Our English teacher is very _ to every one of us. We all cherish the _ of him. ( friend)3. he is such a brilliant basketball player in our school team that we all take _ in him. (pride)4. He often makes mistakes because he is _ in everything he does.(care)5. The woman who wanted very much to lose weight went on running though her legs ached_ . (bad)6. “ Speak _ ! I cant hear you.” Tom said _ to me .(loud)II. apologize / apology1. 1) I wished to meet you, to _ for my rudeness last Saturday. 2) If you see him, please give my _ for not having written to him.2. glare at / stare at 1) The little girl _ the toys in the shop for quite a few minutes with eager eyes. 2) They stood _ each other, ready to kick a fight.3.believe / believe in / brief 1) At this difficult point, we need a leader that everybody _, that is , a person that is able to lead us to success. 2) I just couldnt _ my eyes when I saw my birthday present. 3) Its my _ that our team will win the game.4 forgive / excuse 1) Sarah couldnt _Hannah because she thought Hannah let out the secret. 2) Please _ me for interrupting you.5. overlook / look over 1) He regretted _ English before the exam. Otherwise, he would have done better. 2) He prefers to _ his notes before the exam instead of going over the textbooks.6. put forward / look forward to 1) Many good suggestions concerning civil planning _ at the meeting. 2) Im _ a holiday next week.III. Fill in the blanks with the following words In public , be determined to, feel like, stand, keep ones word, get along with, be proud of , be ashamed of, cant help, as a result of, in trouble, before long, if so.1. Im ill in bed. I dont _ eating anything.2. It is impolite to embarrass someone _.3. We _ spare no efforts to improve the living standard in our country.4. You cannot rely on Peter for help he never _.5. He is suffering from a heart disease, and I am afraid his weak heart cannot_ any bad news like this.6. She must make sure that the people on the teams _ one another.7. I told him that I _ the things I had said to him.8. If someone or something is _, they are in a situation with a lot of problems.9. On hearing the exciting news, every one of us _ crying with joy.10. About 1,000 passengers were killed _ the sink of an old ferry in the Red Sea.11. Her husband was always nice to her _ , but treated her badly at home.12. Its already June and the school year will be over_.13. Is he injured? And _ , how badly?14. His glorious past record is certainly something to _.15. There may be a lot of difficulties ahead of us , but we _ overcome them one by one.IV. Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the first one in each pair of sentences.1. The train is likely to be late. It _ _ _ the train will be late.2. We had a quarrel and since then we have never spoken to each other. A quarrel broke _ _ us and we havent spoken to each other _ _.3. I crossed the street so as not to meet him, but he saw me and came running towards me. I crossed the street to _ _ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.4. It seems that the students in that class have all passed the qualified exam. All the students in that class _ _ _ _ the exam.5. Someone saw her leave the room a few minutes ago. She _ _ _ _ the room a few minutes ago.6. He performed badly in the exam, so he didnt pass it. He failed _ _ the exam as a _ _ his poor performance.7. Football is very important to me, but our friendship is as important. Football is very important to me, but _ _ our friendship.V. complete the following sentences 1. Generally speaking, a successful scientist should be both academic and _(思维开放的).2. I am looking for friends who are _ (诚实的) and _ (乐意助人的).3. His speech is really long and _(枯燥的).4. We had a long conversation because my friend is a very _(爱说话的) person.5. I noticed that the old man was sometimes very _(固执的) at the beginning, but later on I found him very _(热心肠的).6. The boy was really _(粗鲁的) then, but now Im very pleased to see he is more _ (有礼貌的)than before.7. He used to be very _ (自私的) . Now he is more _(大方的) and willing to give a hand to those who need help.8. Dont you think it is cruel to tease a _ (害羞的) and _(胆小的) girl?VI. Translate the following phrases1. 被出卖_2. 学术界_3. 忽略了一个拼错的单词_4. 承认干过某事_5. 当众被取笑_6. 处于进退两难的境地_7. 把注意力集中于_8. 无法忍受某人的残忍_9. 应受谴责;应负责任_10. 无疑地_11. 他们的良好举止_12. 嫉妒你朋友的分数_13. 在金钱上很吝啬_14. 看起来心不在焉_15. 因谋事向某人道歉_16. 对感到羞愧_17. 相处;进展_18. 信守若言_19. 阻止某人做谋事_20. (电话)接通_21. 究竟;到底_22. 不管;不顾_23. 决心干某事_24. 犹豫干某事_25. 得了班级里的最底分_26. 得了一个D_27. 想要哭_28. 直直走向_29. 感到忐忑不安_30. 我们学校与另一所学校有一个重要的比赛_ _31. 有一良好的表现_32. 说了一些刻薄的事情来伤害我_33. 感到很难过_34. 友谊对我来说也很重要_35. 他总是欢快的而且友好的_36. 当众使你难看_37. 全力以赴_38. 使某人感到更糟_39. 不要固执_40. 不要让小小的分歧毁了你们的友谊_ VII. Complete the following two passages with proper words from the articles on page 2& 3 of the students Book. Change the form where necessary. 1 Sarah and Hannah have been best friends since(1) _school. Recently something unexpected happened between them which nearly (2)_ their (3)_ . On Monday they had a surprise Math test. Sarah thought the test would be very easy and said proudly that she was sure to get a good mark. But the next day the teacher told her that she had (4)_ the lowest mark in the class. How(5)_ she felt of herself! Hannah (6) _ something was wrong with her friend. When they went to wash their hands in the girls (7) _ , Sarah told her everything and made her (8)_ not to tell anyone else. However, the next day everyone seemed to have known the secret and some of her classmates even (9) _her. She was really angry and decided that it was Hannah who had (10)_ told others about her mark. She went (11)_ to Hannah and told her that they werent going to be friends any more. Hannah (12)_ that she hadnt told anyone but Sarah didnt believe her. Now, Sarah is writing Annie a letter telling her the story and asked her for help. 2 The 17-year-old boy Andrew and his best friend Matthew play together in the school football team. But now Andrew has a (13)_ . Recently they have stopped talking to each other. Last week they had an important match (14)_another school. The other team was (15)_ and the result was that they (16)_ the match. Andrew told Matthew that he was not trying hard enough and always seemed to be (17)_. Matthew got really angry with him. He insisted that it was not his (18)_. Then they started shouting and they even said some really (19) _ things. Since then Matthew hasnt spoken to Andrew even though they sit next to each other in class. Andrew thinks that it is really an (20) _ situation, so he decides to write a letter to Annie to get help.VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs 1. He swore his oath of allegiance _ the queen.2. Ill never forgive you _ what you have done wrong to your parents.3. The beams of light moved across the sky and focused _ the plane.4. He yelled _ her to be careful.5. I apologized _ the chairman _ being late.6. The driver was not to blame _ the traffic accident.7. I have no doubt _ his ability.8. The letter was delayed three days _ the train accident.9. Nothing can persuade her _ change here mind once it is made up.10. His parents discouraged him _ joining the army. Cloze Test My family moved every two years when I was growing up. Each time I had to start school without the security of a _1_ friend. _2_ , I would be _3_ frightened to speak to anyone, _4_ I ate lunch by myself and cried for an hour each day after school, and I was certain that I would never be happy again. After a week or so, my family would lose _5_. I wanted my friends back. I wanted the security of knowing _6_ I was and who I was. I was _7_ with me and I would be _8_ of having swollen eyes every morning. I would become _9_ to make some friends. It was _10_ . I would never know if the new people I talked to were going to embrace me or reject me, _11_ I knew that making _12_ was worth the risk. Nothing could be worse than what I was _13_ through, not even rejection. Each time I made a new friend, my confidence _14_ . and I began to realize that things would _15_ . I learned a very important lesson _16_ all of this. Real self-confidence comes from doing things that we are scared to do, from _17_ risks. When making friends, remember things like love and friendship often have deeper meaning than we can ever know. Some people are_18_ to be in our lives, and some are not. Trust in this, and do your best not to take a rejection _19_ . There are many sayings and quotes about the _20_ of friendship. One of the most common themes is that you dont need a lot of friends, just a few good ones. I have found this to be true.1. A. boy B. new C. single D. personal2. A. At first B. first C. First of all D. First time3. A. so B. just C. enough D. too4. A. but B. so C. while D. when5. A. heart B. hope C. patience D. chance6. A. where B. what C. who D. why7. A. poor B. miserable C. crazy D. happy8.A. ill B. sick C. fed D. impossible9.A. sad B. frightened C. determined D. confused10. A. great B. scary C. fun D. easy11. A. but B. however C. every time D. while12. A. decision B. effort C. plan D. friends13. A. seeing B. working C. putting D. going14. A. went B. came C. grew D. lost15. A. work out B. go on C. end in D. succeed16. A. for B. with C. at D. through17. A. making B. taking C. facing D. having18. A. supposed B. meant C. expected D. considered19. A. privately B. individually C. personally D. publicly20. A. use B. cost C. price D. value. Reading A How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age give him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. Whats more, life is always giving new things to the child things that have lost their interest for old people because they are too well-known, but a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly being told not to do something or being punished for what he has wrongly done. When a young man starts to earn his living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents , he may go prison. If , however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.1. The main topic of this passage is _.A. pains of children B. pleasures of children C. pains and pleasures of grown-ups D. pains and pleasures2. According to Paragraph 2, the author thinks that _.A. life for a child is fairly easyB. a child is always loved whatever he doesC. if much is given to a child, he must do something in returnD. only children are interested in life3. The main idea of the passage is that _.A. life is not enjoyable since each age has some painsB. young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hardC. childhood is the most enjoyable time in ones lifeD. one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life4. The paragraph following this passage will most probably discuss_.A. examples of successful young menB. how to build up ones position in society C. joys and pains of old peopleD. what to do when one has problems in life B Beijing is to close 34 illegal mines close to Yunju Temple and the Museum of Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian this year. In addition, the city will shut down 700 mines and 145 sand and stone plants near sources of drinking water for local residents and 126 mines around major scenic spots. “The move aims to reduce pollution, crack down on illegal mining and ensure safety in production,” said Wang Dexue , an official in charge of safe production in the country. According to municipal statistics , there are more than 1,000 illegal mines in the eight suburban districts of Beijing, with a total workforce of 50,000. Eleven worker were killed in three accidents at illegally-run coal mines last year. Closure of the mines is beneficial to the protection of ancient cultural sites. Yunju Temple , a well-known Buddhist shrine in north China, built in 631 during the Tang Dynasty, houses a total of 14,278 stone tablets inscribed with religious writings by Chinese monks. The ruins at Zhoukoudian , some 50 Km southwest of Beijing, are an important dwelling site of prehistoric man.5. Why is Beijing to close many mines and sand and stone plants?A. In order to protect Yunju Temple and the Museum of Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian.B. In order to protect the sources of drinking water and major scenic spots.C. In order to reduce pollution , limiting illegal mining and ensuring safety in production.D. All of the above.6. How many mines will be shut down in the move?A. 971 B. 734 C. 845 D. 8607. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Beijing Takes measures to Protect Cultural Relics.B. Beijing Takes Measures to Protect Yunju Temple.C. Beijing Takes Measures to Reduce Pollution.D. Beijing Takes Measures to Shut Down Illegal Mines.Answers:I. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given 1. cheerful 2. friendly; friendship 3. pride 4. careless5. badly 6. louder; loudly II.1. apologize ; apologies 2. stared at; glaring at 3. believes in; believe; belief4. forgive ; excuse 5. having overlooked; look over 6. were put forward ; looking forward toIII. Fill in the blanks with the following words1. feel like 2. in public 3. are determined to 4. keeps his word 5. stand6. get along well with 7. was ashamed of 8. in trouble 9. couldnt help10. as a result of 11. in public 12. before long 13. if so14. be proud of 15. are determined toIV. Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the first one in each pair of sentences.1. is likely that 2. out between ; ever since 3. avoid meeting4. seem to have passed 5. was seen to leave 6. to pass; result of 7. so isV. complete the following sentences1. open-minded 2. honest; helpful 3. boring 4. talkative5. stubborn; warm-hearted 6. rude; polite 7. selfish; generous 8. shy; timidVI. Translate the following phrases1. be betrayed by 2. the academic world3. overlook a misspelled word 4. admit having done5. be teased in public 6. be in dilemma7. focus ones attention on 8. can not stand ones cruelty9. be to blame 10. without doubt; beyond doubt11. their good behavior 12. be jealous of your friends mark. / show jealousy of your friends mark.13. be mean with / about / over money 14. absence of mind / seemed absent-minded 15. make an apology to sb. for sth. / apologize to sb. for sth.16. be ashamed of 17.get along with18. keep ones word 19. discourage sb. from doing sth20. get through 21. in the world / on earth22. regardless of 23. be determined to do24. hesitate to do sth. 25. scored the lowest mark in the class26. got a D 27. feel like crying 28. go straight to 29. feel upset30. we had an important match against another school31. give a great performance 32. say really mean things to hurt me33. feel guilty about 34. so is our friendship 35. be usually cheerful and outgoing36. embarrass you in public 37. play to their strengths38. make him feel worse 39. dont be stubborn40. dont let a small disagreement ruin your friendship VII. Complete the following two passages with proper words from the articles on page 2& 3 of the students Book. Change the form where necessary.1. primary 2. ruined 3. friendship 4. scored 5. ashamed6. sensed 7. toilet 8. p


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