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高二英语《Module7 Unit4:Public transport》牛津译林选修7

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高二英语《Module7 Unit4:Public transport》牛津译林选修7

111Module 7 Unit 4 Public transport一、重点单词 1、_ n.声誉,名声;区别 2、_adj.有历史意义的,历史上著名的 3、_vt.&n.运输,表达 4、_adv.遗憾的,不幸的5、_adj.非常坏的 6、_n.权利;权利机构;权威;权限7、_n.部分;部门 8、_n.连接;连接物;联系;关系9、_vi.起作用;工作,活动,运转10、_n.周年纪念(日)11、_adv.每年的12、_ n.增加;成长13、_vt.承担 14、_vt.推迟,延迟,使延期15、_adj.准时的,准点的;守时的16、_vi.发生,产生;起立,起身;起义17、_adj.好斗的,侵略的,咄咄逼人的18、_n.专心,专注;集中19、_vt.打发;解散,解雇;摈弃(想法等)20、_n.诱因;邀请;请贴二、重点短语1、_ _ 享有殊荣 2、_ _ 堵塞 3、_ _在下面4、_ _ 加快的步伐5、_ _在的管理/控制之下6、_ _ 担当 7、_ _ 为了纪念8、_ _ 观光 9、_ _注意10、_ _加速行驶 11、_ _正在修理中12、_ _由引起 13、_ _ 违法14、_ _负责 15、_ _假设三、单项选择ACAAA BCDBA CADAA1.Her parents her have a good education.A. made sacrifices to let B. took sacrifices for letC. made sacrifice to let D. made sacrifice for letting2. We have search this building, because we acted the UN.A. authority to ; under the authority of B. the authority to ; under authority of C. the authority to ; under the authority of D. authority to ; under authority of3.We should make a clear between the two scientists for the purpose of our discussion.A. distinction B. division C. departure D. separation 4. He came finding the girl.A.in the hope of B.in hope of C.in the hope that D.in hope that5. The hotel is currently .A.under repair B.under the repair C.in repair D.for repair6. Emotional or mental problems can a physical cause.A.result in B.arise from C.come about D.apart from7.We sat waiting for the movie star.A.patient B.patience C.impatiently D.impatient8. He likes football. The same is his wife.A.as B.like C.true D.true of9. The patient will have to wait for a whole day the doctor .A.if,speeds B.unless,speeds up C.unless, will speed up D.if,wont speed up10 . During the rush hours the roads are usually _ up with traffic.A. chocked B. crowded C. blocked D checked 11. From the date on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty.A. marking B. having been marked C. marked D. to be marked12. She stood by the window, .A. thinking B. think C. thought D. thinks13. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely to the outside world.A. being lost B. losing C. having lost D. lost14. to meet anybody, he went in from the back door.A. Not wishing B. Wishing C. Not wished D. No wishing15. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When compared B. While comparing C. Compare D. Comparing四、完形填空ABCDD ABACB ABDCA BCDACAn old story tells of an unhappy and discontents stonecutter. One day he came upon a 1 and was awe-struck by all of the marvelous goods the man had 2 . “I wish I were a merchant,” said the stonecutter and, quite 3 , his wish was granted.Not long 4 he saw a parade pass his little 5 . Spying a prince dressed in such splendor _6 he had never seen before, he said, “ I wish I were a prince.” And he became one.But it wasnt too many days later that he stepped 7 and felt the discomfort of the hot summer sun beating down upon his head. “ Even a prince cannot stay cool in the sun,” he said. “ I wish I were the sun.” This wish, 8 , was granted.He was happy being the sun 9 , one day, a cloud came between him and the earth. “That cloud overshadows me,” he said. “ I wish I were a cloud.”_10 , his wish was granted and he was happy until he came to mountain that he could not _11 above. “ This mountain is greater than I,” he said. “I wish I were a mountain.”As a tall and mighty mountain he 12 the affairs of humans and felt that he was finally happy. But one day a stonecutter climbed up his side and chipped away at rock and there was he could do _13 about it. “That little man is more 14 than I,” the mountain said.” I wish I were a stonecutter.”So the circle was _15 and now the stonecutter knew that he would always be happy just being himself. He _16 never dress like a prince, shine like the sun _17 rise as tall as a mountain, but he was happy to be who he was.A sure way to _18 is to compare yourself to others. Like someone aptly said, “the grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but it still has to be _19 .” You are who you are and that is to be _20 .1. A. merchant B. carpenter C. doctor D. friend2. A. for free B. for sale C. on show D. in order3. A. hurriedlyB. carefully C. amazingly D. closely4. A. before B. ago C. after D. afterwards5. A. place B. shop C. room D. river6. A. as B. that C. which D. where7. A. forward B. outside C. inside D. backward8. A. too B. however C. just D. even9. A. before B. after C. until D. while10. A. Even B. Again C. Also D. Besides11. A. rise B. raise C. over D. up12. A. dealt with B. looked down upon C. looked into D. looked out13. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing14. A. energetic B. elegant C. powerful D. fortunate15. A. completed B. end C. over D. right16. A. could B. would C. should D. might17. A. or B. and C. nor D. but18. A. happiness B. loneliness C. comfort D. unhappiness19. A. mowed B. planted C. watered D. painted20. A. congratulated B. observed C. celebrated D. praised五、任务型阅读For centuries people dreamed of going into space. This dream began to seem possible when high-flying rockets were built in the early 1900s.In 1903 a Russian teacher named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky figured out how to use rockets for space travel. His plan was the first one in rocket science to use correct scientific calculation. About 30 years later, a U.S. scientist named Robert Goddard built the first rockets that could reach high altitudes. During World War II, German scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives. After the war, scientists from Germany went to the United States and the Soviet Union to help those countries build space rockets.These two countries were soon racing to get to space first. Each of these countries wanted to prove that it was stronger and more advanced than the other one. Both countries also had powerful bombs. People in the United States were worried when the Soviets were first to launch a space satellite, which was called Sputnik. The Soviets were also first to send a person into space. Yury Gagarin orbited the earth in the Vostok I spaceship in 1961.The US government set a goal for its space program to be the first country to put a person on the Moon. The U.S. space program built a series of Apollo spaceship. These vehicles were powered by huge Saturn 5 rockets. In 1969 Apollo II took three men to the moon successfully. Nell Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.The Soviets may have lost the race to fly people to the Moon, but they built the first space station in 1971. The United States also built a space station. The space stations allowed people to live and work in space. Then the Soviet Union and the United States cooperated to hook two spaceships together in space. This action ended the "space race". Today a much larger space station, built by several countries together, orbits Earth.Another new way to go to space is by space shuttle. A space shuttle, first made in the United States in 1981, looks like an airplane. Astronauts who fly spaceships have used shuttles to help put satellites into space.History of space travelTimeEventsInformation concernedEarly 1900sHigh-flying rockets were built.It made the ancient dream of going to space possible to come 1) 1903Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (2) a way to use rockets for space travel.He planned to put correct scientific calculation to use in rocket science.Around (3) Robert Goddard built new rockets.The rockets could fly very(4) in the sky.During and after World War IIGerman scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives.Germany was ahead of all the other countries in building space rockets and later it even offered5) to the Soviet Union and the United StatesThe Soviet Union and the United States competed to get to space first.The Soviet Union became the(6) of the race when it launched the first satellite and sent the first astronaut into space.1969The United States (7) in putting a person on the moon.In one way, it (8) the Soviet Union by becoming the first country to fly people to the moon.1970sThe Soviets built the first space station and was soon followed by Americans. And they finally ended the "space race" by(9) Astronauts can live and work in space stations.1980s-Space shuttles are used as new vehicles for space (10) .Shuttles are also used to help put satellites into space.1. true 2. discovered/found 3. 1933 4. high 5. help 6. winner 7. succeeded 8. beat/defeated 9. cooperation/cooperating 10. travel111


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