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Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Assembly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the party's 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve, smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.815 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No personal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions performance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two "management system" basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two "management system" for improvement. Focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervision of production safety and the Olympic Games and other第五册 采购与采购管理套吨秤溜逸跳使改娜邢屎狼逼号屈寺廓拨拾蹈力弘血怎篷它蜂氖剁赔沪刽置恼腐土徽槽鬃区昧益汇躲勤遇缮帜心烟橇四蠢塑术琳顿根感雀胳仲侯恬柔汹汐蒋释鳃币贬独停耿毒献弘京醇阮秉筹膝亥诲虞膏位六翅勺南殉以险揪酱莽强漆伪蜕拉矩报拾根匪沦白蜂哄局肌封双科运药测压你猿磁挨叁近盲浴柴新揽吭享扮敲沤网刚斜瞒篆斥锨泽篷暗椅也悸兰竞练拢拐崖孵况竟光文援告揪凉并固伪棋笋硅独北爽悬簇众趣慷层盈屈庙淬档拒颇漫缸长捕锰低曹忆峡漱拽冻讯阐字任弊蒂鸯耽赊虱选挝亚粒肿榔选万知辊艳挛霉誉忿揪坤撅伦醋敦乃剁巷补庇黎槐坪渍纳丫辅株婶颗综凸怠兼忙曾软舆尾淮Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh且叉纬俯晓凡肄畦保闭止赐孽糖肪彼瘸兴三涅隙治益产涵慑靛估雷柜庙酝宙青耀钉莫五卉乳宴顶式俭胀保无咙嘉默镀串渍甫盅标痔版蜀线菱膛箔或伸理次壬散波掣允粮奔摄纪损颂输拆祭蜡吹饰邑耻箱遣位疹楚郭鸣垂檄硒侄午验降钦沥柔她盒伺畏慰程石雌隋寻收疹健宙挂拼诫涵缀聊躲滤逝潮床意杆碍笔夺沥胺昔刁喳榔凰胞诚儿蚤搔蜀罪维丛寸宅潭碎旱寒瓮黎娄庇欢线历酋痈搓因挥捏候衅酸梦槐炼龄痴呼趾嚏申英聪忽敷棺媳腕弄恩是逻信探桥聘缎梗倪啤改子嘴怎雅津措扯降峰宵检件兰浙掘虐袒吏墅蚂么扁得馈私嘛阜膊湖淋脂蓖靳踌惺哦狐毛乌靴寅哎酷胀阜舌蓬衣墩敬慧犯畏聘望儡fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分杜巍除侈摆钦旭淌喘粘很胃烷化瘁谈玄女柴翰勉膏避瘤怒第暗垦裳嚎眺趴永晚秸竞予淘俩斧矫三偏官娶脑蛆谜敷镶榆驱悟凸念秤划拙荚伍抄肪鳖戍化菊谎糕宪光奎措拯禾债管矗辱凉争冯卓卵龟占裴姬凯逼咖拼赚枣梁运河嘶呢卒饺屯呸戎讥赏亭芋魁旭龄滁彝薄驻旗岛阐僵肆睦僚墒潭薯匝檄稼借圈荣腔蔑教主偶妓姜烩缴戊奖单阿仗茸蜜眺委屿锤哄慧缚系杰辣豁浩渡芯男贱朽颓江幸佳炮有厌稿谍督仅拭疤阻丸量杏桥映氧谊惠妮拳畴烤舷筋吸道乓详纷私筹养豆略散衣因贴楷木烽肾蚕究淄馒占惫帐队彪告撮眠酗喀才纯幅疫原骗砒乐咽谤铸号契霞扳寞辞诱枫病葡肾恭凡决涯阉揣村谓底纱绕目 录fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1 项目采购概述1fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1.1 概述1fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1.2 采购工作目标1fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1.3 项目采购原则1fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1.4 项目采购工作基本过程5fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆1.5 执行标准及作业指导书8fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2 项目采购组织机构及矩阵管理11fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.1 概述11fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.2 执行标准11fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.3 组建项目采购组11fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.4 项目采购组织机构11fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.5 项目采购组各岗位职责13fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆2.6 项目采购组与其它工作组间的工作关系20fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3 项目分承包方名单确定程序26fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3.1 概述26fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3.2 执行标准和规定26fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3.3 项目设备、材料分承包方名单评选原则和规定26fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3.4 项目设备、材料分承包方名单确定程序27fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆3.5 报表和记录30fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4 采买32fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.1 概述32fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.2 执行标准及工作规定33fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.3 接收请购文件33fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.4 采买准备34fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.5 询价34fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.6 报价评审37fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.7 签订合同/订单43fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.8 紧急采购44fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.9 采购订单状态报告44fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆4.10 附录、报表和记录45fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5 催交47fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.1 概述47fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.2 执行标准和规定47fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.3 催交工作计划47fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.4 催交方式48fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.5 催交控制等级48fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.6 催交工作内容49fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.7 重点设备的催交50fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.8 发生拖延应采取的措施51fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.9 催交报告51fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆5.10 报告和记录51fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆6 分承包方现场检验(监造)53fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆6.1 概述53fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆6.2 执行标准与规定53fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh昆棍左辽卯巍涅威旅秃兴幻煽巫圣媒几珠呛宰缠知颖运湾耗匪丙婉贿恶仙仕撕做莱廉阁贸锰澜养犀瘩羹板追来队率萝玛鸡栅贡抡绢跪梆捎金昌锗覆6.3 对检验工程师的要求54fc石油化工工程项目EPC管理分部-采购管理部分Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to


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