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2020/7/24,The Roots of My Ambition,杭电机械第二小组 主讲:王大强、宋银超、董佯佯,演员阵容: Jamal Malik(王大强饰) Host(宋银超饰) Others(董佯佯饰),2020/7/24,2020/7/24,2020/7/24,Introduction,In the first half year of 2009,a movie called Slumdog Millionaire caught millions of peoples attention.It was made by the famous English director Danny Boyle with the Indian director Loveleen Tandans assistance.This film has won many awards, and most attractively,it won eight Oscar awards,and its definitely the biggest winner in the movie field in 2009. The story is about the young man Jamal Malik,who successfully finished all the questions and won 20 million rupees in the TV live show “ Who wants to be a millionaire”.Jamal,his brother Salim,and Latika,the three main characters,their growing experi-ence and Jamals love to Latika is the inner line of the plot.,2020/7/24,The movie Slumdog Millionaire is no doubt the best of the year,however,many protests came upon it from different corners of the world , especially from the country in which the movie was made,India.Many people from the slum,they think the title “slumdog”is a kind of discrimination,and they parade in the main street and protest with the sign“we slum dwellers are human beings , not dogs” . The columnist of London Times Alice Miles uses a phrase “poverty porn”to comment this movie , which implies that its purpose is to please the western audience with the poverty and backw-ardness of India . Is this saying suitable to describe this movie?In this essay,we will discuss the content of Slumdog Millionaire with the theory of postcolonialism , and lets begin.,2020/7/24,场景还原(Scene representation),内容提示: 鉴于时间和演员考虑,我们将对电影中的部分经典剧情进行还原.(In view of the time and actors ,we will represent part of the Classic story.)可是,当我们试图用语言来再现这一场景时,它却支离成上千个抵触的印象,有些得略述,有些得加强。(But when we attempt to reconstruct it in words,we will find that it breaks into a thousand conflicting impressions.)所以我们对剧情稍作修改,已达到更好的效果,我们会尽力去演绎,谢谢(So,we try to amended it slightly ,so as to achieve the desired results,and we will try our best to perform it,thanks!),影片开始屏幕上出现了4个选项,Jamal Mailk is one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it?A: He cheated (他作弊了) B: Hes lucky (他很走运) C: Hes genius(他是天才) D: It is written(他是被虚构的),2020/7/24,The Answer rules 你有三次求助机会: So, you have three lifelines. (1)请教现场观众 Ask the audience, (2)去除2个错误答案 Remove two wrong answer, (3)给朋友打电话 phone a friend. And whats more , Any volunteers?,2020/7/24,一、西游记中沙悟净原先掌管什么职务?A:卷帘大将 (General of shutter )B:台灯大将 (General of Desk lamp)C:九灵元圣 (Saint of Nine Spirits) D:南山大王 (King of Southern Mountains),Journey to the west is a historic Chinese novel that is considered one of the four classics from the Ming Dynasty. These novels along with the golden lotus water margins as well as the romances of the three kingdoms have won popular acclaim from generation to generation. Journey to the west is a combination of myth parable and comedy. It is a story about a Buddhist monk and bunch of animals with human characteristic. The animals actually in the story are a very fairy tale type of mood and they traveled west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The animals themselves are celestial being in mortal forms and they have magical powers that protect them from the goblins and the evil spirits.,2020/7/24,二、1973年的动作电影囚禁的主演是谁?,2020/7/24,A、阿米达巴彻,这是杰玛的童年的偶像,他当然知道。 人们之所以崇拜偶像有两个原因:1、想像自己也能经历一种传奇;2、想像自己也能成为偶像。明星多半是从底层升起的,他们是底层人民心灵中的亮光。 阿米达巴彻在演囚禁,而观众被囚禁在贫民窟里。,三、Whats the translation of“ ChengGuan” of China in the Uinted Kingdom?(在英国人看来,中国城管可以翻译为-?)A: liveried dog B:city managingC:Urban ManagementD:Daytime Vigilante,答案:A。 中国城管是中国秘密发展的准军事化组织,平时管理城市,锻炼游击战术;战时可编入正式军.是一支可冲锋,可侦察,可游击,能吃苦,能忍耐,能奋战的优秀后备军.五角大楼秘密报告称:中国城管队伍是一支具有强大潜力,能单靠一辆破面包车或皮卡就能全天候作战的可怕准军事组织(中国庄严承诺对外不首先使用城管),2020/7/24,四.In depictions of (中所描写的)God Rama, he is famously(著名的) holding what in his right hand? 教义中描述的罗摩神右手里握着的是什么? a.A flower一朵花 b.A sword一把剑 c.A child一个小孩 d.A bow and a arrow一副弓箭,五、莫言凭借哪部作品获得茅盾文学奖(The Mao Dun Literary Prize) A:Big Breasts pinyin: M Yn) (born February 17, 1955) is a Chinese author, described as one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers. He is known in the West for two of his novels which were the basis of the film Red Sorghum. He has been referred to as the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller.,2020/7/24,I just wanna a house!,六、在100美元的钞票上,是哪一位美国总统的肖像? A、乔治华盛顿 B、弗兰克林罗斯福 C、本杰明弗兰克林 D、亚伯拉罕林肯,2020/7/24,.On an American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait(画像) of which American statesman? 在一百美元面值的钞票上,是哪一位美国总统的肖像? a.George Washington乔治华盛顿 b.Franklin Roosevelt弗兰克林罗斯福 c.Benjamin Franklin本杰明弗兰克林 d.Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕林肯,2020/7/24,原因:杰玛和舍利姆回到了孟买。杰玛在地下道里遇见了卖唱乞讨的拜勒文“天堂”里的另一位天使,已被普努斯弄瞎双眼。杰玛给了拜勒文100美元。拜勒文告诉杰玛百元美钞上印的是本杰明弗兰克林,还告诉他拉提卡的处所。 “你被拯救了,我不太走运,这是唯一的区别。”拜勒文说。你有Money就能获得拯救,印在百元大钞上的伟人只眷顾能拿到它们的人。贫贱则逼人为盗、为娼、为乞丐。影片这一段编剧通过外国游客的络绎不绝,城市大规模基础建设,瞎子也晓得辨认美钞的方法等情节从侧面反映了印度的逐渐开放和与经济发展。,2020/7/24,简介:revolver(左轮手枪),左轮手枪是转轮手枪的俗称,它是一种个人使用的多发装填非自动枪械。其主要特征是枪上装有一个转鼓式弹仓,内有57个弹巢(大多为6个),枪弹装在巢中,转动转轮,枪弹可逐发对准枪管。由于常见的转轮手枪在装弹时转轮抽左摆出,因而又称左轮手枪。,七、Who invented the revolver?是谁发明了左轮手枪? A、塞穆尔考特 B、布鲁斯勃朗宁 C、丹万森 D、詹姆士瑞沃尔,2020/7/24,八、Do you knowwhich TV play is YuanFang,what are you think?out of ?(元芳,你怎么看,出自哪部电视剧?),A: (神探狄仁杰) B: ( 甄嬛传) C: (蜗居) D:(步步惊心),2020/7/24,九、If Cristiano Ronaldo(C罗) and Messi (梅西)were both retired, Ronaldo could be a model since he has such a pretty frame, and What Messi could be to make a living ?A a basketball playerB a diverC an actorD a basketballer or a diver or an actor,D、because he is so talented in too many areas.,2020/7/24,2020/7/24,十、 which cricketer has scored.the most fiirst class centuries in history?(哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的)? A、沙奇德鲁卡 B、瑞奇庞汀 C、迈克斯莱特 D、杰克豪尔斯,2020/7/24,答案:D、杰克霍布斯。原因:主持人以一个假的答案诱骗杰玛上当那一幕很是传神的确,一个在社会上浸淫多年的老油条可以用他的年龄积累的力量(尽管这力量绝不来源于他自身),轻易的毁掉一个初出茅庐的孩子的纯真,而早早见识过世界与人性的残酷的杰玛识破了他,选择了正确的答案,这其实是一个很浪漫的细节虽然近乎童话。,十、which cricketer has scored.the most fiirst class centuries in history?(哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分最多的)? B、瑞奇庞汀 D、杰克豪尔斯,2020/7/24,十一、In Alexander Dumass book. The Three Musketeers two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos .What was the name of the third musketeer?(在亚历山大大仲马的书三个火枪手中,其中两个火枪手叫做阿托斯和波托斯,第三个火枪手的名字叫什么)? A、阿拉米斯 B、卡帝乐瑞奇卢 C、达唐尼恩D、普兰奇特 答案: A、阿拉米斯。原因:此时影片闪回到了电影开始贾迈尔孩提时代在贫民窟的学校学习三个火枪手,并遭老师打骂的画面;闪回到逃难的贾麦尔在雨中收留拉提卡,并说她应该是三个火枪手的第三个的镜头,这一切巧妙给影片做了个首尾照应。,2020/7/24,杰玛在最终赢得千万奖金之后,呆坐在墙角,此刻改变他的并不是贫民窟到百万富翁的巨变,而是靠自己的努力而与朋友和爱人的重逢。拉提卡与杰玛在历经各自的坎坷之后终于拥抱在了一起,拉提卡的脸上是逃亡换来的刀疤,它提醒每个观者,这个世界固然残酷的超出每个人曾经的想象,但仍有很多东西值得我们去坚持,追寻。,2020/7/24,看完整部电影后我们有什么感受?,5 Conclusion The movie Slumdog Millionaire tells us that not only the intellectuals,or the person with high status can have achievements,the common people,even the lower classes,as long as keeping on trying,he can succeed in the end.And the period this movie on show was the most difficult time of the economic crisis,and Jamal,the chai wallah(Hindi:the person making tea for others),a slumdog,can become a millionaire,this can surely give the people struggling in the crisis dream and energy.,2020/7/24,In other words,this movie is a kind of cultural arm,is acertain tool,for the powerful western countries,through depicting the backwardness and immorality of India,it tells people that the West is better than anywhere,it encourages people to persist and strive for a good future. In this movie,Indias“poverty”becomes“porn”to please the West.,2020/7/24,Thank you!,


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