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梦想的英语版名言梦想英语名言 梦想是阳光雨露,她给干渴的禾苗的带来期望;梦想是照亮人生旅途不灭的明灯,她引导我们在人生的道路上一直前行。以下是XX为你分享的梦想的英语版名言内容,期望对你有帮助!梦想的英语版名言推荐梦想是伟大的,有了梦想,生活才有了出色,人生才有了意义。Dream is great, have a dream, life is wonderful, life is meaningless.人不怕走在黑暗里,就怕自己心中没有阳光。People are not afraid to walk in the dark, afraid of their own minds without sunshine.要抒写自己梦想的人,反而更应该清醒。To describe their own dreams, but more should be awake.梦想就是发明。期望就是召唤。制造幻想就是促成现实。Dream is to create. Hope is the call. Fantasy is to create reality.心存期望,幸福就会降临你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你。Hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunities will envelop you.人生的真正欢乐是致力于一个自己认为是伟大的目标。The true joy of life is to work on what you consider to be a great goal.得意时应善待她人,因为你失意时需要她们。You should be kind to others, because you need them when you are frustrated.有时你的梦想达成是一个幸福,有时梦想破灭也是一个幸福。Sometimes your dream is to be a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness.青春的梦想,是未来的真实的投影。The dream of youth is the future of the true projection.当你真心渴望一件东西的时候,整个宇宙全部会联合起来帮你完成它。When you really want something, the whole universe will unite to help you to do it.大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有些人想改造自己。Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to change their own.好好饰演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。Play your part and do what you have to do.梦想,是茫茫大海中的灯塔,为迷失方向的航船引导方向。Dream, is a beacon in the vast sea, for the lost ship direction.梦想的英语版名言精选人的一生就是这么,先把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。Human life is like this, the first life into a scientific dream, and then the dream into a reality.幸福的人是那些有梦想而且愿意付出代价将梦想变成现实的人。A happy person is one who has a dream and is willing to pay the price to make it a reality.平凡朴实的梦想,我们用那唯一的坚持信念去支撑那梦想。Ordinary simple dream, we use the only belief to support the dream.追逐梦想中的思索会让人摆脱平庸,从而挖掘潜能,增加才能。The pursuit of dreams will make people get rid of mediocrity, so as to tap the potential, growth ability.每个人全部有一定的理想,这种理想决定着她的努力和判定的方向。Everyone has a certain ideal, this ideal determines the direction of his efforts and judgments.惟一阻挡你实现梦想的就是你自己。The only thing that can stop you from achieving your dreams is to be yourself.梦想,是晴朗夜空高高在上的北极星,为迷途的人指明回家的路。Dream is a cloudless night sky superior North Star, the way home for the lost people.一个人有钱没钱不一定,但假如这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。A man has no money to do not have money, but if the person does not have a dream, this person is poor.立志要如山,行道要如水。不如山,不能坚定,不如水,不能曲达。To the mountain, the road to water. As mountains, not firm, as water, can not be reached.假如你能够想象,你就能实现;假如你能够梦想,你就能梦想成真。If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can make it come true.梦想,是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己快乐的原因。Dream, is a goal, is to let oneself live on the original power, is to make oneself happy reason.梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。Dream is the soul of the mind, is our secret truth.再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法抵达。A long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach.让我们随风自由奔跑,去追逐伟大、神圣的梦想吧!Let us run with the wind, to the pursuit of a great, sacred dream!梦想绝不是梦,二者之间的差异通常全部有一段很值得大家深思的距离。Dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worthy people to think about the distance.有梦想的人偶然也会犯错,但她能知错就改,继续朝向自己的梦想进发。A man with a dream occasionally make mistakes, but he can Zhicuojiugai, continue toward your dream.梦想的英语版名言摘抄全部的伤害只会让我变强,用更强大的自己守护我的梦想。All damage will only make me stronger, more powerful guardian my dream.生活若剥往理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。If life to the ideal, dream, fantasy, that life is just a pile of mere skeleton.你在期望中享受到的乐趣,比未来实际享受的乐趣要大得多。In hope you enjoy the fun, enjoy the much more effective than the future.假如失去梦想,人类将会怎样?If you lose your dream, what will people do?你不能左右天气,但你能转变你的心情。You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood.一切活动家全部是梦想家。All activists are dreamers.在追逐梦想的过程中带来的喜悦无法估量,这,可能就是人生的味道吧。In the process of chasing the dream of joy can not be estimated, this, perhaps is the taste of life.去实现梦想,不论结果怎样,努力过才不会后悔。To realize the dream, no matter how the results, and strive to have just won't regret.很多时候,我们富了口袋,但穷了脑袋;我们有梦想,但缺乏了思想。Many times, we are rich in the pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thinking.你必需拥有梦想,这么你才能一早从床上爬起来。You must have a dream, so that you can get out of bed early in the morning.梦想,还在延续,我朝着前方,奋力的奔跑。Dream, still in the continuation, I am in front of, struggling to run.梦境每是现实的反面。Dreams are the opposite of reality.梦想并非现实,但主动的态度、执着的精神能够将它变成为现实。Dreams are not realistic, but the positive attitude, the spirit of perseverance can turn it into a reality.一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。A man who can dream of dreams, is a successful man.


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