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一、背景介绍近些年来,我国不断出台了一系列政策来鼓励农村金融创新,推动农村金融市场发展。积极依靠金融创新来提高农村资金的供给力度正成为我国农村金融改革的目标和方向。在一系列政策的鼓励下,我国农村金融机构创新正在快速迈进,各种新型农村金融机构也随着不断出现和发展。村镇银行、农村资金互助组、小额贷款公司等农村金融机构不断出现。新型农村金融机构的不断出现和发展,在很大程度上有效改善了农村的金融服务质量,提高了三农资金的扶持力度,同时对于提高农村金融服务水平,进一步农村经济社会发展都发挥了积极作用。同时,小额贷款公司等农村金融机构也有效引导了民间资本在涉农领域开展业务,实现“银小”合作,积极发挥自身在大资金以及小客户之间的桥梁纽带作用。新型农村金融机构的发展,能够有效改善农村地区的金融市场结构,并进一步降低相关金融产品的供应成本。同时,发展新型农村金融机构也有助于创新金融产品,进而在不同的农村地区使用不同的金融产品,符合当地的经济社会发展需求。尤其是当前,伴随着我国农村金融机构的不断创新和发展,金融市场对于农村经济增长、农业技术进步以及农民经济收入增加都发挥了比较重要的推动作用。二、金融支持、新型农村金融机构创新与三农发展关系分析就农村金融支持跟农村经济扶贫之间的关系来讲,主要是围绕以下几个方面来进行研究。依靠对农村小额信贷的扶贫模式分析,能够进一步总结农村小额信贷扶贫模式的运作条件以及运作机制等。通过研究农村发展历史数据,并依靠它作为研究样本来对农村金融改革以及金融支农的关系进行研究,明确进一步强化农村金融机构在支农方面的支持就需要健全完善公共财政体系,并在此基础上进一步发挥金融支农的效用和功能。除此之外,农村地区小额信贷对于当地的经济社会发展也具有重要的推动作用,需要明确的是,小额信贷对于不同收入水平的家庭来讲,所产生的影响存在着比较大的差异,但是在提高农村贫困人口收入方面能够发挥比较大的积极作用。农村金融机构的创新和发展能够推动农村地区经济社会的持续发展,对于服务三农、提高农民收入都具有重要意义。不过长时间以来,我国的农村地区一直都存在着金融机构网点比较少、农村金融信贷能力比较薄弱的问题,这已经成为制约农村经济发展的一个很重要因素。伴随着我国2006年开启的农村金融体制改革,我国对于农村金融市场的准入门槛逐渐放宽,正逐步允许包括信贷公司、村镇银行、小额贷款公司以及资金互助组等相关的新型农村金融机构在农村地区开设和发展。对于农村金融市场来讲,农村企业以及生产经营者最主要的融资方式还是间接融资。正是由于间接融资的重要性,银行等金融中介在筛选、监督以及时候贷款收回中都对资金使用者起着非常重要的作用。在农村经济发展过程中,农村银行等相关的金融机构发展直接关系着农村地区广大生产经营者的融资水平。跟城市的企业融资相比较,农村地区生产经营者跟企业的规模常常比较小,中小型企业居多。同时农村企业自身的融资特点以及发展状况也在很大程度上决定了它们信贷需求的要求以及特点等。农村金融机构创新不足、同质化现象严重、金融机构较少,这些都在很大程度上对农村的金融供给造成了制约和影响,并进一步降低了农村地区的经济增长和贷款规模的增长。从这个角度上讲,对农村金融进行必要的创新,提高自身的竞争能力,完善金融服务体系可以有效推动农村地区经济发展。农村金融机构的发展和创新对于提高农民的经济收入也有着很大的关系。农村金融发展可以从多个角度和方面影响农民的经济收入。金融体系完善和发展能够有效推动技术的进步和创新,这有利于经济的持续发展。同时,农村金融市场能够切实推动农村储蓄投资转化水平,进而提升和改善农村资金的投资使用效益,进而从根本上推动农村经济发展,提高农民的经济收入。一般来讲,农村金融体系的规模以及深化程度的提高跟农村收入水平以及农村资本之间具有较高的正相关关系,通过比较研究我国农村经济社会发展水平可以发现金融发展在一定程度上是有助于农民经济收入提高的。三、进一步强化金融对三农支持的建议措施第一,进一步深化农村金融体制改革,积极完善和构建农村金融市场。对于三农建设和发展来讲,健全完善的农村金融市场具有重要的支持和保障意义。这就需要在此基础上进一步加深农村金融服务体系改革,完善金融市场,强化农村金融服务在三农中的支持作用。就我国的农村金融体系而言,中国农业银行、中国农业发展银行以及农村信用社是整个金融体系的主要组成部分,这三者在服务三农,支持农村经济社会发展方面发挥着不同的职能和作用,同时也在履行着各自的责任以及义务。伴随着我国农村金融体制改革的进一步深化以及我国农村经济社会的快速发展,这三大农村金融机构应当围绕三农发展的实际需求和自身的功能和职责定位,进一步完善其功能,在此基础上为农村农业发展提供更好的支持和保障。中国农业银行应当积极围绕农村发展需要,进行金融产品创新,满足农业发展资金需求,积极跟国际接轨,实施商业化发展道路,在满足三农发展需求前提下走市场发展道路,以便能够为三农的发展提供更为有利的服务支持。同时,中国农业发展银行需要进一步发挥自身作为政策性银行的金融支持作用,在农村环境建设以及农村基础设施建设方面贡献更大的力量。农村信用社需要积极跟进国际形势,依靠自身立足农村、体系完善的优势,进一步减少其手续繁琐、效率低下的潜在弊病,在服务三农发展、支持农村经济社会发展方面发挥更大的建设性作用。 第二,严格管控农村金融机构的资金流动情况,切实保障三农资金的科学运用。对于资本市场来讲,资本是其中最重要的因素之一,同时资本本身具有追利性的特点,这也在一定程度上导致农村金融市场上资金配置不够合理,农村资金流失现象较为严重。这不仅不利于三农发展的资金需求,难以满足农村生产经营者的发展,同时对于国家以及政府部门对农村的金融管控都产生了一定的负面影响。正是基于此,国家应当站在宏观经济发展的角度,认真对待农村金融机构的资金流动,对农村金融机构的资金流向进行科学管控,在此基础上切实保障农村金融机构的相关资金能够为三农发展提供支持和保障,在保障自身经济效益的同时推动农业发展,繁荣农村经济,真正实现为农村经济社会发展提供金融支持和服务。第三,进一步加快农村金融创新步伐。金融创新是推动自身发展进一步的重要手段和途径。当前,我国农村金融市场相对比较落后,金融产品以及金融服务品种都比较少,金融工具在推动三农发展方面也缺少必要的支持和保障。正是基于此,要强化农村金融机构对于三农的支持和帮扶,就需要对农村金融进行必要的创新,包括金融机构以及金融产品等。农村金融机构应当围绕农村金融服务需求,结合自身发展,积极创新农村金融品种和服务,不断增加金融工具以及金融产品的种类,推动农村金融市场的发展。农村金融机构需要结合农村发展实际,围绕农村资金需求,积极推出满足农村金融需求的贷款种类以及储蓄品种等,同时还需要积极拓宽农村金融服务的范围和层面,将金融服务从原先的信贷支持逐渐向多层次、多角度进行扩展,依靠手段创先推动农村金融市场发展,积极支持新农村建设。第四,进一步加大农村金融政策的扶持力度,依靠政策融合积极发挥商业银行以及政策性银行的推动作用。对于农村金融机构来讲,受制于农业本身所具有的弱质性特点,导致其在提供农村金融服务时常常周期比较长、收益率比较低,因此对于农村金融机构应当给予一定的政策扶持以及资金支持。相关金融主管部门应当结合农村实际,依据具体情况进行具体的政策研究和制定,积极改革现有的信贷管理机制,加大资金和政策扶持力度,进一步放宽金融审批条件,制定出相应的贷款额度,降低贷款门槛,切实减轻农村金融机构以及农村生产经营者的贷款负担。同时,伴随着农民经济收入的增加以及农村经济社会的发展,农村金融机构应当在原先的金融服务基础上进一步创新,提供更多的惠农金融项目,积极发挥涉农政策性银行以及商业银行的职能和作用,并逐步提高经济效益。依靠政策融合,切实优化商业银行和政策性银行的职能,实现功能和资源的优化组合,更好地服务农村金融和经济发展。第五,扩展农村金融机构的类型,并切实规范民间金融机构的发展。进一步扩展农村金融机构,尤其是中小金融机构的类型有助于活跃农村金融市场,对于推动农村经济发展具有重要意义。应当在规范管理的基础上,进一步增加农村金融机构的类型和种类,实现三农服务形式的多样化。应当进一步降低农村金融市场的准入门槛,积极发展多种形式的农村金融机构,放宽民间资本金融农村金融市场的限制条件和约束。发展中小型农村金融机构,积极吸引民间资本创办金融机构和组织,为三农发展和农村生产经营者提供形式多样的金融服务支持,依托民间金融机构补充现有金融机构的不足,积极推动农村金融市场的发展和完善,并逐步提高其规范性,实现农村资金的合理流动和优化配置。第六,进一步优化农村金融信用环境,切实推动农村金融生态环境的良性发展。为了保障发展模式的良性循环,应当积极围绕农村金融特点建立完善相应的还款信用体系,进一步提升农村生产经营者的信用意识和观念,优化农村金融信贷的环境和氛围。在此基础上,进一步健全和完善农村金融风险防范机制,切实规避和防范农村信贷违约风险。除此之外,还应当紧密结合农业保险,实现业务上的优化组合,切实降低金融风险。实现农村、农民、农业跟农村金融机构之间的和谐相处,实现三方互赢,切实推进农村金融机构在推动农村发展、服务农村经济、提高农民收入方面的积极作用。总的来讲,金融支持能够有效提高农村经济社会发展,依靠农村金融机构创新可以改善农村金融市场结构,推动农村经济增长,提高农民经济收入,对于服务三农,满足农村经营生产者的资金需求都具有重要的现实意义。First, the background introductionIn recent years, our country has promulgated a series of policies to encourage rural financial innovation, and promote the development of rural financial market. Relying on financial innovation to improve the supply of rural funds is becoming the goal and direction of China's rural financial reform. Under the encouragement of a series of policies, the innovation of rural financial institutions in our country is rapidly moving forward, and various new rural financial institutions are also emerging and developing. Rural banks, rural mutual funds, small loan companies and other rural financial institutions continue to appear. New rural financial institutions continue to emerge and development, in a large extent can effectively improve the rural financial service quality, improve the support of funds in agriculture, also to improve the level of financial services in rural areas further rural economic and social development play positive role. At the same time, small loan companies and rural financial institutions also effectively guide the private capital in the field of agriculture related business, to realize the "silver" cooperation, itself as a bridge between the big money and small customers link play an active role.The development of new rural financial institutions can effectively improve the structure of financial market in rural areas, and further reduce the cost of the relevant financial products. At the same time, the development of new rural financial institutions also contribute to innovative financial products, and then in different rural areas using different financial products, in line with the local economic and social development needs. Especially at present, with the continuous innovation and development of China's rural financial institutions, financial markets for rural economic growth, technological advances in agriculture and increasing the income of farmers play an important role in promoting.Two, financial support, the new rural financial institutions and the relationship between the development of agriculture and rural developmentIn terms of the relationship between rural financial support and rural economic poverty alleviation, the main focus is on the following aspects. Rely on rural microfinance model of poverty alleviation, to further summarize the rural microfinance poverty alleviation mode of operation conditions and operation mechanism, etc. Through the study of the history of the development of countryside data and rely on it as the research sample of rural financial reform and financial support of the relationship, clear to further strengthen the rural financial institutions in terms of agriculture support will need to improve and perfect the public finance system and on thisbasis, further play the utility and function of financial support for agriculture. In addition, micro credit in rural areas for local economic and social development also has an important role, is to be clear, microfinance for families of different income levels, generated by the impact exist relatively large differences, but to increase the income of the rural poor population can play a positive role in a relatively large.The innovation and development of rural financial institutions can promote the sustainable development of economy and society in rural areas, which is of great significance for the service of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. But for a long time, China's rural areas there have always been problems of the network of financial institutions is relatively small, the relatively weak capacity of rural financial credit, which has become a constraining rural economic development an important factor. Along with the rural financial system reform in China 2006 opening, in our country, the rural financial market access threshold gradually relaxed, is gradually allow including credit companies, village banks, small loan companies and mutual fund group of new rural financial institutions in rural areas the opening and development. For the rural financial market, rural enterprises and production operators are the most important financing method or indirect financing. It is precisely because of the importance of indirect financing, banks and other financial intermediaries in the screening, supervision, and time to recover the loan funds are playing a very important role in the user. In the process of rural economic development, the development of rural banks and other related financial institutions is directly related to the level of financing of the vast number of producers and operators in the rural areas. Compared with the city's corporate finance, the scale of production operators and enterprises in rural areas is often relatively small, the majority of small and medium enterprises. At the same time, the financing characteristics and development situation of the rural enterprises have also decided to a great extent the requirements and characteristics of their credit demand and so on. Rural financial institutions lack of innovation, serious homogenization phenomenon, the financial institutions and less. These are in a great extent of rural financial supply caused restrict and influence, and further reduce the growth of the economic growth and the size of the loan in rural areas. From this point of view, the necessary innovation of rural finance, improve their competitive ability, improve the financial service system can effectively promote the economic development in rural areas.The development and innovation of rural financial institutions also have a great relationship with the increase of farmers' income. Rural financial development can affect the economic income of farmers from various angles and aspects. The improvement and development of the financial system can effectively promote the progress and innovation of technology, which is conducive to the sustainable development of the economy. At the same time, the rural financial market can effectively promote rural savings investment conversion level, and thus increase and improve rural capital investment efficiency, and thus promote the rural economic development fundamentally, improve the economic income of the farmers. Generally speaking, between the size of the rural financial system and deepen the extent to improve the rural income level and rural capital has a high positive correlation, through a comparative study of China's rural economic and social development level can be found in the financial development in a certain extent is help to enhance the economic income of farmers of.


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