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工业品如何进行市场细分很多用于细分消费者市场的变量,同样适用于工业品市场,如追求的利益、使用者情况、使用数量、忠诚度和态度等。工业品市场的细分还有以下主要考虑以下变量。一、地理细分地理区域、资源、城市规模、交通条件、城乡区域、生产力布局等。产业用户的地理分布往往受一个国家的资源分布、地形气候和经济布局的影响制约。例如,我国钢铁业主要集中在东北钢铁工业区、上海钢铁工业区等;轻工业区主要分布在东部和东南沿海地区,如长江三角洲、珠江三角洲等这些不同的产业地区对不同的生产资料具有相对集中的需求。二、行业细分冶金、煤炭、军工、机械、服装、食品、纺织、电子、化工、医疗等。在产业市场上,不同的最终用户所追求的利益不同,对同一种产品的属性看重不同的方面。例如,购买轮胎时,飞机制造商对该产品的安全性要求比农用拖拉机制造商高得多;而汽车制造商在生产比赛用车和标准车时,对轮胎的质量等级也有不同的要求。最终用户的每一种要求就可以是企业的一个细分市场,企业为满足最终用户的不同需求,应相应地运用不同的营销组合,提供他们所真正追求的利益。三、规模细分大型企业、中型企业、小型企业。顾客规模指以顾客对企业的产品需求量的大小来判断的,这是细分产业市场的又一个重要变量。许多企业为大小不同的用户分别建立了专门的服务系统,以便更好地适应各种规模的用户的特点。例如,办公家具制造商将其用户分成两类:象银行这样的大客户,由该公司的全国性用户经理与地区经理一起管理;其它较小的用户则通过地区推销人员联系。四、行为细分 追求的利益、使用状况、使用频率、购买频率、忠诚度、价格敏感度等。工业品市场细分的变数很多,除引用消费品市场使用的区划变数外,还有其自己的特点。成功的工业品市场细分方法不仅具有独创性,而且还要能对具体以市场做出具体判断,下面介绍几种工业品细分市场的细分变数。1, 最终使用者 工业品市场常常按照最终使用者的需要来进行细分。工业品在销售时,尤其是经过批发商销售,如果企业对最终用户的情况不清楚,即不了解自己真正的服务对象,往往会造成损失。划分最终使用者的最简单的方法,是以产业作为细分的标准,以次划分出子市场。2, 产品用途 由于一种产品常常有若干不同的用途,产品用途细分就是按照产品的不同用途细分市场。工业品一般可以分为原料、半制成品零件、工业设备和附属设备四种,不同种类的工业品其客户也不一样。3, 客户的规模 购买量的大小是企业作为细分工业品市场的一个重要变数。很多企业往往采用不同的接待方式,大客户主要由业务负责人接待,一般中小客户主要由推销员接待。4, 采购方式 在某一目标产业与顾客规模之下,企业还可以根据采购方式来细分市场。首先不同的顾客追求不同的利益。有的注重价格,有的注重服务,有的更加重视质量。例如政府实验室、大学实验室以及工业实验室等,在科学仪器上的采购标准是不同的。政府实验室需要低价格(因为他们较难获得经费来购买仪器)以及服务契约(因为他们较容易获得机会来维护仪器)。大学实验室不需要太多要求连续性服务的设备,主要是因为他们并没有服务人员的编制。治愈工业实验室,则需要具有高度可靠性的设备,因为机器设备若是损坏,则所带来的损失将及其巨大。 其次,从一般采购政策来看,我们可以把市场细分为租赁企业、签订服务契约的企业,系统采购的企业,或者是招标采购的企业。 第三,从现行关系看可以分为现行关系密切的企业和尚待开拓业务关系的企业,或者分为高忠诚度的企业和低忠诚度的企业。 第四,从购买企业的特征来看,可以分为承当风险的顾客和逃避风险的顾客。上述介绍的几种工业品的市场细分的编书都是从某一角度来进行的。通常情况下,工业品市场不使用单一的变数来细分的,而是用几个变数来细分。不同的企业侧重点也有很大的不同。由于市场竞争、技术进步、企业兼并等都会改变市场占有份额,工业品市场细分必定是动态的。企业有必要定期的评价细分标准,考虑是否采用新的或者是不同的细分变数。最近在批改学生论文的时候发现,很多做工业品的学生不知道该如何细分市场。这是因为很多时候我们多以消费品市场为例来说明市场细分,较少提及工业品的市场细分。这里,我将工业品细分市场的标准及如何进行细分介绍一下。当然,这里提到的工业品市场细分还适用于一切以公司为客户的市场,并不仅仅局限于工业品。工业品市场细分的标准很多用于细分消费者市场的变量,同样适用于工业品市场,如追求的利益、使用者情况、使用数量、忠诚度和态度等。工业品市场的细分还有以下主要考虑以下变量。一、地理细分地理区域、资源、城市规模、交通条件、城乡区域、生产力布局等。产业用户的地理分布往往受一个国家的资源分布、地形气候和经济布局的影响制约。例如,我国钢铁业主要集中在东北钢铁工业区、上海钢铁工业区等;轻工业区主要分布在东部和东南沿海地区,如长江三角洲、珠江三角洲等这些不同的产业地区对不同的生产资料具有相对集中的需求。本文发表于中科软件园|4oa|二、行业细分冶金、煤炭、军工、机械、服装、食品、纺织、电子、化工、医疗等。在产业市场上,不同的最终用户所追求的利益不同,对同一种产品的属性看重不同的方面。例如,购买轮胎时,飞机制造商对该产品的安全性要求比农用拖拉机制造商高得多;而汽车制造商在生产比赛用车和标准车时,对轮胎的质量等级也有不同的要求。最终用户的每一种要求就可以是企业的一个细分市场,企业为满足最终用户的不同需求,应相应地运用不同的营销组合,提供他们所真正追求的利益。三、规模细分大型企业、中型企业、小型企业。顾客规模指以顾客对企业的产品需求量的大小来判断的,这是细分产业市场的又一个重要变量。许多企业为大小不同的用户分别建立了专门的服务系统,以便更好地适应各种规模的用户的特点。例如,办公家具制造商将其用户分成两类:象银行这样的大客户,由该公司的全国性用户经理与地区经理一起管理;其它较小的用户则通过地区推销人员联系。四、行为细分追求的利益、使用状况、使用频率、购买频率、忠诚度、价格敏感度等。如何细分市场 市场由顾客组成,但不同的顾客特点又不相同。市场细分的目的就是要将这些具有相似特征的顾客找出来。企业可根据自身的实际情况,选择上述细分变量进行市场细分。细分的方法很多,既可以用单一细分变量细分,也可同时用几个细分变量进行联合市场细分。 理论上来说,对于工业品市场每一个客户都有可能成为一个潜在的独立市场。我们称之为完全细分。但只有当该市场客户数量不多,且需求分明时,完全细分才是可行的。例如飞机制造商,只有少量客户,他们往往对每一个买主的特殊需求了如指掌,分别应对。并非所有的企业都将市场完全“顾客化”的,尤其是当面对众多消费者时,完全细分市场不合算也不可能。需求的相对同一性,使企业可根据某些变量将众多的消费者划分成几群。客户的这些特点并不是孤立的,可能有多个因素同时起作用。企业可用多个细分变量进行联合市场细分。如珠三角的大型家具生产厂家,就包含了地理、规模及行业三个变量。一般来说,我们细分市场运用的细分变量越多,所获得的精确度就越高,每个细分市场的客户数量也越少。同时,企业的细分成本随着细分市场的增多而递增。所以恰当的市场细分应该既能保证市场细分的有效性和精确性,又能使成本最低。一般来说,进行联合市场细分时,普遍使用产品-市场矩阵细分市场。产品-市场矩阵是同时以产品(顾客的不同需要)和市场(不同的顾客群)这两个变量建立矩阵来细分市场。矩阵的横轴代表各种不同的产品,即以顾客需要为依据进行市场细分。矩阵的纵轴代表不同的顾客群,即以使用者的类别进行的市场细分。这些我们都在课堂上讲过,这里不再赘述。此外,还可以用多个变量为依据由宏观到微观、由粗到细地依次进行细分,层层深入地剖析市场。这里我们以铝制品公司的市场细分说明。首先进行宏观细分:第一步是按最终用户的不同把铝制品市场分为汽车制造业、住宅建筑业、饮料容器制造业这三个子市场。假设我们选中住宅建筑业为目标市场。第二步是按产品应用将住宅建筑市场进一步细分为半成品原料、建筑部件和铝制活动房屋三个子市场。假设我们选择建筑部件市场为目标市场。第三步是按顾客规模这个变量把建筑部件市场进一步细分为大客户、中客户、小客户三个子市场,假设这家公司选择大客户为目标市场。接着,我们还可以在大客户建筑部件市场内进行微观细分。按大客户在质量、价格和服务等方面的不同要求,我们决定为重视产品质量的大顾客服务。这样,经过一系列的变量逐步细分,我们的目标市场就很具体了。目标市场战略最后再强调下目标市场战略。目标市场战略分为三个主要步骤。首先通过市场细分区分不同的客户群体;然后进行目标市场的选择,即评价和比较好的客户群体,从中选择最有潜力的一个或几个作为自己的目标客户群体。最后,进行目标市场的定位,建立与在市场上传播自己给客户提供的产品或服务的关键利益,以获得竞争优势。这三步环环相扣的过程,又简称为STP战略。工业市场分割 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia从Wikipedia,自由的百科全书 Jump to: navigation , search跳转到: 导航 , 搜索 Industrial market segmentation is a scheme for categorizing industrial and business customers to guide strategic and tactical decision-making, especially in sales and marketing. 工业市场细分是营销计划的分类工业和商业客户的决策,特别是在销售和指导战略和战术决策。 While government agencies and industry associations use standardized segmentation schemes for statistical surveys, most businesses create their own segmentation scheme to meet their particular needs.虽然政府机构和行业协会的统计调查使用标准化分割计划,大多数企业建立自己的分割方案,以满足其特定需要。 While similar to consumer market segmentation, segmenting industrial markets is different and more challenging because of greater complexity in buying processes, buying criteria, and the complexity of industrial products and services themselves.虽然类似的消费市场细分,细分产业市场是不同的,在购买过程,购买标准更多的是因为更复杂的挑战,而工业产品和服务本身的复杂性。 Further complications include role of financing, contracting, and complementary products/services.进一步的并发症包括角色融资,承包,和/服务的配套产品。 The goal for every industrial market segmentation scheme is to identify the most significant differences among current and potential customers that will influence their purchase decisions or buying behavior, while keeping the scheme as simple as possible ( Occam's Razor ).该计划的目标为每一个工业市场细分,确定决策或购买行为中最为显着差异现有和潜在的客户,将影响他们的购买,同时保留可能(该计划那么简单, 奥卡姆剃刀 )。 This will allow the industrial marketer to differentiate their prices, programs, or solutions for maximum competitive advantage.这将允许工业营销区分它们的价格,方案,或最大的竞争优势的解决方案。 Contents内容 hide· 1 Segmentation Variables 1 细分变量 · 2 A Generic Principle 2 一个通用原则 · 3 Two-Stage Market Segmentation (Wind & Cardozo Model) 三 两级市场分割(风和卡多佐模型) · 4 Nested Approach to Segmentation (Bonoma & Shapiro Model) 4 嵌套分割方法(Bonoma与夏皮罗模型) · 5 Bottom-up Approach (Kotler Model) 5 自下而上的方法(科特勒模型) · 6 Targeting and Positioning 6 定位和定位 · 7 See also 7 参见 · 8 References 8 参考 edit Segmentation Variables 编辑 细分变量 Webster describes segmentation variables as “customer characteristics that relate to some important difference in customer response to marketing effort”.韦伯斯特描述为“客户特点,涉及到一些客户对营销工作的重要区别”细分变量。 (Webster, 2003) 1 He recommends the following three criteria: (韦伯斯特,2003年) 1他建议采取以下三个标准: 1. Measurability, “otherwise the scheme will not be operational” according to Webster.可测性“,否则该计划将不会执行”根据韦伯斯特。 While this would be an absolute ideal, its implementation can be next to impossible in some markets.虽然这是一个绝对理想的,它的实施可以在某些市场旁边是不可能的。 The first barrier is, it often necessitates field research, which is expensive and time-consuming.第一个障碍是,它往往需要领域的研究,这是昂贵和费时。 Second, it is impossible to get accurate strategic data on a large number of customers.第二,它是不可能得到的大量的客户数据准确的战略。 Third, if gathered, the analysis of the data can be daunting task.第三,如果收集,数据分析可以艰巨的任务。 These barriers lead most companies to use more qualitative and intuitive methods in measuring customer data, and more persuasive methods while selling, hoping to compensate for the gap of accurate data measurement.这些障碍导致大多数公司使用,同时向更多的定性和直观的方法,衡量客户数据,并更具有说服力的方法,希望能弥补测量准确的数据差距。 2. Substantiality, ie “the variable should be relevant to a substantial group of customers”.实在性,即“相关的变量应该是一个庞大的客户群。” The challenge here is finding the right size or balance.这里的挑战是找到合适的大小和平衡。 If the group gets too large, there is a risk of diluting effectiveness; and if the group becomes too small, the company will lose the benefits of economies of scale.如果群体变得太大,有成效的稀释风险,如果该集团成为太小,公司将失去规模经济的好处。 Also, as Webster rightly states, there are often very large customers that provide a large portion of a suppliers business.此外,正如韦伯斯特正确地指出,通常都会有非常大的客户提供了一个供应商的业务的很大一部分。 These single customers are sometimes distinctive enough to justify constituting a segment on their own.这些独特的单一客户有时足以证明自己的构成部分。 This scenario is often observed in industries which are dominated by a small number of large companies, eg aircraft manufacturing, automotive, turbines, printing machines and paper machines.这种情况往往是观察是由少数大公司为主的行业,如飞机制造,汽车,涡轮机,印刷机,造纸机。 3. Operational relevance to marketing strategy.业务相关的营销策略。 Segmentation should enable a company to offer the suitable operational offering to the chosen segment, eg faster delivery service, credit-card payment facility, 24-hour technical service, etc. This can only be applied by companies with sufficient operational resources.分割应使公司提供合适的业务提供所选择的领域,如更快的送货服务,信用卡付款服务,24小时技术服务等,这只能通过足够的业务资源公司申请。 For example, just-in-time delivery requires highly efficient and sizeable logistics operations, whereas supply-on-demand would need large inventories, tying down the supplier's capital.例如,刚刚在需要时提供高效率及具规模的物流业务,而供应上的需求将需要大量库存,拖累了供应商的资本。 Combining the two within the same company - eg for two different segments - would stretch the company's resources.结合在同一家公司的两个 - 两个不同的领域,例如 - 将延伸公司的资源。 Nevertheless, academics as well as practitioners use various segmentation principals and models in their attempt to bring some sort of structure.不过,学者以及从业人员使用,企图把一些结构排序不同分割校长和模型。 Here, we discuss a few of the most common approaches:在这里,我们讨论了一些最常见的方法: edit A Generic Principle 编辑 一个通用原则 One of the recommended approaches in segmentation is for a company to decide whether it wants to have a limited number of products offered to many segments or many products offered to a limited number of segments.在分割的推荐办法之一,是一个公司来决定它是否希望有一个提供给众多的细分市场或细分市场提供了数量有限的产品,许多产品的数量有限。 Some people recommend against businesses offering many product lines to many segments, as this can sometimes soften their focus and stretch their resources too thinly.有些人建议对企业提供了许多产品线,多段,这样有时会软化他们的重点,伸展自己的资源过于分散。 See figure 1.见图1。 Figure 1图1 The advantage in attempting the above approach is that although it may not work at all times, it is a force for as much focus as practicable.在尝试上述方法的优点是,尽管它可能无法工作在任何时候,这是一个切实可行的重点尽可能的力量。 The one-to-many model ensures in theory that a business keeps its focus sharp and makes use of economies of scale at the supply end of the chain.一到多的模式确保 - 在理论上 - 一个企业保持其重点尖锐,使规模经济使用链的供应端。 It “kills many birds with one stone”.它“杀死一石多鸟”。 Examples are Coca Cola and some of the General Electric businesses.例子是可口可乐和通用电气部分业务。 The drawback is that the business would risk losing business as soon as a weakness in its supply chain or in its marketing forces it to withdraw from the market.其缺点是,企业将可能失去业务作为其供应链的弱点或在其市场营销,尽快强制其退出市场。 Coca Cola's attempt to sell its Dasani bottled water in the UK turned out to be a flop mainly because it tries to position this “purified tap water” alongside mineral water of other brands.可口可乐试图出售其在英国的Dasani瓶装水被证明是个失败,主要是因为它试图定位这个“纯净的自来水”旁边的矿物,其他品牌的水。 The trigger was a contamination scandal reported in the media.触发器是一个污染丑闻在媒体上报道。 The many-to-one model also has its benefits and drawbacks.在多到一个模型也有其优点和缺点。 The problem is that a business would stretch its resources too thinly in order to serve just one or a few markets.问题是,一个企业将延伸其资源过于分散,以服务只是一个或几个市场。 It can be fatal if the company's image is ruined in its chosen segment.它可能是致命的,如果公司的形象是在其选择的部分破坏。 However, there are many companies that have dedicated themselves to only one market segment, eg Flowserve is a US-based supplier of many different types of pumps, valves, seals and other components all dedicated to fluid motion and control.然而,有许多公司都已经投入到只有一个细分市场,例如福斯是对泵,阀,密封件等多种不同类型的组件在美国的供应商 - 致力于流体运动和控制所有。 Among the above models, the most popular is the many-to-many version.在上述模型中,最流行的是多对许多版本。 As companies constantly try to balance their risk in different technologies and markets, they are left with no choice but to enter into new markets with existing products or introduce new products into existing markets or even develop new products and launch them into new markets (see figure 2).随着公司不断尝试平衡他们在不同的技术和市场的风险,他们别无选择,只能进入新市场与现有产品或引入现有市场的新产品,甚至开发新产品,新市场推出它们(参见图2)。 The problem with the many-to-many model is that it can stretch a company's resources too thinly and soften its focus.与许多一对多模型的问题是,它可以延伸公司的资源过于分散,软化其重点。 One reason for the current financial problems of the world's largest car maker, General Motors, is that it has tried to be everything to everybody, launching model after model with no clear segmenting, targeting or branding strategy.一个是世界上最大的汽车制造商通用汽车公司,目前的财政问题的原因是,政府一直试图对每个人的一切,推出后,没有明确的细分模型的模型,定位或品牌战略。 edit Two-Stage Market Segmentation (Wind & Cardozo Model) 编辑 两级市场分割(风和卡多佐模型) Yoram Wind and Richard Cardozo (1974) suggested industrial market segmentation based on broad two-step classifications of macro-segmentation and micro-segmentation.约拉姆风和理查德卡多佐(1974)建议就广泛的工业市场分割两步宏观和微观细分,细分的分类为基础。 This model is one the most common methods applied in industrial markets today.该模型是一个最常用的方法应用在工业市场的今天。 It is sometimes extended into more complex models to include multi-step and three- and four-dimensional models.它有时扩展到更复杂的模型,包括多步和三和四的三维模型。 Macro-segmentation centres on the characteristics of the buying organisation as whole companies or institutions, thus dividing the market by:除以市场的宏 ,因此,分割机构中心的特点在购买或组织作为整个公司: · Company / organization size: one of the most practical and easily identifiable criteria, it can also be good rough indicator of the potential business for a company.公司/组织的规模:最实用和容易识别的标准之一,它也可以很好的为公司的潜在业务的粗略指标。 However, it needs to be combined with other factors to draw a realistic picture.但是,它需要与其他因素,得出一个真实情况相结合。 · Geographic location is equally as feasible as company size.地理位置同样是因为公司的规模是可行的。 It tells a company a lot about culture and communication requirements.它讲述了一个关于公司的很多文化和通信需求。 For example a company would adopt a different bidding strategy with an Asian customer than with an American customer.例如,一个公司会采取与美国客户比亚洲客户不同的投标策略。 Geographic location also relates to culture, language and business attitudes.地理位置也涉及文化,语言和商业的态度。 For example, Middle Eastern, European, North American, South American and Asian companies will all have different sets of business standards and communication requirements.例如,中东,欧洲,北美,南美和亚洲的公司都将有通信需求的业务标准和不同组。 · SIC code (standard industry classification), which originated in the US, can be a good indicator for application-based segmentation. SIC代码(标准行业分类),这在美国起源,可以是一个基于应用程序的分割很好的指标。 However it is based only on relatively standard and basic industries, and product or service classifications such as sheet metal production, springs manufacturing, construction machinery, legal services, cinema's etc. Many industries that use a number of different technologies or have innovative products are classified under the 'other' category, which does not bring much benefit if these form the customer base.然而,它是基于相对标准和基础产业,以及产品或服务分类只板材等生产,弹簧制造,工程机械,法律服务,电影院的使用等一系列不同的技术或创新产品数量不少行业分类在'其他'类,这并没有带来多少好处,如果这些形式的客户群。 Examples are access control equipment, thermal spray coatings and uninterruptible power supply systems, non of which have been classified under the SIC.例子是访问控制设备,热喷涂涂层和不间断电源系统,非其中已根据SIC的分类。 · Purchasing situation, ie new task, modified re-buy or straight re-buy.采购的情况,即新任务,修改重新购买或直接重新购买。 This is another relatively theoretical and unused criteria in real life.这是在现实生活中另一个相对的理论和未使用的标准。 As a result of increased competition and globalisation in most established industries, companies tend to find focus in a small number of markets, get to know the market well and establish long-term relationship with customers.由于竞争加剧和全球化带来的最悠久的行业,企业往往会发现在少数重点市场,结识了市场,而且与客户建立长期合作关系。 The general belief is, it is cheaper to keep an existing customer than to find a new one.普遍的看法是,它是便宜保持现有客户比寻找一个新的。 When this happens, the purchase criteria are more based on relationship, trust, technology and overall cost of purchase, which dilutes the importance of this criteria.当发生这种情况,购买的标准主要是基于关系,信任,技术和整体购买成本,减弱了这一标准的重要性。 · Decision-making stage.决策阶段。 This criterion can only apply to newcomers.这个标准只适用于新人。 In cases of long-term relationship, which is usually the objective of most industrial businesses, the qualified supplier is normally aware of the purchase requirement, ie they always get into the bidding process right at the beginning.在长期的合作关系,这通常是大多数工业企业的客观情况下,合格的供应商通常所知的购买需求,也就是说,它们总是在一开始进入招投标程序的权利。 Sheth and Sharma are quoted to have suggested “with increasing turbulence in the marketplace, it is clear that firms have to move away from transaction-oriented marketing strategies and move towards relationship-oriented marketing for enhanced performance”. Sheth和夏尔马报价有建议说:“随着在市场动荡,很明显,企业必须改变以交易为导向的营销战略和实现关系为导向的增强效果营销走开。” (Freytag & Clarke, 2001) (Freytag克拉克,2001) · Benefit segmentation: The product's economic value to the customer (Hutt & Speh, 2001), which is one of the more helpful criteria in some industries.利益细分:该产品的经济价值,给客户(赫特及Speh,2001年),这是在一些行业的标准之一更有帮助。 It “recognises that customers buy the same products for different reasons, and place different values on particular product features.它“认识到,客户购买相同的产品不同的原因,并将其放置在特定的产品特性不同的价值观。 (Webster, 1991) For example, the access control industry markets the same products for two different value sets: Banks, factories and airports install them for security reasons, ie to protect their assets against. (韦伯斯特,1991)例如,访问控制产业市场两种不同的值设置相同的产品有:银行,工厂和机场出于安全原因,他们安装,即以保护他们的资产反对。 However, sports stadiums, concert arenas and the London Underground installs similar equipment in order to generate revenue and/or cut costs by eliminating manual ticket-handling.但是,体育场馆,演唱会的舞台和伦敦地铁将安装类似设备,以消除手工生成票证处理收入和/或降低成本。 · Type of institution, (Webster, 2003) eg banks would require designer furniture for their customers while government departments would suffice with functional and durable sets.类型的机构,(韦伯斯特,2003年),如银行会要求设计师为他们的客户的家具,而政府部门的功能和耐用足够了套。 Hospitals would require higher hygiene criteria while buying office equipment than utilities.医院会要求更高的卫生标准,而公用事业相比,购买办公设备。 And airport terminals would need different degrees of access control and security monitoring than shopping centres.码头和机场将需要比商场不同的访问控制和安全监控程度。 However, type of buying institution and the decision-making stage can only work on paper.然而,购买机构和决策阶段类型只能工作在纸面上。 As institutional buyers cut procurement costs, they are forced to reduce the number of suppliers, with whom they develop long-term relationships.作为机构投资者降低采购成本,他们被迫降低供应商的数量,与他们建立长期的合作关系。 This makes the buying institution already a highly experienced one and the suppliers are normally involved at the beginning of the decision-making process.这使得已经购买机构之一,具有丰富经验的供应商通常在决策进程的开始参与。 This eliminates the need to apply these two items as segmentation criteria.这消除了需要分割的标准申请成为这两个项目。 · Customers' business potential assuming supply can be guaranteed and prices are acceptable by a particular segment.客户的业务潜力假设供应可以得到保证,价格是由某一运输区段的接受。 For example, 'global accounts' would buy high quantities and are prepared to sign long-term agreements; 'key accounts' medium-sized regional customers that can be the source of 30% of a company's revenue as long as competitive offering is in place for them; 'direct accounts' form many thousands of small companies that buy mainly ob price but in return are willing to forego service.例如,'全球客户,会买高数量,并准备签署长期协议;'重点客户'的中型地区的客户,可在30公司的收入高达同类产品长源到位对于他们,'直接帐户的形式主要是小公司,购买价格,但换来的OB成千上万愿意放弃服务。 · Purchasing strategies, eg global vs. local decision-making structure, decision-making power of purchasing officers vs. engineers or technical specifiers.采购策略,如全球与本地的决策结构,决策购买使用了对比工程师或技术人员的权力。 · Supply Chain Position: A customer' business model affects where and how they buy.供应链位置:客户的商业模式在哪里以及如何影响他们购买。 If he pursues a cost leadership strategy, then the company is more likely to be committed to high-volume manufacturing, thus requiring high-volume purchasing.如果他奉行成本领先战略,那么该公司更可能被提交到大批量生产,因此需要大批量采购。 To the supplier, this means constant price pressure and precise delivery but relatively long-term business security, eg in the commodities markets.对于供应商来说,这意味着持续的价格压力和精确的交货,但相对长期业务的安全性,例如在商品市场。 But if the company follows a differentiation strategy, then it is bound to offer customised products and services to its customers.但是,如果该公司遵循差异化战略,那么它必然要提供定制的产品和服务,其客户。 This would necessitate specialised high-quality products from the supplier, which are often purchased in low volumes, which mostly eliminates stark price competition, emphasises on functionality and requires relationship-based marketing mix.这将需要专门从供


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