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空间分析文献综述作者:日期:空间分析课程文献阅读综述空间分析是基于地理对象的位置和形态特征的空间数据分析技术,其目的在于提取和传 输空间信息。一个地理信息系统应当具有完备的空间分析功能,也就是说空间分析是地理信 息系统的核心。本课程涉及空间数据,空间位置,空间分布,空间形态,空间关系和地统计学的内容,由于 阅读有限,故只对部分阅读过的内容做出综述。一、用加权多项式回归进行球状模型变差图的最优拟合【1】中国地质大学的王仁铎教授提出了加权回归多项式法拟合参数推进了地质统计学计算 过程自动化的研究。在此之前,对于变差函数的拟合一般通过做实验变差函数图,通过肉眼 观察来进行人工拟合。在地质出版社1981年出版的地质统计学及其在矿产储量计算中的运 用(候景儒,黄竞先)一书中介绍了两种理论变异曲线的构制,即手工拟合和利用最小二 乘法拟合,在最小二乘法拟合中,由于实验变异曲线的头几个点的可靠性要比尾部的点大得 多,如果不考虑这一因素,所得到的理论曲线势必产生偏移。最小二乘法是一种纯数学的方 法,它不能充分反映地质特征【2】。而人工拟合中,则是通过对实验变异函数散点图的观 察来确定各参数的,过程耗时,费力,结果因人而异,主观性强,缺乏统一、客观的标准【3】。地质统计学有个基本工具就是变差图r(h),在二阶平稳或本征(内蕴)假设下,其定义 为:(1)其中h为沿一定方向的间隔(或称基本滞后),x为空间点。由于变差图的性状能够同时 反映区域化变量的结构特征和随机特性,在计算估计方差、离散方差、正则化变量的变差函 数和克立格方程组中的系数时都是以变差函数的计算为基础的。因此,变差图确定得好坏就成 为应用地质统计学方法能否取得成效的关键之一。球状模型(spherical model)由地统计学理论奠基者法国学者GMatheron提出,也称马特隆模型。实践证明,实际工作中9 5%以上的实验变异函数散点图都可以用该 模型拟合。其一般公式为:其中c0为块金常数,a为变程,c为拱高,c0+c为基台值。要拟合出一条最优的球状模型变差函 数曲线,就是要确定最优的球状模型中的三个参数c0, a和c。用加权多项式回归拟合球状模型变差图。设通过(1)式已算出n个实验变差函数值r大(hi)(i=1,2, n),它是用Ni对数据对计算出来的,则球状模型可写成:0) = 5+ ( 蓊一一也 +(壬*)砂要用(2)式对实验变差函数值点进行最小二乘意义下的最优拟合,可用加权多项式回归。令山=既(由5)=上.(3)则(2)式化为flmn夺(4)于是,拟合就化为加权二元回归了。由于点对数越多(这些点往往是变异函数的头几个 点),根据它们算出的变异函数值代表性就越强,故以数据点对数目为权进行加权二元线性 回归。根据加权二元线性回归理论可得(4)式在最小二乘意义下的三个参数b0,bl,b2如 下:,如= (L J掩 一 I L J I E )/(; I J,2 "I jf £ ) n切一。二松,其中:- f K111汪云 N j= , 3=穴2 ' E .i 1G 】A 年=2 M * 1 ;,;(N A”禅)( 2,、*=:, 2ij 5 押项 oi ":"XEx m). 1=.”it Lgo-IE但在最终拟合结果中,当b0<0时,人为规定b0 = 0,再进行重新拟合。此处理论模型参 数的正负号问题没有解决,这是该方法的薄弱处。对于加权多项式回归拟合方法,在许多论文中都提及,是使用较为普遍,运用较为广泛 的,在科学出版社2012年出版的地统计学概论(刘爱利,王培法,丁园圆一书中,介绍 的变异函数理论模型的最优拟合就是主要介绍了这种方法,可见其是比较成熟的。但对于上 述问题,也有人提出过其它方法来进行拟合,如长春地质学院的矫希国和刘超提出用线性规 划拟合理论模型的参数,由线性方程组非负解理论解决了理论模型参数的正负号问题。二、球状模型的最优参数估计【4】查恩斯与库伯于1961年提出了目标规划问题。目标规划通过引入偏差变量、绝对约束、 相对约束、优先因子(优先等级)与权系数等概念,结合线性规划,使得求解最优化问 题更加灵活。偏差变量设原问题第i个约束条件为"H(5)以变量d,作为该约束条件的正偏差,表示决策值超过目标值的部分;以变量就,作为该约束条件的负偏差,/表示决策值未达到目标值的部分。绝对约束和目标约束绝对约束是指必须严格满足的约束,如线性规划问题的所有约束条件,不能满足这 些条件的解为非可行解,所以他们是硬约束。目标约束是目标规划特有的,可把约束右端 项看作要追求的目标值。在得到此目标值时允许发生正或负偏差。因此,在这些约束中加 入正、负偏差变量,它们是软约束。原问题的绝对约束变为下式:(6)j+ d i! /i./= J优先因子(优先等级)与权系数凡要求第一位达到的目标赋予优先因子P 1,次位的目标赋予优先因子P 2,,P k, 并规定:PkPk+ 1 ( k= 1, 2,K ),表示Pk比Pk+ 1有更大的优先权。即首先 满足目标Pk ,不考虑其它目标,然后在满足目标? k的基础上考虑目标? k+ 1,依次类 推。目标规划的目标函数mi 11 厂 f I d: - d;)目标规划中的目标函数是按各目标约束的正、负偏差变量和赋予相应的优先因子而构成 的。当某一目标确定后,决策者的要求是尽可能小的偏离目标值。因此目标规划的目标函数 只能是(7)对于有n个决策变量、m个目标约束、目标函数中有K个优先级的目标规划问题,其一般数学模型为:111IIK!- I 土-心 JX I r厂-<1; - 1>: ! - . 2.X.d .<(' :<0A其中:- I X . .V .)if - (. fhd - (;/. . r/',.T.,. j ' a- = / /1 f! - <1 j在进行变差函数理论模型的拟合时,可以根据经验知识、实验变差函数值点的可靠程度 确定目标值、优先等级、权系数等,建立相应的线性目标规划数学模型,以得到最满意的变 差函数参数值。目标规划模型中的变量都必须满足非负约束,不可能计算出负的参数值,不 存在理论模型参数正负号问题。目标规划法的约束条件是软约束,不管约束条件之间和约束 条件与目标函数的关系如何,都能求出满意解,不会出现线性规划中无可行解的情况。目标规划法拟合实验变差函数同样地,将球状模型变化为(4)式的线性形式,令实验变差函数值为vi(i= 1,2, m),根据目标规划原理列出约束条件为:(y: - a. - (:+ = v . = 1 一 2一,冷(8)U I : 1 一 2.一 m根据专家经验可列出具有不同层次和权重的目标函数 其一般形式为:mis Mm")(9/在实际操作中,根据理论变差函数拟合的目标规划一般数学模型,建立实例的数学模型, 用目标规划单纯形法求解该模型,即得到拟合后的球状模型。目标规划法能够结合专家经验知识,提高理论变差函数的可靠性,在实现地质统计学 计算过程自动化方面解决了加权回归多项式法和线性规划法(线性规划模型完全由实验变差 函数决定,给予各实验变差函数值相同的权重)分别存在的问题。可见该方法还是有一定优 越性的。但是,目标规划则缺乏简便性,不便于用计算机进行自动化拟合【5】。显然,该方法具 有很大优越性,只要对其计算机实现进行改造,使之更加简便,还是有一定的可能的。三、理论变异函数球状模型的加权线性规划法拟合【6】前面提到,线性规划法由于没有考虑实验变差函数的头几个点的重要性而在球状模型拟 合中存在不足,这里提出加权线性规划法拟合法。同样地,将球状模型变化为(4)式的线性形式,鉴于C0 、C、a均有非负要求,所以 也要求b0 >0 , b 1 > 0 , b2 20。如果在计算实验变异函数时有m对数据: hj , r (hj) ( j = 1 ,2 , ., m) ,可先将这m对数据按(4)式变换成: yj, x 1 j,x 2 j ( j =1 , 2 ,.,m) ,并令 tj = lyj b 0 - bl xlj b2 x2j |( j = 1 ,2 , . , m)。同样对不同的实验变差函数值应赋予不同的权重按照最小二乘原理,最佳拟合为:min S =如& F1=1(10)其中Wj为权重,如一中所介绍。所以,球状模型的拟合就变成了一个线性规划问题上述所有可写成:- £ "川勺占口占1工LJ + 七卫工玉丁一 £>火口 十火.M1十ZC2jyj£?占i A。&3=0(11)与 AO可将(11)式写成矩阵形式:mill M = A!1 + 展IT - DB > Y-1T + 必 Z /(1 2)7. E >0#求出b0,b1, b2之后便可求出C,C0,a。由上所介绍可以看出,该方法综合加权多项式拟合法及线性规划拟合法的各自优 点,且在计算上较目标规划拟合法更为简单。以上介绍了三种变差函数球状模型的拟合方法,各有优缺,综合来看,我认为加权多项式 拟合的方法是比较成熟的,运用也比较多,对于其余两种方法也有很明显的优势。四、Spatial in t erpol a ti o nofm o nthl y climateda ta for F i nland: comp a r i n g t he perform a nce of k r i g ing and genera l i z ed add i t i ve models【7】T he object of this paper i s to comp a r e t hree diffe rent meth ods fo r s p atial predict ion: kr i gi n g wi t h ext ern al drift (KED), GAM, a nd GAM com b ined with resi du al kri gi ng (G K).Ge o sta tis t i ca lmet h o d s inc lud e or d in a rykriging,u ni versa l kr i ging, c o- kriging, andindica tor kr i gin g (Goo vaer ts 19 99). Inmany ca ses,natural p ro ce sses s how a cur v il i n e a r ra t h er than li n ear rel a tions h i p (e.g.,L e athwick et al . 20 0 6 ; Hjort a nd L u ot o 2 0 10), and the p ossi b i l it y of relaxi n g th e assump t ion s abo ut l in earity t o let t he data d e termi ne the sha p e o f the r e spon s e is often a p precia ted (Kamman n a nd W a nd 2 0 0 3) Ge ne ralizedadditive model s (GAM) are a s e mipa rame t rice xtens ion of ge ner ali zedlinearmo dels (G LM) (Ha stieand Tibsh i rani1 9 9 0), wi t h th ebene fit of no st ri ct para-metr i c f o rm, a l lowing a more f l exib l e re s ponse (Hast ieand Tibshirani 1 984).l.Study a r ea and dataT he mean s ur face t e mpe r a tur e a nd ann u a l a cc umul a ti o n of F i n l a n d . And a spa ti al grid with a r e solutio n o f 1 x 1 km is c o nstruc t ed f o r the entire co untry, co ntainin g a t o ta l of 33 6 ,8 9 7 po i n t s in c lude precip i tat i on obse rv a t ions and t e mp e rature obs e rv at i on s.2. Meth o dsKrigingThe t r e nd su rface s were f itt ed us in g th e lea st - sq uare s met hod, and t he same term s wer e us ed fo r all months.The final tr e nd mode l for mo nt hly temperatur e wasZ(x, y, e, L s) = % + 陀 + 阳 + 际y+ §6三+际+成and, f or mon th l y pr e cip i tat i on,Z(x, y,仇 f)=现 + gi* + 的y + 足ucj+日5尸一p6s 霹:wh e re x and y ar e the co o rdi n at es i n meter s (Eu r ef Fin TM35 coordin ate re f e re nc e sy stem), e i s the mean el ev at i on, l is the lake p e rc e n t ag e , an d s is t he s ea perce n ta g e.Gen era lize d add itive mode l sKrigi n g wi th ext e r n al d r i ft as sumes l i near it y be t w e en th e re s p o nse an d the covaria te s, but thi s assump t i o n rar e ly hol d s true in environmental studi e s.GAM a re semiparametric extensions of G LM (Mc C u l l aghandNelder 1 98 9 ) whereno pa ramet r i cc oef f icien t sar e estimat e dfo rpre dictors. GAM al l ow a non li near re l ati onsh i p betweenthe res p o n seandex p l a nator y variables(Ha s tie and Tib sh ir an i 19 9 0). GAM have thef orm (Hast i e and Ti b shi r ani 199 0 ;Wood and Augustin 2002):晚)=的+ $(的)+殴(左)+敏"必,whe r e g() is the link function, 60 is a constant, sk is the smoothing parame t e r to be est i ma ted, and xk is the ex p lanatory v a ri a ble. GAM a im to minim i ze th e g ener a l ize d cros s va 1 i da t i o n (GCV) c r i t e ri on (Wo od 2011),nD/in DoF)2.wher e D i s the deviati o n, n the numb er of data poi n ts, an d DoF is t he e f f e ctive deg r ee s of f ree d om in the mo d e.GAM combin e d with r e s i d ua 1 k r igingBy comb i ni ng the GAM modeled tr e n d with g eostatistics, we obt a i n geoaddi tive models (Kammann and Wand 2003; Kn e ib e t a l. 2009). T he l a rg e -sc a l e t r en d i s mod el ed wi t h GAM, an d kr iging i s the n p e rfo rmed o n t h e s p atial 1 y aut o co r rela ted r es i dual s .T h e final inte r p o lation r es ult is a c o mb in atio n of both elements (Ginsbo u rg e r e t al. 2009) re fe rred t o as G K.3 . Eval u at i onThe most impo r t ant p art of a ny inte rp ol a t i on task is to eval u a t e the co nc ord ance between pr e d i c t ion s and reality. Thr e e statisti ca l m e asu res were ca 1 c ul a t e d to assess the performa n ce: root mean squar e d e rr or (RMSE), mean ab so lut e diff er ence (MAD), and Pearsons cor rela t ion c oef fic i en t (COR) (Hofstra et a l. 200 8 ) . Ac cor ding to Wilmott (19 8 2),RM S E an d MAD pro v ide go od ove r all me a s u re s of model p erf orman c e, a s they summ a rize the mean e r ror in th e same u ni ts as the o bs e rved and p r e d i c ted va lue s. RM SE is d e fi ne d h ere a snRMSE = n-1prN *where Oi is the obse r vation a nd P i the pre d ict ed v a lue. RMSE is sensitive t o outliers a nd c an b e used as indicator of t he mag n itude of extr e me errors (Price et al 20 0 0 ) . MAD is l e ss se n s i tiv e to ex t rem e v a l u es a nd i s de fi ne d here asMAD = h工|6 - R|.i=lStan d ardized p redic ti on err or (SPE) is also cal c ulat e d:whereVa r i is the kriging var i a nc e. The standar d d evia t i on o fSPE, oSPE, i s ideal 1 y c lo s e to one indicating that t hem a gnitu de of thekriging vari a nce is correct, a nd th e vario g ram m o de 1 i s r e alistic (Bivand e t a l. 2008). A 1 so included in the outpu t dat afi 1 es are th e 1 ower (2. 5 %) and upper (97. 5 %) quan t ile s of SPE, which, if clo s e t o -2 and 2, i ndicating normally distribut ed predicti on erro r s as a ssume d .These me as ure s pr o vi de a q uic k ov erview of th e su cc ess o f the i nt e rpola t ion ro utine.4. Re sul tsTable 1 Example of sta t ist i cal meas u res i nc l u ded with the KE D outpu t Sep t emb e r 20 10 :T-tmpsraturePrecipitBtLM实PE1032,5 % quantile一倔-L9397.5 %1.40RMSE0.298.3MAD(J.Dt网3COR0.99Ta ble 2 I n ter p o lation r es ults for mo n th 1 y me an t emper a tur e ove r the period o f198 1 -2 010:KEDGAMGKRMSED.360-320-34MAD0.070.050.06COR0,?E0.W0.98Table 3 Interpolation res u l t sfor mo n th 1 y mean p r ec i pi t at i on ove rt he pe rio d of 1 9 8 1-2010KEDGAMGKBaselineRMSE10.529.3551J0inniMAD2.C191.932J2COR0.840.76爵35. C onc lu sionsAc co rdi n g to th e c r os s valida t ion stat is tics f o r t he 30-year period, we hav e s h ow n t h at there was little dif f erence between the me thod s t e ste d, especial ly for mean tempe r atu res, where a ll three me t h o ds pr o d u ce d res u lt s with sma 11 e r ro rs an d high co rr e 1 at i on be tw een o b served and pre d ict e d va 1 ue s . GAM wa s t he best o verall met hod for pr e d icti ng m o nth 1y mea n tem p erature. The sa me i n terpo 1 at i on meth o d s s h owe d 1 arger d i ffer e nc e s for m o nthly mean precipi t at i on, wit h KED and GK sh owing best overall perform a nce. It is pos s iblet o improveinterpolati o naccurac yus ing nonparamet r i c metho d s s u ch as GAMforclimat e variab 1es whic h s how l i ttle or n o spatia 1 au t ocorr e l at ion between observati o n s (e.g., temperatu r e). When c o mb in ed with r esi d ual kr i ging, the s e meth od s c anbeexte n d e d to variable s wi t h spat i a 1ly au toc o rre la t e d erro rs (e.g.,precipitatio n ). KED p r ov e d accurat e and s t a b 1 ea ndwas selected for interpolating mon t hly int e r p ola tion s becau se o f t he rob u stn e ss o f k riging.五、Point-S et Topo 1 ogica 1 Spat i al Rel a tions【8】The m o del of topo logical spa ti a 1 rel a tions i s base d on the point-set t op o logical no t io ns of i n terior and bo u ndary. And t h ere are two bas ic resu 1 t s in p oin t -set topol o gy:(1) Le t X be a set. A topo lo gy on X is a c o lle cti o n Y of subsets of A that s at isf i es the three con d itio n s: t he empty s e t a nd X a re in Y ;Y is closed un d er a r bitrary u ni o ns, and Y is closed under f in i te inte r se c tio n s.(2) C los e d set. Th e c ol l e ction of cl os ed s e ts: c onta in s the e mpty set and X,is cl os ed under arbitra r y inte r sec t ions, a nd is cl os ed und e r fi n ite u nions.Beside s, th e re are th r ee fund ame ntal c on cepts an d three cr u cial co n cept s. They are Inter i o r, Clo su re, B ounda ry and S ep a r a t i on, Con n ec t edn e ss, To p ologica l E q uival e nce.E m p ty/non empty i sthesimplest andmos t gen e rali n varia n tsot hat any o th er inva r ian tmaybe cons i dereda more re st ric tiv ec l assif ie r. S o, we as s i g n t hea ppr opriate v a lu eof em p ty andn on-empty to the e n triesi n the four-tuple, soth er e ar e sixtee n pos s ibi li ties.The framework fo r the spati a lr el a t io ns b etweenp o intsets car rieso ve r to spa t ial re g ions, however,not all of the sixteen relationsbetw een ar b i trary poi nt se t s existbetw e e n tw o spa tia l regions. weconclude th a t at le a st the r elat io ns r 0 , r1 ,r3 , r6 ,r7 , r10, r 11,r14, an d r 1 5 e xist b e tween t wo s p ati a l region s . And these n i ne topo l ogical s p a t ial rel a tions are the o nly ones tha t c an occur be tween spat ia l re gi on s .The t opolo g ica l re lat ions are des cri bed by the four i n te rse c tions o f the b ound a ries and interiors of tw o point- s ets. C ons i de ri n g the b in a ry values empt y an d n on-empty for t he se i n ter s e ct i o ns a se t o f s i x t een mut u al l y ex c l usiv e s p ecifica t ions ha s been identi fi ed. An d t here ar e only n i ne t opol o gica l s pa tia l relations between point-se t s which ar e h o me o morph i c t o p olygonal ar e as i n the plane.【参考文献】【1】王仁铎.用加权多项式回归进行球状模型变差图的最优拟合.武汉地质学院学报.1 986.6【2】候景儒,黄竞先.地质统计学及其在矿产储量计算中的运用.地质出版社.198 1【3】刘爱利,王培法,丁园圆.地统计学概论.科学出版社.2 0 12【4】伯森,李小敏.球状模型的最优参数估计.物探化探计算技术.1998.2【5】张小艳,谭勇.变差函数球状模型的自动拟合与实现.物探与化探.20 10.4【6】胡小荣,俞茂宏.理论变异函数球状模型的加权线性规划法拟合.地质与勘探.2001. 9【7】 Juha Aalto - Pe n 11 i P ir inen J u ha Hei kkinen. Spa t ial i nte r polation o f mon t h l y cl i mat e data for Finland : comparing th e performa nce of kri g in g a nd g en era 1 i z e d ad di tive mod els. T h eor A pp l C l i mato 1 . 2 0 13【8】 Max J. E ge nhofer, Ro b ert D.Fran z os a . Po i ntS et Topo 1 ogi c al S p at i al R e la t ions. In te rn a t i o n al Journal fo r Geogra p h i ca 1 Informat i on Syst ems. 19 91.


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