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.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.英语11月16日-11月30日学习计划注:1.请大家做好后,务必好好订正修改并且做好记忆和背诵工作。 2.大家务必按照学习计划走好每一步骤,尽量在年前做大量练习。3.这个学习计划只是一个大概的框架,在完成这些任务的基础上可以自己酌情增加练习。4.在复习过程中,如遇问题,答疑时过来解决。5.作业到时候要检查,请务必认真的完成。2013浙江专升本考试专用教材-英语复习规划:一、单词:单词要熟记。除下面第一部分扩充词汇背诵外,核心词汇从62-85页,注意词汇的搭配、用法、及重要意义、二、复习高频语法4-6节;并完成相应后面的经典练习,熟练掌握。三、专题练习;完形填空 要求: 1. 认真阅读P201-P209的解题思路2. 完成阅读经典演练的至少前10篇练习3. 认真订正,并背诵重点句型,词汇四、作文: 完成经典演练作文至少2两篇第一部分:词汇背诵1.literature/litrit/ n.文学;文献 2.live/ laiv/ vi.居住;活 a.活的 3.lively/laivli/ a.活泼的;逼真的 4.liver/liv/ n.肝;肝脏 5.load/ lud/ vt.装;装满 n.负载 6.loaf/ luf/ n.一条面包,一个面包 7.loan/ lun/ n.贷款;暂借 vt.借出 8.local/lukl/ a.地方的;局部的 9.locate/ lukeit/ vt.探明,找出,查出locate in在某一点设置 10.lock/ lk/ n.锁 vt.锁上,锁住 11.lodge/ ld/ vi.暂住,借宿,投宿 12.log/ lg/ n.原木,木料 13.logic/ldik/ n.逻辑,推理;逻辑性 14.lonely/lunli/ a.孤独的;荒凉的 15.loop/ lu:p/ n.圈,环,环孔 16.loose/ lu:s/ a.松的;宽松的 17.loosen/lu:sn/ vt.解开;使松驰 18.lord/ l:d/ n.贵族;上帝,基督 19.lorry/lri/ n.运货汽车,卡车 20.lose/ lu:z/ vt.失去;迷失;输掉 21.loss/ ls/ n.遗失;损失;失败 22.lovely/lvli/ a.可爱的;令人愉快的 23. lower/lu/ a.较低的 vt.放下 lower oneself 失身份;自甘堕落   lower level 下水平,低电平 lower price 低价;降价 lower limb 医下肢;腿 lower end 下端 24.loyal/lil/ a.忠诚的,忠心的 25.loyalty/lilti/ n.忠诚,忠心 26.lucky/lki/ a.幸运的;吉祥的 27.luggage/lgid/ n.行李;皮箱,皮包 28.lump/ lmp/ n.团,块;肿块 29.lunch/ lnt/ n.午餐,(美)便餐 30.lung/ l/ n.肺脏,肺 31.luxury/lkri/ n.奢侈,奢华; 奢侈品luxury car 豪华车 luxury tax n. 奢侈品税 32.machine/ mi:n/ n.机器;机械 33.machinery/ mi:nri/ n. 机器,机关,结构 34.magic/mædik/ n.魔法,巫术;戏法 35.magnet/mægnit/ n.磁铁,磁石,磁体 36.magnificent/ mægnifisnt/ n.壮丽的;华丽的 The mountains, the magnificent Rockies that you can see to the west from any part of town, were papier-mache山脉,壮丽的落基山脉,你能从城里的任何位置,向西就能看见,是纸型的。37.maid/ meid/ n.女佣,女仆;少女 38.mail/ meil/ n.邮件 vt.邮寄 39.main/ mein/ a.主要的,最重要的 40.mainland/meinlænd/ n.大陆 41.maintain/ meintein/ vt.维持;赡养;维修 42.maintenance/meintinns/ n.维持,保持;维修 43.major/meid/ a.较大的 n.专业 44.majority/ mdoriti/ n.多数,大多数 45.manage/mænid/ vt.管理;设法;对付 manage with 用设法对付 manage to do 挣扎做某事;设法完成某事 can manage it 可以设法帮这个忙 manage without 没有而仍设法对付过去 46.mankind/ mænkaind/ n.人类 47.manner/mæn/ n.方式;态度;礼貌 48.manual/mænjul/ a.体力的 n.手册 49.manufacture/ mænjufækt/ vt.制造 n.制造;产品 50.manufacturer/ mænjufæktr/ n.制造商;制造厂 51.march/ ma:t/ vi.行军;游行示威 52.margin/ma:din/ n.页边的空白;边缘 53.marine/ mri:n/ a.海的;海上的 54.marriage/mærid/ n.结婚,婚姻;婚礼 55.marvelous/ma:vils/ a.奇迹般的;了不起的 You can feel it in the marvelous texture of this poetry. 你们可以从这首诗的非凡特点中看出。56.mask/ ma:sk/ n.面具;伪装 vt.掩饰 57.mass/ mæs/ n.众多;团;群众 58.master/ma:st/ n.主人;能手;硕士 59.mat/ mæt/ n.席子;草席;垫子 60.match/ mæt/ n.比赛,竞赛;对手 61.mate/ meit/ n.伙伴,同事;配偶 62.material/ mtiril/ n.材料;素材a.物质的 63.mathematical/ mæimætikl/ a.数学的,数学上的 64.matter/mæt/ n.事情;物质 vi.要紧 65.mature/ mtju/ a.成熟的 vt.使成熟 66.maximum/mæksimm/ n.最大量 a.最大的 67.mayor/me/ n.市长 68.means/ mi:nz/ n.方法,手段,工具 by means of 用,依靠 means of production 生产资料;生产手段;生产工具 means of transport 运输工具 means of communication 通信手段 means of transportation 交通设施69.meantime/mi:ntaim/ n.其时,其间 ad.当时 70.meanwhile/mi:nwail/ ad.同时,当时 71.measure/me/ vt.量,测量 n.分量 72.measurement/memnt/ n.衡量,测量;尺寸 73.medium/mi:djm/ n.媒质;中间a.中等的 74.melt/ melt/ vi.融化 vt.使融化 75.member/memb/ n.成员,会员 76.memorial/ mim:ril/ a.纪念的;记忆的 77.memory/memri/ n.记忆;回忆;存储 78.mend/ mend/ vt.修理,修补,缝补 79.mental/mentl/ a.智力的;精神的 80.mention/menn/ vt.&n.提及,说起 81.merchant/m:tnt/ n.商人;零售商 82.mercury/m:kjuri/ n.水银,汞 83.mercy/m:si/ n.仁慈,慈悲,恩惠 84.mere/ mi/ a.仅仅的;纯粹的 85.merit/merit/ n.长处,优点;功过 on its merits 根据事物本身的优缺点;按照事情的是非曲直   merit and demerit 优缺点 have the merits 【法律】在诉讼中证明自己有理   certificate of merit 奖状 merit pay 绩效工资 86.merry/meri/ a.欢乐的,愉快的 87.message/mesid/ n.信息,消息;启示 88.mild/ maild/ a.和缓的;温柔的 89.mineral/minrl/ n.矿物 a.矿物的 90.minor/main/ a.较小的;较次要的 91.minority/ mainriti/ n.少数;少数民族 92.miserable/mizrbl/ a.痛苦的,悲惨的 93.mislead/ misli:d/ vt.使误入岐途 94.mission/min/ n.使命,任务;使团 95.mist/ mist/ n.薄雾 96.mistake/ misteik/ n.错误 vi.误解,弄错 97.misunderstand/ misndstænd/ vt.误解,误会,曲解 98.mixture/mikst/ n.混合;混合物 99.moderate/mdrit/ a.温和的;有节制的 moderate price 公平价格;公道价格 moderate temperature 中等温度 moderate intensity 中等强度 moderate climate 温和气候 moderate size 不大不小 100.modern/mdn/ a.现代的,近代的 101.modest/mdist/ a.有节制的;谦虚的 102.modify/mdifai/ vt.更改,修改;修饰 103.moist/ mist/ a.湿润的;多雨的 104.moisture/mist/ n.潮湿,湿气;温度 105.molecule/mlikju:l/ n.分子,克分子 106.moment/mumnt/ n.片刻,瞬间,时刻 107.monitor/mnit/ n.班长;监视器 108.monument/mnjumnt/ n.纪念碑;纪念馆 109.mood/ mu:d/ n.心情,情绪;语气 110.moral/mrl/ a.道德的;合乎道德的 111.motion/mun/ n.运动;手势;提议 112.motivate/mutiveit/ vt.促动;激励,激发I think that we to motivate a lot of our regulation of financial markets by the kinds of errors that people make.因为人们犯下了种种错误,所以我们应当促进金融市场的监管113.motive/mutiv/ n.动机,目的 114.mould/ muld/ n.模子,模型 vt.浇铸 115.mount/ maunt/ vt.登上,爬上 n.山 116.multiply/mltiplai/ vt.使增加;乘 117.murder/m:d/ n.&vi.谋杀,凶杀 118.musical/mju:zikl/ a.音乐的;和谐的 119.mutual/mju:tjul/ a.相互的;共同的 120.mysterious/ mistiris/ a.神秘的;难以理解的 121.mystery/mistri/ n.神秘;神秘的事物122.naked/neikid/ a.裸体的;无遮敝的 123.namely/neimli/ ad.即,也就是 124.narrow/næru/ a.狭的,狭窄的 125.native/neitiv/ a.本土的 n.本地人 126.natural/nætrl/ a.自然界的;天然的 127. neat/ ni:t/ a.整洁的;熟练的 128.necessarily/nesisrili/ ad.必然,必定 129.necessity/ nisesiti/ n.必要性;必然性 130.needle/ni:dl/ n.针,缝补,编织针 131.negative/negtiv/ a.否定的;消极的 132.neglect/ niglekt/ vt.忽视,忽略;疏忽 133.neighbour/neib/ n.邻居,邻国,邻人 134.neighbourhood/neibhud/ n.邻居关系;邻近 135. neither/naið,ni:ð/ a.(两者)都不的 136.nephew/nevju:/ n.侄子,外甥 137.nerve/ n:v/ n.神经;勇敢,胆量 138.nervous/n:vs/ a.神经的;易激动的 139.nevertheless/ nevðles/ conj.然而 ad.仍然 140.noble/nubl/ a.贵族的;高尚的 141. nonsense/nnsns/ n.胡说,废话 142.noticeable/nutisbl/ a.显而易见的;重要的 143.numerous/nju:mrs/ a.为数众多的;许多 144.obey/ bei/ vt.顺从 vi.服从 145.objective/ obdektiv/ a.客观的;无偏见的 146.oblige/ blaid/ vt.迫使;施恩惠于 147.observation/ obz:vein/ n.注意;观察;观察力 148.observe/ bz:v/ vt.遵守;看到;说 149.obstacle/obstkl/ n.障碍,障碍物,妨害 150.obtain/ btein/ vt.获得,得到,买到 151.obvious/obvis/ a.明显的,显而易见的 152.occasion/ kein/ n.场合,时刻;时机 153.occasional/ keinl/ a.偶然的;临时的 154.occupation/ kjupeinl/ n.占领,占据;职业 155.occupy/kjupai/ vt.占领;占,占有 occupy in 从事156.occur/ k:/ vi.发生;出现,存在 157.occurrence/ krns/ n.发生,出现;事件 158.offend/ fend/ vt.冒犯 vi.犯过错 159.official/ fil/ a.官员的;官方的 160.omit/ umit/ vt.省略,省去;遗漏 161.operate/preit/ vi.操作;施行手术 162.opponent/ punnt/ n.对手,敌手;对抗者 163.opportunity/ ptju:niti/ n.机会,良机 164.oppose/ puz/ vt.反对;反抗 165.opposite/pzit/ a.对面的 n.对立物 166.optical/ptikl/ a.眼的;光学的 167.optimistic/ ptimistik/ a.乐观的;乐观主义的 168.optional/pnl/ a.可以任意选择的 169.orbit/:bit/ n.运行轨道 vt.环绕 170.orderly/:dli/ a.整洁的;有秩序的 171.ordinary/:dinri/ a.平常的;平凡的 172.organic/ :gænik/ a.有机体的;器官的 173.organism/:gnizm/ n.生物体;有机体 174.organize/:gnaiz/ vt.组织,编组 175.origin/oridin/ n.起源,由来;出身 176.original/ ridnl/ a.最初的;新颖的 177. outcome/autkm/ n.结果,后果,成果 178.outdoors/autd:z/ ad.在户外,在野外 179.outer/aut/ a.外部的,外面的 180.outlet/aut-let/ n.出口,出路;排遣 181.outline/aut-lain/ n.轮廓;略图;大纲 182.outlook/aut-luk/ n.观点,看法;展望 183.output/autput/ n.产量;输出量;输出 184.outset/aut-set/ n.开始,开端 185.outstanding/ autstændi/ a.突出的,杰出的 186.overcome/ uvkm/ vt.战胜,克服 187.overlook/ uvluk/ vt.眺望;看漏;放任 188.overnight/uvnait/ ad.一夜;突然 189.overseas/uvesi:z/ ad.海外 a.在海外的 190.overtake/ uvteik/ vt.追上,赶上;压倒 191.ownership/unip/ n.所有(权),所有制 192.package/pækid/ n.包裹,包,捆 193.packet/pækit/ n.小包(裹),小捆 194.paint/ peint/ vt.画;油漆 vi.绘画 195.parade/ preid/ n.游行;检阅 vi.游行 196.paragraph/pærgra:f/ n.(文章的)段,节 197.parallel/pærlel/ a.平行的;相同的 in parallel 并行的;电并联的;平行的 parallel processing 计并行处理;平行加工 parallel with 平行;与比较 parallel connection 并联 in parallel with 与平行;与同时 198.parcel/pa:sl/ n.包裹,小包,邮包 199.parliament/pa:lmnt/ n.议会,国会 200.participate/ pa:tisipeit/ vi.参与,参加;分享 participate in 参加;分享 participate in social activities 参与社会活动 第二部分:词汇练习1. It was in the United States that I made the of Professor Jones . A) acknowledgement C) recognitionB) acquaintance D) association2. Could you take a sheet of paper and write your name at the top? A) bare B) vacant C) hollow D) blank3. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from background. A) extensive B) influential C) diverse D) identical4. Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated particular care.A) by B) in C) under D) with5. He gave a to handle the affairs in a friendly manner. A) pledge B) mission C) plunge D) motion 6. Dont let the child play with scissors he cuts himself. A) in case B) so that C) now that D) only if7. My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.A) mood B) emotion C) attitude D) feeling8. Many people lost their jobs during the business _.A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression9. Whenever a big company a small one, the product almost always gets worse. A) gets on with B) cuts downC) takes over D) puts up with10. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _. A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent 11. She her trip to New York because she was ill. A) called off B) closed downC) put up D) went off12. _ the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A) But for B) In case ofC) In spite of D) Because of13. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of _.A) rejection B) restrictionC) retreat D) recession14. The of finding gold in California attracted a lot of people to settle down there. A) prospects B) speculations C) stakes D) provisions15. I suffered from mental because of stress from my job. A) damage B) release C) relief D) fatigue16. The rest of the day was entirely at his for reading or recreation.A) dismissal B) survival C) disposal D) arrival17. You will not be about your food in time of great hunger. A) special B) particular C) peculiar D) specific18. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the will continue into the next decade. A) emergency B) trend C) pace D) schedule19. You shouldnt have written in the _ since the book belongs to the library.A) interval B) border C) margin D) edge20. The of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.A) roar B) exclamation C) whistle D) scream第三部分:经典习题演练Part Reading ComprehensionSection APassage OneAccording to a report, around 30,000 pupils started secondary school last year with the math skills of a seven-year-old. MPs (国会议员) warned that many young people would need “expensive” remedial lessons in later life to get a job posing major problems for the economy. The findings came just months after Ofsted(教育标准办公室)claimed almost half of math lessons in English schools were not good enough. It said many teachers relied on textbooks and mundane exercises to make sure pupils passed exams at the expense of a proper understanding of the subject. MPs backed the conclusions, saying too many pupils found lessons “boring”. They insisted improvements had been made under Labor but achievement had “leveled off” in recent years.In 2008, 79 percent of pupils met the Governments expected standard at the end of primary school, well short of the 85 percent target set for 2006. Around five percent moved to secondary school with the math skills of a seven- year-old, said the committee. In 2006, 2.3 billion was spent teaching the subject. It equates to around a quarter of the 10 billion total budget for primary teaching and support staff.The report said the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) needed to “radically rethink its strategy for improving pupil attainment; otherwise we seriously doubt that the department will meet its 2011 target”. The target demands that 84.5 percent of pupils will make the necessary progress between 7 and 11.Last year, the DCSF published a major review of math education in England to boost standards. It called for a math specialist in every primary school within 10 years and more emphasis on mathematical “play” in nursery schools. Mr. Leigh said, “The departments 10-year program to train 13,000 specialist math teachers will not benefit some primary schools for another decade. Thats far too long; the department needs to look for ways to accelerate the program.” Sarah McCarthy Fry, the Schools Minister, said, “We have already accepted the main recommendation from a recent independent review of primary math that every school should have a specialist math teacher and have pledged 24 million over the next three years for a training program for teachers.”Nick Gibb, the Tory shadow schools secretary, said, “The Government is not getting value for the money they have piled into education and the country is falling behind in international league tables as a result. The Government has failed to replace methods of teaching which have failed with tried and tested methods used in countries that have much higher levels of math achievement.”1. What do we learn from the first paragraph?A) 30,000 pupils started secondary school with poor math skills.B) MPs insist more improvements should be made under Labor.C) Young people need medical lessons to get a job.D) Half of English schools were not good enough.2. According to the passage, what happened in 2006?A) 21% of pupils didnt meet the Governments expected standard.B) The target set for 2006 was 87 percent.C) 2.3 billion was spent on math teaching.D) The total budget for primary teaching and support staff was 5 billion in 2006.3. What will people probably do to improve math education in England?A) Spend money on training specialist math teachers.B) Hire a math specialist for every primary school.C) Allow pupils to have more mathematical “play”.D) Spend more time on math education.4. What do Nick Gibbs words mean?A) The British government should put more money into math education.B) Britain is falling behind in the international knowledge competition.C) The British government should learn from other countries failures.D) The British government should change their teaching methods every few years.5. Whats the passage mainly talking about?A) There arent enough math teachers in British primary schools.B) The British government didnt spend enough money on math education.C) British pupils are not good at math.D) Math lessons in British primary schools need to be improved.Passage Two Bananas, always the fashion victims of the produce section, are wearing another new label this spring. Bananas with “Fair Trade Certified” stickers have been available in the United States since October. They represent the new front of an international effort to help first-world consumers improve the living standards of the third-world farmers who grow much of their food.By expanding its reach to the produce section, Fair Trade is now trying to reach the American supermarket shopper. Fair Trade deals directly with farmer cooperatives. It helps organize, avoiding brokers (代理人) and middlemen. It guarantees higher prices for the farmers goods and helps them set up schools and health clinics.The Fair Trade movement took root in Europe in the 1990s as a way of bolstering coffee farmers as prices were collapsing. Since Fair Trade began, more than a million coffee growers and other farmers have joined cooperatives that sell their products through Fair Trade channels instead of directly to a commercial producer.Not everyone is greeting the Fair Trade label with open arms. Several American coffee importers recently pulled out of Fair Trade, citing TransFairs “corporate friendly” policies that allow large companies to use the Fair Trade logo in their marketing even if only a small amount of the companys overall purchases are Fair Trade certified.Edmund LaMacchia, the national produce coordinator for Whole Foods, said Fair Trade is only one of many consumer choices. “Whole Foods has its own team of inspectors and has no plans to carry Fair Trade products”, Mr. LaMacchia said. “Our standards are higher than Fair Trades, actually.” Fair Trade is only one of several labels your bananas might be wearing this year. Another is that of the Rainforest Alliance, which certifies the use of sustainable agriculture methods. So far, though, Fair Trade is the biggest. A Fair Trade label by itself does not guarantee an organic product, but most Fair Trade bananas are also organic, Ms. Bourque said, because pesticides are usually too costly for the small farmers who grow them. If the bananas are organic, they will be labeled as such, and will probably be wearing a sticker to prove it.6. Why are bananas wearing “Fair Trade Certified” stickers?A) It means bananas are the fashion victims of the produce section.B) It means bananas have got a new label.C) It means bananas with these stickers are available in the United States.D) It represents an international effort to help the third-world farmers.7. What does Fair Trade do?A) It helps farmers sell their products for a higher profit.B) It appoints brokers and middlemen to deal with farmer cooperatives.C) It brings down the price of farmers goods.D) It sets up schools and health clinics for American farmers.8. What was the original purpose of the Fair Trade movement?A) To cooperate with coffee growers and other farmers.B) To help coffee farmers as prices were collapsing.C) To prevent farmers from selling their products to commercial producers.D) To sell products through coffee growers and other farmers.9. What can we infer from this passage?A) American coffee importers will never buy their products through Fair Trade channels.B) Fair Trade is the only label that bananas might be wearing this year.C) Not every consumer considers Fair Trade products the only choice.D) Whole Foods and the Rainforest Alliance are more influential than Fair Trade.10. What is the best title for this passage?A) Helping the Third World: One


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