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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 5 Theme parks Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

Unit 5,Theme parks,Section Using Language,自 主 预 习,.单词速记 1._ n.少数;少数民族 2._n.布 3._ n.生物;动物 4._ n.阳光 5._ vt.&vi.前进;促进 _ adj.先进的 6._ n.允许进入,入场费;承认 _ vt.承认 7._ n.高速公路,minority cloth creature sunlight advance advanced admission admit freeway,.短语互译 1.提前 _ 2.接近 _ 3.活跃起来 _ 4.face to face _ 5.up to date _ 6.in the minority _,in advance get close to e to life 面对面地 最新的 占少数,.课文理解 First 细读细节 1.What is Futuroscope most famous for?_ ASports. BScience and technology. CCartoons. DMovies. 2.What does the phrase “in advance” mean in this passage?_ AOn time. BIn the end. CRight away. DAhead of time.,B,D,3.How long does it take to travel at Futuroscope?_ AOnly one day. BTwo days. CThree days. DOnly a week. 4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?_ AOpened in 1897,Futuroscope is one of the largest spaceage parks in the world. BYou can also buy tickets online. CFuturoscope is intended for individuals only. DIt is not convenient to drive to Futuroscope.,A,B,5.Traveling at Futuroscope must be very _. Aboring Bdifficult Cexciting Ddangerous,C,Second 研读难句 1.After that,I joined some divers and went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that have never seen sunlight. 分析:本句是一个复合句。creatures是先行词,that引导的是_从句,that在从句中作_。 译文:随后,我跟着一些潜水者潜入海底观看神秘的、从未见过阳光的生物。,定语,主语,2.Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced,going to the bottom of the ocean,flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system. 分析:本句是一个复合句。world是先行词,they have never experienced 是_从句,省略了关系代词。going to.是现在分词作_。 译文:参观者可以接触到他们从来没有经历过的世界角落,比如潜入海底,飞跃丛林,或者参观太阳系的边缘地带。,定语,状语,3.Plan your trip well before starting,since Futuroscope has so many shows,activities and great souvenir shops that it is difficult to see them all. 分析:本句是一个复合句。Plan your.是句子的主句,since引导的是_状语从句。 译文:在出发之前好好计划一下你的旅行,因为“观测未来”里面的表演、活动和好的纪念品商店太多了,所以全部游览完是很难的。,原因,合 作 探 究,Look at the names of the minority groups on the right. 看看右边少数民族的名字。 Boys are in the minority at the dancing class. 舞蹈班里男生占少数。 The nation wants peace; only a minority want the war to continue. 全国想要和平,只有少数人希望战争持续下去。,1.minority n.少数;少数民族,重 点 词 汇,完成句子。 A (The) _ of people seem to prefer radio to TV. 少数人似乎喜欢听收音机而不喜欢看电视。 People preferring war to peace _. 喜欢战争不喜欢和平的人占少数。 (2016天津高考)_ take an online language test before starting their programme. 他们大部分在开始项目之前,进行在线语言测试。,minority,are in the minority,The majority of them,Our troops have advanced 2 miles. 我们的军队前进了两英里。 We have greatly advanced in our knowledge of the world. 我们在世界知识方面大有长进。 We sent advance copies of the new course book to the teacher and the students who were to use it. 我们先送了几册新教科书给要用书的老师和学生们。 I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一笔预付款。,2.advance v.&n.前进,行进;进步发展;adj.预先的,事前的,(2018全国卷)Which tour do you need to book in advance? 你需要提前预定哪一个旅行? The cooks arrived on camp in advance of the main party. 厨师们在大队人马之前来到了野营地。 We must learn their advanced techniques. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。,单句语法填空。 France is one of the _(advance) countries. To make sure that he was at home,I called him up _advance. We fired at the _(advance) enemy. People advanced _the square with anger. (2016天津高考)We require the students full flight details at least 4 weeks _. 我们要求至少提前四周获知学生详细的航班信息。,advanced,in,advancing,towards,in advance,The troops were finally given the order _. 部队终于接到前进的命令。 They _ 20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降临时,他们已推进了20英里。,to advance,had advanced,Classes or other large groups that let Futuroscope know their plans in advance can get the group admission rate. 班级或其他大的团体如果提前让“观测未来”知道他们的计划,可以拿到团体入场价格。 He made an admission that he had killed the man. 他承认他杀了那个男人。 (2018江苏高考)Family/childrens programs are free with admission. 家庭/孩子们的项目免门票。,3.admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认,介词填空。 Tom gained admission _ our schools football team. Without tickets,you are not admitted _ the exhibition. She was finally admitted _ a member of the club. The task has to be finished in time.That is to say,it admits _ no delay.,to/into,into/to,as,of,The student got close to teacher and asked him a question. 这名学生走近他的老师,问了一个问题。,1.get close to 接近,重 点 短 语,用close的正确形式填空。 Come _,I want to tell you something important. The policeman followed the strange man _. (2016全国卷)Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by _ the burning vehicle. 拉里勇敢地走到那辆着火的车前,他做的已经超越了自己的职责范围。 He _ losing his temper. 他差一点儿发脾气。,close,closely,getting close to,came close to,The cost _1 million. 成本接近1 00万美元。 At around 6 p.m.,the meeting _. 大约在下午6点,会议结束了。,was close to,came to a close,(1)变得活跃;变得更有趣(或使人兴奋) When it es to puter games,he will immediately e to life. 一说到电脑游戏,他就会活跃起来。 (2)(仿佛活着)开始动起来 In my dream all my toys came to life. 我的玩具在梦里都活起来了。 (3)醒过来 It was not long before he came (back) to life. 不久他就苏醒过来。,2e to life,When she came to herself,she found herself in hospital. 当她苏醒过来时她发现自己在医院。 When it es to his hobby,he has much to say. 当谈到他的爱好,他有很多的话要说。 Children are always so full of life. 儿童总是那么朝气蓬勃。,写出下列句中e to life短语的意义。 When the man came to life again,he found himself sur rounded by his friends.(_) You really e to life when you are with your friends.(_) 完成句子。 _ literature,he _ immediately. 当谈到文学时,他马上来了精神。 (2016全国卷)A new collection of photos _ an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage _. 新收集的照片把这次失败的南极旅行展现出来。,苏醒过来,活跃起来,When it es to,es to life,brings,back to life,语法填空。 (2014江西,26改编)When it es to _ (speak)in public,no one can match him. 解析:考查非谓语动词作宾语。句意:当涉及到当众演讲时,没有人比得过他。When it es to sth./doing sth.当涉及到做某事时,to为介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。“做演讲”speak为不及物动词,无被动语态。,speaking,The teacher showed an uptodate map to the students. 老师给同学们看了一幅最新的地图。,3.uptodate现代的;新式的,完成句子。 他买了一本最新的教科书。 He bought _. 我所有的通信手段都是跟上时代的。 All my correspondence is _. 他们决定更新计算机设备。 They decided _ the puter systems.,an uptodate textbook,uptodate,to update,1.The amazing,uptodate information together with many opportunities for handson learning makes the world e to life in a pletely new way for visitors. 这些奇妙的、最新的信息,以及大量动手实践的学习机会让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。,经 典 句 式,(3)句中“makes the world e to life”是“make宾语宾语补足语”结构。 Mary together with her classmates is listening to the Professors lecture now. 玛丽和同学们现在正在一起听教授的演讲。 Those colourful flowers make the dull world e to life. 那些五颜六色的花朵使得这个单调的世界恢复了生机。,完成句子。 这个有趣的故事及故事中的人物令它的读者不断地欣赏它。 The amazing story _ its characters _ on enjoying it. 这项有趣的活动和它活跃的参与者一起让更多的人尝试参与这项活动。 _ many more people _.,together with,makes its readers keep,The amazing activity together with its active participants makes,try joining in it,2.For anyone ing from out of town,Futuroscope has many excellent hotels nearby,most of which provide a shuttle service to the park. 在“观测未来”附近,还为那些从城外来的游客准备了很多很好的旅馆,而且大多数旅馆都提供往返公园的车辆服务。,(3)句中“ing from out of town”为分词短语作后置定语修饰anyone。 There are many places of interest in our country,most of which are worldfamous. 我们国家有很多的风景名胜,其中很多世界闻名。 The workers ing from out of town are usually hardworking. 城外来的工人通常很勤劳。,仿写句子。 对那些来自城外的学生来说,这所大学有很多可供选择的课外活动,其中很多的活动他们以前从未参与过。 For those _,the university has many afterclass activities to choose from,_ before. 对于来自城外的顾客来说,超市提供了很多的商品,其中很多商品对他们来说很新鲜。 _,the supermarket offers many goods,_.,ing from out of town,most of which they havent taken part in,For customers ing from out of town,most of which are very new to them,(2014天津,12改编)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of _ uses it differently. 解析:考查定语从句。句意:英语是集中不同文化分享的语言,每种文化使用英语的方式不同。空格处是引导定语从句。,which,3.Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. “观测未来”不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习完美的组合。,Not only he but also I am responsible for it. 不仅他而且我也有责任。 Not only does he study hard,but also he is clever. 他不仅学习刻苦,而且还很聪明。 Not only shall we work hard,but we shall also learn how to work hard. 我们不仅要苦干,而且要学会巧干。,Is Tom or his brothers to blame? 是汤姆还是他的兄弟们该负责任? If either his parents or Li Lei calls,Im not at home. 如果李雷或者他的父母来电话,就说我不在家。 Not you but he has saved the boy from the fire. 不是你而是他从火中救出的孩子。,完成句子。 He _ writes English well. 他不但英语说得很流利,而且写得很好。 Not only you but also he _ having one examination after another. 不但你,而且他也讨厌一次接一次的考试。 Not only _ but also it gives us heat. 太阳不仅给了我们阳光,也给了我们热量。,not only speaks English fluently but also,is tired of,does the sun give us light,语法填空。 Not only the USA and Russia but also China _(have) sent up manned satellites to circle the earth. 解析:not only.but also.连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数要采用就近原则。该句由China决定谓语动词使用单数形式。句意为“不但美国和俄罗斯而且中国也发射了载人卫星环地球飞行”。 Not only _ he want to set up a new school,but also he wants to give some money to the poor. 解析:not only放在句首,后接句子时要用部分倒装结构,因为want是实义动词,所以要借助于助动词do,又因为主语是he,所以用does。,has,does,(2014全国卷,26改编)_ do the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well. 解析:本题考查倒装句。句意:护士不但想要加薪,她们还要求减少工作时间。由第一个分句的主语the nurses和谓语动词want可知,此处用了倒装语序;只有把not only置于句首时,才构成部分倒装。,Not only,


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