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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world-4课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world-4课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

Unit 2,English around the world,Writing,一、文体感知 1文体特点 海报可分为招聘广告,活动宣传,人物介绍等。海报为应用文体。常用一般现在时和一般将来时。海报语言要简明扼要,形式要新颖美观;多用省略句,缩略语及类似的语言起到醒目的效果。,海 报,2亮点句式 (1)交代活动的内容和时间。 The Students Union is going to organize an action in order to help the disabled kids. A friendly basketball match will be held between the visiting U. S. Northfield Team and ours on the cement basketball count on Sunday, November 20th 2019 at 4:00 p. m. Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business. (2)介绍活动的特点。 In this way, not only do the members improve their English,they also learn how to get along well with others.,3写作模板 POSTER Lecture/Football Match/English Contest All Are Wele (Good news for you) In order to _,an important and interesting _ is to be held _(地点) on _(时间) I hope you dont miss it. _(主办单位) _(时间),二、典题演练 请根据下面的提示,写一张有关举行英语演讲比赛的海报,词数100个左右。 提示: (1)比赛目的:提高学生讲英语的能力; (2)报名手续:凡愿意参加者可到各班班长处报名; (3)比赛时间:2019年5月4日下午2点; (4)比赛地点:第一会议室; (5)评比办法:由五位教师作评判员,前十名将获鼓励奖; (6)举办单位:学生会; (7)海报发布时间:2019年4月24日。,1完成句子。 (1)全校范围的英语演讲比赛可以提高学生说英语的能力。 A schoolwide Englishspeaking contest can _ _. (2)全校范围的英语演讲比赛将于2019年5月4日下午2点在第一会议室举行。 A schoolwide Englishspeaking contest _ in No.1 meeting room at 2 pm. on May 4,2019.,improve the students ability to,speak English,will be held,(3)如果你想参加的话,请找班长报名。 If you are willing to _ please go to your monitor to sign up. (4)已经邀请了五名老师作为裁判。 Five teachers of our school _ judges. (5)比赛将会非常精彩。 The contest _. (6)你不容错过。 You cant _.,take part,have been invited to work as,will be wonderful,miss it,2句式升级。 (7)将句(1)和句(2)用不定式连成一个简单句。 _ (8)将句(3)改成含有定语从句的复合句。 Anyone _. (9)将句(5)和句(6)连成一个并列句。 _,In order to improve the students ability to speak English, a schoolwide English,The contest will be wonderful and you cant miss it.,who is willing to take part please go to your monitor to sign up,speaking contest will be held in No.1 meeting room at 2 pm. on May 4,2019.,A Poster for an EnglishSpeaking Contest Fellow students, are you good at English? Do you want to improve your oral English? In order to improve the students ability to speak English, a schoolwide Englishspeaking contest will be held in No.1 meeting room at 2 pm. on May 4,2019. Anyone who is willing to take part please go to your monitor to sign up. Five teachers of our school have been invited to work as judges. The first ten winners will be given awards as an encouragement.,All are wele to be present at the contest. The contest will be wonderful and you cant miss it. The Students Union April 24,2019,为了提高在华留学生的汉语口语水平,某电视台将举办“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛(the Chinese BridgeChinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students),请你根据下面的信息,以学生会(the Students Union)的名义写一份英语海报,欢迎全校留学生报名参加学校的初赛。,参考词汇:报名:sign up 礼堂:lecture hall 初赛:preliminary contest 参考范文: Preliminary Contest for the Chinese Bridge A preliminary contest for the Chinese BridgeChinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students will be held in our school lecture hall from 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. on Oct. 10th.,


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