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穿普拉达的女王中英双语剧本学英语的很好材料The Devil Wears Prada scriptSqueaks Woman Singing Continues Continues -Continues -Good luck. 祝你好运。Continues Children Giggling Continues -Continues -Horn Honks Continues Ends Bell Dings Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton? 你好,我约了艾米莉·查尔顿-Andrea Sachs? -Yes. 安吉丽娜·塞克斯?-是的Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. 要命。人力资源部还真会开玩笑。Follow me. 跟我来。Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant 听着,我本是马林达的第二助手but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first. 她首席助手近期晋升 ,所以我现在是首席助手。 -Oh, and you're replacing yourself. -Well, I am trying. -哦,你给自己找替身。 -但还没找到。Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. 马林达几周内炒了前两个女孩。We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们需要生存者,明白不?Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda? 当然。马林达是谁?Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that. 哦,天哪。 我会假装你刚没问过我。She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend. 她是天桥杂志主编, 是一名传奇人物。You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. 只要为她卖命一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社A million girls would kill for this job. 所有女孩都会为这工作发疯的。It sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered. 听上去很棒, 我很荣幸能被选中。Giggling Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine 安吉丽南,天桥是本时尚杂志so an interest in fashion is crucial. 对时尚的热衷非常重要。What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion? 你认为我对时尚没有兴趣?-Cell Phone Ringing -Oh, my God. 我的天哪No! No! No! 不!不!不!What's wrong? 怎么了?She's on her way. Tell everyone! 她要到了 通知大家!She's not supposed to be here until 9:00. 她应该9点到的Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk. 司机刚短信我, 她的美容师椎间盘突出-God, these people! -Whistles, Whispers Who's that? 那些人真要命! 这是谁啊?That I can't even talk about. 我都不想提她All right, everyone! Gird your loins! 好了,各位, 准备就绪!-Excited Chattering -Did somebody eat an onion bagel? 谁吃过洋葱面包圈了?Exhales, Sniffs Bell Dings Sorry, Miranda. 对不起,马林达Bell Dings Move it! Ooh! 让开I don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm an appointment. 为什么确认预约就这么困难?I know. I'm so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night. 我知道,对不起, 马林达。 我昨晚真的有去确定Details of your incompetence do not interest me. 我对你无能的细节没兴趣Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout. 告诉西蒙我不要她为巴西版选得女孩I asked for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy. 我要的是干净,运动型,面带微笑的女孩。她挑的是肮脏,疲倦的肥婆And R.S.V.P. Yes to the Michael Kors party. 回复麦克·克斯,我会去他的聚会I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp. 我要司机9点30送到那里 9点45分再来接我-Whispers 9:45 sharp. -Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time. -9点45分正点。 -打电话给光荣食品的纳塔莉。说了40遍不行No, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote. 我不要杏仁蛋白饼。 我要大黄水果蛋糕Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight. 再打电话给我前夫,提醒他今晚的家长会在达尔顿Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo. 打给我丈夫,让他在我和马西莫去过的地方碰面吃晚餐Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers 告诉理查德我看过他送来的女伞兵的照片and they're all so deeply unattractive. 他们实在太难看了Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper? 就不能找个可人又苗条的女伞兵?-No. -Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really. -当然能-我能接触星辰吗?当然不可能Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try. 还有,我要看奈杰尔给格温妮丝挑的第二次封面试镜的衣服I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who's that? 不知她瘦了多少。她是谁?Nobody. Um, uh 谁都不是,呃Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her. 人力资源部送她来做助理,我刚给她面试But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it. 她根本不行,完全不适应这里Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me 显然我要自己来选,你上两次选的人were completely inadequate. 全都不合格So send her in. That's all. 让她进来。就这样Right. 好的-She wants to see you. -Oh! She does? -她要见你 -哦,是吗?Move! 快点-This is foul. Don't let her see it. Go! -That's 这太土了。别让她看见 快去!-那个Sighs Who are you? 你是谁?Uh, my name is Andy Sachs. 呃,我叫安迪·塞克斯I recently graduated from Northwestern University. 刚从西北大学毕业And what are you doing here?Clears Throat 那你在这里做什么?Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant. 我可以做你的助理And, um 还有,呃Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere 我来纽约立志成为记者,发了不少简历and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke 终于艾丽雅斯·克拉克给了我一个电话and met with Sherry up at Human Resources. 让我和人力资源部的谢瑞见面Basically, it's this or Auto Universe. 反正, 不是这里就是机动世界-So you don't read Runway? -Uh, no. -那你不看天桥? -呃,不看And before today, you had never heard of me. 直到今天才知道我这个人No. 是的And you have no style or sense of fashion. 你对时尚也没品味和见解Well, um, I think that depends on what you're 这个,我认为这看个人No, no. That wasrt a question. 不,不。我没在问你Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. 我曾经是西北日报的主编I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists 我,还赢过全国大学记者竞赛with my series on thejanitors'union, which exposed the exploitation 连续街陋了校工团体的不法剥削That's all. 行了Scoffs Yeah. You know, okay. 好吧,我知道了You're right. I don't fit in here. 没错,我不适合这里I am not skinny or glamorous 我不够苗条也不够漂亮and I don't know that much about fashion. 也不懂时尚But I'm smart. 但我很聪明I learn fast and I will work very hard. 我学得很快,我会努力工作的I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth 给格温妮丝找到卡华力的独家设计but the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing 问题是她穿那么大个羽毛头饰she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget. 好像她为金块酒店唱戏的Thank you for your time. 多谢你的宝贵时间Who is that sad little person? 那可怜虫是谁?Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about? 我们有制作“麻雀变公主”的节目吗?Brown and Law, please?Thank you. -Andrea. -Hmm? -安吉丽娜 -嗯?Wait. You got a job at a fashion magazine? 慢着。你在时尚杂志得到份工作?-Mm-hmm. -What was it, a phone interview? -没错。 -什么? 靠靠电话面试?-Woman wow. -Ow! Don't be a jerk. - 嘴巴别这么坏。Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable. 马林达·皮斯利是出了名的女魔头Okay, Doug. How is it that you know who she is and I didn't? 道格,为什么你知道她而我不知道?-I'm actually a girl. -Oh! -我其实是个女的。 -哦!-That would explain so much. -Doug Look, seriously. -谜团都解开了。 - 认真点儿Miranda Priestly is a huge deal. I bet a million girls would kill for that job. 马林达皮斯利是个大人物,我打赌女生都会为这工作发疯的。Yeah, great. The thing is I'm not one of them. 是啊。 但问题我不是那些女生。Woman Look, you gotta start somewhere, right? 但你总要出人头地,是不是?I mean, look at this dump Nate works in. 你看笨内特的工作I mean, come on. Paper napkins? Hello. 拜托,做纸巾?又没搞错?Yeah. And Lily, she works at that gallery doing, uh, you know 对哦,莉莉他在画廊里做那个什么Oh, I'm sorry. What exactly is it that you do anyway? 哦,抱歉, 你到底是做什么的?Well, lucky for me, I already have my dream job. 我很幸运, 已经找到了理想工作With Lily You're a corporate research analyst! 你是个财务研究分析员-Oh, you're right. My job sucks. -No! 没说错,这工作很烂 不是的!-It sucks. I don't It's boring. -It's all right. Breathe. -很烂,我工作很无聊。 -没事的, 深呼吸。-I'm trying. -Here. Take a drink. -我在努力。 -来,喝一杯。-I will have a drink. I will have a drink. -Ah, yes. -我要喝一杯,喝一杯。 -啊,没错。-I'd like to propose a toast. To jobs that pay the rent. -To jobs that pay the rent. -我来敬,为交房租的工作。 为交房租的工作。Lily Jobs that pay the rent. 为交房租的工作。Oh, baby. You should see the way these girls at Runway dress. 亲爱的,你该看看天桥里的女生的打扮。I don't have a thing to wear to work. 我都没想像的穿去工作。Come on. You're gonna be answering phones and getting coffee. 拜托, 你只是接电话,买咖啡。You need a ball gown for that? 需要穿晚礼服吗?I think I might. 我想可能吧。Well, I happen to think you look great always. 我认为你穿什么都好看。Aww! I think you're full of it. 啊! 胡说八道。Giggling -Hey. Come on. Let's go home. -Yeah. -嘿,过来,现在就回家 -好I can think of something we can do that doesn't require any clothing. 有件事我们不穿衣服也能做-Really? -Mmm. -真的? -嗯-Phone Ringing -Woman Singing Hello? 喂?Andrea, Miranda decided to kill the autumn jacket story for September 安吉丽雅,马林达决定取消9月的秋季夹克衫and she is pulling up the Sedona shoot from October. 并提前10月的塞多纳风景照You need to come into the office right this second and pick up her coffee order on the way. 你立即回办公室,路上也把咖啡买来-Now? -Now, get a pen and write this down. -现在?-没错,再拿纸笔把这个记下来I want one no-foam skimmed latte with an extra shot 我要一份大杯没奶泡的低脂拿铁咖啡and three drip coffees with room for milk. 三杯冲泡的咖啡,之后加奶-Searing hot. And I mean hot. -Line Clicks -一定要滚烫的。-Continues -Cell Phone Ringing Hello? 喂?-Emily Where are you? -Oh, I'm almost there. Yeah. - 你在哪儿? -我就开到了Shoot! Oh! 该死!Ends Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here? 为什么我没看到我的咖啡?Has she died or something? 她死了还是怎么了?No. Whispers God. 没有。 天呢Oh. Bloody time. 哦,太慢了-I hope you know that this is a very difficult job -Mm-hmm. -我希望你知道这是份艰难的活儿 -是的For which you are totally wrong. 那你就错了And if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block. 你的失职会送我上断头台的Now, hang that up. Don't just fling it anywhere. 把那挂起来,别随便乱扔Okay. First of all, you and I answer the phones. 首先, 我和你接听电话The phone must be answered every single time it rings. 每次响都要接Calls roll to voice mail, and she gets very upset. 如果转入语音信箱,她会很生气。If I'm not here Andrea, Andrea 如果我不在这里, 安吉丽雅,安吉丽雅you are chained to that desk. 你必须一直粘着桌子-Well, what if I need to -What? No. -好,但如果我要 -什么?不行One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener 上次一女生因为手被开信刀切到而离开桌子and Miranda missed Lagerfeld 马林达登上去澳大利亚17小时的班机前错过了拉格菲尔德just before he boarded a 17-hour flight to Australia. She now works at TVGuide. 那女生现在电视节目预告工作-Man the desk at all times. Got it. -Phone Rings -随时坚守岗位, 知道了-Uh -Miranda Priestly's office. -呃 -马林达·皮斯利办公室No, she's not available. 不,她现在没空-Who is it? -Mouthing Words -请问是哪位?Yes, I will tell her you called yet again. 是的,我会告诉她你来过电话 好几次了-Bell Chimes -Right. Remember, you and I have totally differentjobs. -记住,你我有不同的分工I mean, you get coffee Scoffs and you run errands. 我是指,你负责咖啡 听候差遣Yet I am in charge of her schedule 我负责她的行程her appointments and her expenses. 会计和财务And, um, most importantly, um 还有,最重要的是I get to go with her to Paris for Fashion Week in the fall. 我会和她去巴黎的秋季时尚周I get to wear couture. I go to all the shows and all the parties. 我会穿名牌设计服装,参加所有时装秀和聚会I meet all of the designers. It's divine. 会见所有设计师 。 太神圣了Okay. Now, stay here. I'm going to the art department to give them the Book. 你现在留下来, 我要把书拿去设计部-The -This is the Book. -书? -就是这本书Now, it is a mock-up of everything 这是包含所有现今焦点的in the current issue. 现实模型And we deliver it to Miranda's apartment every night, and she retu 我们每晚都把它送去马林达的住处, 然后她再Don't touch it. She returns it to us in the morning with her notes. 别碰, 她做过笔记后在隔日上午交给我们Now, the second assistant is supposed to do this 第二助理应该做这个but Miranda is very private and she does not like strangers in her house. 但马琳达注重隐私, 不喜欢陌生人闯入她的住处So until she decides that you are not a total psycho 直到她确认你不是什么变态I get the lovely task of waiting around for the Book. 先由我负责保管着本书-Phone Rings -Oh, Emily? What do I do -哦,艾米莉,我该怎么办?-Deal with it. -Rings -处理好Sighs Rings Hello. Mrs. Priestly's office. 你好,皮斯利女士办公室Hmm. That's what I meant. Miranda Priestly's office. 嗯,我就那意思, 马林达·皮斯利办公室Groans Um, you know, she is in a meeting. Can I please take a message? 呃,她现在开会。 能留口信吗?Uh-huh. Okay. Can you please spell Gabbana? 好,请拼一下GABBNA-Line Clicks, Dial Tone Hums -Hello? -喂?I guess not. 不拼算了I guessed an eight and a half. 我猜你穿8.5号鞋Um, uh, that's very nice of you 呃,你真好but I don't think I need these. 但我好像不需要它们Miranda hired me. She knows what I look like. 马林达雇了我, 她知道我的样子-Do you? -Chuckles -你知道吗?Emily. 艾米莉Emily? 艾米莉She means you. 她叫你呢-Wejust cut on the bias. -Miranda That's not what I asked you. -我们斜剪了这边 -我不要你这么剪I couldn't have been clearer. There you are, Emily. 我说了很清楚了, 你来了,艾米莉-How many times do I have to scream your name? -Actually, it's Andy. -要我喊你多少遍才够? -其实,我是安迪My name is Andy. Andrea, but, uh, everybody calls me Andy. 我叫安迪。 安吉丽雅,但那大家都叫我安迪Chuckles I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein. 我需要10-15条CK的裙子-What kind of skirts do you -Please bore someone else with your questions. -你想要什么样式的 -这种无聊的问题你问别人去And make sure we have Pier 59 at 8:00 a.m. Tomorrow. 去59号码头确认明天8点的座位Remind Jocelyn I need to see a few of those satchels that Marc is doing in the pony. 提醒约瑟琳,我要看看马克在手抄里面的背包And then tell Simone I'll takeJackie if Maggie isn't available. 高速西蒙如果杰茜没空就用麦吉-Did Demarchelier confirm? -D-Did D-Demarchel -迪马休里耶确认了没? -迪,迪马休里耶Demarchelier. Did he Get him on the phone. 迪马休里耶。 他 -打电话给他 Uh, o okay. 呃,好的-And, Emily? -Yes? -还有,艾米莉?-是的?That's all. 就这样It's just the cavalier disregard for clear directions 这只是不符合Chattering Continues Do you have Demarchelier? 联络上迪马休里耶了吗?Uh, Demarchelier. 呃,迪马休里耶-Groans Leave it. -Do you have -让开 -你有没有I have Miranda Priestly calling. 马林达·皮斯利的助理I have Patrick! 帕特里克在线Uh, no, she called me in there and-and then she asked me about Pier 59. 哦,她叫我进去, 还有什么59号码头And there was something about Simone, Frankie, someone else. 还有关于西蒙,弗兰克, 还有谁And, um, she needs skirts from Calvin Klein. 她要CK的裙子And, uh, there was something about a pony. 还有关于什么小马-Did she say which skirts? -No. No. -她说要什么裙子了吗? -没有-Did she say what kind? Color, shape, fabric? -I tried to ask her. -她说是什么款式的,颜色,形状,材料? -我试着问过了。You may never ask Miranda anything. 你永远不能问马林达任何问题Right. I will deal with all of this, and you will go to Calvin Klein. 好,我处理其他事,你去CKEh Me? 呃我?Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have some prior commitment? 不好意思, 你好有其他要事吗?Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to? 要去“恶心裙子讨论会”吗?Uh -Cell Phone Rings -Miranda? -马林达?-Are you there? -I'm about to walk in. I'll call you as soon as -到了没? -我正要进去,会马上打Line Clicks -Cell Phone Rings -Horn Honks -Hello? Hi. -Emily While you're out -喂?你好 -你在外面Miranda needs you to go to Hermes to pick up 25 scarves we ordered for her. 马林达要你去爱马仕拿她定的25条围巾-Okay. -Cassidy forgot her homework at Dalton. Pick that up. -好的 -卡西迪巴作业忘在达尔顿了,你去那里取Miranda went out to meet with Meisel, and she will want more Starbucks when she gets back. 马林达去见麦塞尔 ,她回来时要喝星巴克-Hot Starbucks. -Can you just repeat that first -要热的 -你能重复第一件-Dial Tone Hums -Hello? -喂?Oh, my God. 哦,天哪What took you so long?I have to pee! 怎么那么久?我要去厕所!What?You haven't peed since I left? 什么?从我出去到现在你没去过厕所?No, I haven't. I've been manning the desk, haven't I? I'm bursting. 没有。 我一直坚守岗位,快憋不住了!Oh, hi. 哦,嗨-Snaps Fingers -You do coat. Do the coat! -你挂衣服,挂起来!Okay. 好的Now, be prepared. The run-through is at 12:30. 准备好,12点30分开始挑选People are panicking, so the phone is going to be ringing off the hook. 大家都很惊慌,电话随时都会响起The ru The run-through. Right. 挑挑拨, 好的Yes. Editors bring in options for the shoot, and Miranda chooses. 没错,编辑们提出构思, 马琳达选出好的She chooses every single thing in every single issue. 她要精心挑选每一个主题Run-throughs are a huge deal. I don't know why you don't know that, Andrea. 挑选是件大事, 真不懂你怎么会不知道,安吉丽雅-Woman Okay. Are you ready? -Emily Oh, hi, hi. -好了,准备好没? -哦,嗨Right. Well, after the loo, Serena and I are going to lunch. 好了,上完厕所, 塞莉娜和我去吃午饭-This is her the new me. -Hi. 就是她,新的我 -嗨 -Told you. -I thought you were kidding. -我说吧 -我以为你开玩笑No, quite serious, yeah. I get 20 minutes for lunch, and you get 15. 当然不是, 我有20分钟吃午饭,你只有15分钟-When I come back, you can go. -Okay. -我回来后,你就能去了。 -好的Serena What exactly is she wearing? 她穿的是什么啊?Giggling Her grandmother's skirt. 她外婆的裙子Man Singing In French Hmm. Corn chowder. 嗯,粟米海鲜汤That's an interesting choice. 有趣的口味You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder. 你知道这里面有很多脂肪Man Singing In French Continues So none of the girls here eat anything? 那这里的女孩都不吃东西?Not since two became the new four and zero became the new two. 自从2号变成4号还有0号变成2号,就不吃了-Well, I'm a six. -Which is the new 14. -我是6号 -那就要变成14号了Oh. Shoot. 哦,该死Oh, never mind. I'm sure you have plenty more polyblend where that came from. 哦,没关系,你一定还有很多其他化纤衣服-Cash Register Clicking -Okay. You think my clothes are hideous. -你觉得我的衣服难看?I get it. 我知道了But, you know, I'm not going to be in fashion forever 但,你知道我不会一直留在时尚界so I don't see the point of changing everything about myself just because I have this job. 我不想为了这工作而改变自己Yes, that's true. 真是说对了That's really what this multibillion-dollar industry is all about anyway, isn't it? 这个值好几亿的产业就只关心一件事,对不对?-Inner beauty. -Cell Phone Rings -内在美Hello. 喂Right. Come on. 好,快来-Miranda's pushed the run-through up a half an hour. -Mmm! -马琳达提前半小时开始了选拔-She's always 15 minutes early. -Which means? -她通常都早到15分钟 -意思是?-You're already late. Come. -Shoot! -你迟到了,来 -该死Excuse me. 借过-Bell Dings -Mr. Ravitz. -拉威兹先生Nigel. 奈杰尔-Issue going well? -Oh, yes. Our best September ever. -工作顺利吗? -哦,是的,至今最成功的九月Great. Heard Miranda killed autumn jackets and pulled up the Sedona shoot. 很好,听说马琳达取消秋季皮夹克,选了塞多纳风景照What's that costing me? 那要花掉我多少钱?About 300,000. 大概30万Must have been some lousy jackets. 那些夹克肯定发霉了-Irv Ravitz. -Oh, I'm sorry. -俄弗·拉威兹-哦,对不起This is Andy Sachs, Miranda's new assistant. 这位是安迪·塞克斯 ,马琳达的心助理Congratulations, young lady. 恭喜你,年轻人A million girls would kill for that job. 女生会为这工作发疯的Bye-bye. 再见-Hmm? -Chairman of Elias-Clarke, Irv Ravitz. -艾丽雅克·克拉克的总裁,俄弗·拉威兹You know what they say?Tiny man, huge ego.知道别人怎么说他?小个子大野心 No. And I've seen all this before. 不行,都过时了Theyskens is trying to reinvent the drop waist, so actually it's 塞斯肯斯是这重新引进露背款式,所以-Where are all the other dresses? -We have some right here. -其他裙子呢? -这里有一些-Stand, watch and listen. -And I think it can be very interesting -站着,边看边听 -我认为这样很时髦No. No, I just It's just baffling to me. 不,不,我 真搞不懂Why is it so impossible to put together a decent run-through? 为什么做个顺利的挑选会这么难?You people have had hours and hours to prepare. It's just so confusing to me. 你们有这么多时间准备,真让我搞不懂Where are the advertisers? 广告部的人呢?-We have some pieces from Banana Republic. -We need more, don't we? -我们从巴纳纳拿来这些 我们还需要更多,是吗-Oh. This is This might be What do you think of -Yeah. -哦,这个,这个可以你们觉得呢? -是啊Well, you know me. 哦,你知道我这人Give me a full ballerina skirt and a hint of saloon


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