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M o d u l e 2U n i t 1L o n d o ni sab i gc i t y . 教 学 设 计一、教材分析本模块的教学内容是描述一座城市、一处景物或一件物品。本单元是整个模块教学的第一单元,要求了解英国首都伦敦的标志建筑特征。通过能运用所学单词、句型进行交流,正确介绍某个城市或风景。,课文情境是 Amy 和 Lingling 一起翻看一本介绍伦敦的书, 在翻看过程中, Lingling 发现伦敦很大,并注意到一座很大很漂亮的房子,于是询问 Amy 这是什么地方, Amy 介绍说这是白金汉宫。 Linging 以为 Amy 住在那里, Amy 告诉她,女王住在那里,而自己的家则在不远处的一栋小房子里, Amy 向 Lingling 展示了自己家的照片。在教学本课时,我借助地图、图片认识伦敦的几个着名景点名称,练习使用 big 、 small 、beautiful 等形容词描述其他城市或者自己的家,自己的学校。二、学情分析本课授课对象是四年级学生, 他们活泼好动, 有着丰富的想象力和好奇心,对游戏、歌曲等活动特别感兴趣。也因为有一定的英语基础,他们的表现欲很强。他们对外面的世界,特别是外国的模样充满兴趣。因此我查找了色彩鲜丽的图片,吸引学生的注意力力。营造愉悦、快乐的课堂氛围,充分调动学生参与活动的积极性 ,使学生在亲身体验中展开有效的学习,保持学习英语的欲望和兴趣,从而提高英语学习的效率。三、教学目标:1全体学生能够掌握词汇:city, ship, beautiful, whose, close, queen.2全体学生能够运用句型London is a big city. My house is very small, butit s beautiful. It s very old.描述一座城市、一处景物或一件物品。?能力目标:能运用所学单词、句型进行交流,正确介绍某个城市或风景。情感目标:通过了解英国首都伦敦的标志建筑,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,树立正确的学习目的,养成良好的学习习惯,培养提高学生与他人交往的能力。教学重点 :?单词和目标句型的教学及运用教学难点 :如何让学生运用London is a big city. My house is very small, butit s beautiful. It s very old.句型对事物作出判断。六、教学工具课件、单词卡、英语书Teaching process一、 WarmingupListen to the song “London bridge is falling down.”Ask the students to sing the song and do the action(.设计意图 :脍炙人口的歌曲让学生提前感受到愉悦的课堂氛围,吸引了学生的注意力的同时,也引出了 London,为下一步的教学做了铺垫。)二、 PresentationStep 1T: We have enjoy the song “ London bridge is falling down. ” Do you know where is London bridge?(Ask the students.)Ss: Its in London.T: Yes, It s in London.T: Do you know London? Yes, it s the capital of England. (show the map of England and show London to the students)T: Do you want to go to London ?Ss:Yes.T:But how do we go there? By bus? Lets by this.T:(show a picture of a ship) Look, What s this?Ss: Its a ship.(Teach the new word “ship”.)T: It s a big ship. Read it ship ship. Step2T:Well, Let s go to London by this ship. Go! (设计意图:游戏的引入,能让学生快速融入课堂,这一步骤不仅学习了新单词,还为以下的课堂学习创设了一个教学情境,让全班同学一起搭乘ship 向充满异国情调的London 出发。)T: Hello, everyone, I m Ms Zhang, welcome to London. London is a bigcity !(老师拿着小红旗,扮演导游,把同学们带入伦敦,引人入胜。 ) Teach the new word “city ”.T: Write it with your finger and read it city city .Practice the sentences.T: Let s visit London and some nice places.(设计意图:在游戏和展示PPT 时,引起了学生的兴趣,既掌握了新单词的拼写,也掌握了新单词的读音。)Step3(Show the picture of Buckingham Palace) T:Hello, boys and girls! This is Buckingham Palace. Follow me: Buckingham palace.(出示图片,边传递边让学生轮流读。 ) How do you feel about it?(Ask a student answer it.)S1:Its so big.T: Yes, It s so big. And.(show another picture of Bucking Palace) its so beautiful.Teach the new word “beautiful ”.Show a picture of the word “beautiful ”. Pass the picture and ask the students to read it one by one.(Practice the important sentence, then ask the student describe the things withthe important sentence.()设计意图: 出示动态的盛开花朵图,向学生展示beautiful ,既让学生感到新奇,也更深层的体会到beautiful. )Step 4Pick up the pencil on the floor ,ask “ Whose pencil is this?”Repeat the word “whose” teach the new word “whose”Do more practices about whose. Pick up one students book, ask: “Whosebook is this?”(show the queen s house, and the important sentence.)T: Whose house is this? Is it yours? Ss; No, it isnt.T: whose?S1:Its the queen s house.(show a picture of queen .teach the new word “queen”. Read after me, queen queen)girls read it “queen queen I am the queen” boys read queenqueenI am the queen.T:No ,no ,no. queen is awoman, you are not woman, you are a man.So ,you are a king. Read after me. King king I am a king.Step 5T: Our friend Amy lives London ,too . Let s visit her. Show thepicture and ask: Guess, whose house is it ?Ss: Amys house.T: Yes, it s Amys house. Its close to the queens house. (Show the picture of the queens house and Amys house. Teach the new word“close”,“closeto”. Ask the students make a sentence with“close to”.)(设计意图:呈现伦敦的标志性建筑,白金汉宫,让学生了解西方,陶冶情操,更重要的是学习了本课的重点句型。为接下来的课文学习打下了基础。)T: Read the new words carefully, I think you can read them better. Now readthe rhyme together.( 设计意图:把教学内容编成韵诗, 便于学生记忆和掌握。 )Step 6 课文学习:T:Amy and Lingling are reading the book about London. Let s see what are they talking about. Let s listen point and say.Ask the students to act the dialogue in small groups. Let some groups show.(设计意图:展示课文视频,整体感知课文,培养学生归纳整理信息的能力,听录音,提高听的能力,角色朗读,培养学生的朗读能力和模仿能力。)Step7 课堂练习:T: Look at the pictures and complete in groups. Show the answers in groups.Step8 拓展练习: 我是小导游。 Introduce Beijing and some famous places toyour tourists.(设计意图: 把景点图片分发给每个小组,让学生运用所学知识来描述景点,在活动中掌握了句型,培养学生的口语运用能力。)T: The world outside is very beautiful. We should go out more and learn more. Do you want to go out? So, you must study hard and earn moremoney ,so that you can go where you want to go.(设计意图:展现各国着名景点,进行情感教育,外面的是世界很精彩,我们必须努力学习,才能去到你想去的地方。)三、 Homework1.用所学过的形容词和句型对你的学校进行描述。.2、熟读课文。教学反思在学习London is a big city. 这节课前, 我给学生布置了一个预习作业,查找英国伦敦的信息。而他们预习得也非常好,对于课文提到的伦敦的标志性建筑都有一定的了解。反思这节课我做得好的地方有以下几点:1、提前布置家庭作业,学生查找资料时间充裕,为新课的学习做好了铺垫。2、PPT 授课让学生更直观,更全面地理解了课文内容。弥补了学生因缺乏渠道,查找的资料匮乏的不足之处。3、课堂上,我一直注重跟学生的互动,对回答不正确的学生给予正确的引导,让学生树立信心。但是这节课也存在以下问题:1、由于查找资料渠道的缺乏,学生们找的资料不够完善,或者不熟悉不理解,在今后的课上还要适时辅导学生查找资料及汇报的方法。2、由于时间掌握不够好,学生读课文读得还不够多。


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