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2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(01)得阅读者得天下!阅读理解历来都是英语测试的重中之重,阅读战略一直都是各类英语考试备考之主打策略,阅读恐惧也是每位考生最大的应试恐惧。在长期的教学中,我总结了“重、定、划、看、防、读”阅读理解六字真诀,不少学生从中受益;很大一部分同学按此思路去运作解题,正确率大大提高,阅读理解零失误的同学也大有人在。现一一阐释,条分缕析,以飨读者。 一、重“重”“重文本”。读懂文章最重要。文本是题源所在,如果将考生比作勘探人员,那么文本就是他们的勘探场所。撰题者正式通过对文章的深入剖析,才将一个个地宝藏埋藏其中,让考生去发掘。所以读懂文本不仅是正确解题的第一步,也是最关键的一步。但是,快速读懂一篇文章却非易事,需要进行大量的阅读习练。高超的阅读真功夫有赖良好的阅读习惯的培养。既要读得快,又要读得懂,良好的阅读习惯是保障。1、阅读的不良习惯要养成良好的阅读习惯,首先要克服阅读的不良习惯。下面我列举了一些常见的阅读不良习惯,对号入座,看你有否。心译:读一句心译一句,句句必须借助汉语译文方能理解;指读:阅读时总是用指头或笔尖等指着句子,边移边读;逐字逐句:一字一句,字字重视,句句关心,生怕漏掉一个单词,眉毛胡子一把抓;见生即查:阅读时欲将生词各个击破,完全扫清阅读障碍,认为只要没有生词,便可洞悉文章;出声:阅读时发出声音,全篇诵读,字字句句,丝毫不拉;唇读:阅读时虽没有发出声音,但唇随句变,词带舌移,只是声带未颤,声音未出;默读:没有出声,也没有唇动舌移,但目光、意识仍在逐句念诵。以上不良习惯要么会打断阅读思维的连贯性,要么会破坏对文本的整体理解,而它们最大的害处就是降低了阅读速度。拿高考来说,共有五篇文章,合理的时间分配是35分钟,再分配到每一篇就只有7分钟了(当然考生可以根据文章难易稍做调整);可就我的教学经验,罕有学生在35分钟内高质量完成五篇文章;有的同学用了50分钟,有的多达一个小时,还不算上复查的时间。常听到同学抱怨“其实试题并不难,只是时间不够”,这正是阅读的不良习惯使然。2、以意群为单位,成组视读分清意群,停顿娴熟,不仅是朗诵的关键,更是阅读的基本素质。英语阅读时是以意群为单位,而非以单词或词组为单位。成组视读是说用眼睛扫视,不是一个词一个词的去默看,而是向探照灯一样根据意群,一组组的进行扫视,这时额头成了一个通道,被收纳的是信息,而不是词汇。这是一种高超的阅读能力,非以一贯之的坚持和大量的阅读不能够习得。3、首尾在心,紧扣中心任何一位作者都会有自己的写作意图,任何一篇文章都会有自己的中心主旨,而能否明晰作者的写作意图,能否把握文章的主旨,是理解一篇文章的关键,也是阅读水平高低的体现。为了考察考生对文章的理解程度和阅读水平,出题者必然会以各种方式对作者的写作意图与文章的主旨要义进行考察。一般来说,文章的主旨经常会被表述在文章的首尾中,首尾既包括文章的首段尾段,又包括每一段的段首句和段尾句。要想快速把握文章中心,文本之首尾段和各段之首尾句是最佳切入点,因此同学们应格外注意它们。4、学会跳读,心中有图阅读理解要做到心中既有森林,又有树木,既要统揽全文,又要主次有别。跳读即可用来通读全文,了解大意,又可用来搜寻细节,锁定被考察信息如此既把握了整体,又不会忽视细节。在跳读时一定不要借用母语翻译,而要通过情景想象、提纲列表、重点连线、简图示意等手段来梳理文章脉络,使之直观化、形象化、具体化。5、善于猜测词义各类考试都允许出现3%的超纲词汇,这些词汇往往文中都会给出暗示,考生可以根据上下文来推断他们的意思;有些其后则会紧跟其同位语,直接对其进行解释说明;有的词汇(多数为名词)只需判定它是某类事物即可,比如人名、地名、某类动、植物等等,而无须弄明白其具体意思;有些词真是猜不出意思也不必太在意,因为一、两个词不认识根本不会对文章理解带来障碍,一定不能因之而恐慌,从而影响发挥。对于词义猜测试题中的超纲词,文中肯定会对其进行或解释、或同义、或暗示,只要细心,只要思路开阔,就一定能发现线索,确定其含义。Life is difficult. It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it. Then life is no longer difficult. Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent (代表) a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation. What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending on their nature, cause us sadness, or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are uncomfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and work- ing out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, Those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems. 1. From the passage, it can be inferred that_. A. everybody has problems B. we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life C. life is difficult because our problems bring us pain D. people like to complain: about their problems 答案: B 指导:全文主要讲述有人抱怨生活的艰难,作者也承认生活是艰难的,然而正是这艰难的解决问题的过程使生活更有意义,所以文中最后一段第三行When we desire to encourage the growth“human spirit,we encourage the human ability to solveproblems,故此B为最佳选项。2. The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to_. A. save space R persuade readers C. make readers laugh D. get readers' attention 答案: D 指导:写文章的目的就是解决问题,本文首先开门见山地点出问题,显然是为了吸引读者的注意力,而不是其他选项。3. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that_. A. most people feel life is easy B. the writer feels life is easy C. the writer likes to complain about his problems D. most people complain about how hard their lives are 答案: D 指导:由第三段第一句和第二句可知第三段的主要意思是“人们经常抱怨生活多么艰辛”。4. According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to_. A. encourage them to learn B. teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem C. help them learn to deal with pain D. teach them how to respect from problems 答案: A 指导:由文章倒数第四句"we encourage the human ability to solve problems,justasin school we set problems for our childrentosolve"可知A为最佳选项。5. The saying from Benjamin Franklin "Those things that hurt,instruct" suggests that_. A. we do not learn from experience B. we do not learn when we are in pain C. pain teaches us important lessons D. pain cannot be avoided答案: C 指导:由文中"It is through the para of meeting and working out problems that we learn"可知答案为C,意思是”正是通过解决问题的痛苦,我们学到了知识”。*结束2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(02)六字真诀(02)-【定】“定”“定区间”。能够圈定各题答案的范围。出题者一般都是根据文本的某一段,或某一段的某一句,或某一句的某一词,或根据隐藏在字里行间的作者的暗示进行题设。这就要求做题时要进行回想、返查,锁定与问题相关信息的所在区域,为正确解题打基础。这个过程就像捉迷藏一样,要想找到文本中躲藏的“猫猫”,就必须对藏躲“猫猫”的区域谙熟于心,进而准确定位,圈定范围,定能一抓一个准。总的来说,每个问题都对应于文本中的某个区间,或显或隐,或大或小,或段或句或词,考生要擦亮眼睛,善于定位,为找到答案的根据做好必要且充分的准备。*结束 (*) Everyone would like to be a millionaire but can you imagine having over $ 30 million and only being 20 years old? Brimey Spears from Kentwood, a small town in Louisiana, is only 20 years old; she is an international pop superstar with not only $ 30 million but also a $ 2 million house in LA. At her young age, she can look after her family financially (经济上)all her life. This year is a big year for Britney, she is currently on a 31 date tour of the US and every concert is a sell out. That means she plays in front of a crowd of around 18,000 every time. It's tiring schedule (安排表)but brings great rewards. When tou- ting, she goes to bed around 1 a. rn. and then has a lie-in until I p. m. or 2 p. rn. the next day. Her philosophy(人生观) is to take care of the body and relax but always make sure you work hard and have fan. Spears is not satisfied with only touring and selling nearly 40 million records so she decided to branch out into the movie business and try a bit of acting. She made an appearance in "Austin Powers 3' this year and she is filming a teenage come- dy that will be released in March 20典型例题this movie, she has a starring role. The movie was her own concept and she picked the writer.For Britney, acting is another way to express herself and she is enthusiastic (热心) about it all. If her movies are successful, her bank account is sure to grow by another few mil-lion dollars but she has been quoted as saying she does it for the love, not the money. 1. Tick ets for her concerts are_. A. cheap B. expensiveC. on sale soon D. all sold 答案: D 指导:由第二段第一句“and every concert is a sell out"可知,每场音乐会的票都能售空,故选D.2. Which of the following is not true according to the text? A. Though young, Britney can support her family now. B. While touring, Britney sleeps about 12 hours a day. C. The teenage comedy movie was based on Britney's own story. D. Britney will be even richer with her movies successful. 答案: C 指导:由第三段最后一句"The movie was her own concept”知,这部青少年电影喜战只是她的"concept",而非她自己的故事。3. According to Britney Spears, she works_. A. to be a great actress B. for the enjoyment C. for money D. to be more famous 答案: B指导:由文章最后一句“she has been quoted as saying she does it for the love,not the money"知:Britney所做一切只是为快乐和喜欢,而非钱与名利。*结束2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(03)六字真诀(03)-【划】“划”“划根据”。作答时理由要充分,并在文章中划出解题依据。能够在文本中划出解题根据是正确解题的关键,更是阅读理解不丢分的保障。猎人有句行话,叫“不见兔子不撒鹰”,在这儿我要告诉各位同学,在做阅读理解时要做到“不见根据不做题”。理由充分,根据凿实,这是“不仅知其然,而且知其所以然”的超高境界,是阅读水平提高的最大见证。从这种意义上讲,“划”字诀是“重、定、划、看、防、读”六字真诀之尤为重要者。*结束 (*) Cultural differences in business entertaining include problems such as whom one entertains and where, and how one entertains. In countries where status (地位) is important, it is not advisable to invite people of different statuses to the same dinner party. Americans will often invite people to their homes. However in some societies the home is considered too private, unworthy, or too small to serve as a proper place for business entertaining. In some countries there is a"help your- self" method of entertaining done in the home. This methoddoes not work well when entertaining people whose culture teaches them to wait to be asked three times before accepting an offer of food. In one instance, a Chinese guest went hungry all the evening without eating though he was quite hungry because he was too shy to take food after only being asked to do so once. In another case, an American woman executive (负责人) was being entertained in London. After having the tea served, the American woman helped herself to cream and sugar rather than waiting to be served. The English hostess was upset by the thought that she was not serving quickly enough.As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is OK. A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the person is especially good. Gifts for children are also well received. Be careful that the" hometown" gift you are bringing to Sin- gapore was not made in Hong Kong. Because many gifts carry symbolic meanings, it is always best to seek the advice of a cultural informant before selecting gifts. The giving of large gifts, or payments for special service, should only be carried out after talking with legal department in the home and host culture. 1. It is no good inviting people of different social positions to the same party in the country where. A. people don't pay any attention to your positions B. people care much about their statuses C. entertainment is important D. entertainment is not advisable 答案: B 指导:第一段第二句话。“在那些很重视社会地位的国家,最好不要把不同层次的人放到一起。”2. _is especially proper. A. A big gift B. Large payment as a gift C. A small gift from one's home D. A gift from Singapore 答案: C 指导:最后一段第一句话。“一般说来,从祖国带来的小礼物就非常合适”。*结束2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(04)六字真诀(04)-【看】“看”“看转换”。注意同一意思的不同表述(同意转述)。英语语言相当丰富,同一意思会有多种不同表达,以避免语言表述上的单调重复。考试中常见的题型“同意改写”就是考察学生的这一能力的。以句型“决定做某事”为例,英语中就有不下就中表达:1. decide to do sth.2. make a decision to do sth.3. determine to do sth.4. be determined to do sth.5. make a determination to do sth6. resolve to do sth.7. make a resolution to do sth.8. make up ones mind to do sth.9. set ones mind to do sth.出题者设计试题时总会用不同的语言结构对文本中的某些信息进行同意转述。有的转述会很明显,可以一目了然;但也不乏隐含很深的转述,*结束 (*) If you have been joining in chat room conversations, or trading e-mail with web pals (网友), you have become one of the millions who write in a peculiarly short form of English. And you've got a sense of humor about short forms like SOHF ( = sense of humor failure) to describe Intemet newcomers who don't understand you. Across the globe, every night teenagers and their elders are talking online, many of them all talking at the same time. It's fast: try talking to six people at once. It's brief: three Or four words per exchange. It takes wit, concentration, and quick fingers. And it requires tremendous linguistic economy (语言省略). There's neither time nor space for explanations. Why con- sume precious key-strokes (键盘主敲击) telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB ( = be right back) will do? Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (= pardon me for jumping in).Interested in whom you are talking to? Type A/S/I., thenearly universal request to know your pal's age, sex and loca- tion. You may get 15/M/NY as a response from your pal. If something makes you laugh, say you are OTF (=on the floor), or LOL ( = laughing out loud), or combing the two into ROTFL (= rolling on the floor laughing). And when it is time to get back to work or go to bed, you type GTG (=got to go) or TTYL (=talk to you later).People want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing emotion, as it takes, more time to hold down the "shift" key and capitals. Punctuation (标点) is going, too. 1. Many people talk on the Intemet_. A. by sending short e-mails B. by using a particular short form of English C. by using peculiar English words and expression D. in a funny way 答案: B 指导:第一段最后一句。“你已经成为数百万个用特别简短的英语形式在网上聊天的人士之一”。2. In order to talk to several people at the same time on the Intemet_. A. you have to speak fast and fluently B. you should speak with wit and humor C. you have to express your ideas in a brief way D. one should pay much attention to the accuracy of words 答案: C 指导:从第四段可得知,同时和几个人聊天需要快速,简捷,聪慧,注意力集中和敏捷的手指。A项中的fluently,B项中的humor,D项中的accuracy都不符合题意。3. If you get 17/F/NY as an answer to your A/S/L, it rneans A. the person on the other end is 17 from New York and he is fine B. you are talking to a girl who is 17 and lives in New York C. you are talking to 17 girls who are from New York D. the person who you are talking to is a 17-foot tall New York girl 答案: B 指导:从第七段可得知,ASL分别表示:年龄(age),性别(sex),地区(location)。*结束2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(05)六字真诀(05)-【防】“防”“防陷井”。锁定是“true”还是“not true”,辨明形近词。英语阅读中的陷阱设置最常见的有两种,判断对错真假型和词形相近型。对于判断对错真假型,考生做题前一定要认真审题,看准是“true”还是“not true”,是“right”还是“wrong”,然后才着手解题。可能会有同学认为,这么简单的事怎么会错?其实不然,在考场高度紧张的情况下,什么事情都会发生。试想你身边有过多少同学曾因把“true”与“not true”看反而懊恼不已,顿足捶胸?对于词形相近型要做只有两个字“细心”,三思而后选。只要细心,此类陷阱就会很容易被识破。如07年高考全国二卷A篇第45题很多同学选择了A, 原因主要是他们把“lonely”看成了“lovely”,这正是出题人设置的陷阱所在,因为 “lonely”与“lovely”只有一个字母之差,词形相近,很容易被看混。但只要稍加留意,避免此误也不是难事。归根到底,“防”的主要对象是自己,防止慌张,防止粗心大意,防止那些“想当然”的想法,防止自己的骄傲情绪只要沉着应对,处处留心,任何陷阱都会被识别发现的。*结束(*) The following notice is posted in a bus terminal(终点站). Time Table: -Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, from 7:00 a. m, and every half an hour thereafter (此后), untii 11: 30 p. m, (7 days a week) -Buses leave the Brennan Station 20 minutes before and after every hour from 6:20 a.m. to 10:40 p. m (7 days a week) -Evening rush hours ( 5: 00 p. m, to 7: 00 p. m, ): Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, every 15 minutes. (MondayFriday)-Holidays: Buses leave every hour, each direction. (Trip time. 30 minutes eachway) -All tickets must be bought at Window 12, the Railway Station, New York City, or at the Brennan Station Window BEFORE boarding buses. 1. At which of the following time does a bus leave New York for Brennan on Thursday? A. 8: 30a. m. B. 10: 15 a.m. C. 3 : 15 p.m. D. 11 : 45 p.m. 答案: A 指导:由发车时刻表第一部分可知,公共汽车离开New York开往Brennan的时间是上午七点到夜里十一点半之间,且每隔半小时一班。2. Which is the latest bus you could take from Brennan if you had to meet a friend in New York at 10: 20 a. rn. on a Friday? A. The 8:00 a. m, bus. B. The 9 : 40 a. m, bus. C. The 8 : 40 a. m, bus. D. The 9 : 20 a.m. bus. 答案: B 指导:由发车时刻表第二部分可知,公共汽车离开Brennan开往New York的时间是上午6:20到夜间10:40之间,且每小时正点的前后20分钟各有一班。根据题意,最迟一班为上午9:403. If you want to take a bus in evening rush hours, you should take the bus at the Railway Station, New York City on Monday? A. 6 : 20 p.m. B. 5: 45 p.m. C. 8: 00 p.m. D. 7 : 15 p.m. 答案: B 指导:公共汽车在晚上交通高峰期每15分钟一班,从下午5点到晚上7点。*结束2013高考英语阅读理解-六字真诀(06)六字真诀(06)-【读】“读”“读全项”。做判断时要通读每一题的所有选项,区分鉴别,选择最佳。阅读理解是从三个或四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,解题时考生要通读所有选项,比较鉴别,确定最佳。切不可挑读臆断,匆匆作答。比如做判断对错真假型试题时,选项中会有“一对三错”或“三对一错”,通读全项就会补救误读题干所造成的过失。上述“重、定、划、看、防、读”阅读理解六字真诀是我多年来英语阅读教学的一点心得体会,如果对同学们有所帮助,我将甚感荣幸!*结束 (*) Meteorite (陨石) ALH840典型例题 studied by a research team led by scientists at NASA and Stanford University. Using high-powered microscopes and other laboratory tests, the researchers found clues that they think were left by living things. One clue is a collection of flat, hard orange globe of carbon lining the insides of the cracks in the rock. These depos- its look like the carbon globules made by some kinds of bacteria (细菌). They might have been left by tiny life forms, or they might have been made by hot vapors carrying carbon dioxide. With these carbon globules is another piece of evidence, a group of chemicals called PAHS. These chemicals can be formed in space or when living things die and change into fossils (化石) So the PAHs in the meteorite might have come from ancient Martian life. Rings of tiny crystals around the carbon globules make up the third mineral clue. These crystals are made of iron and sul- phur (硫)joined together in compounds that are like chemicals in some of Earth's bacteria. But similar crystals can also be made by chemical reactions that can happen without life forms to carry them out. A fourth sign of life is a series of microscopic rounded shapes that look like fossils of bacteria. But to some scientists, these shapes may be too small to be the remains of living things.The NASA team does not say these clues are proof of life on Mars. Any.of these clues might have been placed in the rock without the help of living creatures. But they claim the idea of Martian life is the simplest way to explain them, They say it would take a lot of coincidences (巧合) to place all of these dues together in the Martian rock. These scientists have challenged others to help them search for more evidence to prove that their ideas are either right or wrong. And research that might help answer this question is already 'under way. NASA has planned ten new missions to Mars over the next ten years and launched two of them last fall. They are called Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Pathfinder. Several of the experiments on these spacecraft will search for clues to answer one of the greatest questions of our time. Are we alone in the universe? 1. ALH840典型例题rom_. A. Mars B. the Milky Way C. an unknown small planet D. the solar system 答案: A 指导:由倒数第二段"NASA has planned ten new missions to Mars"可知。2. Which of the following statements is true? A. Mars Pathfinder was launched in the spring of 1997. B. The evidence inside was not destroyed after ALH840典型例题 traveled a long way. C. The clues the scientists have found are:smal! drops of liquid of carbon crystal ring NASA fossils of bacteria. D. Scientists wished they had asked for help to prove their ideas. 答案: B 指导:由第四段"The sechemicals can be formed in space or when living things die and change into fossils”可知ALH840典型例题行了很长的路后,里面的迹象不被破坏而形成了化石。3. Put the following sentences into correct time order. Scientists discovered the meteorite. They named itALH840典型例题"Allan Hills, 1984,number I".A small planet hit Mars, sending pieces of the outside covering into space. One of them is ALH840典型例题After wandenng for a long time, the rock rushed into theice in the Allan Hills area of Antarctica.In a watery environment underground, microscopic life grew deep in the cracks. These creatures died, but they left signs. A. - B. - C. - D. -答案: B 指导:由全文描述可知。*结束


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