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Unit 2 Sailing the oceans知识扫描一、 关键词汇1. Verbs: simplify, update, swoop, peck, deposit, reckon, foresee, tear, roar2. Nouns: latitude, voyage, mercy, exploration, equator, horizon, tide, knot, reference, cliff, reform, incident, departure, crew, dusk, psychology, thirst, hardship, jaw, background3. Adjectives: minimum, celestial, nautical, magnetic, random, awkward, precise, portable, reliable, compulsory, gradual二、 关键短语1. at the mercy of, tieto, in relation to, comparewith, be filled with, take over, after all, cope with, after all三、 重点句型 You could not imagine a more disturbing sightPeriod One Vocabulary and Warming up释疑导思I.   mercy n 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠归纳用法: at the mercy of 任凭摆布 ;在支配中 show mercy on /to sb 对某人表示怜悯 have mercy on 对表示怜悯 without mercy 残忍地,毫不留情的随时练请翻译下面的句子:1. 我们对敌人决不能怜悯 2. 他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭海浪摆布 II. secure adj 安全的,可靠的,确定的,无疑的归纳用法:(1)secure = safe (2)be secure of = be sure of 随时练3. Children wont work hard if they feel _ about everything in their daily life.A. confident B. sure C. secure D. worriedIII. awkward adj 笨拙的,不熟练的归纳用法:be awkward to do sth 做某事很困难随时练请翻译下面的句子:4. My car is quite awkward to drive. IV. reckon vt 计算,认为, 推算 归纳用法:reckon on 指望、依靠 reckon with sb /sth 考虑或重视某人、某事物 reckon sb as 把看做随时练请翻译下面的句子:5. 我指望你的支持 V. tear 归纳用法:n 眼泪 in tears / burst into tears 流眼泪 v 撕开 tearopen 撕开 tear into pieces 把撕成碎片 tear at 撕、扯用力撕随时练6. Seeing her father come back, _. A. tears ran down her cheeks  B. Her tears ran out C. she burst into tears  D. She burst into crying 典例剖析1. Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could _ his oral English before going abroad.     A. improve  B. to improve  C. improving  D. to improving【分析】此题中包含固定短语devoteto,其中to 为介词,后面应接定名词。动词devote后接的宾语为all,all又为先行词,后又包含一个定语从句:he could (do)。此题很容易误以为could后应接动词原形,而易选为A。答案为D。2. Everything he _ away from him before he returned to his hometown.     A. took  B. had been taken  C. had had been taken  D. had taken【分析】此题应该首先把句子结构分析清楚。句中Everything既作句子的主语,又作先行词,后接定语从句(that) he had,而had been taken 是过去完成时的被动态作句子的谓语。此题的意思为“在他返回家乡之前,他所有的一切都被拿走了”。故选C。3. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _ English.     A. could learning  B. learned  C. to learn  D. could learn【分析】此题中包含句型结构spend  (in) doing sth., 其中题中spent的宾语为much time , much time作为先行词,后又接定语从句he could (spend)。故选A。分层演练基础训练句型转换。根据A句句义,用适当的句型或短语完成B句,使其句意相同或相近。1. A: Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain in the world. B: Mount Qomolangma is than other mountain in the world.2. A: When I saw the great changes in my hometown, I felt very proud.B: the great changes in my hometown, I felt very proud.3. A: The motorbike cost him 8000 yuan last year. B: He _ 8000 yuan _ the motorbike last year.4. A: When he was asked why he was late, he made no answer.B: When why he was late, he made no answer.5. A: He came here in 2002.B: It 10 years since he here.能力提升情景语法。根据语境和括号内的提示单词或短语填空,使得上下文通顺。I am proud to have sailed with Captain Bligh 1 his journey of over 40 days through about 4,000 miles in an open boat across 2 Pacific Ocean in 1789. Our outward voyage in the “Bounty” to Tahiti 3 (fill) with the kind of incidents that I 4 (think) would be my stories when I returned home. 5 how wrong I was! On our departure 6 Tahiti , some of the crew took over the ship. They deposited the captain into a small 7 to let him find his own way home. But 8 else was to go with? Those of us on board the “Bounty” 9 (catch) in a dilemma. Was it 10 (good) to risk certain death by sitting close together on a small, crowded open boat with very little food and water?Period Two Reading释疑导思I. 助动词do,did, does可强调谓语。如:She does like this horse. 她的确喜欢这匹马。Please do take care of yourself. 千万保重。随时练1. What do you think of his English?Excellent. He _ speak very well. A. do B. doesn't C. does D. 不填II. as well as 用法1) as well as 常用来连接两个并列的成分,意思是“和,不仅而且”。注意:as well as 强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only .but also.连接时,强调的是but also,因此谓语动词与后一项一致。如: She called on you as well as me 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。 Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。比较:Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me.Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy.电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。 2)as.as 是同级比较的结构,所以,as well as 也表示“同一样好”。如: You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。 He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好。He speaks Spanish as well as English. 他说西班牙语像说英语一样好比较:He can speak Spanish as well as English. 他会说西班牙语,也会说英语.随时练2.  Tom,  _ Jane and Rose,  _ going to the farm on foot. A.  as long as;is          B.  as well as;are C.  as long as;are        D.  as well as;is 3.  Mrs Black writes _ ,if not better than,her husband. A.  as well as          B.  so well C.  so well as         D.  as well IIIcompare的用法1) 表示“把与比较”,通常用comparewith,但在现代英语中,也可用compare to,或者用compareand。如:If you compare his work with and hers, youll find hers is much better. 要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。Having compared the new dictionary with to, and the old one, he found the new one more helpful. 将新旧词典比较之后,他发现新词典更有用。2) 表示“把比作”,通常用compareto,一般不用comparewith。如:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。The poet compares the woman he loves to a rose. 诗人把他所爱的女人比作玫瑰。3) 在compared to with(与相比)这一习语中,用to或with已没什么区别。如:Compared with to him, Im just a beginner. 和他相比,我只是一个初学者。Compared to with many women, she was very fortunate. 和许多女人相比,她算是很幸运的了。4) 用作不及物动词时,其后习惯上只接with,多与情态动词can连用,表示“比得上”“能与比美”,但一般用于否定句或疑问句中。如:Nothing can compare with wool for warmth. 没有比羊毛更暖和的东西了。Life in a town cant compare with life in the country. 乡村的生活比城镇的生活好得多。随时练 4. the service industry,foreign trade is more important.A. Compared to B. Compared C. Comparing to D. Comparing 5. When with the size of the whole earth, the Pacific Ocean does not seem big at all. A. being compared B. compared C. to compare D. comparingIV. prove用作连系动词的用法无被动语态,意思为"证明是;结果是;事实说明",可用于以下句型: 1) prove+形容词 The handbook proved most useful.这本手册证明很有用。 The medicine proved satisfactory.结果证明这药疗效令人满意。 2) prove+名词 She proved a very strict teacher.结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师。 His efforts, however, proved a failure.但他的努力结果都失败了。 3) prove+介词短语或副词 Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。 The power station was completed and proved up to standard.这座发电站建成了,证明质量符合标准。 4) prove+动词不定式 As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct.随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的。 She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.结果她可能是最适合干这项工作的人。 随时练6. Why was Professor Zhang unhappy recently? Because the theory he insisted on _ wrong. A. proved B. proving C. being proved D. was proved典例剖析1. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.      A. Losing  B. Having lost  C. Lost  D. To lose【分析】此题为省略句。Lost in thought 相当于Because he was lost in thought。短语be lost in 表状态,表示“陷入”。故选C。2.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.      A. begins  B. having begun  C. beginning  D. begun【分析】此题也为省略句。连词once后省略了主语the search,从句“once begun”相当于“once the search is begun”。答案为D。3. -What do you think made the woman so upset?    - _ weight.     A. As she put on  B. Put on  C. Putting on  D. Because of putting on【分析】.此题也是一个省略回答,完整的回答是:Putting on weight made the woman so upset。 用动名词短语作主语。故选C。分层演练基础训练ALast year, I had a great trip to Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California. Hearst Castle was built by William Randolph Hearst between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of more than $30 millionabout $277 million today. I spent all day looking around, but a day wasn't enough time to see everything. There was so much to see. Hearst Castle has four houses. The main house, “Casa Grande”, is much bigger than the other three, which were used for guests. Many of these guests were Hollywood film stars, and they often came to Hearst's parties. At Hearst Castle, there are 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms and 19 sitting rooms. There are also beautiful gardens, a garage for 25 large cars and two swimming pools, one inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the “Neptune Pool”it was a pity we couldn't go swimming! I found the tour very helpful. The guide told me that Hearst, at the age of ten, toured Europe with his mother, looking at paintings and castles. He never forgot this tour and decided that he wanted his house to look like a castle. Hearst died in 1951, and his family gave Hearst Castle to the people of California. It is now a museum. 阅读短文,根据其内容对下列句子进行判断。正确的,请选择A;错误的,请选择B;文中没有提及的,请选择C。1. Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California was cheap to build. ( )2. Hearst Castle is on a mountain near the sea. ( )3. Many Hollywood film stars came to Hearst's parties and used the houses there. ( )4. After Hearst died in 1951, the Hearst family still lived at Hearst Castle.( )BThese days, a new kind of restaurant is becoming popular. People who go there can not only enjoy their meals, they can also enjoy playing computer games and have fun with their family and friends in the Internet. Wink is the restaurant's name. It is in Los Angeles, and it's about fun and food. In Wink, there are no waiters or waiters or waitresses around you. The screens have replaced them. You can order the food you want by touching the screen in front of you. And runners will bring it to the tables. You can also play video games with the people at the next table. The screens can show music videos, movies and so on. But mainly they are used to show video games. It's an interactive restaurant where you will control your meal and your time. The service is fast and the runners know clearly where to go. There will be no waiting for a waiter, and no misunderstandings in the kitchen. Different kinds of foods are served at any time of day. Wink is a place which hosts "room games", where every table in the restaurant can have an ideal game competition at the same time. The owner of the restaurant hopes that Wink can make it easy for people to be interactive, have fun and enjoy a delicious meal. A) 将文中画线的5、6小题两处句子分别翻译成汉语。 5.   6.   B) 根据短文内容回答下列各题。7. Where is the restaurant -Wink?                                                                                   8. Why is the restaurant special?    能力提升阅读理解 APlay is the important business of childhood, and more and more research in recent years has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From infancy (婴儿期), every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with them often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a childs development.In recent years research on infant development has shown the standard a child is likely to reach is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a babys ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated (低估). A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully.In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds (界线). Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability.By the third stage of play development from five to seven or eight years old the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the child most enjoys.Until the age of seven or eight, play and work mean much the same to a child. But once reading has been mastered, then books and school become the main source of learning. Toys are still interesting and valuable, and they lead on to new hobbies, but their significance has changed to a child of nine or ten years, toys and games mean, as to adults, relaxation and fun.1. According to the passage, when a child grows up _.A. he should be given fewer toysB. he should choose his own toysC. he should be given different toysD. he should be given more and more toys2. Who have the best chance to grow up successfully?A. Those who grow up all by themselves.B. Those who are given a lot of toys to play with.C. Those who have playmates to share the toys they have.D. Those who are given a lot of toys, talked to and played with.3. According to the passage, a child is very curious when he is _.   A. two years old                B. four years old     C. six years old                 D. eight years old4. The passage is mainly about _.   A. the importance of schooling    B. the role of play in a childs development   C. the choice of toys for youths    D. the importance of pre-school educationBThe year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet(彗星) is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth.On 17 July, a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earths atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits theSouth Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed . Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole. The wall  of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned.Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, but the north wont escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun wont be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million people remain alive.Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs(恐龙) were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldnt live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?5. What is mainly described in the passage?   A. A history discovery.           B. An event of imagination.   C. A research on space.           D. A scientific adventure.6. When the first piece hits the South Atlantic, it causes _.   A. an earthquake            B. damages to cities   C. an Earth explosion        D. huge waves7. Why cant the northern half of the earth escape for long?A. Because the land is covered with water.B. Because the light and heat from the sun can not reach the earth.C. Because people there can not live at the temperature of zero.D. Because wars break out among countries.8. By giving the example of dinosaurs, the author tries to prove _.A. animals could not live in the cold climateB. what happened 65 million years ago was an invented storyC. the human beings will die out in 2094D. the Earth could be hit by other objects in spacePeriod Three & Four Learning About Language释疑导思I. determine v. 确定,决定 He determined to learn French next term. 他决定下学期学法语。 She determined that she would never see him again. 她决心再也不要见他。 They determined the title of the novel. 他们确定了这部小说的书名。 What determined her to become a scientist? 是什么使她立志成为一名科学家? I determined on an early start. 我决定早点出发。 determined adj. 下定决心的: She is determined to go. 她下定决心要去。辨析 be determined to do 表示下定决心做某事 determine to do = decide to do 表示决定做某事,不强调强烈的决心。辨析下列句子:We determined to start early. 我们决定提早出发。We are determined to prove our friends innocence. 我们下定决心为朋友洗清罪名。II. as if 的用法一、as if 从句的作用 1在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。如: She looks as if she were ten years younger 她看起来好像年轻了十岁。 It seems as if our team is going to win 看来我们队要胜了。 2引导方式状语从句。如: She loves the boy as if she were his mother 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。 The child talked to us as if he were a grown up 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。 二、as if 还可用于省略句中 如果as if 引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。如: He acts as if (he was) a fool 他做事像个傻子。 Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。 She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angry 她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。 三、as if 从句的语气及时态 1 as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。 当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。如: It sounds as if it is raining 听起来像是在下雨。 He talks as if he is drunk 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。 2 as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。 当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下: (1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。如: You look as if you didnt care 你看上去好像并不在乎。 He talks as if he knew where she was 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。 (2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had过去分词”。如: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。 The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone 那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。 (3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“wouldcouldmight动词原形”。如: He opened his mouth as if he would say something 他张开嘴好像要说什么。 It looks as if it might snow 看来好像要下雪了。随时练I. 单项选择。1. Professor Liu has _ teach psychology since he came to the Central China Normal University. A. determination to B. been determined to C. been determining to D. determined to2. -What about the person? -Seldom in all my life such a person. A. I met, determining B. I have met, determining C. did I meet, determi


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