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2014年九年级英语综合测试题本试卷共五大题,满分135分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1答卷前,考生首先检查答题卡是否整洁无缺损,之后务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或者签字笔在答题卡指定位置填写自己的学校,年级,姓名和考生号,用2B铅笔将相应的信息点涂黑。2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。不按要求填涂的,答案无效。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或者签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上,请注意每题答题空间,预先合理安排;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。一、听力(共两节,满分35分)第一节 听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分 30分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听下面一段对话,回答第12题。1. When did Mary start running this morning?A. At eight. B. At six. C. At eight twenty.2. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.听下面一段对话,回答第35题。3. Where is Susan now? A. Beijing. B. Guangzhou. C. Hangzhou4. How old is Susan?A. 2. B. 13. C. 15.5. Which of the following is Not true?A. Susan has been to Tiananmen Square. B. Susans parents took her to Beijing last summer. C. The man wants to visit the Great Wall.听下面一段独白,回答第68题。6. What did the people think of the doctor?A. He was good and kind. B. He was honest. C. He was mad.7. What happened to the doctor?A. Losing his memory. B. Always giving wrong medicines. C. Becoming mad.8. Why didnt the people tell the doctor the truth?A. They hated him. B. They didnt want to hurt him. C. They didnt know either.听下面一段独白,回答第911题。9. How many people do most American families have?A. Two to four. B. Three. C. Over four.10. Why do the children leave home?A. Their parents ask them to do so. B. They want to be free. C. They want to be independent.11. What will not the children do when they leave home?A. Give their parents phone calls. B. Send e-mails to their parents. C. Visit their parents everyday.12. What is the passage mainly about?A. Parents and children. B. Families in the USA. C. Family life.听下面一段对话,回答第1315题。13. Who is the man?A. The womans husband. B. The womans friend. C. A clerk from a TV shop.14. How much do the repairs cost?A.500. B.¥500. C.550.15. What can we infer from the passage?A. The woman is Charles Dawsons wife. B. The day the man calling is Monday. C. Charles Dawson will not do the repairs.第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入下表的空 格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅读时间。录音播放两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时问。 Life of the GreensTimeEventsIn the morningMr. Green goes to work and children go to school by_. In the afternoonMrs. Green sees her _.The children come home at about _.In the eveningThe children do their _.On _ afternoonMrs. Green usually goes shopping.二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节   单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从1625各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。16. I want to be a fashion designer in the future. It is _ amazing job. A. the  B. a  C. an  D. /17. I left Guangzhou _ the morning of April 16th. A. in B. on C. at D. till18. Lee _ all night in order to watch the badminton match between Lin Dan and Li Zongwei. A. put up  B. stayed up  C. got up  D. showed up19. My bed room is in a mess and my mother asks me _ it at once. A. to clean  B. clean C. cleaning  D. cleans20. Do you have _ at home now? No, so we have to get dozens of eggs and some vegetables. A. nothing  B. everything  C. anything  D. something21. We will go camping if it _ tomorrow.A. wont rain B. didnt rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt raining22. Turn the computer off, Peter! You _ play games so late. A. mustnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. might 23. What nice coffee! But I think it will taste _with sugar. A. well B. bad C. worse D. better24. I can't understand _ the boy alone. A. why she left B. why did she leave C. why she leaves D. why does she leave25. I hear Miss Wang will go boating with us this Sunday. _ We will have a good time. A. Good news!B. Thanks a lot. C. What a pity! D. Dont mention it. 第二节 语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从2635各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, having more influence on 26 and getting more chances to live a happier life. Here is some advice 27 can help you.Be confident. Confidence 28 most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend some time 29 about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won't have 30 much difficulty fitting in.Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of 31 . Be active in group activities. Various activities like playing football can help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, youll be 32 to see how much they like you. Be optimistic. Optimism makes both you and other people 33 pleased. It makes a good first impression. A pleasant smile costs the least and does the most. Humor catches others attention, 34 . People will like you for making them live happily.If you follow what 35 above, you will be accepted by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.26. A. other B. the other C. anotherD. others 27. A. whenB. whichC. whoD. what28. A. attract B. attracted C. attracts D. attracting 29. A. thinking B. to think C. think D. thinks 30. A. manyB. much C. fewD. little31. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves32. A. amazingB. amazeC. amazementD. amazed33.A. feel B. to feel C. feels D. felt34. A. tooB. as wellC. eitherD. also35. A. mentioned B. is mentioned C. was mentioned D. mentions 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3645各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Andy was a single father, raising a 4-year-old boy alone. He was often 36 about his son growing up without a mother to care for him. One morning he went away on business, leaving the child alone. He was worried about the child all the way and 37 if he had eaten. But his child always told him not to worry. He went home 38 after finishing his all day work. When he got home, the child was deep asleep. Andy was tired out. When he was going to sleep, he was 39 to find an overturned bowl of noodles under the quilt(被子). He 40 up his sleeping son angrily: “Why are you so naughty to 41 the quilt dirty? Who will wash it?” It was the first time that he had hit his boy after his wifes 42 . “I havent,” the child explained with 43 in his eyes. “This is your supper, Daddy.” In order to let his father eat 44 as soon as he got home, the child cooked two bowls of noodles, one is for himself, the other is for his father. He was afraid his fathers noodles would get 45 , so he placed them under the quilt to keep them warm.36. A. worried       B. interested     C. excited        D. relaxed 37. A. thought B. knew      C. waited    D. wondered38. A. proudly      B. slowly     C. quickly        D. hardly39. A. excited    B. pleased       C. sad      D. surprised40. A. got        B. picked        C. came         D. woke 41. A. take      B. make       C. wash        D. do 42. A. death        B. success    C. warning      D. care 43. A. hope         B. tears      C. happiness         D. smile44. A. breakfast    B. dessert       C. dinner       D. lunch 45. A. warm        B. hot          C. cool           D. cold四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A) When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my fathers friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul. Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call us. Dad and I would go to Bernies place. Wed sit on the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal. Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we would bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heartthe reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free partand throw away the rest. Bernie was my fathers ideal of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernies wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon. What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you dont take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy lifes small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life. For many years, I forgot that lesson Id learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could. Well, Ive relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. Thats the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw the rest away.46. We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling _. A. relaxed  B. worried  C. hungry  D. proud47. How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon? A. They ate it in a polite way.  B. They only ate its best part. C. They ate every part of it.  D. They shared only one piece.48. In the eyes of the writers father, Bernie _. A. was just a rich businessman  B. worked hard all the time C. lived a rich but healthy life  D. knew how to make money49. What does the underlined part “the heart of the watermelon” (Par. 7) refer to? A. The best part of the watermelon.  B. The writers busy life. C. The writers decision of making money.  D. The writers hope of enjoying life.50. What can we learned from the passage? A. One has to work hard to reach his goal.   B. A friend in need is a friend in deed. C. Watermelon is the healthiest fruit.  D. One should keep work-life balance.(B) You may never heard of Ladislao Biro, but you have certainly heard of the pen he inventedthe ballpoint pen, or biro. Before Biro invented his pen, people wrote with fountain pens. The ink sometimes went out. In the 1930s, Biro was a magazine editor in Budapest in Hungary. He noticed that the inks which the magazines printers used dried very quickly. Biro wondered if quick-drying inks could be used in pens. He came up with the idea of a tube of ink with a free-moving ball on the end. As a person wrote, the ball collected ink from the tube and rolled it on to the paper. The pen would be cheap and could be thrown away when the ink was used up. Biro began to work on his invention but he soon left Europe for Buenos Aires in Argentina, a country in South America, because of the Second World War. Biro and his brother George, who was a chemist, began to improve the pen. In the early 1940s, Biro began to produce his first pen, the biro. In 1944, he sold his invention to another company, which began to produce the pen for Britain and America. Biro was pleased that his pen was popular, but he did not get much from his invention. The biro was later sold to the French company, Bic, which now sells twelve million pens a day. Biro sank into obscurity in South America. His name, however, has become famous around the world. 51. What is biro?    A. A chemist.               B. A fountain pen.   C. A company.               D. A ballpoint pen.52. Where was Biros new pen first produced according to the passage? A. In Hungary.         B. In France.       C. In Argentina.    D. In Britain and America.53. Which of the following shows the right order of how Biro invented his new pen? a. improved his pen b. came up with an idea c. worked on his invention d. produced his pen A. b-c-a-d     B. b-c-d-a C. c-a-b-d           D. c-a-d-b54. When was the biro sold to Bic? A. In the 1930s.                      B. In the 1940s. C. In 1944.              D. After 1944.55. What does the passage mainly tell us about Biro? A. He was a popular writer. B. He was an important inventor. C. He was famous as a magazine editor. D. He was a successful businessman. (C) Tibet is among the most popular places for Chinese tourists. The number of travelers to Tibet has grown by 10% every year for a few years. Since July 1, 2006, when the first train ran 1956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa, more and more people have been going to Tibet The train stops at several famous places along the way, such as Qinghai Lake, Kunlun Mountain,and the Potala Palace. Passengers can also enjoy many activities during the journey, like Tibetan dancing and Karaoke. On the train,passengers can have tea, eggs and noodles for breakfast, and fried chicken and green vegetables for lunch and dinner. Unlike most Chinese trains which have open-hole toilets, this one has special toilets which can collect the waste. Windows on the train can protect people from the bright sunlight. TV and electrical sockets (插座) for computers and mobile phones can be found on the train. There is also a special rubbish system like other trains in the train that keeps the environment clean. Because there isnt much oxygen there, trains will have oxygen masks for those who need them. It makes passengers feel more comfortable when they have enough oxygen on the famous “roof of the world”. There are also doctors on the train to make sure that all of the travelers are safe.56. Which of the following is not among the places of interest? A. Qinghai Lake B. Karaoke C. Kunlun Mountain D. The Potala Palace57. Which part on the trains to Tibet is the same as most Chinese trains? A. Windows. B. Toilets. C. Electrical sockets. D. Rubbish system.58. The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to _ A. Oxygen masks. B. Doctors. C. Trains. D. Passengers.59. What can we learn from the passage? A. Flying to Tibet is impossible. B. Train to Lhasa is too clean to take. C. Train trip to Tibet is popular with travelers. D. Taking train to Lhasa causes a lot of trouble.60. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Tibet-roof of the world. B. Magic train to magic Tibet. C. Beautiful views in Tibet. D. A comfortable trip to Tibet.(D) 61. Llama is a(n) _. A. zoo B. boy C. animal D. important day62.Who can be invited to draw a picture of Wally? A. Linda, a high school student who loves drawing. B. Tony, a father who loves drawing animals. C. Tom, an elementary school student who loves drawing. D. Susan, a college student who studies art.63. How long will Wallys birthday party last? A. Thirty minutes. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Four hours.64. The Browns will visit Formosa Zoo on Nov.14. Who can get a special present? A. Ted. He will draw a picture of Wally. B. Susan. She will send an email to Formosa Zoo. C. Mrs. Brown. She will help make cakes for Wallys party. D. Mr. Brown. He has the same birthday as Wally.65. Stella wants to learn a lot about Wallys life and history, which activity should she join? A. Grandpa Lins Story Time. B. Picture Drawing. C. The Birthday Party. D. Best Wishes to Wally.五、写作(共三节,满分30分) 第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在答卷填写时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)66. I was a of talking with foreigners because I am so shy.67. Students are not allowed to c others homework, they should do it all by themselves.68. I am a big f of NBA. I never miss watching the matches on TV.69. You should r the books you borrowed to the library on time, or you will be punished.70. He hopes to be an a , and he goes to have acting lessons every Friday afternoon. 第二节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词)71. 我的表哥一回来,就会去厦门度假。 My cousin will go to Xiamen for holiday _ _ _ he comes back.72. 我们互相帮助是非常重要的。_ important for us _ help each other.73. 早上8点之前,这项工作一定要完成。 The work _ _ _ before 8 oclock in the morning.74. 这个男孩好高啊!他篮球打得很好。 _ _ _ boy he is! He can play basketball well.75. 你能告诉我如何达到最近的医院吗? Could you tell me_ _ get to the nearest hospital? 第三节书面表达(1题,共15分) 昨天你班就同学就生活中遇到的问题和解决方法展开了一次调查。下面是你们班的调查结果,请根据调查结果写一篇英语报告,包括问题的描述和解决办法,向英语校刊投稿。Generation gap和父母观点不一,相互抱怨。多交流,找出原因;相互理解、尊重。Computer games学习退步,视力下降。控制游戏时间;培养其他兴趣爱好。Pressure学习压力大,感到焦虑。听音乐、多运动;不懂时多向老师同学请教。? Dealing with troublesYesterday we did a survey in our class in order to help us deal with the troubles we have. Heres a report about our troubles and the way to deal with them._ Hopefully everyone can live a happy life.参考答案一、听力第一节 听力理解15 BCBCB 610 AABAC 1115 CBCAB第二节 听取信息car friends 5/ 5:00/ five homework Sunday二、语言知识及运用第一节   单项选择1620 CBBAC    2125 CADAA第二节  语法选择2630 DBCAB   3135 CDAAB三、完形填空3640 AACDD 4145 BABCD四、阅读理解4650  ABCDD 5155 DCADB  5660 BDACB   6165 CCBDA五、写作第一节  单词拼写66. afraid    67. copy     68. fan      69. return    70.actor第二节  完成句子71. as soon as            72. Its, to 73. must be finished/completed74. What a tall      75. How to第三节 书面表达略听力材料第一节 听力理解每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第12题。M:Hi, Mary. How long have you been here?W:Hi, John. I started running this morning at six.M:Thats quite early. Do you have any classes right after you finish?W:No, I dont go to class until 8:00. How about you?M:Ill have a class at 820. I usually go out for breakfast after I exercise.


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