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.小升初英语语法克隆120题1. He eats _ egg and _ hamburger every morning.A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an2. Whose car is this? I dont know. Ask that man over there. Maybe its _ .A. his B. hers C. yours D. mine3. He arrived _ Shanghai _ 9:30 _ March 5th.A. at, in, at B. to, at, in C. in, on, at D.in, at, on4. One day while I _ along the bank, I _ her.A.walked, saw B.was walking, saw C.was walking, see D.walked, had seen 5.I have just bought a new car. When _ you _ it?A.did, buy B.will buy C.have, bought D.do, buy6. Study hard, _ you are sure to have a good result in the exam.A.or B.and C.for D.but7.- _ we have a talk about it? Sure. A.Will B.Shall C.Must D.Need8. There _ a lot of changes in Beijing since the 2008 Olympics.A.has B. are C.have D.have been9.The boys are interested in _ basketball. A.playing B.play C.to play D. played 10. The key _ on the table when I leave.A. was left B. will be left C.is left D.has been left 11. Im afraid Ill spend another two hours _ on the problem.A. to work B. work C. working D.worked12. What sport do you like better, basketball or swimming? - I like _ but football. A. both B. either C.neither D.all13. What did the teacher say just now? She asked _.A. if we have heard of the story B. where does Tom get the bookC. what you were doing at that time D. how much did that book cost you14. - _ will you come back? We are waiting for you. -In two hours. You can do something else.A. How long B.How many C. How far D.How soon15. Oct. 15th was one of _ days in 2003. The Shenzhou V was sent up successfully.A.exciting B.the most excited C. the most exciting D.excited16. That isnt _. Its _. A. yours, his B.your, her C.mine, hes D.his, her17.Would you like milk or orange? -_. I prefer water.A.Each B.Neither C.Both D.None18.The sweater is very cold, _ many people were ill.A.and B.but C.so D.or19.I sat _ the classroom last year, but my seat has been moved to the last row this year because Im much taller now. A.in front of B.across C. front D. in the front of 20. I have the _ cheese among us. A. liitle B.a litle C.less D.least21.He saw the man _ the room. A.entered B.enter C.to enter D.to entering22. It happened when I _ past the museum.A.walk B.am walking C.will walk D. was walking23.May I put my bike here? No, you _. You should put it over there.A.mustnt B.wouldnt C.neednt D.couldnt24. -_ do you go and see your uncle? -Twice a month.A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How far25. If he _ harder, he will catch up with us soon.A.study B.studies C.will study D.studied26. Poor Jack _ for three years.A.has been dying B.has dies C.has been dies D.has been dead27. We couldnt find the toy bear. We had to look _ it.A.at B.for C.on D.after28.Your city looks beautiful. -A lot trees and grass _ last year.A.are planted B.have planted C.were planting D.were planted29. Is Mr. Brown in? No, he is out. _? No, thank you.A.Will you give her a message B.Whats the matterC.Do you want to see him D.Can I take a message for him30.You must remember _.A.What your mother said B.what did your mother sayC.your mother said what D.what has your mother said31. The boy is _ the tree. There are many pears _ the tree.A.on, on B.in, in C.in, on D.on, in32._ will spend the summer vacation in Qingdao.A.He , you and I B.You, he and I C.I, you and he D.I, he and you33. September is _ month of the year.A.nine B.nineth C. the nineth D. the ninth 34. I bought a nice MP3 yesterday. Its only 150 yuan. Realy? Mine is 120 yuan. Its _ than yours.A. cheaper B. cheap C.expensive D.more expensive35. I _ you when I come to London.A.see B.will see C.have seen D.seeing36.Can you play football? Yes, I can, _ I cant play it very well.A.or B.and C. for D.but37. It _ two years since I met Jerry.A.has B.is C.being D.has been38. -_ I download it again? No, you neednt?A.Shall B.Will C.Must D.Can39.The box is _.A.too heavy that I cannot lift it. B. too heavy for me to iftC.so heavy for me to lift D. too heavy for lifting40. The three _ workers are checking these _ boxes.A.man, letter B.men, letter C.man, letters D.men,letter41. The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them.A.took B.take C. takes D.will take42.When class began ,we stopped _ to the teacher carefully.A.listening B.listen C.listened D.to listen43. When I came in, my sister _ TV. A.watched B.was watched C.was watching D.has watched44. The teacher told the students _ in the class.A.didnt talk B. not to talk C.to not talk D.dont talk45. There is _ r in the word short.A.a B.an C.the D./46.Jerry teached _ English. A.us B.we C.our D.ours47.I know that man very well. He was born _ May 8th, 1988.A.in B.at C.on D.with48. The price of this computer is the _ of the three.A.smallest B.biggest C.highest D.tallest49. -_ is your grandpa, Steve?-Hes taking a shower in the bathroom.A.When B.What C.Where D.How50. My uncle likes _ TV after supper.A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watching51. Do you know _? Im going to see him. Sorry, I dont know.A.where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li liveC. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived52. I can see some boys on the playground. They _ football. They often _ football in the afternoon.A.play, play B.are play, are playing C.have played, play D.are playing, play53. Dont worry! You still have _ time.A.few B. a few C.little D.a little54.Hurry up, _ well be late for the film.A.and B.but C.so D.or55. The teacher asked me _ late for school again.A.dont B.doesnt C.to not be D.not to be56. My house _ in 2004. We have lived there for nearly five years.A.was built B.has built C.is built D.were built57. Millie says that she _ to Beijing.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D.had never been58. I wonder if Jerry _ tomorrow. If he _, I will let you know.A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C.will come, comes D.comes, will come59.Stop! You _ open the door while the car is still moving.A.may not B.cant C.mustnt D.neednt60. His mother is ill. So, he has to stay at home to _ her. A.look for B.look up C.look after D.look at61The pen is not _ . That is _. _ is black.A.mine, his, mine B.my, his, mine C.mine, he, my D.mine, his, my62. What have you decided to buy for your mother _ Mothers Day?A.at B.on C. to D.in63. I have been to Japan _. The is my _ time.A.twice, third B.two , three C.second, third D.twice, three64. I dont have _ money. So can you lend me _ ?A.many, any B.much, some C.much any D.many, some 65. We can do the work better with _ money and _ people.A.less, fewer B.fewer, less C.less, less D.fewer, fewer66. How many people will come to Beijing next year? -Its hard to say. _, I think.A.Millions of B.Million C. Two Millions D. Two Millions of67. He _ take the medicine, otherwise he may die.A.may B.must C.musts D.can68. Hurry up, _ you can catch the bus.A.or B.and C.but D.if69.I _ here since two years ago.A.lived B.live C.have lived D.is living70. I spent my holiday with _ .A.the Wang B.the Wangs C.the Wangs D.Wangs 71.-The pollution problem here seems to get more and more serious.-Yes. Something _ with it.A. had done B.must be done C.is doing D.had been done72. The police ordered him _ any more.A.dont steal B.didnt steal C.not to steal D.to not steal73. When you finish _ the book, return it to me.A.reading B.to read C.to reading D.read74.Can you see _ ?- No. Lets go and have a book. Maybe we can help them.A.what are they doing there B.what was happening thereC.what is happening there D.what are they talking there75.Toms mother does not allow Tom _ swimming.A.going B.to go C.go D.goes76.I dont think maths is _ Chinese.A.as important as B.not important as C.not so important D.important as 77. _ we all tried our best, we lost the game.A.After B.If C.Although D.Because78. They stand _ line and wait _ the bus.A.on, for B.for, in C.at, on D.for, in79.There are many people in the party. Some are my friends, _ I dont know.A.others B.the others C.other D.the other80. When I came in, my father _ books.A.is reading B.readed C.read D.was reading81. This kind of flowers _ every day.A.must water B.have watered C.are watered D.must be watered82. -Would you like some more? -_. I have had enough.A. Yes, please. B. Yes, Id love to C. No, thanks. D.No, I dont like.83. The plane _ despite the fog yesterday.A.take away B.took off C.take off D.took down84.I _ basketball just now. I _ since I was 3 years old.A.played, played B.have played, playedC.played, have played D.have played, have played85. _ I have some chocolate now? No, you _. Its time for bed. A.May, mustnt B.Must, neednt C.Shall, will D.Must, may86. _ stay at home than go to the movie with me?A.Would rather she B.Would she rather C.will she rather D.will rather she87. You must remember _A.what your mother said B.what did your mother say C.Your mother said what D.what has your mother said88. My aunt enjoys _ TV after supper.A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch89.My plan _, and I got them to agree.A.made B.worked C.used D.played90.Pizza is ready now, and it _ nice. Would you like some?A.is smelled B.smelled C.smelling D.smells91. Can you leave your children at home alone? -Yes. They can take care of _ now. A.them B.their C. themselfs D.themselves92. He decided to visit the family _ Friday morning.A.at B.in C.on D.over93. There are two windows in the room. They _ face south.A.all B.both C.each D.either94. I will be back as soon as he _ me.A.will call B.calls C .is called D.will be calling95. When they had finished playing, the children were told to _ all the toys they had taken out.A.put off B.put out C.put up D.put away96. Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anyhere.-Well. He _ have gone far because his coats still here.A.shouldnt B.mustnt C.cant D.wouldnt97.He runs _ in our class. No one can catch up with him.A.fast B.slowly C.most fastly D.fastest98.- _ my dictionary? I cant find it anywhere.- I _ it on the shelf when I came in. A.Did you see, have seen B.Have you seen, saw C.Did you see, saw D.Have you seen, have seen99. She said she didnt take the dictionary, but I am sure she _.A.is B.was C.does D.did100.I refused _ the words for 100 times.A.to write B. writing C.wrote D.that write101. On which floor do you live?-The _ floor, and my room number is _.A.fifth, five zero two B. fifth, five zero second C. five, five zero two D. five, five zero second102. Would you like tea _ coffee? A.or B. and C. either D. neither103. An exhibition of paintings _ at the musem next week.A.are to be held B.will be held C.are holding D.will hold104. Will you be able to finish your report today? -_.A.I like it B. I hope so C. Ill do so D.Id love it105. Im going to the Central Park, but I dont know _ .A.where it is B.where is it C.how it is D. when it is106. He is _ thinner than Tom.A.more B.many C.far D.a lot of107. Im looking farward to _ English with him.A. speak B.speaking C.spoke D.say108. I dont know if you _ to my birthday party next month. If you _, I _ very happy.A.will come, will come, am B.come, come, am C.will, come, come, am D.come, come, will be109. An athlete _ run very fast to get a medal.A.need B.must C.can D.may110. When he _ , his father came in.A.is smoking B. smoked C.was smoking D.was smoked111. He didnt go to bed _ he finished his homework yesterday.A.when B.since C.while D.until112. -Where is your father? He _ London.A.has been to B.have been to C.have gone to D.has gone to 113. The letter _ by Tom last night.A.is writer B.was written C.was wrote D.will be written114. There are so many people in the shop. You must _ . A.look for B.look at C.look out D.look after115.Can you tell me _ ? A.how old is Jerry B.how old Jerry is C.how old is Tom and Jerry D.how Jerry is old116. My grandpa _ after supper.A.uses to walk B.used to walk C.used to waking D.used to be walk117.Whose dress is this? It _ Marys. Im not sure.A.must be B.mustnt be C.may be D.maybe118.He is _ that we all like him.A.such a good teacher B.such good a teacher C.so good teacher D. so a good teacher119.He _ the car for three years.A.has bought B.has borrowed C.has had D.has lent120. I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, let me know.A.will come, will come B.comes, comes C.will come, comes D.comes, will come.


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