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补考注意事项:1. 补考时间通常为开学后第一周。2. 补考只算卷面成绩。3. 题型和难度与期末考试相同,期末考试考过的内容不会再考。词汇结构:25分(125)选自课后习题的vocabulary和structure部分。完型填空:10分(110)选自课外的内容。阅读理解:40分(220)共4篇 ,其中一篇选自快速阅读1里的第1-10篇,期末考试已经考过一篇了,所以范围缩小为9篇。其余三篇来自课外的内容。翻译句子:25分15分(中英35),来自课后的翻译练习。10分(英中25),课文里的原句,课文翻译在群里有。4. 根据第4点可以算出,卷子中有50分全是书本或课后习题的内容,还有10分是送分题。所以,寒假好好突击一下,及格不难。关键要把每单元的文章弄懂+记住课后习题的正确答案。5. 请大家以后学会自己整理。中-英翻译Unit 1:1. 泰姬陵是用洁白的大理石砌成的。The Taj Mahal is made of fine white marble. 2. 世上没几个建筑能与泰姬陵媲美Few buildings on earth can compete with the beauty of the Taj Mahal.3. 花园里绿色的树木使那白墙显得愈发白皙。The green trees in the garden make the white wall look even whiter.4. 在水池边你就能看到自己在水中的倒影。By the pool, you can see your own reflection in the water.5. 这房子对我们家来说最合适不过了。The house is perfect for our family.Unit 21. 贝聿铭为世界建筑做出了巨大的贡献。Ieoh Ming Pei has made great contributions to the architecture of the world.2. 他是一位真正影响了现代建筑界的了不起的人物。He is someone who has truly influenced modern architecture.3. 我们试图阻止他的行动,但是不成功。We have attempted to stop his action, but failed completely.4. 贝聿铭是我们这个时代最富于创造力的多产的建筑师之一。Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most prolific architects of our times.5. 他把东西方的理念都融入了其建筑设计之中。He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs.Unit 31. 不论你喜欢还是不喜欢这篇文章,你都得把它读完。Whether you like it or not, you must read over the article.2. 就艺术收藏而言,卢浮宫是世界上最大最著名的博物馆。In terms of art collections, the Louvre is the largest and most famous museum in the world.3. 一个艺术家必须接触自然才能富有创意。An artist must make contact with nature so as to be creative.4. 这幅风景画在色彩上跟克劳德莫奈的一幅相似。The landscape is similar in color to one of Claude Monets.5. 他看上去不像一个画家,倒像一个劳工。He looks more like a laborer than an artist.Unit 41. 与西洋画不同,中国画不受透视、比例及光的限制。Different from Western paintings, a Chinese painting is not restricted by perspective, proportion and light.2. 根据表现手法,我们可将中国画分成两类:写意画和工笔画。According to the means of expression, we can divide Chinese paintings into two categories: the xieyi school and the gongbi school.3. 可以说采用散点透视法是中国画的特点之一。It can be said that the adoption of shifting perspective is one of the characteristics of Chinese painting4. 他提出了独特的美学理论。He has put forward a unique aesthetic theory. (用一般过去式也可)5. 一幅画不仅要表现出物体的形,而且要表达出画家的内心感情。A painting is to convey not only the appearance of an object but also an artists feelings.Unit 51. 古代中国的艺术家们用青铜制作雕塑,他们最喜欢雕的是马。The ancient Chinese artists used bronze to make sculptures, and horses were their favorite subject.2. 中国人民将杂技演化为了艺术。The Chinese people have turned acrobatics into an art.3. 京剧中不同的脸谱颜色代表不同的性格,比如说,红色代表忠诚,黑色代表正直。Colors stand for different characters in Beijing opera. For example, red is for loyalty, and black is for uprightness.4. 绘画是中国艺术的“三大造诣”之一。Painting belongs to one of the “the Three Perfections” in Chinese arts .5. 作为一门传统艺术,京剧在中国很受欢迎。Beijing opera, as a traditional artistic form (或者as a type of traditional art), is extremely/highly/very popular in China. Unit 61. 可以想象,计算机可以用来创作,演奏音乐。It is imaginable that a computer/computers can be used to compose and play music.2. 有了合适的软件,计算机可以辅助教学。With appropriate software, computers/a computer can be used as teaching aid.3. 计算机不太可能完全替代钢琴或调色板。A computer is not likely to replace a piano or a palette. OrComputers are not likely to replace pianos or pallets. 或者:It is not likely that a computer will replace a piano or a palette.4. 尽管计算机被广泛应用,其在艺术领域的应用还需要被不断发掘。Although a computer has been used widely, its application in art still needs to be discovered further.5. 他们已经尝试了所有用得上的方法去解决那个问题。They have tried all available means to solve the problem.Unit 71. 莫扎特是古典主义时期最伟大的作曲家之一,他的作品是典型的古典音乐。Mozart was one of the greatest composers during the classical period, and his works were typical classical music. 2. 在中国东部和西部的民间音乐有很大的差别。Folk music varies greatly from the east to the west in China.3. 随着时间的推移,他的音乐越来越受年轻人的欢迎。As time went by, his music became more and more popular among the young people.4. 听音乐能使他们快乐。Listening to music can make them happy.5. 她演奏小提琴,由她母亲为她钢琴伴奏。She played the violin and was accompanied by her mother on the piano.Unit 81. 如果把你的天赋和勤奋结合起来,你会成功的。If your talent combines with diligence, you will succeed. 或者If you combine your talent with diligence, you will succeed.2. 节奏布鲁斯音乐是受布鲁斯音乐影响而形成的一种节奏性极强的现代美国音乐。Rhythm-and-blues is a type of modern American music with a strong beat which was influenced by blues music.3. 父母在子女的教育中起着重要的作用。Parents play an important role in their childrens education.4. 随着电脑技术的发展,电脑音乐已被广泛应用。With the development of computer technology, computer-generated music has been widely used.5. 你应该把你的知识应用到工作中去。You should apply your knowledge to your work. 或Your knowledge should be applied to your work.Vocabulary and Structure书后练习Unit 1词汇:1.Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院)is a perfect example of Gothic(哥特式的) architecture. 巴黎圣母院是哥特式建筑的完美典范。2. His paintings often show some beautiful reflection of the trees in the lake. 他的画作经常描绘一些湖水中树木的美丽倒影。3. He is really a miser (吝啬鬼). The only thing he cares about is money. 他真是一个吝啬鬼。他唯一关心的只有钱。4.The furniture with gold inlays makes it look very luxurious (奢华的). 家具镶了金让它看上去显得十分奢华。5. Michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble. 米开朗琪罗雕刻的这尊人像是用一块大理石制作而成的。6. I like the way the curtains pick up the green and yellow in the rug. 这幅窗帘的颜色中带有地毯里的绿色和黄色,我很喜欢。7. Altogether there are fifty students in this class. 总共有五十个学生在这个班上。8. Room 101 is at the end of the corridor. 101房间在走廊的尽头。9. The city is surrounded on all side by hills. 这个城市四面都被山环绕。10. The 20 : 30 train to Beijing will depart (出发) from platform six. 二十点三十分出发去北京的火车将从六号站台出发。语法结构一、It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费时间做某事1. It takes the boy two hours to do his homework every day.2. It took the police half a year to look into the murder. 3. It took John a month to collect reference books for his term paper.4.It takes me 15 minutes to prepare breakfast for my family in the morning.二、make/see / hear / sb. do(动词原形) sth. 1. He saw the young man enter the building. 2. The boss makes the workers work 14 hours a day.3. People heard the movie star say that she respected fans.4. The hospitable hostess made us feel at home.三、形容词比较级前加副词修饰语much /a little /far /百分数 1. Our classroom is much bigger than theirs. 2. This text is a little more difficult than the one we read last week. 3. She is far more beautiful than I have imagined. 4. The world output of crude oil (原油产量) that year was 25% higher than the previous year.Unit 2词汇题:1. They made a new attempt to solve the problem, but failed again.2. 他们做了一次新的尝试来解决这个问题,但是又失败了。3. My memory of that trip is still vivid. 4. 我对那次旅行仍然记忆犹新。5. He got up late that morning. As a result, he was late for school. 6. 那天早上他起晚了,所以上学迟到了。7. His new job as the department chairman is a real challenge to him.8. 他的新工作是部门负责人,对他来说确实是一个挑战。9. Many species (种、类) of wild animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in existence.10. 许多种曾经生活在地球上的野生动物已经不复存在了。1. We all avoid mentioning those painful experiences.我们都避免提及那些痛苦的经历。2. Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most prominent architects in the world.贝聿铭是世界时最杰出的建筑师之一。3. The custom originates from traditional Chinese culture.这个传统起源于中国的传统文化。4. They intend to hold an exhibition in that hall next Friday.他们打算于下周五在那个大厅举办一个展览。5. Some viewers initially appeared to reject the new design, but later they changed their view. 一些人一开始对新设计显得比较排斥,但之后就改变了看法。语法结构题:一、 含有数字的复合形容词的构成(中间加连字符,名词后不加s)1. The took a seven-day tour.2. Jack wrote a ten-page report.3. My new apartment is in an eighteen-story building.4. We had a 15-minute coffee break.二、 谓语动词的强调do/does/did + 动词原形,表示“确实、一定”的意思1. The new pen does write smoothly.2. I do hope you will stay for lunch.3. Do be more careful with your handwriting next time. (祈使句的强调)4. Do come and join us in the picnic. (祈使句的强调)三、 区分非限制性定语从句中关系代词which, that, whom和关系副词when (in/at which), where (in which), whose (of whom)1. Ieoh Ming Pei, whose father (=the father of whom) was a prominent banker, is a Chinese-born architect.2. The story happened in 1991, when (=in the year which)she was a baby.3. The young man, whom you met this morning, is an excellent lecturer. 4. He came from Miami, where (=in which) we had once spent a holiday.Unit 3词汇题:11. The function of the ATM is to provide people with cash when the bank is shut.ATM机的功能是在银行关门时为人们提供现金。12. Nigel gives the appearance of being slow, but he isnt really.奈杰尔看上去动作很慢,但事实上却不是。13. The Curies are best known for discovering radium (镭). 居里夫人因发现镭而著称。14. I was not happyquite the reverse, I was very angry.我并不开心恰恰相反,我十分愤怒。15. Susan changed so much that I didnt recognize her at first sight. 苏珊变化太大了,第一眼我没认出她。16. The course places an emphasis on practice. 这门课程重视实践。17. He accumulated a fortune through property speculation.18. 他通过地产投机积累了一笔财富。19. Dont be misled by appearances; something looks nice but not tasty.20. 不要被外表所误导,一些东西看着诱人,却并不好吃。21. What he did was totally different from what he had promised.22. 他做的事和他的承诺完全不同。23. The parents should be blamed rather than the children.24. 父母们应该受到责罚,而不是孩子们。语法结构一、 be + to do 结构可指将来,常表示“意愿、计划、安排、决定等” 1. His wish is to make a name for himself in Hollywood one day.2. My goal in life is to work hard to become a successful artist.3. The purpose of the English teacher is to help us improve our spoken English.4. Her final decision is to break up with her boyfriend.二、 区分形式主语It,宾语从句what和定语从句that, which1. Dont blindly believe what he says. He often tells lies. 宾语从句2. It is necessary for an art student to reach out for raw material before he sets to draw. 形式主语3. This is the house in which (where) we lived five years ago. 定从4. Peter is the most humorous man that Ive ever met. 定从Unit 4选词填空题1. It seems to me that the Americans are a highly mobile people. They like to travel.在我看来美国人是十分好动的民族。他们喜欢旅游。2. I cant convey my feelings in words. 我无法用语言来表达我的情感。3. The building is aesthetic, but not very practical.这栋楼房很美观,但并不实用。4. This film reflects the characteristics of that times.这部电影反映了那个时代的一些特点。5. She always regards her parents wishes.她总是遵循她父母的意愿。6. As a singer, her strength resides in her musical expressions.作为一名歌手,她的感染力来自于她的音乐表达中。7. Her dream of being a film star became a reality.她成为一名电影演员的梦想变成了现实。8. This small room serves as little Toms study. 这个小房间作为小Tom的书房。9. We had to restrict the number of students on this course.我们不得不限制这门课程的学生数量。10. The prisoner broke away from his guards while being taken to another gaol (监狱). 囚犯在被送到另一个监狱的途中摆脱了看守逃跑了。同义词替换1. Unable to control/restrain herself, she told the man what she thought of him. 她无法控制自己的感情,就告诉了他对他的看法。2. The girl is very/highly likely to have learned Chinese painting.小女孩很有可能学过中国绘画。3. The developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America make up/ constitute the third world.亚非拉的发展中国家组成了第三世界。4. You must, most important of all / above all, remember to write to your grandparents when you get there.最重要的是,你必须记住一到那儿就给祖父母写信。5. The players approach to music is quite different from that of anyone else.这位乐手的演奏方式和任何人都不一样。6. He moved from one place to another/shifted impatiently in his seat during the long speech.在冗长的演讲中他在座椅中不耐烦地移动(坐也坐不住)。7. Several possible buyers have come to examine /view the house.一些有意向的购房者已经来看过房子了。8. He hit the table with his hand to call attention to / emphasize what he was saying.他拍击桌子来强调说的话。9. The seriousness of the situation has been much overstated /exaggerated in the press.事态的严重性在媒体中被夸大了。10. She completely paid no attention to/ disregarded all our objections.她对我们的反对意见一点都不在乎。 语法结构一、形式主语It + 被动语态 + that表示“据说、人们说、人们认为”的意思。1. It can be argued that such a result may not mean much.可以认为这样的结果意义不大。2. It was discovered long ago that the earth is round. 3. It is all believed that it is never too early to learn.4. It is thought that the power of mans brain doesnt decrease during his lifetime.二、 what从句作主语或宾语1. What has been said above is very important. 主语以上所说的内容十分重要。2. This is not what I meant. 宾语3. We can learn what we didnt know. 宾语4. Were you surprised at what he did? 宾语Unit 5词汇1. The tour includes a visit to the Science Museum.这次旅行包含了参观科技博物馆。2. The opera was first performed in 1992.这部歌剧首演于1992年。3. I just want a basic sports coatnothing fancy.我只要一件普通的运动服就可以了不要花哨的。4. Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently. 将鸡蛋液和一点面粉混合,然后开小火加热。5. I like his sculpture of Venus very much.我十分喜欢他的维纳斯雕像。6. The experience has turned him into a sad and embittered man.这个经历把他变成了一个忧伤痛苦的人。7. I hate them and everything they stand for.我讨厌他们以及和他们有关的一切。8. She grabbed at him to keep her balance. 她抓住他保持身体的平衡。9. In Beijing opera, black stands for uprightness.在京剧中,黑色代表了正直。10. Thomas Jefferson believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free. 托马斯杰弗逊认为只有一个国家的人们都受教育,才能保持自由。 语法结构一、定语从句复习1. The tall man who is standing over there is my brother.站在那儿的高个子男人是我的哥哥。2. The dog that was lost yesterday was found.3. Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea.4. The day on which she arrived was Friday.二、 现在分词在句子中作伴随状况的状语,表示动作同时发生。1. Marry came into the house, carrying a bundle of clothes. 2. He ran up to her, breathing heavily.他向她跑去,上气不接下气。 3. My sister sat there silently, reading a book. 4. Walking on tiptoe (脚尖), I approached the little window.Unit 6词汇1. More ways need to be found to generate more electricity. 需要找到更多的方法来发电。2. The volunteers contribute much of their own time to the project.志愿者贡献了自己的许多时间在这个项目上。3. Dickens created many life-like characters in his novels.狄更斯在他的小说中创造了许多贴近生活的角色。4. Computer-controlled machines are able to take instructions and perform tasks.数控机器可以接收指令和完成任务。5. This is a reproduction, which is not original.这是一幅复制品,不是原作。6. The books in the library are available to all students.图书馆的书所有学生都可以得到(借到)。7. It is predicted that robot will replace man in doing mechanical work.人们预计机器人会替代人进行机械操作。8. Computers are capable of solving difficult mathematical problems.电脑能够解决数学难题。9. The painting interests many viewers.这幅画吸引了许多观众的兴趣。10. How much did the palette cost you?这个调色盘花了你多少钱?语法结构一、in spite of(尽管)和although(尽管)的近义替换,in spite of是介词词组,后面必须跟名词性短语,而although是连词,后面必须跟句子:1. Although there is the message, he still decides to go on. =In spite of the message, he still decides to go on.2. Although he was ill, he was still determined to carry out his plan. =In spite of his illness, he was still determined to carry out his plan.3. Although he is old, he is very active. =In spite of his age, he is very active.4. Although his friends attempted to dissuade him, he set off once more. =In spite of his friends attempt to dissuade him, he set off once more.二、 Sb. is likely to do sth=It is likely that sb. will do sth 表示某人可能做某事:1. David is not likely to get home before dark.= It is not likely that David will get home before dark.2. Their team is not likely to win the game.=It is not likely that their team will win the game.3. He was not likely to apply for the dangerous job advertised in the newspaper.=It is not like that he would apply for the dangerous job advertised in the newspaper.4. She was not likely to be singled out for special training. =It is not likely that she would be singled out for special training.三、 as well和andas well,表示“也、以及”的意思1. Computers have something for the musician as well.2. He was able to do it as well.3. Wed better get some milk, some bread, and some eggs as well.4. Last year he visited Japan, Canada, and America as well. Unit 7词汇1. When I said some people were stupid I wasnt refer to you.我说过一些人愚蠢,但并不是针对你。2. Janet tends to get very angry if you disagree with her.如果你和珍妮特意见向左,她就会十分生气。3. A typical summer day in that area is hot and dry.那个地区的夏天通常又热又干。4. Wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland.潮湿的气候是苏格兰的一个特点。5. Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.交通很不好,特别是在市中心。6. Time goes by quickly on vacation.假期中时间飞逝。7. Ive got three days holiday including New Years Day. 我有三天的假期,包括新年。8. We have already taken up too much of your valuable time.我们已经占用了你太多宝贵的时间了。9. Im serious, you know. Im not joking.我是认真的,你知道的,我没开玩笑。10. The price varies according to the season. 价格根据季节的不同而变化。语法结构一、while的各种含义:during the time that (当的时候). although (尽管), whereas(然而), as long as (只要): 1.While the other boys and girls were playing on the sports ground, she alone remained in the classroom reading. (during the time that) 2.While David loves his daughter, he is strict with her. (although) 3. While there is life there is hope. (as long as) 4. I have no money to spend, while you have nothing to spend money on. (whereas) 5. While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. (although)二、before和after作为介词,后面跟-ing分词短语,组成介宾结构。 1.They looked both ways before crossing the street.2. They had dinner before going to the concert.3. She became famous overnight after winning the prize.4. He takes a cold shower every morning before going to work. Unit 8词汇1. Have you any previous experience of this kind of work? 你以前有没有从事这种工作的经验?2. The idea of spending two weeks on vacation appeals to me.度假两周的想法很吸引我。3. Venice (威尼斯) is a beautiful city full of culture and history.威尼斯是一个美丽的城市,充满了文化历史气息。4. The little girl swung higher and higher when her brother pushed her.小女孩秋千荡得越来越高,他哥哥在后面推她。5. Its becoming fashionable to have long hair again.留长发又变得流行起来了。6. Boys such as John and James are very friendly.像John和James那样的男孩十分友善。7. Mozart wrote many musical compositions in his short life.莫扎特在短暂的一生中写了许多音乐作品。8. She is the greatest opera singer in the world; she dominates the field.她是世界是最出色的歌剧演员,她主宰了这个领域。9. Some dancers formed a circle around Brett and started to dance.一些舞者在Brett周围围成一个圈,开始翩翩起舞。10. In every field of science, art, literature, drama, sport, they have made outstanding contributions.在科学、艺术、文学、戏剧、体育的每一个领域,他们都做出了突出的贡献。语法结构一、 Sb. used to do sth(某人过去通常做某事)的否定式、疑问式和反义疑问句形式;1. He used to travel by air. He didnt use to travel by air. Did he use to travel by air? 2.She used to burn the midnight oil.She didnt use to burn the midnight oil. Did she use to burn the midnight oil? 3. He used to be as thin as she.He didnt use to be as thin as she. Did he use to be as thin as she?4. My brother used to dance with you, didnt he?5. There used to be a map of the world on the wall, didnt there? 6. Tom and Jack used to go swimming together during their childhood, didnt they?二、定语从句,动词是be且为被动式,可把过去分词作为后置定语修饰前面的名词: 1.He ate up the cake (省略了which had been) made by Mary.2. The cars (省略了which are) parked in the fire lane will be ticketed.3.The patient (省略了who had been) discharged from the hospital a week ago died yesterday.4.The letter (省略了which was) sent to me yesterday was from my brother.


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