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重庆市2020版七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you play tennis? No, I cant. I am good at playing badminton.ACanBMayCMustDShould2 . Bob, I called Jack yesterday evening, but he wasnt at home. Could you take a message for him?_.AYes, pleaseBNo, I dont want toCSure, no problemDThanks3 . Cheng Du gets the fog and haze days and everyone _ the government to play an important part in saving the environment.AhopeBhopesCwishDwishes4 . He is funny. He always makes us _.AlaughingBto laughClaughDlaughed5 . -How is the weather in your hometown?-Its wonderful! Its _ hot _ cold all year round.Aeither, orBneither, norCboth, andDnot only, but also6 . Is Mike your brother?_. Hes my friend.AYes, it isBNo, he isntCYes, he isDNo, they arent7 . What time does he _ TV?At eight oclock.AwatchesBwatchCwatchingDsee8 . What is your favorite ?Elephants They are strongAfoodBanimalCway9 . All the _ in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.Awomen teachersBmen teachersCwoman teachersDman teachers10 . We dont like him because he _helps others.AalwaysBneverCoftenDusually11 . Jackie Chan is my hero. I am him.Aproud ofBangry withCafraid ofDpopular with12 . The post office is _ the bookstore and the hospital.AfromBbetweenCat13 . (题文)Would you like an icecream,Diane?No,thanks.I _ eat them.Theyre bad for my teeth.AneverBoftenCalwaysDSometimes14 . I was feeling hungry, _ I bought myself a sandwich.AbutBsoCorDbecause15 . Well arrive _Beijing _the morning of National Day.Aat;inBin;onCat;onDon;on16 . _school is very large. How about_?AOurs, yoursBOur, yoursCOurs, yourDOur, your17 . Is the man in blue under the tree Mr. Green?No. It_ be Mr. Green. He has gone to Shanghai.AmustBcantCmightDcould18 . Its sunny and warm in Guangzhou now. That _ good.AsoundBsoundsCsoundedDis sounding19 . Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are right. The government has warned people in it.AswimmingBnot swimmingCnot to swimDswim20 . - Mr Jackson, _ we go rock climbing?m Yes, but you must use ropes.AmustBshouldCneedDcan二、完型填空完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Dear Kitty,Thank you for your email. In your_, you tell_something about your school in America. And I_a lot about you and your school. Now let you know something about me and my_I am a(an)_boy. I was born in Sheyang, Jiangsu. I am twelve years old.I am_Grade Seven at Sheyang Experimental Middle School. It_me about fifteen minutes there. I often go to school_But when it rains, I do not walk to school. I go there by bus. My school is big and beautiful. My class_many students, thirty-five boys and twenty-five_My teachers say that all of the_students are good._like us very much.This is my family. My mother is a_She_in Sheyang Hospital. I have a sister. She is very_But I am tall. We are in the same school. My father is a teacher. He teaches English. All students like his subject and are good at English too.I am happy in my family and I am happy at school too.Write back.YoursWang Fang21 . AbookBletterCemailDpicture22 . AherBhimCmeDit23 . AknowBwatchChopeDlike24 . AclassBgradeCschoolDoffice25 . AAmericanBEnglishCChineseDJapanese26 . AonBinCatDfor27 . AtakesBcomesCwalksDtravels28 . Aby busBby bikeCby trainDon foot29 . Athere isBthere areChasDhave30 . AmenBchildrenCwomenDgirls31 . AfiftyBsixtyCfortyDseventy32 . AWeBTheyCYouDHe33 . AteacherBdoctorCworkerDfarmer34 . AstudiesBplaysCworksDshops35 . AshortBstrongCfatDthin三、阅读单选Do you often listen to music at loud volumes? You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to listening to loud noise for long periods of time, WHO said. Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.The United Nations has standards for safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 decibels(dB分贝)for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes. The sound of a busy road is about 85 dB and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 dB.Loud noise is harmful to the inner ears(内耳). Most of us are born with about 16, 000 hair cells (听毛细胞) in our inner ears. These cells detect (探测)sounds. However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. This is what causes hearing loss.Some people might think that their music isnt all that loud. But this can depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, you might feel malaise.WHO said the “ safe level” for most sound is below 80 decibels for up to 40 hours a week. A level of 80 decibels is roughly(大约)equal to the noise of a subway.36 . Which of the following may hurt our hearing?AReading books aloud.BTalking with friends.CListening to music loudly.DUsing smart phones for a long time.37 . Its safe for us to listen to sounds that are_.Alower than 85 decibels for eight hoursBlouder than 100 decibels for fifteen minutesClouder than 80 decibels for fifteen hoursDlower than 100 decibels for eight hours38 . Why may people lose hearing according to the passage?AThe inner ears hurt.BThe inner ears couldnt work.CSome of the listening hair cells died.DThe listening hair cells are too many.39 . The underlined word “ malaise” means_here.AafraidBrelaxedCnervousDuncomfortable40 . From the passage, we know_.AWHO doesnt have a “ safe level” for soundBthe noise of a subway is about 80 decibelsCwe can go to a rock concert for three hoursDit doesnt matter where you listen to musicFirst nameLast nameTelephone numberDaleBrown5352375EricHand2781567KimSmith3985117LindaGreen281917641 . Smith is _ last name.AKimsBEricsCDalesDLindas42 . Whats Dales telephone number?A3985117.B2781567.C2819176.D5352375.43 . _ is Lindas last name.ABrownBSmithCGreenDHand44 . _is Kims last nameABrownBSmithCGreenDHand45 . Which of the following is NOT true(下列哪项说法是错误的)?ADales last name is Brown.BHand is Erics last name.CLindas telephone number is 2819176.DKims telephone number is 5352375.四、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。It is one of the rules in46 . (非洲)when you see a hippo(河马), go the other way. But this is not for Tonie Joubert. He keeps(饲养)a hippo called Jessica at home.Tonie also has 47 . (大象)and lions, but they are not friendly like Jessica. They are 48 . (种类)of 49 . (吓人的). Jessica is a little50 . (懒惰的)all day. She 51 . (要么)swims in the river or 52 . (睡觉)near Tonies house. She likes a massage(按摩)53 . (在之前)she goes to bed every day. The kitchen is Jessicas favorite place(地点)in the house because she can find food there. Jessica can54 . (离开)home at any time but she never goes far away. Tonie doesnt think Jessica is his55 . (宠物); he thinks Jessica is his daughter.五、信息匹配在国际机场的失物招领处有5个外观一模一样的行李箱,请根据五位旅客的自述和箱子里的不同物品帮助他们找到各自的箱子,将其序号填入空格中。61_ Tina: Im a bank clerk.( 银行职员)Im going to Hawaii for a holiday. I want to enjoy the beach.62_ Leo: Im a policeman. Im going to work in a new police station in Paris next week.63_ Ann: Im a student. Im going to summer camp in the UK to improve(提高) my English.64_ Linda: Im a photographer. Im going to take many photos in my hometown.65_ Bob: Im a sportsman. Im going to take part in a match in Canada.ABCDE56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _六、回答问题Mr. and Mrs. Smith live(居住) in Paris. Mr. Smith takes a bus to the bank(银行) every day. He is a clerk. He often goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening. Mrs. Smith works in a school. She usually goes to work at eight in the morning and gets home at about five-thirty in the afternoon. So they have no time to look after(照顾) their little son, Jerry. Who looks after Jerry? His aunt, Mary. She is Mr. Smiths sister.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。61 . Where do the Smiths live? _62 . Whats Mr Smiths job? _63 . What time does Mrs Smith come home? _64 . How many kids do they have? _65 . Who looks after Jerry?_七、材料作文66 . 请根据下面表格里的信息,为Super Clothes Store写一则促销广告。要求:60个单词左右。Super Clothes Store产品毛衣运动鞋短裤袜子颜色红色白色蓝色黄色价钱$15$12$5两双$3第 9 页 共 9 页


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