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杭州市2019版八年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We dont have much homework now and our school bags are _ they used to be.Aas heavy asBas heavily asCnot as heavily asDnot so heavy as2 . Anson is a funny boy. He often makes us.Ato laughBlaughingClaugh3 . I usually share a computer _ my father.AatBinCwithDfor4 . It a fine day. Shall we go jogging?_But we need to be back home before six.AHave a nice time!BNot at all.CYou are right.DGood idea!5 . The foreign visitors will _ 5 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.Areach atBget atCarrive atDarrive6 . While I dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework.AhaveBwill haveCwas havingDam having7 . Which is the sentence pattern of “I give him a book”?AS+V+OBS+V+PCS+V+O+OCDS+V+IO+DO8 . There is no easy _ to this problem. So we have to work harder.AordersBsolutionCdoubtDmanners9 . It is not good manners to find _ excuse when you are late for school.AaBanCtheD/10 . Tom, _ any sugar to my coffee. OK. What about some milk in the coffee?Adoesnt addBdidnt addCnot addDdont add二、补全对话5选5情景交际T(Tony): Hello, Nancy!N(Nancy): Hi, Tony!T: 11 . ?N: I Think so. Whats up?T: 12 . ? Theres a new restaurant near the station.N: Id love to, but Im sorry I cant.13 . .T: Oh, thats too bad. 14 . ?N: Sunday? Let me see. Yes, I think I will be free.T: Great. When shall we meet?N: At six oclock, OK?T: Sounds great. 15 . .N: All right. See you then. T: See you.三、完型填空One day,a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story angrily.“He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I hate him.”The grandfather said, “Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I also sometimes hated others for _ they did. But hate will make you feel _ and no one would like to make friends with people who easily hate others. It doesnt hurt your enemy, _ it hurts yourself.”As the boy listened carefully,the grandfather _,“There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He gets on well with _ around him. But the other is bad and unfriendly. He is full of anger. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He _ and fights with everyone all the time,and for no reasons. He cant think carefully _ he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to_me.”The boy looked into his grandfathers eyes and asked,“Which _ always controls (控制) you, Grandpa?” The old man said slowly in a serious voice, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger,so I _ hate others and hardly get angry now.”16 . AhowBthatCwhatDwhy17 . AproudBlonelyCexcitedDscared18 . AinsteadBthenCthoughDeven19 . AstoppedBshoutedClaughedDcontinued20 . AeverythingBnothingCsomethingDanything21 . AagreesBhelpsCarguesDplays22 . AuntilBbecauseCsoDunless23 . AlikeBeatCtroubleDcontrol24 . AtigerBboyCstoryDman25 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDusually四、阅读单选Elephants have very strong legs. Their legs are like trees. They usually walk slowly because they are so big, but they walk very quietly.Wild elephants living in the jungle (丛林) usually stay together in big families. Usually one old elephant leads them. The others follow their leader. They usually move about at night, looking for food. In the hot daytime, they go to sleep in the cool shade of the trees. Elephants are kind animals. When one of them is hurt and cannot pull itself to its feet, the other elephants lift it up and help it to walk.Some people say that elephants never forget. They remember people who are kind or bad to them. There are many about this.26 . Elephants usually walk slowly because _.Athey are very bigBthey are quietCthey are very strongDthey want to eat leaves along the way27 . Wild elephant living _ usually stay together in big families.Ain the zooBin the suburbs (郊区)Cin the jungleDin the cities28 . When an elephant is hurt and cannot pull itself to its feet, the others _.Alift it and help it to walkBrun away as soon as possibleCkill it immediatelyDcarry it to a safe place29 . If you hurt an elephant, what may happen when you meet it again five years later?AIt may not remember you and walk away.BIt may kick you or do something to hurt you.CIt may eat the food you give it.DIt may let you take photos with it.30 . When elephants stay together, _.Anot all the elephants follow their leaderBthe youngest elephant leads themCthey usually move about at night, looking for foodDin the hot daytime, they look for food in the cool shade of the trees.Once upon a time there were two boys who lived in a place and worked for the King One boy fell in love with a girl and wanted to give her a present. He suddenly saw a vase filled with the loveliest flowersHe decided to take one flower and give it to the girl He did the same thing the next day, and the next, and the nextuntil, one day, the King noticed a few flowers were left in the vase . The King was so angry that he gathered everyone in the palace and decided to find out the truthWhen they all stood before the King, the boy thought he should tell the truth. However the other boy told him not to tell the truth because the King would be angry with him. When the king came near, the boy shook with fear. But he still decided to confessAs soon as he told the truth, a smile appeared on the Kings face The King said to the boy, “I couldnt have thought of a better use for my flowers”Then the King went to the vase and took two of the those wonderful flowers, one for the girl, and the other for the Queen31 . The boy sent_ to the girl as a present every dayAa vaseBa flowerCa cardDa palace32 . When the King came near, the boy who took the flowers felt _AfrightenedBrelaxedCangryDexcited33 . The underlined word “confess” in Paragraph 2 means _AhideBrefuseCcheatDadmit34 . According to the passage, what might be the correct order of the things?The boy shook with fear and told the truthThe King took two flowers out of the vaseThe boy gave the girl some flowersThe King wasnt angry and smiledThe King gathered everyone togetherThe King found out that someone took flowersABCD35 . In the passage the writer wants to _Atell us to be braveBtell us to be honestCshow us what love isDshow us what friendship isLanguage students often think they have memory problems. They worry because they cant remember words. In fact, the problem usually isnt with their memory. The problem is with how they study.To remember word better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear or read something. It goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, its organized. When you put away a book-or memory- you cant just leave it anywhere. You have to choose a place where you can find it again.How can you do this with vocabulary? The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences that include it. Even better, you can invent a little story about the word, with people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is “height”, you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All of these activities are good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory. And they give a way to find a word when you need it.36 . In the writers opinion, students cant remember words because_.Athey have memory problemsBthey are too worriedCthey dont use a proper wayDthey dont like to study37 . Which is TRUE about memory according to the passage?AShort-term memory is seldom usedBWhat we see goes into long-term memory first.CWe will forget a word soon if it goes into short-term memory.DWe will never forget a word if it goes into long-term memory.38 . The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to_.Aeverything in lifeBsomething youve seen, heard or readCshort-term memoryDlong-term memory39 . This passage mainly tells us about_.Alanguage students problems in studyBhow to make the meaning of words strongerCshort-term and long-term memoryDhow to improve ways to remember words五、阅读判断The eagle(鹰) has the longest life of its group. It can reach up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard and painful decision.When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak(鸟嘴,喙) becomes bent(弯曲的). Its long and once flexible(灵活的) talons(爪) can no longer catch animals or birds for food. And its old and heavy wings with thick feathers on its body make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle has only two choices: to die or to go through a painful time of change which needs five months.When the eagle feels weak and is about to die, it goes to a place far away on the top of a mountain and sits on a nest. For a new life, the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it pulls its beak out. After pulling it out, the eagle waits for a new beak to grow. And then it pulls out its old feathers. It takes the eagle five months to complete its change and get a new life. We can call it its rebirth. So it can live for 30 more years.Like the eagle, we human beings sometimes need to make some change to get out of our difficulty. In terrible condition, we have to change our ways of life. The changing may be very painful. But sometimes we have to throw off our old habits, memories and traditions. We cant go on with all our past burdens(重负).Judge the following sentences true(T) or false(F) according to the passage.40 . When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak is still straight.41 . For a new life, the eagle knocks its talons against a rock.42 . If the eagle doesnt change itself, it wont have a new life.43 . It takes the eagle five years to get its rebirth.44 . The writers idea is that we cant go on with all our past burdens.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词45 . His t_ number is 873-2619.46 . E_ me at linda678126.com.47 . Here are two photos of Jims f_.48 . E_ me. Is that your cousin, Alan?49 . Thats Jenny. Her l_ names Brown.50 . Helens uncle is in _(中国) now.51 . Whos your English _(老师)?52 . Is Ms. Brown in the _(教室)?53 . Jenny and Linda are Mr. Blacks _(女儿).54 . A book and _(一些) keys are in the lost and found. Are they yours?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentenced with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)55 . Computer can work _ than they did two years ago.(fast)56 . Tom felt _ sorry to be late for the Christmas party.(real)57 . The police _ in finding rite Rich at last.(success)58 . More and more people are _ of the importance of saving water. (unaware)59 . The Water Cube, which uses rain to wash _, can also recycle water.(it)60 . He is always _(friend)to his neighbours.61 . Desks and chairs are made of _.(wooden)62 . Its necessary to _ the narrow road to avoid traffic jam.(wide)八、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空。阅读下面短文, 从方框中选择单词, 用其适当形式填空。每空一词, 每个词用一次。careful, put, some, book, protectWe held a class meeting in the afternoon on June 6. At the meeting63 . classmates pointed out that most of the students didnt do eye exercises well. Some didnt do eye exercises carefully. Some didnt64 . their fingers on the right places when they were doing eye exercises.At the end of the meeting all of us thought we should 65 . our eyes well. When we read or write something, we shouldnt put the 66 . or paper too close to our eyes. We shouldnt use our eyes too much. Wed better do more eye exercises 67 . . Doing eye exercises will help us keep good eyesight.九、材料作文68 . 2017年4月,青海玉树发生了地震(earthquake),家园、学校受到了损坏。一名灾区的学生(Zhuoma)下周将来你们班。她将在你们班学习一年。请根据表格提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你将如何帮助她,并适当写出自己的想法。卓玛(Zhuoma) On weekdays On weekends年龄:l3岁家乡:青海玉树1带她参观校园2送她学习用品3在学习上帮助她41请她来家里2一起吃饭3注意:1、字数要控制在80100词左右。2、不要出现你的姓名和学校信息。3、开头已给出,不计入总词数。Zhuoma will come to our class next weekShes from第 10 页 共 10 页


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